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Everything posted by barebackfuckhole

  1. Thank you for making yourself clear. I have not nor do I have any desire to argue with you. My intentions have been only to enter into a polite debate. Because we might have a different view of the value of different types of speech I would like to offer myself up as a candidate in opposition. What is the pathway that I myself could run for your position as representative of the administration of this site tasked with enforcing the rules of this site?
  2. You are hiding behide the words “Civil” and “Civil Discourse”. Civil isn’t always good or right. You are from Louisiana ask your grandparents or great-aunts, the “Civil” thing to do in the 40s and 50s was to impose segregation both legally and mentally on black folks. For the sake of civil discourse your relatives and everyone’s had to go along with what was civil responsible behavior. Please don’t hide behind that everyone has to be civil. Let Hate speech flow. Hate does not cease because it is kept in the dark or locked up. We can defend ourselves from hate if WE can SEE it. We cannot defend or even recognize it if people in positions of power like you want to keep us in the dark. Thank you for sentiment about my friend but you are wrong he was not preyed upon by a predator. We all know what a predator is because it preys all the time. What that guy was is a person who’s opposing views had no outlet other than violence. It was society that suppressed him for the sake of civil discourse which then put us in danger because we were not aware that we needed to guard and protect ourselves from him until he self-exploded.
  3. Please people, let @nelly26 be as impolite, aggressive and if he wishes, hateful as he wants to be! Don’t try to shut him up, let him speak. I have a gay friend that was severely beaten and hospitalized by another guy that lived in our neighborhood. Come to find out this guy hated gays and he beat up my friend for no reason other than he hated all gays. When question by the police he was asked why he did it. He said he hated gays for years. When question about there were no signs of this in his life his response was that he hide his hate because he knew if he demonstrated any type of hated or hate speech he would have been ridiculed or worse, so he kept silent. Because of this silence my friend did not know to stay away from him. So the guy beat up my friend. This is why to this day I support and welcome all forms of Hate Speech. I want TO KNOW where folks stand on issues and whom to avoid or keep my distance from . When ErosWired responded to this nelly26 guy that, “your rhetoric is too caustic to engage in civil debate. As a result, I’m just going to react, henceforth, as though you have ceased to exist.” Your response could not be more wrong and so damning to us all. These kinds of reactions can be to our detriment. It just like the Wedding Cake debate. Why the hell do gays want the government to force folks who hate us to make us wedding cakes? I want to know who hates us. I want to support straight businesses that like us and who WANT to make us a nice wedding cake. I sure as heck don't want the government demand some Baker make me a wedding cake who hates me, of which I can only imagine the subpar Ingredients he’d probably use! Although at times I might not like it and it might make me uncomfortable I support Hate Speech or Impolite Speech and welcome ALL speech as Free Speech!
  4. Speaking of real censorship though the following is something you might actually want to censor for the real protection of the members. I have noticed for awhile a pattern of posts from guys that want to talk about “taboo” stuff and give their Wickr address to talk. Especially a pattern with guys that say they are into “Yng”. This word appears to be a codeword or “dog whistle” meaning underage. The pattern I see on many of these posts is that the person leaving the message is a fairly recent member (in the last 90 days or less) and no other activity posts other than trying to get guys to contact them via Wickr to talk about Yng. There are so many of these and such a prevalent pattern that it seems like it could be some type of sting operation by law enforcement or something. On some of the older post you can view that they joined, left one or more Wickr request messages for Yng for a few weeks or month, then no activity and no further visits to the Breeding Zone blog. Are you Moderator aware of this pattern?
  5. Perhaps start with the string under Watersport called, “Do You Get The Buzz?” There a lot of talk about T and coke. It appears more talk about sex via Chem Sex Enhancement. That might be a good one to move.
  6. I might have it wrong but I would be very surprised and humbled if this blog is being run from Louisiana. I guess the Moderator was trying to say that he is from Louisiana and I would guess he now runs this blog from the Northeast. It is not really where a person is from but rather where a person lives that shapes one’s liberal or conservative leanings. (Ted Cruise of Texas is from Canada but no one would say that he espouses to hold liberal Canadian values.) This string was moved to LGBQ Politics section but what we have been talking about is not really politics but rather a liberal vs conservative moral issues particularly as related to Tumblr. Liberalism and conservativism are not political unless you put it in a political arena. Two liberal political voting men can have different views on sexual issues with one being sexual permissive another being sexual conservative. Censorship is not just prohibition but censorship also can mean just suppression. I respect that the Moderator has the right on his blog where to put what where. But with that respect, I feel it could be more democratic and in the spirit of it being “all of ours” blog that message movement would be driven mostly by the membership or some standard protocols be followed. Our conversations about Tumblr frustration was moved to LGBQ Politics section, I then ask should not messages started in the Watersports section that step over the line into Chem tainted piss be moved to Chem Sex section? I would hope that conversations could remain.
  7. The Moderator moved this string to LGBQ Politics Section. SEE it is happening everywhere including here! This string been moved from a popular section to be in a more obscure politics section instead of leaving it were we all started at and originally intended it to be. If we had wanted this string to be in the political section we ourselves would have written there or agreed, if asked, to have it moved. But we as responders thought it was prudent to have this important conversation in the mainstream where we original had it. No member said we should move or stop talking or take it to the Political Section. The Moderator HE made the choice for us! If he thought it was good to move it, and it might very well be a good idea, the least he could have done was to democratically ask us first if it was okay to move the conversation. He did not and made the choice himself. The Moderator did it and in essence censored our speech somewhat by moving the conversation to a less visited section of the blog. Although I do not know the Moderator there is a good chance that he being from the Northeast he is influenced by the very relevant Democrat leanings and ideals we been discussing here. Would that not be ironic to our conversation...and so it goes!
  8. Great reply but I challenge you to think about your statement “Republicans=White Christians=Puritanism =Purge.” The numbers of any White Christian Puritans are really not that large . Let’s look at most Religions in the US: The Catholic Church accepts gays and many even have gay outreach programs. You can be openly gay in the Catholic Church they just don’t want you to have sex and be chastised. A good portion of the Catholic Church is actually run by gays, google “Catholic Gay Mafia” if you don’t believe me. The Lutheran Church is pro gay and even has gay and lesbian ministers and the same with the Methodist Church and the Episcopalian Church Presbyterian some are gay talerant and other secs are not but Presbyterians Generally are “live and let live’ and don’t really outwardly challenge anything in society. The Southern Baptist and the Alliance Baptist are both moderate (as rated by Human Rights Campaign) even though they are against homosexuality. They is a gay population within the church but it is closeted . The exception to Baptist is the American Baptist Churches USA (ABCUSA). They are the radical wing of the Baptist religion. Those of folks that protest at Gay funerals and at events like Mardi Gras in New Orleans or Gay Pride Prides. The thing is though there are only about one million of them. That’s a small percentage of overall population of this country. Not much they can do other than yell loud. Democrats use the radical groups to try to keep us in check. See they say, you have to vote for us or these radical Christians will hurt you. The thing is these type radical Republicans Christians are so few in numbers that there not much they can do or even obtain power easily. (The Democrats use the same scare tactic with the Klan (KKK). “If Republicans get in charge the Klan is going to rule” well, just google the Klan there numbers are 3,000 Klan members nationwide. There is a lot of talk and concern about just 3,000 people). You said White Christians, but I challenge you to talk to our Black friends that attend Black churches. Unfortunately there is a large stigma against everything gay within that community. Like I said before the Republicans are no saints and have their own issues with other problems. I am neither Republican or Democrat but I look at issues and vote accordingly. Currently it seems to be the liberal left that wants to dictate our morals. These companies like Tumblr Facebook and Craigslist are all run by liberal Democrats. These cities that raid ABS, cruising areas, gay sex clubs and close down websites like Rentboy are all run by Democrat governments. They give us “Gay Rights” but set our morals for us and take away every everything that makes our gay culture unique. It is if they are saying, “We will give you “Rights” but you have conform and accept our Straight culture.” That’s not really giving Us a Right to be Us, that is actually just changing Us into a same-sex version of Straight America.
  9. On this particular issue it seems to be the Democrat Liberals that are causing most of the damage. Most of these tech companies like Tumblr are in or connected to Silicon Valley in California. Silicon Valley is 99% Democrat. RentBoy was brought down in a Democrat Liberal NYC. It is the Democrats not the Republicans that are in crazy uproar over a President trash talked with an alpha male saying that “sometimes you just have to grab them by the pussy”. It is the Democrats that feel that it is beyond criminal that a drunk 17yo boy would try to have sex with a drunk girl at a party, then this boy should not be on the Supreme Court. It the Hollywood Liberals that are pushing the Me Too Movement. It is the Me Too Movement that bringing down guys like Matt Lauer because he is trying to have sex with coworkers and keeps dildos in his office drawer . Most large American Cities are governed by Liberal Democrat mayors but yet ABS and bathhouses are being forced to close. The leaders at Facebook and Twitter are all Liberal Democrats but yet they want to limit free speech and kick folks off they don’t like. Now Republicans have their own problems with other issues but these sex issues are not it. It is the Liberal Democrats that are the most upset with everything sexual. The Liberals will respond saying no that’s not true we are for LGBQ and transgender rights. In my opinion they are just saying that stuff so they can get our votes. How can you be truly for us if you take everything we enjoy away from us and try to dictate our morals for us?
  10. Bent over the balcony railing on Bourbon Street at Lafittes Bar in New Orleans. Some tourist even took pics from street below.
  11. Actually for what you want CUM does make THE BEST lube. What you can do is save up your loads from jacking off and freeze them. I find it best to jack off into a shot glass or an empty prescription bottle. Just keep adding your loads to it and keep it in the freezer between rounds. One you have about 8-10 loads in the shotglass or bottle you are good. About 20 mins before you are going to have sex take the glass or prescription bottle out of the freezer and warm up the outside of the container with hot water or a warm cloth (don’t microwave). The frozen cum cube will free itself from the side of the container and slide out into your hand. Put a little bit of regular lube on your ass and then ease the frozen cum cube into your ass. Push it as far in as you can until it pops in past you sphincter. Your warm body will start to melt the cum and you will have a very slick cummy hole. It will taste great and your top will naturally be turn on by the feeling of cum in your ass. If you want, you could ask your partner or a friend to save up and freeze their loads too so you don’t have to do it all by yourself. If you want to see pics of this then google “Devil’s Dick” (it is what this is called).
  12. Do they have a backroom or allow sex at Ramrod Bar?
  13. I am totally politically conservative and vote Republican for a number of reasons but most importantly conservatives are for fewer regulations and less control on daily life. I don't feel that someone needs to be forced to make a wedding cake for gay couple if they don't want to. Heck if I ever get married I want the baker person who makes my cake to truly want to do it for me and hopeful do a good job. I do not want the government to force someone to have to make me a cake and then I have to worry if they spit in it or worse. I am also against legalizing gay marriage too. Gays were in the wrong side of that argument. Why now should only gays and one man and one woman be the only two groups to be allowed to get married? Before 1880s marriage was not a legal undertaking and government was not involved. Let's go back to that and build upon that without government regulation or restrictions.
  14. I feel that if you have to get a party high then you are not a true Cumdump. A true Cumdump Bottom can take any cock and any load without being under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  15. Who is going to New Orleans this year for Southern Decadence 2017? Any good sex parties to attend this year? Any good places besides The Phoenix and Rawhide for public bar sex?
  16. I love getting fucked by a guy with a PA. I love the feel as well as the idea of that warm steel in my ass. The funny thing about the gauge of the PA is the higher the gauge, the smaller it is and the more it hurts or is uncomfortable. For example a 12 gauge is so thin in that it can slice up your ass and make it hurt. Where as a 0 gauge is larger, thicker and doesn't feel like it is slicing you up. I do know that experienced bottoms like me will beg you to fuck them if you have a lower gauge like a 2 or 0 and the inexperience guy will shy away. A couple of years ago during Southern Decadence in New Orleans a group of guys were at one of the bars talking. Come to find out one of them had a 00 pa and all of us wanted to see it. He pulled it out and said "who wants to get fucked?" All the guys kind of backed away from him. I jumped at the chance to have my first 00. I took a wrong hit of poppers and I bent over a table and he fucked me while the other guys stood around and watched. Cum is the best lube for a getting fucked period but especially with a PA. I keep some frozen cum in the freezer that I take out and use as lube when I need it.
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