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  1. Tell su more ☺️
  2. Then let us know how it went! I regularly take part in the horse market here in Italy (we call it the “Monta delle Vacche” = “Cow Mating” ). The rules and roles are respected, but there’s often the same imbalance—too many cumdumps compared to the tops. Still, I’ve always had fun. Once a year, I’m in London, and I was wondering if it makes sense to join in there the Horse Market or if, in the end, I just get more loads at Vault139.
  3. Wow, thanks so much! I tried this method, which I didn’t know about, and it makes the spot easy to find. I’ll be in London in mid-June, during the World Naked Bike Ride weekend, and this time I’ll definitely take a trip to Hampstead Heath. I’ve seen pictures of the infamous fuck tree, and I can’t wait to bend over it and get stuffed and breed in the open air!
  4. Smelly sandals make me quite horny !
  5. Be careful, exposure is addictive. You start with half a photo, and after a while, you want more and more, pushing further until you end up being fully exposed—with your face, legs spread, open anus, full personal details, and even your ID! What a great cumshots then!
  6. Tell us how it went with lots of juicy details!
  7. Bonus hints : 1) Factory has two “bang walls” (yes.. the ones from the Czech porn series). 2) Reds has the “anonymous drilling bench”
  8. Vault139 on Thursday night : it’s full naked and always very busy, everyone is fucking . You can just go ass up and wait for breeding.
  9. Here is the Exposed Fags section!
  10. I was a late bloomer, not getting any fucking hair until I was 13. Hated the shit out of it, even though I'd stare at other people's hairy pubes. I started shaving with my dad's razor and then moved on to my sister's shitty depilatory cream for a few years. Once I had some cash, I got an IPL Pulsed Lighr hair removal device on Amazon and have been using that ever since. I've never really let them grow out, so I've never had a bush. Maybe it's a fag thing, but I only feel good when I'm hairless, smooth and ready to be lubed and filled up.
  11. So? Who wants to drink together?
  12. Last October, I hit up the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco and got in the piss pool. Over 15 guys (and 1 woman) pissed on me and in my mouth. It was the most intense, wild, and humiliating experience of my life, with all those people watching and snapping pics... During the day, I also took several loads—there was definitely a lot of breeding going on around.
  13. Yo guys, I like to do it at least a couple times a week. I fill up a nice clear glass and then sip it slow while wanking. If anyone wants to do it together on cam, drop me a line!
  14. I am in London from 6th to 10th. I think I will pay a visit to Hamptead Heat on Friday afternoon
  15. Understood.. but what is the dark room, just a special spot in the woods or it’s something more where to lay ?
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