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mdestry last won the day on April 9 2019

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About mdestry

  • Birthday 02/09/1965

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Louisville, KY
  • Interests
    NSA, Anon, Bathhouses, clubs, darkrooms, etc. Believe it or not, I look good in drag!
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    Cleancut banker by day, partying pig fucker by night!
  • Porn Experience
    Looking for my first starring role. ;) also, I want to get bred by a BB porn star.
  • Looking For
    anon, darkroom, bathhouses - I love the thrill of nameless, mindless fucking. Love 1-on-1 all the way to gangbangs that last hours.

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  1. You are ONE great storyteller and I feel a damn good fuck too. 

  2. That's a nice pic... I too have pics where I am turning shards to a gas...

  3. Story depicting sex with a minor deleted. You guys should know this isn't allowed. Please don't encourage people to post stories that could get the site shut down
  4. Holy crap, don't stop now! Four of my favorite things - booty bumps, bathhouses, bareback and BBC!
  5. [Moderator's Note: This is an updated/improved version of a post which has now been deleted.] "You drive," he said as the three of us went through the turnstile at the exit of the bookstore. Again, it wasn't a question. "OK. Over here," I said, pointing to my car. I unlocked the doors and climbed in the driver's seat. "Preston and Broadway, right?" "No, drive us to 39th and Cecil," he said. "We got business to do first." I had no ideas where Cecil Street was, so I headed down Main toward 39th street. The deepest, darkest part of West End Louisville. Muhammad Ali, Quincy Jones, Malcolm X had all lived in the area at one time or another. As we passed 10th, the rows of housing projects started. At 17th, I started noticing lots of people in the streets, like we were in a public park. By 25th, the hookers were put. As we neared 39th, I noticed quite a few black boys and men in streets or on the porches passing cigarettes, joints, or pipes back and forth. My big daddy guided me to a tall, three story behemoth of a structure that at one time must have been a mansion. Today, it was boarded up, caked with dirt and dust, and looked like it could fall down at any second. It was also loaded with people, who were spilling out the doors, sitting in windows, or strewn on the lawn in various stages of intoxication. They were brazen with either open drug use, fighting, or public sex, and no cops were in sight. They knew better. This area was lost and there was no getting it back. The new Wild West - no police, no authority, and no rules beyond those of the street. I would get to know this house very well over the next ten months. For tonight though, I was concerned. Ok, not concerned - I was scared shitless. "Park over there," he ordered, pointing about a half block down the street. "There's room over there," I said, pointing to an area near the front of the house. "Bitch, I said to park over there!" he said firmly as he grabbed my forearm and squeezed hard, "Damn.... damn! OK," I said as I glided the car to a stop alongside the curb. "Come on," he said. I followed the two men toward the building, and it felt like I was walking with Moses as we got closer. Anyone on the sidewalk stepped off it and out of our way when we got within ten feet or so. They all stopped talking and and few of them stared at us, but most of them just looked away as we passed. We got to the front door and a very pretty black girl in a bikini greeted us. "Well, holy shit, look who it is." She knew him. And apparently hated him deeply - her voice was a mixture of mockery anddisgust. "And with an entourage, too," she said. She looked me squarely in the eye and turned up her lip. "This your new pussy?" She asked. "Shut the fuck up, Sis, and tell Ken I'm back. And I want a brick." "A brick, damn!" She never took her eyes off of me. "You in trouble, sweetie," she said. "You in it deep!" She turned and went inside. "Follow her," he said as we entered the house. The interior was as unappealing as the exterior, but the dozens of people inside didn't seem to notice. Most were either dead asleep, smoking something, or shooting up. The others were engaged in some sort of sexplay in various combinations and numbers. I was thinking about the syringe again as I wastched a young, naked muscular black boy shooting up while an older white woman sucked his long, flaccid cock. Was it the sex going on making me so hard, or the thought of getting high again? The girl ducked into a room and within a minute came out with a paper grocery bag. We followed her into another room where she locked the door and dumped out the contents of the Kroger bag onto the room's only furniture - a twin bed. He made a low whistle as he sorted through it all. I saw something square wrapped in aluminum foil, glass pipes of various sizes and shapes, a cheap looking spoon (all bent up and burned), a few bags of white or ivory colored powder, a few lighters, and best of all, about a dozen syringes. He opened the aluminum foil and stuck hs ginger in. He licked it off. "Nice. Strong junk," he said to his sister. "Only the best for you," she said sexily as she moved closer to him. She put her hand on his thigh and moved it up toward his crotch. "I'm gonna fix you, don't worry," he said, annoyed. "But I ain't gonna fuck you anymore." "Faggot," she said angrily. Like a flash of lightning, his hand shot out and he hit her right on her temple. "Whore," he said as she crumpled down to the floor. "Junkie." With watery eyes, she said, "Thanks to you, fucker, brother." He wasn't listening. He had turned his attention to the assortment of supplies and handed me a glass pipe with a large chamber at the top, filled...no, stuffed...with white powder. "Smoke it," he said. I put the pipe to my lips as he flicked the lighter. A plume of smoke came out of the top. "Now, draw," he said. I could see the inside of the glass pipe turn white. I sucked on it, blew out a white cloud, and repeated. He handed me the lighter as he turned back to the bed. I don't recall how much time I spent smoking, but as I was watching his sister dreamily rubbing her arm as he removed a syringe, the guy who was with us took the pipe from me and told daddy, "Dragin's out." I was high - beyond it, actually, and Horner than I had ever been. "Whaaaa...I whaannnnaaa get fucked," I slurred. I don't know what came over me, but I crawled toward his sister, climbed on top and slid my cock into her hole as she pushed her tongue is n my mouth. An second or an hour later, I felt my daddy's huge cock pushing into me and then pounding my ass, hard, I forgot all about the girl under me, and concentrated on that hard, huge pole fucking me. And fucking me, And fucking me, And then, a blinding white flash, a huge surge of energy, and every cell in of my body was wrapped in the largest, most blinding, mind-numbing orgasm I gad ever experienced in my nineteen years. I was cumming from my hole and it stretched my being as it shot outward to my extremities. My hole pulsed and spammed, my clock was shooting, and my body was shaking, and the I heard him moan, and as he came in me, he kept pumping hard, gard, harder. Bye was chanting, " Ooh baby....yeah...filling you......giving you my poison...knocking you up, bitch....fuck yeah." And that's the last thing I recall before waking up on my stomach with someone fucking my ass. I tried to turn to see who it was, but my head was smashed onto the floor and held there. All I could see was a dark Palm and a long, thick black dinger as my head was held against the floor. I couldn't move. I didn't want to, really. The fucking increased in speed and intensity, but I was feeling no pain at all. I was floating, delicious waves of warmth enveloping me like a hug, and I started fucking back at the cock entering me. "Yeah, bitch," the man said over and over until he grunted. "I'm cumming in you, bitch," he said. "Awwwwwr," he grunted, as he pushed in hard and started cumming. "Yeah," he whispered, "I'm filling you up, baby. Marking you....fuck, you a good whore. Worth every penny....." he throbbed in me, depositing his load in me until he relaxed. The hand left my head and I felt his breath as he whispered in my ear, "Your pussy got filled up wit my babies," and he withdrew as I laid there, motionless, but my head rolling like I was on a river. I was hornier than ever. I needed fucked, and I knew that I wouldn't be leaving this room anytime soon.
  6. I am sure that a lot of us have imagined what it migt be like to fuck in front of the camera. Who has actually done it, in a professional setting, voluntarily? I wa involuntarily in a string of underground vids in the 1970's when I was far too young to be able to knwo what I was doing, but I don't count those because it was not something that I really wanted to do. But since then, I have wondered what it would feel like to be the center of attention again, with e camera running, with actual consent. Is the industry as cold and unfriendly as they say? Or is it possible to actually have a great ti me while heing filmed?
  7. Does anyone knows if Sage Daniels or Dominik Ryder are entertaining us mortals? Sage has got the hottest shoulders inthe biz, and Dominik's cakes are perfectly baked! What I would give to botom for either of them.....?
  8. I abso.utely love te clone look of the 70's and early 80's - black hair, black eyes, heavy mustache, and dark tan body. I have rarely managed to bag one myself (I live in Kentucky - not a lot of that look around), but whenever I do, I feel like I am starring in a vintage porn film, and cum like crazy. Of all the 70's clones, Pierce Daniels was my all-time favorite fantasy fuck. It also turns me on to know that so many of them were in facted but didn't know how or why, and just kept fucking away with wild abandon. That's not exactly PC of me, but I am not making apologies for my fantasies.
  9. I looooove Pierce Daniels and the whole Clone thing. Anyone like that near Louisville??
  10. I as aboe to upload my fem pics..... Let me know what you think, and when you are gonna pimp me out or film me in action!
  11. Back to Bowling Green earlier this month, and it has been a hot one! Woke up Friday all ready to give and take some anonymous loads, but none of my regular friends were playong, and I didn't feel like the hassle of finding a new FB. So after work, I started thinking about driving south toward a great bookstore in Horse Cave, KY and found myself instead packing my CD gear and heading to Bowling Green. Don't know what it is about that city, but every time I put up a CL ad they come running like nowhere else. My first was a BBC who did my ass last time, and (in his words) "marked another bitch." This weekend, it has beenseven different BbC and almost a dozen other guys of all ages and ranges, but mostly blue collar / farm types. Most of them have just wanted to fuck and go, but I did flip with two of them - one was a hot gut with a smallish cock but a bubble butt that you could stand a beer mug on, and the other was a younger effeminate guy - not typically my type, but he started kissing my neck and shoulder,and I can't help myself after that. Only ree guys wanted to party, so I would load up between takes and wait for the next. got a couple of hidden cam vids and new photos, . . . .And if I ever figure out how to upload from an iPad....
  12. Have a semi-regular that is always up for a good fuck, morning, noon or night. He's fairly short - about 5'8, but his BBC is truly big - and he pounds it deep when he cums, i caught up with him last night after a bad day at work. I really just wanted to get used and pounded, and he was available. So I drove into Old Louisville, found a spot on Fourth Avenue, and went around back to his apartment. He was naked, semi-hard, and opened the door wide, i took my time coming in, letting anyone looking see what was about to happen. No talk was necessary. We went back to his bedroom and he threw a clean sheet across the bed. The place was a wreck as usual - food wrappers everywhere, dust and trash. I'm sure I could find a crack pipe without having to look too hard. I knelt down and sucked him until he was hard. He grabbed the back of my head and shoved his dick all the way down my throat a few times - a nice choking sensation for me. After a bit, I stood up and went face-down on the bed. After some hot rimming, he lubed up and slid in slowly, letting me get used to the length. Once I was, the ride started. We fucked for about 30 minutes, in every position. For the first time, he started kissing - always gets me very hot. With his dick up my hole and his tongue in my mouth (and some smoke in my lungs from the ride over), I was crawling with lust. He turned me over and wrapped his arm around my neck, and squeezed. Yes! I love to be choked while I get fucked. He whispered in my ear, "Are you my bitch?" I couldn't answer - no air. "I said, ARE YOU MY BITCH, BITCH?" I finally choked out, "Yes, daddy, breed your bitch." "You want that poz cum in your hole?" "Yeah, fill it up, shoot in me. Breed me. Do it." "I'm breeding you right now, bitch," he said it over and over as he continued to slam me so hard tha I could not feel him shooting - only could sense the growing wetness as he emptied his balls into me. Eventually, he let go of my neck, kissed me tenderly, and got up. I am still bruised, and it feels awesome.
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  13. Anyone know how to upload froman iPad??
  14. LQQking in Louisville

  15. I definitely go fem when I am dressed. I love it when "straigt" married guys talk about knocking me up, how they are making me their bitch, and then shoot cum in me. I love to feel fem, and when I have a pair of undies and cami, I have a profile that would make a lot of real girls jealous. I still love being a man, but this is a good diversion every now and then, and it is guaranteed to bring the married guys in droves!
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