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Everything posted by 3eelzebub

  1. Locked n jocled MCR cumdump here
  2. Is it too soon to start planning for Easter in Berlin?
  3. I've heard on BBRT that the staff at St Giles have cottoned onto it being advertised as the London cumdump hotel so are cracking down as it does look well for their non-cumdump customers!
  4. Please add me too - huge thanks! @nbcongh.bsky.social
  5. I'm staying at St Giles for 2 nights - door open, all welcum. Jocked, locked and blindfold on - no load refused, pump n dump. Film is OK.
  6. Locked n jocked cumdump - St Giles London Thursday 7th Nov. Hooded, door open, face down and ass up. Film if you want but no HnH
  7. [think before following links] https://folsomeurope.berlin/
  8. South MCR / Cheshire whore here
  9. Ok, booked flights and hotel - Axel TWO, but note prices are going up. Looking forward to whoring my jockstrapped ass out to all cummers especially at PIG and the darkrooms like Bull ans Scheune. HMU guys. I plan to keep my cock locked and just be a hole.
  10. When is too soon to start planning for Folsom 2024 in Berlin? Jockstrapped cumdump whore plooking to stay locan and enjot PIG, etc.
  11. Hello Countrybbaus, I'll be there as well - 27/03/2024 - 02/04/2024, staying at Axel Hotel. Had an unbeleivable time at Folsom last year so desperate to give Easter in Berlin a go. Jockstrap and cock cage packed and ready to go. I plan to be on all 4s, face down ass up most of the time but would be great to meet up with other members.
  12. I plan on wearing mine when I attend Easter in Berlin as a open door cumdump - do breeders preder their dumps locked?
  13. I prefer to keep my cock caged when being a cumdump; reminds me of my purpose.
  14. Do Tops/breeders prefer cumdumps locked or not? Personally I prefer it as I'm just holes to use.
  15. What are the best apps / ways for cumdumps to advertise their sessions in Berlin / Germany??
  16. Hi, any updates as I'm travelling for Easter in Berlin 2024 and will be staying at the Axel Hotel with open door policy for all cummers.
  17. Hello dumpsters, I am going to Easter in Berlin (27/03/2024 - 02/04/2024) and have booked the Axel Hotel so I can be my natural cumdump self whilst there. However, I have tried to put info on Romeo but I have just received a warning! Where or how is it best to put the word out for people in Berlin? Many thanks from a grateful cumwhore.
  18. Hi BZ, whenever I try to respond to a chat request I get the following (screenshot). Any ideas?
  19. Best way - anon hooded/blindfolded. Fickstutenmarkts in Berlin are the original and best but now all over the UK. There is one in Birmingham where the mares can mix with the Stallions after which is as horny as you have no ideas who has been loading your ass!!!!
  20. One of the unexpected side-effects of going onto PrEP is that it made me a cumdump! Half-joking, I always wanted to be, one however it gave me the confidence to be who I am. I get my PrEP every 3mth (UK) and always have STI screen when collecting my pills. Also, I used to drink/drug to give me confidence but I can absolutely guarantee that sober sex is MUCH MORE fun and memorable (clean and sober 15 years). I'm planning to whore my cumdump ass out at Easter in Berlin - pop along, everyone is welcum!!!
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