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About greyphantom

  • Birthday 09/04/1993

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Chicago, IL
  • Interests
    bb, breeding, raunchy pervy daddies, roleplay, ageplay, feet, spit, pits, pnp, being dominated, blindfolded, serving men, being degraded (sexually only), manly men with manly smells, deep voices and rough calloused hands (truckers, construction workers, mechanics, etc)
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    was trained pretty early and love telling raunchy pervy daddies my stories. From Indiana and been in Chicago for a couple years now. A writer, a reader, and new to the gym life, so any advice feel free to tell me. I have lost 200lbs, and want to lose a bit more and bulk up. Party friendly, and have experienced a lot, so I know what I'm into and what my limits are.
  • Porn Experience
    For several years I used to post on Twitter and OF and had a small decent following. I specialized in gloryholes, adult bookstores, and married men at night while the wife sleeps nearby.
  • Looking For
    daddies who love to be serviced and like to dominate. Would love to have a daddy of my own, especially one who can help me in the gym. Looking for guys that are raunchy, dirty, pervy. hmu if you're interested.

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  1. i was 5, by my 16 year old cousin and a year later my uncle started as well
  2. in 8th grade I played soccer, and 9th grade I was what the coach called "Team Medic Boy". I was basically learned CPR, how to take care of minor injuries, wrapping sprains, and I was in charge of the medications for the team members. Because of this, I got to massage a lot of the upper classmen, wrap their ankles and wrists, and that lead to me and a fellow freshman started to fool around and it turned into me servicing him on the daily. He started getting cocky and pushing boundaries, that we got caught by some juniors and seniors and my title went from "Medic Boy" to "Team Slut". It was fun and I enjoyed doing it.
  3. Took some time, and I still have more I want to do, but I'm happy and excited. I just turned 30 and I'm ready for this new decade to show off this new body 😉


  4. I think I'm gonna start posting harm reduction techniques, tips and rules I follow to keep myself and whoever I'm partying with safe. 

    Here's the first one, and I consider it one of the top important ones. HYDRATE. HYDRATE. HYDRATE. You'll be sweating a lot, maybe even pissing more than usual. Combine that with the vitamins and nutrients you're also losing while using. Make sure you have electrolytes and plenty of water to drink. 

    What I like to do, is get a gallon of water or two from the store (especially if I know I'm going to be using for more the a couple days). Then I'll set alarms on my phone. Usually every hour, and those alarms are to remind me to drink something, and yes, I'll encourage whoever I'm partying to drink something as well. Staying hydrated will not also keep you healthy while using, but it will keep you skin and body replenished so it doesn't start turning gray or sagging (I've also heard that it can help your face not sink in as well). 

    So, there's your first tip to staying safe while using and after you're done. Be safe and have fun boys!! 

  5. fuck thats a nice ass and cock!! fuck, i wanna ride that dick while eating your ass out boy!!
  6. today, all i want for my birthday (besides big booty hoes) is a new chapter!! such an amazingly hot story. love eroticas, and very rarely find ones that keep me as engaged as this. so looking forward to more!!
  7. an old amazon delivery partner and i got drunk one night and i sucked his dick on the swings at a nearby park. then we ran into each other while delivering about a week later, and i had cleaned out before work so i could go to the adult bookstore an had about 3 loads up there and we started flirting a bit and chatting taking a short and he asked if next time he could fuck me and i was like lets go, theres no one around and we got trucks to hide us. so we climbed back there and he fingered me and goes "bro why are you wet? does it work like a girls pussy?" after a 15 laughing period, i told him where i had gone and that it was cum up there and his dick i swear sprung up so fast, the only thing missing the spring sound effect from cartoons. he fucked two loads in me there, and later when we finished work, and were turning in our vans, he fucked me again in his van this time.
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