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Posts posted by fuckboy20

  1. I think it would be hot in bed. If I got fucked before bed or gave a man a blowjob I fall asleep. I start to moan in my sleep and feel something against me. Next thing I know I feel a hard cock invade my hole and I wake up surprised, scared, horny, and hard and I just take it.

    I think that would be hot as hell. I think why some think that getting gang banged or raped unconscious would be hot is so it's something they can "think" or try to "imagine" what happened. Sometimes the fantasy can be hotter then the reality.

    Getting fucked while sleeping and waking up would be hot though. I don't know so much about being asleep while fucked and god knows what else. I'd rather experience the fun.

  2. Hehe I own tons of leather. Chaps, 2 leather shorts, jacket, 2 pairs of boots, 2 leather vests, leather arm band and gauntlet, and old training collar. Funny thing is none of it I bought. I recently got a new arm band on vacation. It's beautiful and I actually bought it.

    I love leather and leathermen but unfortunately not many leathermen around my area. I have also really been curious lately if a lot of leathermen bb or not? I wonder if more of the old guard men do that as well?

  3. When I used to play safe I always asked for a rubber and checked them to make sure they were wearing one. But last time I went to the bookstore this hot daddy is rimming my ass and fingering me. He starts pushing it in me. It felt so damn good but I squeaked about condoms and he put one on and fucked me.

    Still felt good. But I'm probably not alone on this when it would be hotter to be seduced by a top who wants to fuck you bare and fucks you bare and makes you forgot about condoms. I'll do bare again eventually.

  4. I started running into guys before I first barebacked about losing their erections. I thought it was the clubs and they were just exhausted but I think it was the condoms. Interesting enough a guy tried to fuck me a few weeks ago. His dick was hard and ready but as soon as the condom came on his dick went down.

    I now understand why tops hate condoms. And from the bottoms feel. It is easier to take without the condom. It feels more natural and feels a hell of a lot better. I'm not done with condoms forever but they are a pain. They probably serve their purpose though. At the very least it helps you find or avoid a barebacker. If a guy has trouble with a condom or says that "condoms don't get his dick hard" you pretty much have your answer.

    Hell fucking that guy that one time. Could never really fuck anyone with a condom on. Putting it in their felt so warm, tight, and natural. Now I know how tops feel when they fuck me. I've never really had a condom break on me though. But I don't use the thin ones. Just the normal ones.

  5. I have never found getting a "reason" helpful. Often, I couldn't give somebody a reason he would accept as to why I don't want any further contact. My strategy for getting over a broken heart has always been get down with lots of anonymous sex, try like 20 dudes in 30days. Try to attend a gay event soon to push things along. It never completely works, but its fun trying, I have a lot of laughs, + you may find the "one." You also may need to see a Doctor if you do it right. Oh, get lots of exercise too.

    Is that "+" and "doctor" for what I think it is o_O"

    Sex can be good to get you out a bad mood or depression sometimes but not always. If it's empty sex might that make him just feel more empty afterwards? Sometimes reading a book, watching a show, or hanging out with friends helps. It seriously is lame for a 4-5 month relationship to suddenly drop you without a reason or word. Doesn't matter what the dating scene is like or how "guys" are that is beyond unacceptable. We aren't talking about a one time trick here. I'm really sorry that happened to the OP. Hanging out with friends though and eventually meeting other guys will help though.

    Best of luck to you :)

  6. I know someone who thought about doing it and even talked to people but the costs would have been way too much. We did know a local gay bar near us that was open for two years. Thought about buying it but the cost was just too expensive. Its now a diner -_-

    But I know sometimes when men travel they sometimes think "Oh this would make a great location for "bath house" "sex club" "bar" "strip club" "porn shop" (or insert whatever). I have sort of thought about working at a strip club..I mean sex club. I don't know about owning one. Doing any kind of business would be hard.

  7. Ah another one. I've known a few guys who "fuck" younger, bottoms, twink, skinny, boy type guys. But they will "bottom" for rough, top, butch, masculine, rugged, and dominant men. I think it's hot.

    I have rimmed tops before. I find it strange but 2 tops I rimmed I really had an urge to fuck them. Of course the forbidden they are a top and will never let you fuck them. An old fuck buddy of mine said I could fuck him only if he got to fist me. Never happened. I do find it a bit interesting too that often some tops who are strictly tops and love to fuck guys love their holes rimmed but not so much fingered. But tops have pretty good holes. I don't think I've ever been dissapointed. Of course it was never truly my want or desire but if a type say "BOY!" then I will pretty much do whatever he wants.

    More then likely, I will enjoy everything as well. For the most part I have.

  8. Great story Andymcgreggor Sir. I have to say this is an extremely smart way to advertise erotic gay stories. Give people a free sample and mention your work. I have a scottish friend as well who is just starting to write gay erotic stories..well more like novel stories instead of short. But I hope he does well with it and I hope you do too. So glad I have amazon credits that have been sitting. Nice thing about kindle app is I can read on my phone, tablet, or computer.

    I would love for Andy's pals to all be at the castle and they gang fuck him. I don't know a lot about scottish heritage and culture but it would be great if some of that could be implemented. I would for them to piss up his ass, piss on him, pour beer on him, double fuck him, and maybe after parade him around in public at a local bar :D. My imagination is still growing.

    I love the way he used the Scottish accent in the story. I have never come across a Scottish man who speaks like that but would love to one day. I think the hottest part was Andy taking a swig of his beer and told the boy to suck him. I would marry a man who did that :)

    Keep up the great work SIR!

  9. Haha. It must suck being straight. After all the stuff I always hear on the radio or songs with men bitching about women or not getting laid enough. Heh there was a guy in class once who complained that his women wasn't giving it to him enough.

    Seriously there is so much crap that women dish out that str8 men have to deal with. Yet str8 men want to brag and gloat about their uber masculinity. Babes, sports, beer, cars, and being tough and asshats sometimes. They don't know the true freedom of being a man or of being with men. I also would like to point out the article mentions "she sent it to 3 friends". There is always that one chick where you tell her something and she tells the whole fucking world. Another point. Women cannot be trusted.

    For some reason this story reminds me when I came out to family at home when I was 18 and dated 3 guys in a week. "OMG YOUR BEING A SLUT! THAT'S DANGEROUS! YOU COULD CATCH SOMETHING! WHAT YOU KISSED!?! UR GUNNA GET AIDS CAN'T YOU SLOW IT DOWN!!?!" (Seriously not kidding. I kissed a guy at a hotel and my dad told me I was going to catch AIDS.)

    Then again..I had 4 guys in a week one week and roomates bitched about that. But hell in the 70's and 80's 7 times a day was sometimes normal. I do find it somewhat interesting though how men can spread their legs in markets, parks, restrooms, and for any guy and be considered a slut in a joking matter or it be a praise. But a women does it two or three times and she is a whore.

    Advantages to being not only a man but a gay man make life so awesome. I've known guys who did it in super markets, parks, bathrooms, planes, businesses, and so forth. I'm not that skilled. Yet. This also kinda reminded me of that movie "Mallrats" where that chick did pretty much this. Great article. I need to call up on these "str8" talks one day and say "I'm a cock sucking faggot. I don't have to deal with bitches and put up with the shit that women cause. Kthnxbai" :D

  10. I've only been fucked like that once. It was when I was around 18-19. Was at a bath house and a guy touched me as I was walking down the hallway and rubbed my ass. I immediately when into his room. He put some lube (and condom) on and pushed it in me. I wasn't as experienced then and I told him it hurt and he had me lay flat and had me take it. For some of it he did not even fuck me. He would just push his weight down on me (i'm small framed) and thrust me and listen to me moan and cry and when I told him I think I had enough he just started fucking me harder until he came. He obviously got off on giving painful fucks. I have had a top or two who started fucking me and just did not care that it was hurting. They did not intentionally try to make it hurt though.

    Sadist tops can be fun though :)

    Then again I'll probably be a "masochist" one day.

  11. Love it when a top just takes me. Gets me on my knees has me service his cock then stop and make me wonder why he stopped. Then roughly putting me on the bed, slapping my ass, and shoving his cock up my ass and putting all his weight on me and making me take it and then just fucking me until he comes.

    Nothing hotter then a rough fuck. Love those guys who cruise for ass and look for submissive obedient bottoms to take it too. Those men know how to fuck.

  12. Very interesting. Never been to a gang bang before but I have seen group orgies. Never really been in one. At orgies though if a guy is fucking I sometimes see guys rubbing the tops ass, trying to feel his cock fucking the boy, suck the boy, or try to kiss the top. Really their hands explore so much. I've seen it annoys tops too and sometimes throws them off. I can't blame the tops for that though. Can't neccesarily blame the people either though. Or maybe you can.

    It's fine if some get off on gang bangs and because I've never experienced one it might be stupid to say but they sound kind of selfish. I always see guys on craigslist or bbrt posting about "orgy" or gangbang "tops only" or "versatile" "I want" as many loads "up my ass" or as much cock as "I" can get as possible. Of course every bottom has the fantasy of getting fucked and ganged by multiple guys but to me the idea of an event being set up just the bottom sounds a bit selfish on the bottoms part. Well if its a surprise for the bottom and he had no part in planning it I guess it's different. But then again if I got gangbanged I might be a selfish whore who wants as much cock in me as I can get. Could be because I haven't really awakened my pig nature (lol my pig senses aren't tingling) that I can't understand it. I like the idea of orgies because it can be about multiple parties getting off. Tops and bottoms a like. I have noticed in bath houses often that sometimes bottoms try to put themselves out and attract as many tops as they can to suck, get fucked, and eventually have the tops cum on them or in them and have all the tops focus on them. Maybe in that situation it is selfish which is why I would relate gangbangs to being a tad bit selfish.

    Without really experiencing one my words are probably nothing but naivety from a young inexperienced (possibly or not) bb bottom.

    I am curious as to what bottoms think of gang bangs and having tops focus mostly on them and the pleasure be pretty much all about them taking loads and dick and maybe the tops side as well. I also know that being selfish is not always being a bad thing. Sorry to come off like a holier then though little prick. I'm not really that way I'm just stupid and curious is all. Please forgive me if I come off like an arrogant ass or douche >_>"

  13. Here in Toronto we have a very large Asian population. An earlier poster mentioned the fact that you will occasionally hear racism expressed in the form of "Bath house X has lots of pushy Asians." It is sad, although I am not sure how much it is pure anti-Asian or more antipathy to characteristics that people assert are typical of Asian men in baths. That being said in a city as diverse as this you really are on the losing side if you have some kind of prejudice.

    What does blow my mind is when you see guys who somehow think that whatever their preference is is both completely normal and totally obvious. I mean unless I am wearing a sign that says: "I like to suck and bottom for really big uncut cocks, don't want any reciprocation, prefer to be fucked from behind, am not into kissing, don't care too much about age unless you are at the senile or underage end of the spectrum, and your body type is not an issue unless you are so fat it gets in the way of fucking and sucking" I don't really expect anyone to have figured me out. So if some guy slaps my hand away violently or shoots me a dirty look because it turns out he is only into bears, it does take me aback. A simple "no thanks" or a gentle nudge is sufficient.

    What people like is very personal. I am by my own standards, reasonably in shape and reasonably attractive. But I am only going to appeal to a certain proportion of the population. If I have any racial preference it is a slight one for black guys. But I seem to get a fair amount of attention from Asian guys over 25 and white guys over 45. I don't know what it is, but that is the way it seems.

    I lost my cherry to a younger Asian guy who in no way was a stereotype. He just matter of factly explained to me while I was sucking his cock that he was going to fuck me, and then did it.

    Hmm..very interesting. Asian here..and hispanic. Nice being both. Someone say they like asians I fit the bill. Someone don't like asians but like hispanics..well me and my dick fit that bill :P

    When I first started going to sex clubs I noticed something about one of the sex clubs. I was of course nervous at first but I enjoyed most of them. But there was one in particular that I always seemed to be ostracized in. I eventually learned why. Well I don't know for sure but one sex club generally has beautiful, attractive, and big cocked men that are generally white. The bottoms flood that place too. Throw an asian guy in there well he doesn't have a big dick so no one wants him..

    ..Except I'm not just asian. Bastards. The other places have much more of a mix of everything. Blacks, whites, hispanics, asians, and so forth. I'm wondering if you get a group of a "certain" type of guys together if they will just be all cliquish and reject everyone who isn't like them? I'm starting to think so. I have not really been to many bear events but then again that's of a whole other nature. I do have to agree about the sex club or bath house ettiquite too. I have had guys grab me and I have politely said, "no thank you" or "shaked my head". That is generally the polite way to turn someone down. Some are just assholes though and ignore the person or often lead them on. I've had very few guys be so pushy even after I politely turned them down that I had to flat out say "leave me the fuck alone" and then they get all offended :/

    I might be a bottom but I choose who i have sex with. Dark rooms are different though. I do feel often different in bars though especially leather bars. I noticed it an event once there was a hot ginger cub boy with a great body and had a few freckles. The men were all over him even before his shirt was off. Even shirtless I'm just a "meh". I won't get too much into race here..because I don't really have anything to get into. Could be the region, town, people, could be tons of factors. But at the same time while I am submissive and might be a bit of a masochist one day part of that is the surroundings and people who raised me. It's my nature and I'm stuck with it. There are some very dominant asian men out there who you would not want to fuck with and who might be hardcore sadists.

    I am proud to be asian though. There is some kind of myth that all asians are bottoms. While I probably certainly add to that stereotype I'm no housewife..though for some reason I have met some white men who are offended when I bow..really now? I do it to show honor and respect for a person or as a thank you or gesture. It's like the same reason I say "Sir" and "Ma'am". I actually had someone offended when I called them Sir and even a women on the phone "tech support" got offended and pissed off. Besides...I am in the south. If that means anything anymore. But

    This is not the first I have heard of somewhat discrimination or not liking asians. Hell there was even a gay documentary on it I saw on a gay forum in the past. Damn cute asian boy does phone sex and the guy sounds like a creep and rapist but as soon as the boy says he is asian the guy hangs up. Turned down by a rapist/creep ouch.. And the thread had different experiences of asian men being turned down by men because of their race.

    I have had men desire to feminize me before because of my smooth skin. I don't use lotion..the cum I get by jacking off multiple times a day gives me smooth silky skin..*totally forgot how to do that cross out html trick..damn*. But some guys have called me feminine because of my small hands, my skin, my boyish looks and youthful face. I HAVE A BIG DICK GOD DAMMIT!! And besides that (have just started taking pride in my dick recently) I have hairy legs, some nice calves, a furry ass and crack, nice bush around my cock, a treasure trail, hairy pits and facial hair which I shave. I'm not that asian guy who looks like he should be a woman. When a man fucks me they are fucking a man..well more of a boy but not a feminine girl. Those who want to pass over asians, blacks, hispanics, or other races that aren't white are missing out. Mutts like me have such interesting genes that there are many advantages and things to offer. And my dick is far bigger then some domly tops or pushy bottoms out there. :D

    I'm not pushy either at sex places. If I see a guy I like I try to read them (and not get to nervous) and just act cool. Most don't like being touched or grabbed so I don't. But at the same time I know if a guy does not look me in the eye for a second he has no interest. Unless he keeps checking me out through the corner of his eye. If a guy rejects me you can bet that I will never bother them again and leave them the fuck alone. I get it I hate rejection but it's life. I move on. But often at sex clubs some guys try to play you and drop hints they are interested and then when you make a move they get offended or act batshit crazy. Not too many though.

    The one thing that does bother me though sometimes is being a fetish. I kind of wonder if bears, hispanic, latin, and blacks ever feel the same. It's hot to be desirable because of your ethnicity but not if that's the only reason. Not if you are just a sex toy to someone mainly because of race and nothing more. But than again I get the feeling some people on here like that. Not the race prejudice but being used for their ass, mouth, and looks and okay with that. Which is not a bad thing just not for everyone.

    Interestingly enough there are men out there who don't necessarily focus only on cock, ass, or race but measure a man's worth and desirability by the way he carries himself, his attitude, and eagerness, patience, or other attributes. The whole daddy boy thing can in some ways be a bad set up for a relationship too. I've talked to men before who love younger guys or boys and plan on dumping them once they get too old. And some younger guys are the same way. But people are also different and stupid. And so am I.

    I can understand that I might not turn all guys on either. I'm not real muscular, beefy, or truly hairy like a cub or bear. But I have my own *assets* ;) and so much more as well. There are some guys who I am just not into either. But race isn't a factor. It's more about the guy. I probably fall under the stereotype of asian liking older white men though. I just always have but I like other men too. I'm still young though so there are many many mens to meat out there :)

  14. Hot story. Reminds me of a hot older white couple. One of them kept commenting on my ass and how he wanted to fuck me bad. I was nervous because the partner had a bigger dick but after he fucked me I was able to take both of them. I loved how one of them humped my ass and came and the other fucked me hard and came.

    Nothing like pleasing a big dicked top couple. Great story :)

  15. Hehe now I'm in bed jacking off and while taking breaks from cumming I can comment on hot stories.

    I love this one. I love the way the top was controlling and knew how to take what he wanted but wanted the bottom to beg for it. Love how he humilated the bottom and made him keep the load in him and recorded him as well. I had a dom top go drill instructor on me for a brief second once and my dick went rock hard. He even says he got pretty turned on.

    If I was in the military I would probably be a defient little fucker too piss of the drill sargents even though I'm submissive by nature. Some of those guys probably get power trippy from breaking boys or thinking they broke them :P

    Great story 5 loads up!

  16. Yes, I remember average size being statistically between 5 and 6 inches. I remember as I am just under 6, quite thick, and my bottoms are perfectly satisfied with it going by the repeat visit requests. In fact the most gasps come are when I just go in and out with the first two inches popping and pulling their ring each time, and the first 5 inches and brush across their prostate gland. And of course there is less problem about cleaning out for the bottom too as I don't get round the corner...

    I forgot about that great point Sir. A Sir who told me about training days as a bottom told me once of a guy whos cock was so big and thick that no matter how much you cleaned out yourself it got messy >_>". It's always good for a bottom to clean themselves out but with a bigger dicked man it sometimes takes more time and effort and that always doesn't guarantee that if they are able to reach areas that are usually not reached.

    You look like you have a fine cock Sir and I am glad that you are yet another example of men who know how to use their cock well and how to make a bottom moan and groan. Kudos to you Sir and great pictures as well! :)

  17. It's not just you. I agree totally.

    What the OP regards as tiny... I've found those that have that size to be the best fucks. 'Course, I'm a smaller framed man, so maybe that's why. But I don't think either side of the argument can make a blanket statement that all should be big or all should be small. As fuckboy20 said, Variety is indeed the spice of life.

    I don't remember what the ACTUAL universal size is for small and large but it irritates me that guys don't believe there is a medium. I remember back in high school how someone had one of those "peter" tests. They were humorous as hell but I don't know if they still don't make them. Men should be comfortable with their size and with what pleasure they can provide to someone and what pleasure they can receive. I'm pretty sure though that at least with one of those measurement tests that 5 and 6 is not small and is average. And that really i think 9 and up is supposed to be large. But it all depends on who makes those tests so it can be rather biased. I think it's different for uncut too I think they can cheat and count the foreskin >: )

    I'm smaller size framed as well and I'm glad you agree. There is so much more to a man then his cock that can be shown, displayed, and felt even during a quick hook up. And those are the men that are more likely to get a number and get a call back :D

  18. I find it curious that I have talked to or seen guys who proclaim that they bareback with men all the time and "always" make sure the top is neg and "claim" they are neg. I don't know if it's false believes or wishful thinking and untrue or if they really are truly neg. Anyone can "claim" anything but proving it is much harder. I wonder how possible it is too and I often wonder if those who say they like as many loads as they can and like it bare..if they are the ones who eventually become bug chasers or not. I do believe that there might be a 1% chance that someone can really take lots of loads and remain neg but with that much potential exposure to the disease it sounds inevitible. I wish times were like the 70's where you could fuck someone just walking outside your house, on the way to work, and 7 times a way. I would bend over for just about anyone and take any load if that's what it really was like, risk free. But it's not.

    Still. Maybe you can't blame a bottom for wanting to take multiple loads and wanting to remain neg. I do. But I know it's probably not possible.

  19. I have mixed feelings about my cock. Being a bottom I am fortunate to have interesting genes which despite being asian gave me a rather large and thick cock. I have had tops fuck me and because of my cock they could not resist sucking me or playing with my cock. And I have had tops ignore my cock but at least compliment the size. There are actually some tops out there who prefer a bottom be big dicked. The reasoning behind that could be several. Could be because they might hope to get fucked by it or want to suck it or even play with it or torture it. Some like to fuck men and the hard cock reminds them they are fucking a man.

    At the same time some tops want a small dicked bottom. Some of the reasoning could be for humiliation and degrading. Some of these tops might like to fuck women too. There are all different kinds of tops some who love to humilate a bottom, some sadists, and some who want to give a bottom pleasure as much as they want to take pleasure. So I've had mixed experiences because of my cock. Some tops however I have found detest me being uncut. I don't know what the cause is but some hate the fact that I am uncut and probably want me cut (like hell I will). I always shower and clean the cock head so cock cheese is never a problem with me. But the uncut thing makes it even more confusing because some tops especially want to suck me because I am uncut. I have had some tops who love to fuck ass and love ass be distracted by my cock and focus on that more because of the size and it's uncut.

    I won't say that tops who acknowledge a bottoms large cock are in any way more of a bottom or have bottom tendencies. I think personally I prefer a top who compliments my dick and acknowledges it and even though it irritates me, use my cock as a handle to lead me around or flip me over, or torture my cock instead of trying to service it. In other words, they are using something extra a bottom has for their pleasure, amusement, or sadism.

    I do find though that some tops who believe a boy's ass and mouth are used for pleasure and that be the main focus to be very hot. When I am with a top I would rather focus on their cock and pleasing their cock with my ass then the focus be on my dick. But at least if I become versatile or a top one day I know that I will also be able to please in other ways. Nice having options :)

  20. HUH?? You just let some random guy on Craigslist BB you with not much other than 'are you neg', even though you didnt plan to? yet back home you want 'someone who you can trust and wont let total strangers do it'?

    I understand how illogical and stupid it sounds. If it makes you feel better this is coming from a 22 year old who always tries to justify actions and do what feels right based on facts, experience, or predetermined feelings which aren't always logical or right. Let's just say my feelings about BB are anything but in stone right now and I want to be bbed so bad like a lot of bottoms out there and I think eventually some go all the way and start letting just about anyone they like or want BB them or go farther down the rabbit hole and start chasing tops who are poz because they believe eventually they will become poz and want to get it over with or want to do it so they can have what they believe is total freedom so they can fuck or get fucked by anyone without having to worry about poz because they became poz.

    I'm more in BB limbo right now. I've done it definitely more then once but not enough to be considered a bb slut or a regular. I'm trying to decide right now if I should take the fucking plunge and start hooking up with guys to breed my ass but afraid what lies beyond that path and where it will take me. At the same time just waiting and not deciding anything isn't making things better and might make me more anxious and more impatient to where I do something stupid.

    It does not make a whole lot sense to meet someone off of craigslist and say "Hey lets fuck safe on the beach" and he ends up bbing me even though I asked him if he neg and then to really throw in the wild card letting some random man on the beach fuck me too but cum in the bushes. Nothing about that is safe or really logical but I am trying to justify it. If either was poz I already put myself at risk just like anyone does anytime they bb. The difference between me and them is they either don't care about diseases and their status and fuck bare or get fucked bare regardless. But they at least decided that and OWN IT. I'm being naive, young, and stupid by trying to justify "..Oh well he said he was neg and the other said he was neg and we fucked a few times after and it was trustful so now I want someone to fuck me bare who I can trust closer to me."

    This whole damn post is stupid and if I would just admit that "I fucked bb with two guys who said they were neg but I have no idea of their status and want to BB with men closer to me at home" then it would not sound as stupid because at least I am admitting that I understand the facts instead of trying to cover it up and make it sound better then it is.

    So basically I have had a few BB experiences and I can either stop right now and wait a while to get tested to make sure that I am still neg and after I found out I am still neg or not continue with bbing like others on this site and accept that as my decision and accept the risks.

    Or I can be stupid and just go around bbing men and claim to be neg forever really never aware of my status and always claim to be neg until one day it will probably hit me and I'll be one of those stupid and irresponsible men who claim to be neg but really don't care about their status or unaware. And there are too many guys like that out there.

    I won't do the latter. But whatever I do I need to decide it for myself and own that decision and take the responsibility in whatever the decision I make like a man should and be honest to people I play with that either I am neg or don't know or care.

    It could be also that I am really not ready to bb right now and accept all that comes with it. What I need to do right now because I'm so young is just stop and get tested and in the mean time learn more about bbing by talking to others, reading posts on this forum and responding, and based on I read, learn, and talk to after I find out my status after waiting then decide what I should do and at least be a responsible barebacker or not bareback. But one thing is certain. I really don't think I can go back to condoms. After feeling raw daddy dick in my hole. It's how it should be. But my question is should that natural and bare feeling and having a man breed you? Is that a feeling and experience that should be done with any daddy or Sir or a daddy or Sir who OWNS your ass and owns you as a submissive or boy. Even if that is more of a traditionalist thinking.

    Thank you for calling me out on this. As much as I hate being called out on my shit it allows me to rethink things or think carefully about what I say or do and makes me make more logical or thought out decisions and hopefully will make me a responsible and sexy man :D.

    ..Thank you SIR!

    And I am glad that lots of men have had sex on the beach. It is hot. Next place I want to have sex on is in a plane, on a train, or on a crane? JK.

    I wanna get fucked in the woods...but I'd rather get fucked at a truck stop even though it's sexy. I'm just destined for trouble. But I will try to make it somewhat controlled trouble >_>"

  21. I think the real thing here is there are many people out there who believe that if you are under 8 inches you are small. Size queens if you are to the extreme. And they laugh or scoff at anything smaller that they believe can please them. It's sort of similar to those who are into muscular gods vs beefy bears or smooth vs. hair. It's all about one persons opinion and them projecting those opinions onto others and trying to make themselves and others believe its fact and law.

    I like what one person said about, "Some tops who have big dicks believe they don't have to work at it because they are so big". I can agree on that. I have only fucked a few times despite being a bottom but guys always say I have a big dick. So I got an ego once or twice and fucked a guy because I have a big dick and I can. They seemed to enjoy it but when I think of all the times I've been fucked and how natural and how good it feels to be fucked I feel confused and unsure how to fuck. If I should do it hard and fast or if I should do it slow. But mostly I just think about my dick and how the cunt is making my cock feel good and don't care about anything else.

    I have had tops fuck me hard and fast or nice and slow. I have not really been fucked that often by guys who are 8 inches and up. In my personal opinion I consider 7 and up to be somewhat large and anywhere from 4-6 to be average and damn fine and fun. That being said in my slut and insecure days I don't know why but I did get fucked by someone with a 2 incher and it was somewhat embarrassing that I was even in that situation but the man did get hard but came really fast.

    I find that bears especially who are around 4-6 or 6 1/2 inches to be hot fuckers. I love the attitude that some bears have of an almost animal instinct. The way they fuck is incredible and hard to describe. It's like they own your ass once inside you and they constantly use your ass and hold it to thrust their dick inside you but the fucking motion just feels so natural and not put on or about themselves. Some want to pleasure you as much as they want pleasure. And one thing I love is when they use their gut to fuck. To have that gut fuck feeling is incredible. It might be true that there are some spots that can't be reached without a longer cock but a thick feeling is a fulfilling feeling.

    I do agree with some who say that at times a more "average" cock can feel like a spear verses a longer cock which can at times be easier to take. I do love the way that leather men and Sirs fuck as well. Part of that is more of the control they have over me and everything that leads up to the fuck and the slurs and verbal abuse I take as well.

    Maybe it's just me but I find a man's attitude, demeanor, and style of fucking hotter then the cock. I did get fucked by a very muscular good looking guy once and it was just not that great. He was way more focused on his own body and did not have the skill of fucking that other men I have been with. Overall though. Cock is good. Cock is good. Cock is good *secret subliminal message activated!*

    Variety is the spice of life :D

  22. What do you crave most? Cock or loads deep in you

    Always crave cock. Can't think of a time where I don't want to be on my knees sucking cock. But more then anything I always crave being bent over, on all fours, on my back, stomach, or any position to receive a man's cock up my ass. I used to love swallowing loads but now that I have had a little experience of having a load in me. No better feeling then getting bred.

    Do you ever feel satisfied or are the cravings insatiable?[/Quote]

    Only one time I ever felt satisfied. That man's cock was so big and thick that he took my hole and afterwards it actually took a little bit for my hole to recover. If he wanted to take me again and there even immediately afterwards I would have bent over for him instantly. But every other time. If I am at a sex club, bath house, or book store after every fuck or every cock I suck I always want more. I always played with condoms there though but I still wanted more. After every hook up I always wanted to be fucked again and feel more. I wonder if I will find a top one day who is insatiable to fuck my ass as I am to get fucked by his cock.

    How many loads does it take to turn you into an “any cock, any hole, any load” guy?[/Quote]

    For swallowing? It takes 2 loads if that for me to want to take as many loads as I can down my throat and suck on multiple cocks. At a maze once two guys were using my mouth for their pleasure and I started sucking them back and forth but then started sucking both of their cocks together. As for "any load, any hole" type guy. I have not reached that point yet. I am a bit afraid to though. So far after being bred I feel a deep need and instinct to have more cock in my ass and to be bred multiple times. But that has not happened yet and hopefully doesn't. But it always makes nice JO material :)

    How old were you when you first realized it was about your hole/pussy/cunt and not your cock? Was it innate and there from the beginning or did you learn it over time?[/Quote]

    I think it has always been there and probably dormant. I did not fully understand it until I met that Sir with the giant cock. In no ways did he demean me or feminize me. But the control and power he showed...all my training as a submissive and my natural submissive nature responded and very few words or commands were needed. He only had to look at me or change the expression of his face or eyes for me to know what he desired and needed. He took what he wanted and needed as well. He never once told me not to touch my dick but I felt no desire or need to because I knew it was about Sir's cock and Sir's needs and wants. If Sir had asked me to jack off or play with my cock or motioned it I would have done so. But I focused on his cock and pleasing him. I have always jacked off alone anyways and don't come when the top is fucking me unless he requests it or commands it. It's never been a hard thing for me to do.

    ...However I am starting to have mixed feelings about it. My dick is somewhat large and even though I love being a submissive bottom boy I can't help but sometimes feel dominant streaks or moments at times. But it usually ends up a beefy or hot masculine submissive coming out of nowhere and servicing me or recently offering me his hole. Regardless of a submissive nature or being a bottom as a man (I am at least that) and human it's hard to ignore someone who worships and pays so much attention to your dick or a hot hole. I might be somewhat DOM one day. But it does not come natural right now and I would rather focus on servicing men and exploring my submissive nature.

    The hottest opening line I ever heard was, “I don’t care about my cock.” Do you even think about cumming? Do you have a need to?[/Quote]

    The hottest opening lines I have heard has been. "Nice ass boy", "On your knees boy", "Suck my cock boy", "Bend over boy", or "I'm going to fuck you boy". Different strokes I guess. Speaking of stroke just thinking of those lines and phrases made me rock hard and have to jerk off again. And not that I like being called "boy" or anything.

    To actually answer the question. My dick used to go soft when getting fucked. Lately its stayed hard. The reason is my inhibitions (..I guess bbing does that) have been lowered and getting fucked raw and hard fulfills me in more ways then one and opens up parts of my mind, body, and feelings that are so new to me that I feel more complete and hard. All I can focus on when getting fucked is either trying to relax, open up more, or give the top more pleasure by squeezing my ass on his cock or meeting his thrusts back and forth. Or if he is that kind of top taking everything he gives me and just moaning, groaning, crying, and responding to his masculinity, his power, his strength, dominance, and control like a boy should. I don't do the fish thing. So cumming really isn't something I think about when getting fucked unless he requests or demands it.

    When you are home alone, do you play with your hole or your dick?[/Quote]

    Lawl. Always play with my dick. When in my bed naked and alone I always jack off. I sometimes watch porn of guys being fucked, read stories about guys being fucked online, watch cam of guys fucking guys or guys being fucked, do phone sex about me getting fucked, or visualize mentally of me getting fucked in every which way and every place with different guys, same guy, or multiple guys. Oh yeah I like getting fucked.

    Strangely enough I don't play with my hole. When I first had my submissive training way back when (3 years ago) I was required to use toys and kept a butt plug. Master trained me to relax my hole without poppers and would often ride me when he felt like it and take it regardless of if I was ready for it or not. Those were the days. He did me in the shower once too when I was cleaning my hole he grabbed my hands and said it was his hole and he would take care of it. He did that by fucking me and showing his dominance and power over me. I never felt right playing with toys such as dildos by myself. I always enjoyed it more when a man would play with my ass or prepare my ass and if he used dildos that was fine. I sort of have a desire to play with dildos but I would just rather have a Dominant top use my ass and play with my ass not me. The only time I really touch my ass is in the shower or when cleaning it. I always use fingers to make sure it's clean and sometimes I finger myself for pleasure in the shower after cleaning it. But never to come or to really stimulate it. Really just to say, "damn I have a hot hole". Sexy wink ;)

    Are you afraid of how deep your cravings are and the levels you will submit to in an effort to satisfy them?[/Quote]

    I am terrified of my cravings. I have fantasied so much from being 14-22 (22 right now) read so many erotic fictions, watched so much porn, and read so many stories that I have a very vivid imagination when it comes to sex and have envisioned and played out a lot of scenarios in my head for jack off material. I have seen true pigs submit too where they would take just about anything up their ass whether it was safe, consensual, or even logical. They would probably take a wrecking ball up their ass if they could. Part of the fear is about how much of a pig I would become, how much of a slut, how uninhibited, and how much of a bottom I would become if a certain situation ever happened. It could be taken advantage of to the point where I could be raped, gang banged, used, hurt, sold, and thrown away and my dick would probably still be hard. But that is just one situation.

    The more desirable one would be a Master who understands the nature of a submissive bottom and who's own desires and needs as a top would push my limits, challenge me, and would fully dominant, control, and own my ass. Use my ass or mouth as a urinal, bend me over anytime he wanted to, have me on my knees anytime, flog me, spank me, fuck me, control me, and maybe if he had a trusted friend or two even share me or take me out and let men have a go at my ass. That situation would be tricky though because it would either be servicing men he wanted me to, that I wanted to, or both. But pretty much in me exists submission probably so deep, natural, and instinctual that I would do just about anything for a Dom TOP SIR. The only question is will I do it for someone worthy and who can satisfy me? Or just any old random trick or group of men? That's also part of the fear. The other side of the fear is "how far" would I go? I'm starting to wonder if I have a bit of a masochist side to me as well. Someday, I want to explore much about myself and free my inhibitions completely but in a safe and appropriate setting. I have to take my time and not rush though.

    Do you tell your friends about your cumdump desires or are those separate and secret?[/Quote]

    Secret. First off I don't really have any BB friends or people that I know who get into BBING. I don't have a lot of gay friends right now either. At this point I might fall into that small minority that I saw mentioned earlier. That's why I am trying to take things slow. I pretty much keep my cum dump fantasies to myself. After having a load in me a few days ago though..well multiple from the same guy. Good thing I did not stay longer. I might have actually begged for other men or friends to use me as a cum dump and breed me and gang bang me. It's just a secret though. And used as JO material. Only I know >.>. But to be honest. I think pretty much every top knows that boys do fantasize about being a cum dump, gangbanged, raped (or some sort of consensual forced fuck at least), and being used. Even those tops who use protection probably know bottoms often fantasize about that even if they never act on it.

    Just how tops might fantasize of raping boys, breeding multiple boys, having multiple boys service them, or keeping boys in captivity. Just because it's a fantasy doesn't mean it ever will come true, should come true, or is a bad thing. But I don't really understand the mind, heart, and thought process of a top right now.

    What would you choose…sucking a hot guy’s huge dick or taking a taking a heavy-set Daddy’s load up your ass?[/Quote]

    You had me at daddy load up my ass. Or multiple daddies fucking loads up my ass. Or even daddies double fucking my ass. Or even having one daddy cock up my ass fucking and breeding me and another daddy fucking my face and me swallowing his load. The answer is not choice a, b, c, or d but all of the above. Trick question..and probably somewhat a greedy, horny, pig as well. But fantasy right now :{

    Anonymous sesssions or do you prefer to see who is fucking you?[/Quote]

    When it comes to condoms anonymous can be very hot. Have not done it much but it's pretty hot sucking an unknown cock or getting fucked by an unknown cock. But risky with stealthing. Generally I always would rather see the face of the man fucking me at least once. Then he can bend me over and take me how he pleases. One night stands or nsa can be very hot too. Just a man feeling my ass or cock and having me on my knees sucking him. He suddenly stops fucking my face and I get confused and question if I did a good job or not until he lifts me up and bends me over on the bed or stand and fucks my ass. After he uses my ass he slaps my ass and thanks me and leaves. That sort of anonymous can be hot as well.

    Is there anything mor important to you than taking loads?[/Quote]

    Heh I'll say it. Not ashamed. Fortunately I was mentored and taken in by very caring and strong gay men and did not learn too much on the sex side but learned so much more of everything else. Although the lack of sex and things I never got to tried is partly why I am so anxious and impatient at getting to experience more things lately.

    Love. Can have all the fuck buddies in the world, all the friends, all the sex, all the cum, all the cock, ass, dick, and lust. But it will eventually get old and repetitious and lose it's meaning. When it's someone who owns you or loves you sliding his dick in and out of your hole breeding you it becomes more meaningful. It's your partner, Sir, boy, or boyfriend who you are fucking or getting fucked by. It's the one who you wake up and see every morning and see before you go to bed. The one who you go home to and spend evenings with and who support and who supports you. It's just a powerful feeling to have someone who cares about you that much and it's powerful to care about someone that much as well. Even if you have an open relationship you might chase dick or ass but you still come home to his ass or cock. Or if you both go out and play you still go home together. And it's not all about just the ass and cock when it comes to relationships and love. It's the time spent together with each other, the things you do together and the common interests you have or different interests you have. It's also the daily challenge of what you can do for the other and what they can do for you.

    And those feelings whether they are romantic, kinky, vanilla, passionate, or lust mixed with sex make every other trick or fuck buddy just that. That's why I strongly believed in safe and condoms at first because the first time I was taken bare it's something I will never forget. It was the man who owned me and who I knew and trusted who owned my ass and me. If I just started out as a bbing slut it would not have meant as much that he fucked me bare because guys before would have. After you lose your virginity and get fucked BB all the time what is left to give to a Dom Sir or top after you already gave it all to other random men? Experience is one thing that is gained though which is a good thing. But maybe that's too much of a traditionalist sense.

    But yes there is much more that is important to me then just loads and cock and that means more. But now that I have experienced a load in my ass from someone random. It's really really addicting and it's hard to have the self control to not go out and have random men breed my ass or get gangbanged and fucked every chance I get. Besides I'm 22. But that's partly why I really need to have some self control and patience so I don't end up screwing up or getting in a bad situation or catching something.

    Thank you NYCKINKDAD. I really love thought provoking questions that challenge you and your ideals and have you think about your reasonings and actions and question your desires, dreams, and goals. Whether they are short term or long term. I also love the way the HTML works on this site. It's been a really long time where classes I took on HTML a long time ago actually start to get remembered and used. It's not just the simple button clicks like some sites are. But a little knowledge of HTML helps especially for responding to a large message like this. But I really need to relearn a lot of it. I'm glad I was able to post such a long post and response too even though no one will care :)

    Thank you SIR!

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