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  1. Since the link doesn't work anymore. If anyone can invite to the group my TG is breeding_pup
  2. Fuck yeah I so want to breed that hole
  3. Hmmm fucking hot. Want to add my cum too
  4. Absolutely yes!!!
  5. I so damn love getting pissed inside my ass after the top has marked me with his cum. It's fucking hot!! On occasions where I top I also very much love to do the same
  6. As for myself I feel very little side effects of taking PreP. The only things I noticed, is me getting a bit more sensitive to cold weather. My PreP doctor is pretty surprised that my blood tests always come back looking like I wouldn't take it. The really only thing that showed up is a VitD deficiency. But I just take some supplements for that and everything is okay now.
  7. Certainly gonna remember this post!
  8. Lol so stupid. When you get fucked bare expect to get the other guys cum inside you. At least woth myself, asking me to not cum inside I just won't agree to when I breed and am in the moment I am gonna get my seed deep inside that ass
  9. Not exactly last load but still great hookup. Met this guy on Grindr and we agreed to meet in at a parking lot close to a lake. It was winter so not many people there. He parked his car at the far end and I got I side. He did send me pictures before but dam his cock was massive! At first we were just giving each other's hand and blowjobs, but soon I just couldn't take it and just sat down on his cock without any warning. Even though his size he slid in effortlessly and I rote that cock like there was no morning. It had been a while and I was craving a load inside my hungry hole. He took some poppers and the smell of them getting concentrated in the small space in the car just made me more horny, riding him faster. Didn't take long after that until he made some hard thrusts into my ass and I couldn't feel him pumping a massive load inside. Definitely was one of the best hookups I had.
  10. one of the best fucks I had
  11. I fucking love kissing after or during fucking, Especially with at least one of both parties having the cum of the other guy in their mouth and sharing
  12. If anyone wants to cum or piss inside me they can just do it. No matter if mouth or ass
  13. Don't really care. As long as I get a load I am good
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