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Everything posted by Fickloch

  1. Found a playmate who is a fantastic cumfarter, and appreciates a cumfart as much as I do. Love his assbreath.
  2. I've developed a real fondness for the smell of toilets. Over the years I have had my cock sucked in so many different public toilets, I've started to associate the general smell of stale piss and disinfectant with sex. I get a total hard on when I smell piss or urinal cakes. The visual image of a big skiidmark or a diarrhea plastered toilet bowl gives me an instant hard on too. I'm not into scat or anything, but it reminds me of the times I've been bent over with my head in the toilet while getting my ass fucked. Anyone else experience something like this?
  3. I can only speak for myself, but I'm not really into kissing during casual hook ups. I will rarely deny somebody it if they really want to kiss me (only if I really don't like his mouth or something ), but it doesn't really interest me. I guess the reason is because it seems a bit feminine and boring. If I wanted to sit around making out and spooning and cuddling and all that sissy shit, I would be straight. Would you like some flowers after you cum in my mouth too?? I am attracted to men, and men are aggressive and MASCULINE. Kissing is just not part of that picture. Thats just me though. It's no big deal if a guy doesn't want to kiss you is it?
  4. The United Nations health agency said on Wednesday that drug-resistant strains of gonorrhea have spread to countries through out the world. The U.N. said millions of patients may run out of treatment options unless doctors are able to catch and treat the dug-resistant strains. Last year, scientists reported finding a “superbug” strain of gonorrhea in Japan in 2008 that was resistant to antibiotics. Those scientists warned that it could transform gonorrhea into a global threat. The World Health Organization (WHO) said countries including Australia, France, Norway, Sweden and Britain are reporting cases of drug-resistant gonorrhea. “Gonorrhoea is becoming a major public health challenge,” Manjula Lusti-Narasimhan, from the WHO’s department of reproductive health and research, said in a statement. Lusti-Narasimhan said over 106 million people are newly infected with the sexually transmitted disease every year. “The organism is what we term a superbug – it has developed resistance to virtually every class of antibiotics that exists,” she told a briefing in Geneva. “If gonococcal infections become untreatable, the health implications are significant.” Source: redOrbit (http://s.tt/1dw8P)
  5. Hmmmm I don't know lol. He could have thought anything. Like you said, he approached you. I would probably not be "happy" if that happened to me, but oh well.
  6. Love to hear all this. I just got a really nice wad of man-juice farted into my mouth last night. I was rimming this pig when he let a little fart out. I could tell he was trying to hold it in so I just asked to to rip it out while I held my mouth open. Was a beautiful sight / taste / smell.
  7. I don't know about you, but this is something I've learned to love of the years. At first I was kinda "er what"? about it, but now I'm like, well it happens and I love it. I've even talked to my boyfriend about it and he laughed, and now he loves it too! It's not felching exactly, it's cumfarting! I like it. I used to be bi and my girlfriend would queef cream into my panties now and then. Now that I am gay I sort of see how she does it .. :)
  8. Man I wish I went to your college.
  9. Boy! That is fucked up allright. I love it!
  10. i think you should embrace your gay life and tell your girlfriend. she might accept you. whatever you do, don't pass the virus on to her.
  11. I like hearing about peoples hot and nasty sex stores. What was your most perverted adventure that you loved and wish you could do again?
  12. Yeah but myths like blood libel don't really last long, they die a natural death very quickly, nobody these days believes that Jews actually kills Christians. Well, I've certainly never met one.
  13. Yeah I am. Why you say that?
  14. Want my tongue in your ass.

  15. Thinking about your balls today.

  16. Hey sexy. Love your ass.

  17. Well, it's still statistically true in my opinion. A stereotype cannot become a stereotype unless it has some basis in truth. It true that blacks have more testosterone. It only hasn't been proven that we blacks don't have bigger dicks because they haven't collected that much data about it. I think everybody knows it's true, deep down.
  18. Hey mate, you might be right about that graph, it was a quick find. I think it's pretty hard to get reliable data on penis size. http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=366192 You can find read about some aggregated studies there, I just skimmed through it. Not that it really matters.
  19. Not necessarily. 2% of African Americans have a 2 inch penis. And < 2% of African Americans have a dick 10 "+, so statistically its more likely that you have a 2" dick than a mandingo rod.
  20. I think at this stage everybody knows that stereotypes are not always true. I'm half black and I don't care. I reckon youre just pissed cause youre a pin-dicked afro-american.
  21. Sounds hypersensitive to me.
  22. Why can't testosterone and big cocks be considered a good thing?
  23. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3455741
  24. I think its the same reason some women like blacks - they are attracted to violence and they subconsciously associate blacks with crime and brutish behaviour. Blacks do have higher levels of testosterone on average (which is why they have bigger dicks and bigger loads ).
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