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Everything posted by insatiableholeinTO

  1. That's because he didn't say it. He said no long term studies have been done to prove if vaccines cause autism however autism generally started appearing on the radar in the early 90s, not long after the Reagan Administration granted Big Pharma immunity from liability with vaccines
  2. Deaths would not have been so high had early treatments not been denied like Ivermectin, HCQ and other early treatments that were suppressed at he beginning but wouldn't you know it now approved against covid.
  3. Trump's father in law WAS found guilty prior to being pardoned. Biden's family haven't even been formally charged or prosecuted. Get it?
  4. You don't know that because there have been no long term studies to what degree the effect these vaccines have on humans. That's why Placebo trials are supposed to be done. Scientists believe it will 6-7 years before they truly know the effects these jabs have had on humans. Before Covid-19 how many times have you heard the term myocarditis or turbo cancers? For you to say the jabs aren't responsible for any deaths is nothing short of ignorance. Obviously you haven't looked at the Pfizer documents that list their risks and abnormalities.
  5. So if the vaccine let's say saves 10 million lives, but kills 2 million, is that acceptable?
  6. And to think you actually believe what you just said. He doesn't want to get rid of vaccines he wants to make sure they are safe for humans. Vaccines are the only type of medicine that doesn't go through normal Placebo test trials. If they were so safe and effective why do vaccine manufacturers like Pfizer or Moderna have blanket immunity from the courts. Why can they not be held liable for death or injury if they are safe? In any case you think what you want, I'm not here to change your mind and you certainly didn't convince me that Faucci stands on the right side of history. Besides Faucci may be protected by a blanket pardon that spans 10 years from the time he started using gain of function research in 2014 until 2024. He may not have to go to prison, but what about Faucci's partners in all this, perhaps the DOJ need to have a few words with Francis Collins and Mr. Bill Gates. There's no blanket pardon protecting them
  7. Alright then, moving right along
  8. Yet his kids and his grandkids all got their vaccines fom attending school but oh yea he's anti vaxx alright. Gimme a break. All he wants is that all vaccines should be put through the normal trial phases to test for safety and efficacy. The Covid-19 vaccine was not subjected to such testing. That makes him an anti vaxxer?
  9. Joe Biden and Anthony fucking Faucci that's who. Then it went to a second vaccine, then on to a booster, then a 2nd, 3rd, 4th. How many are you all up to now? Have any of you even attempted to look at the the Pfizer documents that were released by court order that lists the abnormalities and side effects of that jab. Doctors and scientists won't know for at least another 7 years the full implications of what you all put in you bodies. It's a gross miscarriage of science and public health and the fact that you are still in denial is mind boggling. You don't want to listen to reason or look at the documents fine that's your problem not mine. One last question. Do any of you get compensated for being an experimental pin cushion for Pfizer or Moderna? You'd think that with all the taxpayer money that went into developing the jab and with the billions of dollars in profits that Big Pharma made from the jab, did any of you get a slice of the pie? No? Hmmm pity.
  10. Certain death? What are you talking about? Who put that idea in your head?
  11. Where do you get your info from? 1 person died and she was shot by Capitol Police. Your argument that they took the pardon to escape Trump's DOJ is pathetically weak. If they were only doing their job then what is to hide? If you did nothing wrong then why accept a Presidential Pardon? When you accept a Pre emptive Presidential Pardon, you are admitting guilt even before charges have been laid against. So Biden pardons the J6 committee, his wife and 3 other members of his family and Tony Faucci. Yet not one has been charged with a felony yet.Hmmm, and let's not forget he lied to the American people when he said nobody is above the law and he would not pardon his own son. Funny Trump didn't pardon any of his family members. In fact Trump didn't even pardon himself. When asked why not he said " if I would have taken a pardon that would mean I'm admitting I'm guilty. Now you can spin this any way you want personally I could care less. Bottom line the Democrats have been lying to the people long enough and we're sick of their BS. By accepting those pardons and admitting their guilt the democrats have no moral authority whatsoever and the people can see them for who they really are as was apparent in November.
  12. I'm a faggot 100% my purpose in life is to pleasure cocks and to lett them use my body to get off
  13. At my buddy's condo last night. We hadn't seen each other in months but as soon as I texted him he immediately replied back telling me to get my ass over to his place pronto. As soon as I entered the door he had a cocktail of fruit juice and liquid G. Within 15 minutes my clothes were off and I was ready for a night if depravity. I milked 3 loads out of him. 2 in my fuck hole and 1 down my hungry throat. Can't wait til we meet up again next week
  14. When I said them I meant the J6 commitee
  15. Hmm speaking of January 6th Biden also gave presidential pardon to each and every one of them. You call him a lunatic? I don't particularly care for Trump but Faucci and every member of that committee should be behind bars. Also when Trump was in office he didn't give pardon to his family or himself because when you accept a pardon, you are admitting guilt
  16. Well in light of the pre-emptive presidential pardon given by Joe Biden, moments before Trump was to be sworn in. I think it puts to rest any doubt about Faucci's guilt regarding covid 19 and that jab some people call a vaccine
  17. Absolutely, especially while being blindfolded and spun out.
  18. Absolutely, especially while being blindfolded and spun out.
  19. I have 2 now and in an hour I'm heading over to couple of my Fb's place for more
  20. Didn't Mark Zuckerberg testify before Congress on how the Biden administration ordered the censorship of certain physicians during the COVID pandemic? Wasn't it in the twitter files? P.S. Whoever is moderating this I'm asking a question not insinuating that's what happened. I mean I could use another example of censorship, but I'll save that for another time
  21. Trump Derangement Syndrome is alive and well in this forum
  22. Hi I'm a horny and slutty party bottom that likes to get spun and used by verbal Dom tops. Are you on bbrt by any chance?
  23. Swallow.... every single drop of cock juice he produces
  24. I got penalized for talking about the so called vaccine. Turns out you're not supposed to tell the truth.
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