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About Baresub

  • Birthday 01/07/1994

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    Love dominance, groups, gear, cum and chems
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom

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  1. Chapter 21 To the sound of thumping music (when had that started again?) came the slapping sound of flesh against flash, as my as was thoroughly fucked. I was so high on poppers and whatnot, I just loved being in this zone, being their bitch… Chase fed me his cock again and used my throat, then Jamal came around, took my head in his hands and pushed his even longer cock completely down my throat, while my ass was assaulted… …what the fuck? My eyes flew open and I started to struggle around Jamal´s cock, who just grinned widely down on me as I searched out his eyes, his hands in a vice grip around my head and his cock down my throat. “Guess you figured it out, huh? As you already know, I like to share my sluts. And not just with Taron and Chase – why would I be so fucking selfish? That would be a crime against so many people in this area, wouldn’t you say?” He stared into my eyes. I was still struggling, but it was futile. I couldn’t use my hands properly, because I needed at least one to stabilize my position while being fucked into front and back to not slide down, which would lead to more impalement or sudden withdrawal, neither option a pleasant one. And moving Jamal with one hand… So I acknowledged my defeat and stopped. Jamal repeated: “Wouldn’t it be selfish to not share those holes Jakey?” he was still staring into my eyes, like coals burning into my soul. I slowly nodded around his cock. That seemed to be what he had wanted, since he loosened his grip and ruffled my hair, smiling. “Good boy!” he said, slowly withdrawing his cock. There was a shuffling beside me and then a new cock I hadn´t seen before came into view, this one a bit shorter and thicker than the ones of Jamal and Chad. I looked up into the face of another ebony hottie, this one certainly a few years younger than the rest, including me, but nicely toned and sweet looking. When I tried to look behind me though, Chad gripped my head and pushed it towards the younger guy´s cock. “No need to know who is fucking you, as long as we want them to, right baby? It´s too late now to reject them, anyway, so focus at the task at hand!” The young guy laughed and said “Wow, oh yeah! Come on cutie, I guess I´m the task they´re talking about. And it could be worse, couldn´t it?” He winked and, not waiting for my answer, shoved his half hard, pulsing cock into my mouth. I learned the names of the two new guys at some point, but honestly – while being fucked alternatingly between these four hunks, I quickly forgot them and barely got time to speak anyway. The one I hadn´t seen up to this point turned me around some minutes later and sometimes made out with me, when my mouth wasn´t occupied. He was a bit more tender than the young guy and Chad, but still loved to dominate me. And he could keep up with the other guys in every aspect. The guys transported me to the bedroom soon, Chad carrying me, while I was sitting on his dick and clung onto him with my arms. At various points during the transfer, he stopped and continued fucking me, at one point sliding out entirely and holding me in a way that one of the others could fuck me for a moment – judging by the feeling of his cock it was the young guy, but I couldn´t be sure. Once I was laid down on the bed with Chad below me, being impaled by his cock, he reached up and tucked me against his chest, holding me while fucking me slowly before stopping. “Hold still for a moment and just enjoy that dick resting inside you, while yours is securely locked away…” he purred. I was happy for a small break. And fuck… it was a divine feeling, his big cock still onside of me, holding open my sphincter, feeling his chest against mine, his arms around me… I licked and sucked along his neck lazily, when I felt something being tied around my arm, somebody else holding it with both hands. “Stay down and don´t move bitch!” was a stern command from Jamal and I followed, confused at first. But then I felt a slight pain in the crook of my arm and I knew what was happening – they were using my body as they pleased even more. When a moment later the pain vanished and the thing around my arm was removed, I heard Chad whisper “Now take flight Jakey…” before I felt a rush, a heat moving through me. I coughed and Chad laughed “Fuck yeah, He´s twitching and … fuck!” before he assaulted my ass with hard strokes that I was barely able to register. The guys laughed around me, but I also heard another coughing, felt a cock on my lips, that I greedily swallowed, and was in heaven. Cock heaven. Cocks filling me. Cocks fucking me. Cocks choking me. Cocks slapping me. It was like an endless spiral, going around and around, them switching positions and me being their obedient toy for their pleasure. And mine, too. I loved servicing those dicks, I loved, what they did to me, even when doing things, I wasn´t comfortable with. While I was sitting on the young guy, making out with him, I felt another cock at my hole – but when I came up to turn back, Chad stepped in and held poppers to my nose. I knew better than to disobey and so I breathed in deeply, multiple times, as he told me to. I held the last one for like fifteen seconds, before I was allowed to exhale – and just like that, the same moment, my battered hole gave way to another giant cock. “Fuck” I heard, someone laughing hard “He´s just as much a whore as you told me Jamal! Thanks for letting me use him buddy!” I heard hands clap and then felt two hands on my waist, pulling me back, before a strong fucking began. Another new guy? So there were… five now? My head swirled and I couldn´t even be sure – but I was pulled away from my thoughts by the relentless fucking then. When had it started? Just now or…? My head swam and I fell down onto the guy below me. Jamal came up to me with a glass of water, held my head while I drank it, thankful. “Be careful Jakey, you need to stay hydrated!” he scolded me. I was about to ask how I should do that, but he pushed his cock into my mouth when I opened it. Well, so much about that. I felt one of the two cocks inside me pulse, obviously pushing their seed into me from their monstrous cock – or was it both? I wanted to say something, but found my mouth blocked. Right, I was sucking… Jamal? When suddenly a cock pulled out of me and was instantly replaced, I found myself losing my train of thought again, before everything faded to black. I was woken up by the sun shining into my face. I felt sore all over, cold but underneath a blanket. What was going on? When I sat up, I groaned from a headache. “Good morning sweety! You slept so well, I didn´t want to wake you…” Jamal said, standing beside the bed. “You went out at some point – guess it was a little too much after all. But you took my friends like a champ, I was so happy!” He ruffled my hair, which felt good and I found myself beaming at him. Just then I noticed, that he was naked and I couldn´t control myself: I stared at his amazing body again, his muscles and his cock, hanging down and still enormous in its flat state. It pulsed and rose a little and Jamal chuckled. I quickly looked up again, ashamed. “See what you do to me just by staring at me and letting me look at you? Ohh, don´t be ashamed – it´s only natural for a sub like you to look and desire guys like me, wanting to serve – and you did so good! We´ll just have to train you more I guess… one step at a time!” “Or maybe two, like the last times…” I quipped, half angry, half amused at what he thought “one step at a time” meant. But I couldn´t really be angry somehow, I found – not at this marvel of a man who had made me feel so good. Jamal chuckled again. “Well, yeah… maybe sometimes even two!” He winked. “But now we need to be careful or I´ll pin you down and fuck you again – and as much as I would like to, I don´t think your hole can handle that right now!” He was right. My hole felt even more sour than the rest of my body. When I reached back, I found it plugged and my cock still locked – though obviously somebody had taken me to the shower before putting me to bed, because I smelled clean and didn´t see any traces from yesterday on my body. But I felt them – there was certainly cum in me, and quite a bit I thought. Jamal seemed to have guessed my thought. “Yeah, I couldn´t let them leave without cumming inside of you at least once, could I? I promised them you would taker their cum. And they deserved to cum in you, right Jakey?” Without thinking, I nodded. Then, I started doubting their “right” wasn´t that s step too far? But then Jamal pulled me up, threw me my clothes and brought me to the kitchen for some breakfast. We ate while listening to some music, then he kissed me before ushering me out, telling me to keep the plug in as long as possible, since my body would want to absorb their essence. He didn´t even mention my cage, which still snugly encased my cock and had been doing that for – how long had it been? “See you soon, babe!” he said, before closing the door behind me. It seemed like my training would continue next weekend. And… I already found myself looking forward to it. THE END
  2. Chapter 20 “Oh if you don´t, we´ll just make you. And you will enjoy that. Right Jake?” said Jamal from behind me. He had stood up and I felt his presence, before he pressed his body on my backside. His chest against my back, his hard cock lying perfectly in the gap between my ass cheeks. He pressed against me and wrapped his hands around my upper body, so that I couldn´t move away. Not that I really wanted to. I was a messy… mess. And my head wasn´t working like it normally would. I had come here, wanting to show Jamal and Taron that I could take initiative, that I wasn´t just the shy boy they had gotten to know. But now I was overwhelmed again and the g didn’t make it any better. So… maybe I would have taken a step back from this mountain of a muscle stud standing just a foot away from me, grinning and lighting the pipe, sticking it in my mouth. I welcomed it, knew it would calm my nerves, make me feel good, get me ready for… whatever they had planned for tonight. I should have known that Jamal was not someone to just repeat the last time. He had brought me the border of the things I had wanted to do and had casually taken hold of my while stepping over them. Not that I complained… “Suck it some more Jakey. Show us what a good sucker you are…” Jamal whispered in my ear, when I had just stopped drawing the smoke in. I heard the grin in his voice from the joke he had made. And of course, I obeyed and took in the little bit more of smoke, that I could. Then Jamal´s hand moved up, covering my mouth, while Chase quickly used his hands to shut my nose. I instinctively struggled for a second, but Jamal´s one arm and him going down on my neck with his mouth stopped me dead in my tracks. I knew I had to… let go. And so I dutifully held the smoke. I held it for longer than I thought I could. At some point, my eyes went wide and my eyes started to beg. Chase then grinned and nodded, taking his fingers off my nose. I quickly let out the smoke, or what was left of it, and took a harsh breath in again. I immediately felt different. When people had described to me. How it felt to be “high”, I had kind of understood. But now I felt, again, how much better the singular word fit to describe this feeling. I took some more breaths, while Chase and Taron fistbumped each other over my shoulder and talked. “… make really good use of him tonight. Fuck, I´m excited for that!” “Oh yeah… Now what do you say Jakey, wanne see Chase´s cock? I mean… the part that you can’t yet fully see in those!” He pointed at Chase´s trunks, which had caught my eyes before already. They were tight, so his fat cock lay sideways and… yeah, it didn´t leave a lot to imagination. “You seem to love black cocks, isn´t that so? Now go ahead, he won´t disappoint…” And so I did. My hands quickly found their way to these trunks, feeling and squeezing along the hard cock. Here I saw a chance to finally tease a little: Instead of getting his cock out immediately, I felt along it and kind of masturbated it through the pants. When I looked up at Chase´s face, he smirked at me and then shook his head. “Nope, you will get to work. Right now!” With that he pushed me to my knees with a strength and quickness, that made them slam against the floor, making me howl for a second, but my open mouth was stuffed with his bulge in a second and he loved it. Then he pushed my head back, pushed his trunks down and slapped his cock against my face repeatedly. I barely could take a look at it, the dark skin, the glans glimmering from prejuice. But then he slammed it back into my mouth. I almost choked because he was so quick. “That´s for not doing what I tell you sweety. Maybe you learn the lesson. If not, there will be more chances to teach you.” He fucked my face, me barely being able to catch a breath, while Jamal was still standing behind me like a brick wall, so I had no choice but to give my best. After a while, Chase relented and Jamal helped me up, then threw me on the sofa, laying on my stomach. “Good job so far baby…” he purred “… and now let’s get you more in the zone! With that, I felt him spreading my ass cheeks, slowly but steadily pulling out the plug and administering a small, hard, slicked object to my hole. When I opened my mouth, Chase was there to push his cock in again. And just like that, my hole opened enough for Jamal so spray some liquid into me that I was sure would contain plenty of chems. But… well, that wasn´t actually that bad, was it? Jamal then started to finger me with some lube, while my mouth got fucked again. I was still high and after some minutes, I go even higher, my hole being warm, not just from the fingers. I responded to my urges by pressing back against the fingers, impaling myself more and then going forward, taking the cock in front of me into my throat. I was in slut heaven for a moment, just enjoying these two beautiful, kinky hunks using me and me making them feel good. But the moment ended way to quickly, when Jamal withdrew his fingers and I felt his cock on my hole. Chase withdrew and shoved poppers under my nose, which I greedily inhaled. He coached me through it. “Another! Keep it in. Longer. Exhale and the next, come on, take those fumes and make your brain fly and your hole open to that dick Jakey!” And within some more breaths, my hole gave way and I was fucked again, bare, by an enormous cock
  3. Chapter 19 When I left Jamal´s flat hours later, they again slid a plug in my hole to keep the loads in. I winced a bit, as I was sore, but I didn´t trust my hole to close completely after the ordeal. And it did turn me on to know how many of their loads I had in me. How many they had given me. “Fuck”, I thought to myself on my way home “I really have become a slut.” Of course, the cage they had put on me stayed on. I hadn´t been able to cum from getting fucked, but Jamal said, this would be possible once I was pent up enough. Or not and then I´d just have to stay horny. Comments like these did indeed make me horny and remembering the two trips to this flat did so, too. Also the thought that I had kind of “absorbed” their cum into my body, because as I slid the plug finally out, nothing else came out. I can´t tell you how I got through the week. I was tired and horny and a mess and horny and couldn´t focus and horny and worked my way through it and horny. It dragged on forever and went by in a flash at the same time. But I had one focus that kept me going: Feeling again like last weekend. Letting out my inner pig again. Let these guys use me. Finally be the cumdump I had sometimes dreamed to be. Standing at that door again on Friday evening, which I dutifully did. I had slid in the plug that I had left their flat with, because Jamals had told me to do so to stretch my hole a bit, so taking him inside would be less of a struggle. Also I was just wearing a jock, short sports pants, a tight fitting shirt and the socks they had put on me last time. It felt crazy going to their place dressed like that and with a plug. I thought everybody would see what I was up to, would see my cage through the shorts or see me blush all the time. But that was probably just in my head, I tried to reassure myself. When I lifted my hand for thew bell, the door already buzzed and I went inside. I had thought Jamal would open it again, being half naked, but it was nobody there in the hallway. When I took off my shoes though, I saw a sheet of paper on a sideboard. “Take off your shirt and pants. Put on the wristbands and collar in this first drawer. Before that, chug the glass of juice beside it. Then come in. J.” Ohh… wow. This was getting crazier and hotter by the second! I carefully opened the drawer and saw the glass of juice half full. I was sure there was g in it and maybe something else. I chugged it and the taste spoke for my thesis of at least g. I quickly threw my shirt and pants in the drawer. Then I took out the leather bands that I already knew from last time. My fingers trembled from excitement, as I put them on and tightened them., It took me a couple of minutes closing the wristbands with one hand, but I managed. Then I went towards the door to the living room and looked at myself in a mirror while passing it. I looked good. Hot. Kinky. How I had always wanted to look. I heard a thrumming sound through the door. I knocked, but when there was no response, I realized the note had said to come in, so I did. As expected, there was music and porn playing, the light dim, various item for sex lying around. Also as I had expected, there was Jamal on the sofa, already naked, stroking his huge cock. He looked over at me and grinned that cheeky smile. “Come here sexy! I see you did as you were told…” “Hi man! Yes, sure!” I was a bit shy, but also so horny, so I went to him. He immediately cupped my caged cock in one hand and put his other hand on my ass, making sure I was also plugged. “Such a good boy! Properly caged and plugged, as you should be. And soon also high…” he smirked. He pulled me down towards him and planted his big lips on mine, while his other hand continued to play with my plug. I lost myself in the kiss for a prolonged moment. But then I heard a familiar clicking noise behind me, that startled me. But then I realized it would be the Taron working the pipe, just like the last times. I had expected him to be arounds, actually hoped for that. He was so fucking hot… When I turned around to grin at him knowingly, showing him I wasn´t the insecure version of myself anymore – I was caught off guard seeing a different guy than I had thought. While he was lighting the glas pipe I had expected and looked similar in build and shape to Taron, he definitely was not Taron. He had a buzzcut and thicker arms, wearing a leather harness like the one I did, but with red stripes framing the black. He wore black wristbands that pronounced his big forearms and his lopsided smile curled around the pipe while inhaling. His head was shaved and his middle was only covered by a stretched out trunks that my eyes shortly lingered on. Jamal laughed behind my. “Don´t just stare, Jakey! Show my friend some appreciation!” I didn´t know what exactly he wanted me to do and my first instinct told me to bold out the door. But just then, a wave of calmness and horniness hit me and I quickly lost that thought. I thought for a second what to do. I knew Jamal wanted to fuck me with guy and I knew I´d let him do just that. So I stood back up and just said “Hello Sir!”, looking at the guy finishing his draw from the pipe. He smiled at that, put the pipe down on the table and curled his finger, motioning me towards him. I knew what was coming, stepping close to him. He grabbed my hair and yanked my face towards his, looking into my eyes for a moment before yanking me further, pushing my lips an his. He exhaled the smoke into me and I was ready for it. I accepted the smoke from him and kept it in my lungs when he withdrew. “Glad to meet you like this, Jake. I´m Chase. I´ve heard good things from you. Let´s see, if they´re true, shall we?” I exhaled my hit, nodded and when the feeling of euphoria washed over me said: “Thank you Sir! I´m happy to see, if I can live up to the expectations!”
  4. Chapter 18 My hole gave way and my head struggled to catch up. This couldn´t be, right? Those two cocks inside of ME? This was something you saw in porn and not… I was quickly focused back on reality, as Taron pushed more and more of his cock inside and my mind tried to comprehend. “Fuuuck Jakey, you´re doing such a good job!” Taron said, one hand stroking my back, the other at my hip for leverage. I loved his praise. But then he hit a point where my hole couldn´t take anymore of his giant dick and I moved away from him. “Ahhhh…” Or I tried. Jamal´s arms around me tightened to a steel tight grip. He had both his arms around my upper body, so my chest was pressed against his, my ass stuck out, my face next to his. “Open your eyes slut!” I hadn´t realized that I had closed them. He looked directly into my eyes, mere inches away from me face, his eyes as hard as his bulging arms around my body. “You will take our cocks, you have no choice in that. And you are not allowed to move away from them. The only direction you´re allowed to move is backwards. Impaling yourself further on Taron´s cock. Otherwise you hold perfectly still and open that sweet hole for our pleasure. You will become and even better cockslut by doing that and that´s what you want, right? So stay still or move back and accept our cocks into you. There is no choice here for you to make. Do you understand?” I was terrified by his words, but… They also made my cock strain in my cage This was crazier than anything I had ever imagined. “Answer me!” Jamal demanded. “Yes… Sir.” I meekly replied and let go of the tension in my muscles who had tried to escape their fate. Let go of the thought that I could get away from even a small part of what they wanted. I sighed and laid my head down on Jamal´s shoulder. And with that my hole relaxed enough for Taron to slowly insert his cock further and further. I whimpered a bit, but that seemed to turn them on even more. It hurt a bit, but I loved the feeling of their hands on my body, Jamal´s muscles under my, his soft skin… And the thought of what just happened at and in my ass. “Give in Jakey…” Jamals whispered in my ear and started kissing my neck. I shivered and did what he said. Gave in to being their fucktoy. Again. Taron stopped and I could feel his short pubic hairs against my ass, his full balls resting on my cheeks. “You did it Jakey! We´re both fully in! You did so well!” With that, he leaned down and also started kissing my neck, which caused his cock to move inside of me., I shivered and I didn´t know from which of these sensations. But before I could ask myself that, Taron started moving up again and then slowly withdrew his cock before driving it back in. It was hard, but Jamal fed me more poppers and eventually my hole gave up any resistance and they could both move their dicks inside of me. Sometimes alternating, sometimes penetrating me as one. They called me names. They held me by my harness for leverage and fucked me even harder. They fed me more smoke and poppers. And I just accepted all of it. Finally, Taron started to pound erratically and I knew what was coming: After a few thrusts, his cock pulsed his seed deep into me again. I would have loved to see his face, but I was staring at Jamal below me in that moment, who was grinning. “Getting your hole seeded again by a perfect cock. Feels good, doesn´t it?” he asked. I could just nod, overwhelmed by the pulsing in my hole and a feeling of becoming even fuller. After a few moments, Taron pulled out. “Phewww… wow. I saved that load up for the last five days. Hope you appreciate it Jakey!” Fuck! That was… hot. “Thank you, Taron!” “For what are you thanking me, Jakey?” “For your cum.” “And?” “For… all of this happening. It´s so crazy and hot!” Taron laughed and tussled my hair, which was sweaty and clinging to my forehead. “You are welcome baby. And what will happen with that cum now?” I looked at him, confused. I mean, it was inside of me and… Jamal started fucking me again, hard. I almost yelled from the surprise. “Jamal is gonna fuck it deep inside of you, of course. So it stays where it belongs.” He winked. “Right? And maybe, he´ll add his own, too, if you ask him nicely! Wouldn´t you like that? How did it feel last time, to have the our cum mixing inside of you? From two guys you couldn´t get enough of? Felt great to know our babies were deep inside your hole, right? And I´ll tell you something…” he came closer, whispering in my ear “We also love that thought. You´re making us very proud, when you do that. And horny…” he added, licking at my ear and taking my hand towards his cock, which was semi hard again. “So Jakey, what do you say to Jamal?” Through those words and the continuous pounding Jamals was still giving me, I couldn’t think. But my instincts kicked in. I pushed my ass against Jamal´s cock and asked him “Please, fuck Taron´s cum inside of me and add you own! I really want that, it´s such a fucking hot thing to do!” There, it was out. They really had coaxed the cumslut out of me. Jamal grinned widely, with an evil glint in his eyes. “Will do baby! Here it comes!” I felt his cock pulsing inside of me. It was different than before, with both of them in me. But an almost luxurious feeling nonetheless. When Jamal finally pulled out and slowly slid me sideways onto the bed so that the cum wouldn´t come out with his cock, I sighed contentedly and closed my eyes for a moment, enjoying the bliss, the feeling of their cum in me, the leather on my skin and the moment of pause. It should just stay a moment, because when I felt the mattress move underneath me and opened my eyes, Taron had already gripped my ankles and started spreading them. He threw me a sly smile, positioning my legs on his shoulders, looking at my hole and perfectly aligning his hard cock with it. “I also want to pound that cum into you again. It feels great to use cum instead of lube… and I assure you, we don´t need lube right now, cause there is plenty of cum in your hole and on my cock still!” With that, he pressed forward and his cockhead slid quite easily into my hole while Jamal took my head and gave me a shotgun. I knew better than to try and resist. And… Really, I didn´t want to anymore.
  5. And finally, here is the picture that inspired large parts of this story. Credit to @AinPostolo 🤤 Hope that fuels your imagination and helps to free some loads! 🐷
  6. Chapter 17 “I´m glad you´re so honest with us, Jakey! Now, let me give you a reward for that…” he said with a satisfied voice while going over to a bag beside the sofa, digging in his hand and pulling out several items. He threw them on the sofa in front of me: White socks stating “cumdump” at the top, a black and white jock with just a tiny pouch in the front, a black leather harness, black wristbands and a larger band made of leather as well, a black facemask covering everything except the mouth, several toys… My eyes got bigger and bigger with every item (and maybe because I couldn´t breathe around Taron blocking my airflow). When he released his grip on me, I pulled back, wiped my mouth and started to say something like “Wow man, I don’t know, that´s a lot…” – but Jamal cut me off within my first words. “Doesn´t matter that you think now about this, Jakey. We´ll just try, explore and then you can judge afterwards. You said you wanted to have us, satisfy us, do things. This we do now. Understood?” I was a bit dumbfolded, but nodded. “You liked the rest that we did last time, right? So go along. Put on the stuff, you have three minutes! Oh and…” he pulled a needless syringe from underneath the table “before, you´ll take this, so ass up!” I did as I was told. That part I really didn´t want to resist. Jamal pushed the syringe inside of me and quickly got the solution into me. “Keep it in for a moment, let it soak… Get into your system.” I did and slowly, a warmth started to rise, that quickly turned into burning. When I started to wriggle because of it, Jamal ordered me again to get into the gear within three minutes. They both stood and sat there, stroking their dicks, while I Struggled to get into the gear they wanted me to. When I landed at the bigger leather band, which I wasn´t sure what to do with, so I asked. Jamal just grinned at me. “Looks like you won´t make it within the time, hm?” I looked at him. I was taken aback for a second, but then I got it. And it made my cock strain in my cage. “Well… I guess not then.” Jamal stepped towards me. “You couldn’t do it. That means punishment. You know that, right?” I just nodded. “Good.” He took the leather strap out of my hand and put it around my neck, fastening it there. “Ohhhhh….” “Yeah Jakey, we make sure you look properly like the sub slut you are all around, right?” He grinned, then proceeded to put the hood over my head. I had never been in one of those and it felt weird at first. A padded thing at eye level made sure I saw nothing, but the mouth was cut out. Jamal immediately grabbed me and led me towards somewhere. The heat in my ass had dissipated and had left a tingling behind. A tingling, that lent a spring to my step and that wanted to be scratched. So while I was led through a guys house I barely knew, fitted into leather gear, blindfolded and in a cage, I was so horny and carefree about it, I could barely understand myself. Before I could think further, I was put onto the bed, with a body already under me. I was taken aback at first, but then recognized Taron´s body. And his cock knocking at my ass. “Don´t worry, it´s just me who is gonna open your hole and deposit my load there… Nothing that hasn´t happened before.” Oh right, condoms! Shit I needed… But before I could voice any concerns, hands gripped my head and a cock was pushed between my open lips quite roughly. I needed to adjust my throat and that gave Taron time to pierce my hole. I struggled for a second around their dicks, but then… Fuck, everything just gave way to pleasure flooding my brain and body and I couldn’t hold onto my thoughts. They fucked me thoroughly, switching places. And then, when Taron withdrew from my mouth and I thought they´d switch again – they didn´t. Instead, a hand held poppers under my nose. “Three deep breaths, slut!” he commanded. I did as I was told, of course. The poppers hit me hard and I sank onto Jamal´s chest, who gripped me hard and held me close. I loved the warmth of his body, his sweat and muscles against my skin…. And then Taron´s cock pressed against my hole, too. I was too astonished for a seconds to really realize what was happening. They didn´t really think I could fit both of them, could they? Well, they could. And as my protests were cut short by Jamal´s tongue assaulting my mouth, my chemmed up hole gave way to a second giant dick, forcing its way into me.
  7. Sorry to keep you waiting for so long! Now is the time for the next chapter. I think there will be 2 more, but Ill need some time again for the next one. So... enjoy this for the time being! 😉😈
  8. Chapter 16 I was panicking for a second, just like the last time he had walked in on us. But I quickly calmed down, because… well. Last time had tuned out amazing and this guy was just so fucking hot! Not to mention that Jamal´s body and cock had me completely unable to move away with my legs over his shoulders, even if I had tried. So after a few seconds pause, I relaxed and threw him what I hoped was a sexy grin, saying “You like to walk in on us, hm? Bet you had planned this again, right?” Looking to Jamal, who had stopped his fucking for a second. Before they could answer, I told them: ”So then, come here! Don´t just look, I want to feel you…” That’s where my newfound courage wavered, but I was pretty proud of myself nonetheless. Taron whistled. “Wow, you are… a lot more slutty than last time already! I wonder if the smoke and cock in your ass have anything to do with that?” he mocked me, then laughed, as Jamal resumed his fucking with a hard strike, making me gasp. Taron quickly shed the little clothing he still wore and came over in just a pair of white socks, which contrasted beautifully with his dark legs. I didn´t know where to look first: His defined chest, sexy smile or his rising cock! In the end, when he came closer, he made sure his cock won out by bringing it to ma face. I quickly gave it a lick and he laughed. “Such an eager slut! We´re gonna have you turned in no time!” He then bent down, gave me a sloppy kiss and grinned at me again like a child with his favorite toy, before making sure my mouth was as full of his cock as possible. The next few hours were a flurry of being mouth- and assfucked in all positions I had known so far and some more. The guys made sure that my ass was never empty of cock for more than a quick break of smoking up. And even then I was usually on my knees, one of their cocks in my hand, the other in my mouth. I was so glad about all of this! I didn’t bring up the topic of condoms again, since I figured it was too late for that now anyway and I was pretty sure they would´t use condoms today anymore whatever I said. “He has that thinking face again.” Taron said, looking down on me, bringing me out of my thoughts. I realized I had stopped working their cocks. “What did you think about Jakey?” “Well, this is all so crazy, really! Last week I couldn´t have imagined any of this! Not drugs, not bare, not multiple people. And I just thought I don´t know if that´s…” I stopped there, not wanting to kill the mood. Jamal looked at me with his signature sly grin. “And you don´t know if that´s a good tun of events? A good personal growth for you? A good path to continue down, as a locked slut for bare cock?” I meekly nodded. “Well, we can´t know for certain. But there are some pretty good indicators. For example, look up at us. How do you feel, Jakey? Honestly. Feel into yourself… You feel good, don´t you`? You have been thinking about this all week, wanted this to happen. And now you´re here, on your knees, servicing us…” I did as he told and… I couldn´t deny it. I felt alive, exhilarated even. Because of the drugs, for sure. But also because I was living my wildest fantasy right now! “You have fantasized about going bare, right? Taking multiple cocks at once? Being a slut for dominant fuckers?” I definitely couldn’t deny that. Bareback porn was all I had been watching. Always telling me it was great for porn, but being safe was more important. And that I couldn´t do, what was portrayed in some of the scenes. And… “Look at me, Jake!” Jamal ordered. I did. He held the pipe in his hands, heating it. “Tell me you don´t want to take a hit of this right now, if that´s what you feel. Otherwise, go for it…” I looked at the pipe for a second, the white smoke slowly starting to rise from the hole at the top. Jamal held the mouthpiece towards me and I put my lips on it, sucking in the smoke once more. Holding it inside, let it into my body, free my brain. Then letting it out slowly and looking back at Jamal. “Such a good boy Jake!” he said, caressing my head after giving the pipe to Taron. “Now slowly jerk our dicks again. Really feel them in your hands and look at them…” he continued, his words hanging in the air like a spell that I instantly followed, realizing I hadn´t even let go of their dicks while we had been talking. I stroked their hard, yet soft skin slowly up and down. I could feel their heat, their blood pumping. I felt like I could really feel their manliness through their beautiful cocks. Their veins, their glistening tips, their soft, dark skin gliding through my hands… “And now tell me what you want Jake. Follow your instinct, your nature. Speak your mind freely and don´t let us or anybody else hold you back. What do you truly want to do now? Think about things that your parents or your teachers told you? Ask questions like a little boy and be an uncertain and insecure child, debating pros and cons with us right now? Or…” he put a finger below my chin, making me look up at his body and face “…do you want to enjoy the here and now? Be the sexy little slut you showed us glimpses of already? Live like you have never done before, but always wished you could?” He took his hand away, letting ma gaze drop down to their erect towers of manliness again, feeling them in my hands and enjoying the view my position gave me. “Tell us now, baby! And act on it…” he let that linger for a moment, breaking my trance. “I…” I gulped, before continuing with a more steady voice. “I really want to enjoy this with you! And so much more! Please, let me be yours and use me!” I pleaded, looking up at them, before giving way to my most urgent instinct right now, which was devouring Jamals cock, pressing it down my throat, massaging it with my tongue and pressing my nose into his pubic hair while furiously jacking off Taron´s cock, before doing the same to him, before looking up at them again from being impaled onto Taron´s tower of manliness. They grinned approvingly, Taron, chuckling and pressing me down into him even more, while Jamal took my hand away from his cock and stood up. “I´m glad you´re so honest with us, Jakey! Now, let me give you a reward for that…”
  9. Sorry that it´s taking a little longer these days, but no worries, I´ll do some more chapters! 😜😈 Chapter 15 Before I could say anything, Jamal hit the pipe again and shotgunned me. His warm, wet lips on mine, his tongue in my mouth, the smoke in my lungs and his hands one me… fuck, how many times I had thought about this during the last week, desperately wanting to jack off to the fantasy and then looking forward to today even more. When Jamal pulled away and told me to breathe out, I realized that I had been holding the smoke for quite a while and already felt its effect on my brain. The next two shotguns made the feelings awaken all over my body and when Jamal coached me through my next his alone, he made me hold it in with his hand over my face and I loved it. I was deep in his fangs again. And I was willing to go deeper still. When I exhaled, a large cloud surrounded us and Jamal told me, how hot it looked, seeing me like this. My skin was tingling already and I just nodded, before I threw myself at him, touching his muscular chest, sucking his nippels and one hand wandering down towards the obscene bulge in his shorts. Yes, he had me, but I was now a willing participant and I wanted to show some initiative. “Ohh fuck baby! Seems like cage and pipe wear away your defenses quite well, hm? Didn´t think you would be such an eager slut already, but I´m not complaining… Ouch!” he suddenly shouted, because I had bitten down a little on his nipple. He immediately grabbed me by my hair, lightly slapped me with his free hand and stared into my eyes. “I like a bitch that is eager and takes his role willingly. But you will never again do something you´re not sure I will like, or I will make you miserable during our sessions. Did you understand me?!” I was in shock and in a little pain and quickly nodded, realizing I had been carried a little away in my newfound enthusiasm and boldness. Well, so much about that… But I had little time to think, because Jamal quickly pulled down his trousers and pushed my head towards hic cock, against my quickly opening lips and halfway down my throat. I was gagging, surprised by his fast moves. “You will do as I want, Jake. And no complaining for a little roughness, when you just clearly overstepped your boundaries, okay? Otherwise Ill have to really punish you. And we wouldn´t want that… Or do we?” He added, pushing me down even further. I tried to answer, but I couldn´t, because he was already blocking my airway. So I tried to shake my head, but was barely able to, with his grip on me. “I asked you a question!” he said. I struggled a bit, but then let loose and concentrated on making his cock feel good. I had wanted to do this all week, after all. That’s when Jamal pulled me up again and I could finally say: “No, I will…” I gulped, taking another breath. “I will do as you say and don´t want to be punished. Please.” I meekly added. I wasn´t sure what punishment would involve, but probably pain. And I might not have the chance to play with his cock after this, enjoy this beautiful man´s body and… and that frightened me. “Please let me show you.” I stated, looking into his eyes. He started grinning again, laid back and I started my deed on his cock. Jamal let me deepthroat him for a while and really worship his cock and balls, all while I was on my knees. At some point, he stripped me down to my jock and started playing with my ass, fingering me with some lube. I loved this position, hearing the porn play behind me and servicing his beautiful cock. But then he pulled me up and positioned me on the sofa on my back, pishing my legs up over his shoulders in one motion. “Ehrm”, I started, unsure “I don´t know if I´m relaxed enough yet and…” “Shut up Jakey.” He answered. Not aggressively, just clear. “You have been waiting for this all week, haven´t you? Your hole wants this cock inside and it won´t resist much. You´re made to do this and you will. Don´t struggle, relax into it and you´ll be fine. You will let me bury my cock in you, just as last time. Understood?” I looked at him with big eyes, gulped and nodded. What could I say? No? Certainly not! For… many reasons. When he saw I agreed, he pushed the poppers from the table into my hands and told me to inhale four big breaths. While I did, he heated up the pipe again. When I exhaled my last breath, he shotgunned me and made out with me. It all his me like a truck. That first his of poppers is always strong. Four, along with him on top of me, kissing me and… The pressure on my hole build and I moaned into his mouth, but after a moment, my hole gave way and I felt him sink in several inches. Fuck! Really?! “See?” he said, ginning, while slowly pushing his dick just a little out and then in again. “I told you, that your hole waited for this!” My hole obviously had, as did my head. Fantasies flooded me, but my hole still somewhat spasmed around his cock, not used to this gigantic intrusion. But popper still filled my head and I didn´t even try to answer anything coherent, so I just gave in and tried to open up for him to penetrate me further. When I came out of my poppers high, I noticed that he could fuck me deeper already. And I realized, that there had been a strange, metallic sound a few seconds ago that I couldn´t place, but that made me alert somehow. When I started to look around, I heard a voice saying: “Ohh fuck yes! Looks like you got even further this time before I could make it!” and Taron walked out of the shadowy hallway into the room.
  10. Haha, thanks for the replies and no worries, there is more! 😜😈 Chapter 14 I barely remembered going home when I woke up. I was a mess. I had violently tried to jerk off when I was home, because I was so horny and couldn´t sleep yet. But the cage allowed for little touching of my dick and my hole was sore, so I didn´t want to pull out the plug. Well and I also didn’t want to lose any of that precious seed. So I watched some porn and touched myself all over before I finally fell asleep after two or three more hours. And here I was, realizing what I had done the day before. My eyes shot open and I groaned. “Fuck…” I muttered. The memories were hot and dizzying. Then, my hand shot to my dick and gripped the cage. What the…? Had I really let a guy I just met and didn´t know shit about lock my dick into a cage and send me home with his cum up my ass? And let his friend, who “randomly” walked in on us, do the same? I didn´t even know how to contact him! How the fuck would I get out of this?! I started panicking and took some deep and slow breaths. It´s gonna be alright, I told myself. I rolled out of bed and felt the soreness of my hole and the plug still inside. What hour was it? I must have slept for long, since the sun was already setting again. I looked at my phone to see the time and saw the messages that I had gotten. I quickly scrolled through it, unsure if I had missed anything important today. But then I saw a message from a number I didn´t have in my contacts. “Hope your hole gets ready for the next dosage until the weekend. Enjoy being a caged fag for BBC until then!” I stared at the message for a moment. Wow! Well, at least now I had his number. I wanted to type a quick response about giving me the key to the cage before I stopped myself and thought for a second. The weekend was four days away. Not too far. And… Maybe it would be hot to just try to wear the cage, knowing he had the key? Only one way to find out… I got through the week as a quivering mess. One part of me being VERY aware of the cage and afraid anybody would see it; the other part of me anxious for the weekend and getting to see Jamal again and fucking loving every second of him holding the key to my cock. He had just texted me back three times: Fithe first time saying he´d get back to me on Friday for details of our meeting and I should send him a picture of my locked cock to confirm. The second time a day later with a picture of his hard cock. The third time was plain as well and turned me on as much as the last: “I loved fucking you sweety! You´re so sexy with a cock in your mouth or ass!” I would have gotten hard on that message if I could have. Some day were more of a pain, but his messages and the memories of the last sex as well as my increasing horniness about the prospect of the next weekend kept me in check. I knew I should ask them about condoms and not do so much drugs the next time. The needle hadn´t really been administered with consent, but… Fuck, I didn´t know what to do! When Jamal messaged me Friday evening, I was so ready to get pounded into submission once more. I had already cleaned out and to be ready as soon as he got in touch. When he told me to come over to his place, I was out of the house within five minutes. When I reached his door, I was trying to be rational for a second, considering once again the implications of what had happened to me during the events. Made high, being bred and caged by I guy I barely knew, now at his doorstep again, eager like a puppy, awaiting his presence, body, smile, smell and cock. This was surreal! Shouldn´t I just run and…? That’s when the door opened, revealing Jamal´s grin and his muscular body, wearing nothing but short running shorts, outlining his powerful legs and big tool. I didn´t know where to look first. “I´ve been waiting here and hoping you´d be this fast! Come on in!” My thoughts vanished into thin air as soon as I saw him. He was looking so hot! “Ah, sure… cool! I´m happy to…” When the door had closed behind me, Jamal pinned me against the wall, ravaging my mouth. He drew back for a second, grinning at me again, letting his hands slide over my body. Once found my dick in its cage and one groped my ass. “Fuck Jakey, I´ve missed your sexy little body!” What had I been thinking about again? He kissed me again, then pushed me towards the living room with his hand still on my ass. The room was lit nicely with indirect light. Porn was already playing and below the moans I heard a steady rhythm of music playing. On the table lay a torch and a lighter, a small bottle with liquid, poppers and lube. Beside the sofa I saw a big bag with different items of gear or toys sticking out. I was pretty stunned as it looked like a porn set I had walked in on and wanted to formulate some concerns, when Jamal pushed me down to sit on the sofa by my shoulder and sitting down beside me. He casually reached for the pipe and the lighter and started heating the contents. He drew a deep breath and came towards me, put the pipe down and kissed me, exhaling his hit into me. When he ended the kiss after a while, I exhaled and felt my heartbeat go even faster. Jamal then put a hand on my shoulder, smiled and started to massage my neck. „Do you know why we are such a perfect match?“ I could just look at him questioningly. „I mean… aside from the obvious…?“ „Because you´re a little slut, yeah. And you´re also a curious, but shy slut. You need somebody to take care of you and to make you do all the things that you actually crave but are afraid of trying. Or that you think you shouldn´t try because bla bla bla…“ He trailed off and smiled at me. It was a half warm, half evil smile. „And you´re gonna do ALL of these things!“ I tensed. I wasn´t sure what ALL meant. „Oh shh, I know, I know. There are some things you really don´t want to do. And then there are things you would say you don´t wanne do, but that you actually want to happen anyway or made to do. We will do all of the latter. And you´ll have such a good time!“ He moved his hand to my cage and pressed it with his hand. „And you don´t even have to say anything. Well, and you have no say in that anyway. I have so much to force you with. But really, I don´t even need to, do I?“ He stared at me. Even though he was sitting next to me, it seemed like he was towering over me. „I…“ I cleared my throat. „I guess not.“ „Right answer baby.“ He put his hand up to my face and caressed my cheek. „We´re gonna have so fucking much fun this weekend!”
  11. Chapter 13 Taron was still making out with me, when I felt Jamals fat cock head pressing against my hole. “Just relax baby, your hole just needs to adjust a second to its natural state again…” he whispered. I panted into Taron´s mouth, Jamal´s dick spreading my ring even slightly further than Taron´s just a moment ago. I felt impaled and… incredibly turned on. Taron quickly removed his mouth from mine and pushed a cloth over my nose with the distinct scent of poppers on it that he must have prepared while making out. I thankfully breathed in a couple of times, feeling relaxation and heat wash over me and Jamal´s cock pop into my hole. “Ahhhh!” I slowly moaned and they laughed. “Take another deep breath Jakey and hold it!” Taron said. “Take Jamal´s cock as deep as mine and let him push my cum even deeper inside of you, coating your insides like a proper bare slut!” I breathed in and he removed the cloth and immediately put his hand above my nose and mouth, taking my ability to breathe out away. “Gotcha! Now concentrate on that cock like you should be and not on something so irrelevant like your breath!” I looked up at him, first surprised and stunned, then, with the poppers taking me even higher, relaxed into his grip and let them take me over into wonderland. Jamal started slowly thrusting in and out, going faster. I felt like a cocksleeve, being stretched to the limit, but content. When he could bury himself completely in me, I felt like my lungs and as would explode together and Taron finally removed his hand so I could let the poppers out and some air into my lungs. I panted and Jamal told me, how good it felt when I did that. I couldn´t respond, because I was so overwhelmed. Jamal continued to pound me for what felt like hours after that and I should have definitely gotten very, very sore from it, but I guess the chems and poppers they fed me kept it in check. After what felt like an eternity, told slapped me hard and gripped his hair with my hand, yelling “I´m gonna fill your hole Jakey! Second load for you tonight! I’m gonna make you pregnant!” He literally stabbed his cock into me multiple times and I yelled with him. While he shot his cum into me, my own cock just let out a drop of precum in its cage, but I was loving the moment anyway. After a few moments, he kept rocking his cock slowly in and out of my hole, kissing me and finally pulled out slowly. In that moment though Taron Jumped between my legs and pushed something against my hole, which slowly went in. I was confused – it definitely wasn´t his cock, from how well it went in. But then I felt the base of the thing against my ass. I sighed when the plug settled into its place within my hole, sealing up all the cum inside of me. I desperately wanted to keep all of these hot fucker´s sperm as deep inside of me as I could. They had given it to me through their beautiful cocks, shooting it inside of me and I didn´t want to lose a single drop. “Beautiful!” Jamal grunted. “Keep it all in, absorb those babies into your body and maybe there will be more - if you´re a good boy!” I looked up into his eyes and admired his glistening face and wolfish smile, knowing his seed was planted deeply inside of me. Such a fucking stud! And he´d just given me his cock and cum. He had chosen me to be his hole and deposit his cum into me. Wow! “Now that your hole is well sealed, how about you put on those tight shorts and get some rest? You´re allowed to just keep the cage for now and leave your little cock out of the picture for a bit. Doesn’t that sound good?” I could barely comprehend what he´d just said. I just went along with it and nodded, while he pulled me up into a standing position and threw me my shorts before planting a sloppy kiss onto my mouth. Taron was next, grabbing my ass, pushing against the plug and twisting my nipples, which made me yelp and him grin. “That was so hot Jakey! Now, its pretty late, so take your stuff and go home, okay? I´m sure you´ll sleep well and have some sweet dreams…” He winked, before pushing me towards my stuff, while he turned around and went to the bathroom. “Bye baby and don´t miss us too much!” he yelled. Taron kept standing there while I got ready to leave. I threw him one last glance, his half hard, magnificent cock dripping with fluids. Before I could stare once again stare for too long, I decided to preserve some dignity and just said “See you! And thanks…” and left.
  12. Thanks guys! 😉 I´ll keep it going, there is still things to do, right? 😛 Here an image from BZ (album by FF69) that captureswell, what Jake must have seen on his knees...
  13. Chapter 12 Taron, meanwhile, must have also done his slam, because he coughed and his pitch black eyes looked down at me, while Jamal drilled my hole. He caressed my cheek before slapping it hard. “So slut, what do you say now?” I just panted: “Fuck, that´s so… I don’t know… Thank you?” Taron chuckled. “Right answer bitch!” The he went behind Jamal and told him that he also wanted to feel that hole around his cock. Jamal gave me a few hard thrusts and then pulled out, which felt really weird and wrong. Jamal must have seen that in my face, because he laughed loudly for a second. “Jakey, Taron´s cock will be inside of you in just a second, so no need for pouting!” He came around beside me and Taron took his place, put his cock against my anal entrance and said “I´ll make you feel good again right now baby!” And with a grin, he pushed his cock inside me in a not quite that slow motion. If you would have told me this morning that I would take a cock this big entering so swiftly while not feeling pain, but relief to be filled again washing over me – I would have laughed at you. Hard. But that was exactly the distortion of reality I was in right then. Relief and pleasure about having my ass filled with a big black dick, howling from the feelings of a rough fuck and never wanting this moment to end. Jamal quickly used my open mouth to thrust his cock inside and I just went with it. I wanted these men to feel good and I knew I could do that by pleasuring their cocks with my holes. It just made sense and felt so natural in that moment. I wanted to grab them and pull them even closer, but my hands were both shackled again to the chains of the sling and this made me even harder. Or, well: would have made me even harder, if they hadn´t put my cock in tiny cage. And that thought made my cock jump again tight there and I´m sure the cage was already sure with precum. And while I though about that, another thought chased it: Was their precum already inside of me? I was sure I had tasted some already and slurped it down into my stomach, but… then they must have also already leaked some into my ass. Which only three other guys ever had, two of which I had called my boyfriends. And while that thought would have scared me in any other situation, it just excited me even more in that moment right there. And I understood now exactly what they had meant: I had let go of my worries. And let the greedy cumslut come out, that had preferred watching bareback porn for years now. While these thoughts rapidly ran through my head, Taron´s thrusts became more erratic and he started panting “Fuck baby, I´m gonna cum! Where do you want my load?” Jamal pulled out of my mouth so I could answer. “Please”, I whimpered, “Just… keep fucking me and cum inside?” Taron grinned like a madman down at me, then took one hand to my throat and squeezed while saying: “It´s not like you really ever had another choice anyway!” With that, he pounded into me for a couple of seconds, then growled while holding his cock to the maximum depth inside of my hole. I felt his majestic cock twitch inside of me and was so excited to have his cum spray my guts! I couldn´t believe my luck… so I stared up at him, while barely being able to breathe, saw his face distort and his eyes closing before laser focusing on me again. After a moment, he grinned, took his hand off my throat and gave me a slap on my cheek. “Nice… finally a proper breeding for your hole, hm Jakey? I love to be your first breeder after initiating you into the world of chems…” With that, he slowly pulled his cock out. “Grip my cock with you hole tightly, so you don´t lose my cum!” I did my best, though when he was completely out of me, my hole felt like it was still wide open. “Nice fucking slut hole baby!” he sighed, before bowing down to me from the side and slowly making out with me. “Keep my babies deep inside, okay?” he finally said. I could only nod and he beamed, before continuing to make out with me like no one ever had.
  14. Chapter 11 Jamal slowly kept fucking me on his cock. “Don’t worry Sweety, you´ll be just fine. Actually, you´ll be even better, really fucking good!” “I am already!” I answered, enjoying what was happening so much. “Yeah, but there is room for more pleasure, more experiences, right? Making all your worries go away? Just focus on the pleasure our cocks are giving you when they slide into your holes? Just enjoying and letting go?” he said in a low voice that was dripping seduction. He made my cock strain in my cage, which jerked up and down. “Fuck… sounds awesome…” I mumbled. Jamal laughed and squeezed my cage. “We see that baby! And we have so much more to give you! So now we´re gonna do something, that might sound scary at first, but I swear it will make you the happiest slut ever! Taron is gonna take down your right arm with the band and you just lay there and let him do the work, okay? You trust us, right?” He asked that while grinding his cock deep inside my hole, which made me jerk in pleasure, while Taron did, as Jamal had said. “Uhm, sure. What are you gonna do...?” I really had no clue. That’s when Taron causally took a syringe from the pile he had arranged behind me and gave it to Jamal, then took another one in his hands. It took me a moment to realize. “Wait, what? No… I don’t think this is a good idea guys! I mean, I did stuff already but injecting…” Jamal made me shut up by pulling his cock out and ramming it back in quickly. He looked into my eyes sternly and nodded. That´s when Taron put his head on above mine, his lips sealing my mouth and his tongue sensually slipped into mine. I was still anxious, but the kiss felt incredible and so good! This man just knew how to kiss and I started to relax into him, while he caressed my head with his free hand. Jamal spoke up: “Jakey, we know what´s good for you. You are a cumslut and deep down you know that, you always knew. We are here to help you explore, to discover yourself and expand your sexual horizon. And the next step in this journey is a little prick in your arm. Don´t worry, it’s the same stuff you´ve been smoking, so nothing to be afraid off. It´s just gonna make you feel even better, sluttier and will help you be such a good slut tonight! We´ll free you of all your worries and boundaries...” he trailed off there, letting the words sink in. And then added: “And frankly: You don´t have a saying in this. We will slam you up now. You gave us control – what kind of doms would we be, if we didn’t use that, hm? But be sure: You will thank us in just a minute or two!” Taron pulled back and I immediately missed his soothing lips and touch. When I opened my eyes and looked up at him, he nodded and said: “We will use you so good tonight. But you need to let go even more. And this is the way. You can´t know that, but we do! Be sure, we´re talking from experience here baby. We see the potential in you and we WILL set it free.” He smirked, gave me another peck on the lips and then wiped my arm with an alcohol pad. “Hold still now, don´t move a finger and it will be over in just a few moments. Jamal will stay inside of you to feel your pussy muscles quiver while we slam you. And he´ll do his slam with you, so he knows what you´re feeling.” I didn´t have time to respond before he already had the needle on my skin and then slowly inserted it. I looked quickly over at Jamal, who did the same, looking concentrated, but grinning widely. I realized in that moment, that they had probably planned it exactly like that. And I wasn´t sure what to make of it, if I should feel offended, scared, hyped or exhilarated. But there wasn´t much time to think anyway, because Taron already snapped pushed the plunger when I looked back at him and the stuff went into my body. He quickly removed the rubber band before pressing a tissue on the injection site and holding up my arm. I saw Jamal from the corner of my eye do the same and – - It hit me like a truck. At first I thought I couldn´t breathe, but I noticed then I was just heavily breathing. I didn´t know if I felt everything in my body or nothing at all, but I heard Jamals voice saying “Ohh fuck yeah, fuck fuck fuck! I love fucking a newly born slamslut!” I knew he was talking about me, but it took me a moment to be back in reality. My hole body was hot, sweaty and felt elevated. My ass and cock spasmed and Jamal was enjoying both very much. He grinned at me and laughed hard for second. “Welcome in our world, Jakey! Now you´re a proper slam slut! Let go and enjoy…” And with that, he started violently assaulting my hole.
  15. Chapter 10 Over the next hour or two, they fucked me in every position imaginable. It´s all a blur in hindsight, but I remember it to be challenging, hot and oh so enjoyable! We hit the pipe in between once or twice and Taron as well as Jamal made sure to feed me some of their hits or to choke me on their dicks afterwards. I wasn´t sure at some point, if my throat would manage much more. At one point, Jamal got me out of my dickhaze with a slight slap and told me “I saw your eyes when you entered here, sweety. Before they rested on my dick, you saw something else, that you liked didn´t you?” I looked at him, confused for a second. Then I turned my gaze away and saw the sling again and my eyes must have lit up, because Jamal laughed and said “Right! You like the sight, don´t you? Ever been in one?” “No I haven´t…” “So then, hop in! Another first time tonight then, nice…” he said with a wink towards Taron, who laughed as well. I didn´t need to hear that again! I jumped up, stretched for a second and got in front of the sling, admiring it for a second. “What is it about a sling that you like, sweety?” Jamal asked. I hesitated, let my hand feel the nice, black and firm, yet soft leather. “I like… the leather, the looks of it and hopefully feeling it under me…” “Ahh, so a little gear lover, hm?” Taron said, walking up to us. “I guess, yeah…” “Nice!” Taron said “We can work with that some more! And what else?” “Well… It feels really crazy. Such a thing, with leather and chains, me in there, kind of offering my hole, presenting it…” “It´s not like you hadn´t already done that baby…” Jamal threw in. “But yes, it IS a different level of that. Anything else?” he added. “Well”, I answered, meekly, but my tongue still fueled by the drugs “It´s also such a hot thought to give up control. Getting in there and… I mean… It´s not that easy to get out again, right?” I turned around and looked at them. Jamal put a hand on my upper body to push me into the sling, growling “That´s so hot to hear sweety, get in there!” while Taron held the sling. “You´re right, it´s easier to get in than out. But there is some variety! Get your feet up to these leather hooks right here… good boy!” he said, while securing my feet in the stirrups, closing the leather around my ankles. I meanwhile had laid down comfortably on the beautiful leather, enjoying the feeling against my skin. He went on explaining “These here can be left open… or not, as you like it and we do, too! But you could still open them with your hands, right? So… how about we make sure you can´t? Secure them, too?” he said with a growl that made sure I knew I was in for it either way. Not that I wanted anything else. “Yes… Please!” I almost begged him. “Good boy!” Jamal said, looking pleased, while Taron, standing at my head, already grabbed my hands, put leather bands around my wrists and chained them with small metal chains to the big chains the sling was hanging on. It took my head a second to process, what had just happened. I´d been put into a sling and bound. Even the slightest chance of getting out of here, of resisting them, of saying no and actually being able to get out – I had let it slip within less than a minute. I sighed and… relaxed. Yeah, I actually stopped my internal struggles and relaxed. These guys had had the power before already, but I still had been feeling some inner resistance. A voice, saying that all of this wasn´t right. But now, I could let all of this go and purely be here in the moment. Be myself. Be a slut for two big dicked, sexy, dominant and kinky fuckers. Jamal laughed and put a hand on my stomach, just above my cock cage, that I by now had almost forgotten about. ”That´s exactly right cutie, relax and let us do our magic… you haven´t regretted it so far, right? And you won´t in the end, I promise! We know how to break in a shy little slut like you and we love to help you on your way!” He bent down and gave me a sloppy kiss, that I melted into. While he was kissing me, his cock found his way towards my hole and he entered me without much of a problem. I groaned into our kiss, in need and heat. This was so hot! Jamal bent up again, giving me my first proper fucking in a sling, while Taron rummaged beside us. When he came into view again, he had three rubber straps in his hands. While he looked at Jamal fucking me, he first put one around his left biceps, then one around Jamal´s and lastly around mine, then grinned at me. “These look hot, don´t they?” I agreed with a nod, looking at their arms bulging slightly around their bands. I had only seen this thicker and made of leather before, but it worked and made them look somehow even more masculine. “And tell you what, sexy: These aren´t only for the looks! They´re also so practical!” I looked at him, confused, while Jamal stilled fucked me by just pulling the sling towards him and pushing it away again, practically making the sling fuck me on his cock. When I came out of the incredible feeling this produced, I looked at two evilly grinning faces above me, white teeth flashing in the most sexy of dark faces I had ever seen, with big, dark eyes. What had Taron said again? Practical?
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