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About AndrewC

  • Birthday February 15

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  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
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  1. I like to leave it in, but if I am being told to eat it then will push out in to hand or cup. Into a cup of piss is something I would really like to do but have not yet.
  2. I wasn't even thinking of just after cumming. I have a top that loves to pound a bit, then have me suck it, then pound and back to mouth. Its fun, and extends the session. Of course the best is if the ass to mouth also happens after cumming so you can clean the nice cock that just breeded me.
  3. Ass to mouth from another fags ass is so nice. Ass to mouth already is good, but from another ass is even better. Fletching out a tops load from another fags ass is on my dream list, but have not done it yet. But it must be amazing!!
  4. What I would give to walk in and see my step son waking off! I certainly stair then see where it goes. But I should add he is much older then 13!
  5. Never thought of it as a "requirement" but do love it! its like a desert after a load!
  6. LOVE PISS! Ok, not as much as cum, but pretty close!
  7. I am very interested in my son. I have never made a move, but as he is of age now, there is huge urges to play with him.
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