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Everything posted by trinipozdom

  1. Becoming Poz wasn't a choice I made. I just happened to be in a relationship with a guy who didn't know he was poz and passed it onto me. I use to regret meeting him but now I don't think about it at all. I have accepted my life and actively doing things to make it better and fulfilling. I don't think being poz is more sexually liberating than anything else. Maybe it turns of a self imposed barrier that guys have when they are trying to avoid getting knocked up. Being poz has its challenges, with stigma and having to explain your situation to someone. The best thing to do is be up front with your status on dating profiles etc to weed out guys who don't want to deal with it. I personally seek out guys who understand or don't care and just want to be bred which means I avoid dating / having sex with skiddish neg guys.
  2. I am mostly glad that I am poz. It has it challenges without a doubt, being from a small country where the prejudice against poz guys is still a major thing but I believe my life has become better because of being poz. Dating and finding a stable relationship is challenging but It's not hard to find a guy who is ready to be bred and doesn't ask any questions about status and other poz guys who are down to be bred.
  3. POZ Black Dom Pig in Trinidad looking to discipline, breed holes and use as a urinal.
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