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Everything posted by Erik62

  1. Easy solution😲. Just try saying thei name for BP Monitor, FAST😱. Lunch will be very quick to prepare. It will be of the liquid kind🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.
  2. My view of the world is a very broad but, stable one. One earned through professional, social, educational & personal learning & experience. Any person, gay, straight, male or female who thinks that age limits should be reduced are getting into predatory & other agendas that NO CHILD should be exposed too, no matter how hard you try to "teach" a child maturity.
  3. Maturity is not LEARNED in a classroom. It is a process of maturity that any 8yr would actually display. To someone of this age having sex is relative to stealing a lolly. There IS NO full comprehension of what circumstances are occurring around him.
  4. I agree whole heartedly, both boys & girls 👍. Children are less mature, I think, mentally than those of yester-year. Many boys, at 12 or 15, were the families wage earner. However, when we discuss lowering the age of a particular activity surely CONSENT is the overlying factor of said reduction, in age (of consent). NB: The Australian government is now in the process of legislating (making it illegal) for children, under 16 to subscribe or to access ANY social media accounts, Instagram, Facebook etc, without parental consent. The big question here, would be: Why is government filling the parental role 🤔?? I would be interested in your opinion 😏.
  5. This is why schools provide sex education. Whether or not it is formulated correctly, is another discussion. Having young school children being susceptible to peer pressure (a certified world wide problem), contracting STD's, which have so many avenues of transmission, & then playing contact sports or just engaging in rough play as boys particularly tend to do in any playground is a deplorable avenue to go down. Although an 8 or 10yr old fucking around probably isn't going to school anyway 🤔🤔🤔??? Underage sexual freedom (only usual in marriage) may have been socially acceptable 200yrs ago but most of society has evolved where certain actions, sex, alcohol, smoking, marriage, driving, voting are no longer acceptable under certain age limits. Most societies operate on a rules (not physical based) system & anarchy (a free for all of social ideals) is not acceptable & a certain age of understanding / consent has to have been reached.
  6. Negative consequence😭!!! I am NOT IMAGINING, they are very real, harmful, if not TOTALLY LIFE DESTROYING. Just so a few (gay or straight, male or female) people can say they enjoyed a "fuck" at 8,10, 12yrs etc there a SO MANY MORE who are scarred for life, if not dead from suicide. Children sex TRAFFICED or in cult groups also DO NOT get the benefit of sex education. Nothing can justify allowing under age sexual freedom. NOTHING🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬!!!!
  7. Education WILL NEVER override peer pressure. Any advocate of "underage" sex is only thinking with their dick. All you guys who have "wonderful" stories of familial intercourse & underage sexual encounters & have not suffered 🤔🤔???? (I am not a psychiatrist) are lucky to have come through undamaged but, the majority DO NOT & their lives are destroyed.
  8. NO 12yr old (unless wealthy parents) is equipped to deal with any negative consequences financially, or mentally of (under age) sex.
  9. IF a child (under 18)has been protected, raised in a heavily conservative religious environment, has slow intellectual developement (dyslexia, ADHD or from an injury) or intellectually disabled (Down Syndrome) will negate any attempt to teach a child to process their feelings, ethics & morality & the proper ways to seek / give consent. 18, as the age of consent, is not a foolproof marker but it provides a protection for most children who would be seriously traumatised (peer pressure, predators) by the sex act below 18.
  10. So sorry😂👍!! The world of Acronyms, which I loathe more than our political leaders, has been around for ever 🙄🤣. Most medical terms are so annoyingly long & difficult to say. B & B's (burns & bowels), Ortho (orthopaedics), BP (blood pressure) & one of the most fun to ask any nurse / doctor to say (quickly) is BPM / sphygmo (blood pressure monitor, sphygmomanometer). Love reading your commentary, US election has been very enlightening 🤣😘😘.
  11. I COULD NOT have put it better. Sex in the pre 80's-90's was a time of fun, loving, experimentation & collective gatherings. We had all types, leathermen to drag queens, drinking at the same bar, laughing, joking & talking dirty. Yes, racist & gender jokes / stories were told & often by the same people who were the "BUTT" (couldn't help myself) of the joke being told. We laughed, shared another drink & maybe touched each other up. There was NO SUCH THING as political correctness & we enjoyed life more than NOW, when we are too afraid of "offending" people. Humour has left the building 😭😭😭.
  12. The operative word being TAUGHT to march & kill. These students never actually go out & kill people. Students are taught Sex Ed & Learner Driver courses but, once again they ARE NOT actually partaking of the act of having sex or driving down a freeway at 110kmh. At age 18yrs, you are usually allowed to do all activities. Except countries like US whose drinking age is 21yrs, I believe.
  13. Being exposed & indulging in the sex act, at 12, does not take mental acuity into consideration. Yes, a 12yr old boys penis may become erect & he can ejaculate, but that does not mean his mental / psychological developement (full understanding of the act & it's full implications) has kept pace. As an ex-nurse, often in paeds I have seen little male babies have ERECTIONS. Does this mean they are able to consent 🤔🤔?? Even at 18 some boys although physically developed remain very naive, sheltered & protected (unworldly). A scale of consent age (between males & females) is certainly NOT APPROPRIATE & as a result 18yrs has been adopted as the standard for both exes. You have 60yrs to enjoy sex, why do you need a paltry 2-6yrs added on 🤔🤔???
  14. I need some of this action in my world.
  15. I agree. He's not getting his rocks off, without me getting some benefit. I'm not just a fuck machine, for him. I want the fuck AND the cumm. It has to be mutual gain🍆💦💦♨️😋😋😋
  16. Why is there no fervent declarations against the slave activities of the, often black, Barbary pirates. These pirates blockaided, attacked, pilfered, kidnapped, raped, killed & enslaved #thousands of white men, women & children. Why are we not demanding reparations from Italy after the Roman actions again blockaided, attacked, pilfered, kidnapped, raped, killed & enslaved #thousands of white men, women & children. The world has been "bullied" with the incessant chants of BLM but, NO CHANTS are heard claiming WLM or most importantly ALL LIVES MATTER. I am simply playing devil's ADVOCATE on this point but I do FIRMLY BELIEVE that ALL LIVES MATTER 🕊️🕊️🕊️.
  17. More interes🤔😱! Any guy could read any single chapter & get his rocks shooting. Beautiful work & just KEEP writing. Love, LOVE, LOVE.
  18. Being an absolute pig 🐽 whore, I want both. 1) The need to have my cunt full of piss, toys, fist, cum or combinations of, is just me. An empty hole is waste pleasure🍆💦💦🎱💉👊💪 & being full is a need. 2) The load of cum dribbling down legs, is delicious & really makes me want more but, having a butt plug or billiard balls stuffed in my cunt for the day is just as big a turn on. A guy rough fucking me with balls in place is somewhat painful but so delicious & fucker gets an animal turn on.
  19. Racism is not actually a cornerstone of "WOKE". To any "woke" person RACISM is an absolute NO, NO.
  20. This would be be a very base, rudimentary definition but it FAILS to explain fully how the term has developed & run wild in its complete hijacking & expansion of the early term of "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS".
  21. That is MOST CERTAINLY NOT an accurate definition of WOKE as understood in such countries as Australia, New Zealand, UK, Asia & the EU.
  22. Try a golden shower from a cunt dripping with piss & cum. You won't get enough & want it a part of all future sessions. Piss & cum equals the perfect quinella.
  23. NOT rapped in back hair or dense forest but a nicely covered chest, arms & legs. Also want a bit of facial growth (2-3 days), to full beard. Bald heads OK & Silver Foxes a real turn on. Don't like shaved bods, they are not natural & I think they lose masculinity.
  24. Agree, only Fetish never tried is FEET. Oh, so REVOLTING. Don't think I've eaten feet but, chems may have been involved. LoL 😁😁.
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