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RotzBBengel last won the day on July 30 2018

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About RotzBBengel

  • Birthday 08/29/1995

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    Neg, Recently Tested
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    Dominant tops, 40-65 y.o. , hairy, bearded, won't mind a fat uncut cock either :P
    Wanna get tied up & blindfolded. Like to lick hairy assholes and sweaty armpits and to have men pissing over my body & face. Never been fucked by a group, but really curious about that...

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  1. I wasn't too keen on driving my mom to her weekly appointment at Raoul's Beauty Parlor. I'd just gotten my license last week and didn't feel comfortable driving another person's car. Usually, this would have been my big brother's task. But he had broken his right leg during yesterday's soccer practice and so I had to cover for him. 

    "Okay, have fun, mom! I'll be waiting for you in the car", I said and turned to leave the parlor. I've always felt awkward in places like these. I was deeply inside the closet and being around people openly flaunting their sexuality was gnawing at my nerves. I couldn't wait to get out of there.

    That's  when Raoul, the owner of the salon, blocked my way. "What a handsome young gentleman. Is that your younger son, Linda?" he asked my mother. "Beautiful complexion for a boy his age, too. But I think he could do with one of my famous facials. What do you think, boy? Want Raoul to give you a facial?" He must have felt my apprehension. "Don't worry, boy. It's for free. Just let Raoul work his magic on you. All you have to do is follow me", the effeminate guy purred. 

    "N-no...I...I really...I have to go now!" I stood there petrified. Was I the only one who knew what this sleazy faggot was talking about?!?

    "Oh, come on, honey", my mom teased me, "I promise it won't hurt."

    "But Moooom", I whined, "this is girls' stuff. Boys don't get facials!"

    "Don't be such a sissy", she urged me, "Your older brother gets one every time he drives me here!"

    Teamed up against me as they were, I didn't stand a chance.

    Raoul led the way and when I followed him into the adjoining room, staring at his wiggling behind, I wondered what I had gotten myself into. I'd never done anything with another boy before and being alone with the flamboyant beautician freaked me out to say the least.

    When I locked the door behind me and turned around to face him, Raoul had already unzipped his pants and hauled out his fat, beautiful latino cock. My mouth started watering. Maybe this facial wasn't going to be bad at all...


    My mom was right, by the way. It didn't hurt at all. Actually, I liked it very much...

    I think, from now on I'll drive my mom there every week. If my big bro is willing to share, that is...;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mjkuhl


      mmmm, Raul had a different name where I grew up.

    3. Willing
    4. NLbear


      Sounds like Big Bro has been having all the fun so far. When he's driving Mom he can give Little Bro a facial when he gets home ;)

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