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Posts posted by viking8x6

  1. On 4/16/2023 at 5:12 AM, AirmaxAndy said:

    The second point I wanted to highlight is how the scene and feitsh stores play into this culture - again with images and advertising, but also with exclusion by only offering their products in small sizes and skinny cuts. And they're a bit like SuperDRY in the UK - an XXL there is like an L everywhere else. If you ask for larger sizes in these stores you get reactions from the staff like:

    "The only thing we have in the store that will fit you is some socks. Maybe." (Gear Berlin)

    "We have a made to measure tailoring service..." (Blackstyle)

    "Perhaps you should spend your money on a gym membership first" (One of the leather shops)  

    "The bakery is next door"  (Frontstyle)



    On 4/16/2023 at 6:15 AM, AirmaxAndy said:

    This is pretty mild. In a wider context I've been on the receiving end of many comments like this on the scene over the years. 

    I remember the guy on the reception to the Sauna in Waterloo told me "You'd be better off staying home with a packet of crisps. You won't get any fun in here."

    The barman at Slut Club in Hamburg who took me in hand to the dark room only to ask "What is is like to not be able to see your dick except in a mirror?"

    These get put down at the time as bitchy barbs, you try to ignore them and move on, but they they're not that harmless because they stay with you.  

    I am gobsmacked (and I'm American) by the appalling degree of rudeness these people put on display. And your last line definitely speaks truth.

    I've got pretty much ordinary love handles for someone my age (over 50), but am not in the bear category (more like wolf). However, I am very fond of the guys who are in the bear category - the model in the ad you posted is case in point: my reaction is "YUM!" So I find it tragic that my favorite playmates are being driven away from the venues I frequent...

    On my darker days, I'm thoroughly convinced that western civilization has outlived its usefulness.

    • Like 1
  2. I always wanted  to have bare sex (my first time was bare, back in '85). I just knew with my brain that it was risky. So I was judicious - and mostly didn't, until around '98. At that point I gradually got more comfortable with the risk and did play bare some of the time, until PrEP came along in around 2012 and changed the landscape.

    Ironically, my ex (dated from about '00 to '03, long distance, non-monogamous), whom I lured over to the raw sex camp, wound up seroconverting sometime around when we broke up or a little after that, while I was still negative. I'm guessing he might have been at greater risk, because he had poor dental health and hemorrhoids. HAART kept him a healthy poz man, though - he died of a heart attack.

  3. 6 hours ago, JimInWisc said:
    9 hours ago, Vancrawman said:

    Forgive the dumb question, but how is this even enforceable? How does a State know which sites its residents are going to? 

    Essentially by IP Address.  

    ...which is why using a VPN will get around the blocks. The VPN host is connecting to the network, so the sites you connect to see its IP address rather than yours.

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  4. On 3/10/2023 at 10:13 AM, rawTOP said:

    I've said this pretty loudly on the main adult industry forum - there is a completely different solution which won't put us out of business. They're called Private Access Tokens (aka PATs). Apple has already started to use PATs to replace CAPTCHA, and Google is working on implementing them as well. The idea is that your device knows more about you than anyone else. Apple and Google are using them to confirm that the user is human. They could also be used to confirm whether adult content blocks are in place on the device. Then the parent only has to do a minimal amount of parenting to turn on the adult content block. (And adults who don't want to see adult content can turn on the block as well). Then PATs can be used to confirm that adult content block is not turned on. It's quick, cheap and efficient. And PATs are completely privacy-protecting. There's no 3rd party who knows you're accessing adult content. There's no additional database that can be hacked since it happens in the moment with no logging.

    Thing is, it's not age verification. It's verification of a lack of an adult content block. But it achieves the same goal. Actually, PATs would be more effective since the current laws don't apply to the major social media sites since the laws only apply to sites with >33% "harmful" content, and PATs are so quick, cheap and easy that even social media sites could be required to use them.

    At the end of the day these laws are being written by religious conservatives with the goal of putting sites like this out of business. Our silence is allowing them to determine how children are protected. They are not the best people to be writing these laws - their goal is to put us out of business. If the tech industry worked with the adult industry we could do a better job at protecting kids and not put us out of business.

    Thanks, @rawTOP, for this excellent explanation of the superior technological approach. Now I have solid ammunition to use when dealing with my legislators. Because just saying "this law is a bad idea" is at least helpful - they do, to some extent, listen to their constituency - but having a solid case to make for a BETTER solution carries much more weight.

  5. I don't believe that moderators can reliably use your IP address to know whether you're a former member of a site or forum, for two reasons:

    • Multiple people can share the same IP address.
    • A single person can have many IP addresses even in the case where they are not using a VPN, because mobile devices in general will have varying IP addresses depending on their current connectivity, and wired internet providers often use dynamic addressing.


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  6. If you have posted a lot of images as attachments in your posts (i.e. not in the Galleries), you may have run out of attachment space.

    You can fix this by deleting some of them. If you look in the dropdown menu from your screen name (in the upper left of the display, right next to your avatar pic), you will find "My Attachments". Open this panel and it allows you to manage all of the images you have attached.

    • Like 1
  7. 17 minutes ago, Njn0mc said:

    Why are points foe such a long time?

    I have points that last almost 2 years.

    Points last a long time to remind us to abide by the rules, because some people have a tendency to forget. Often.

    Some points last longer than others, because they are for an infraction that is bigger problem for the site.

    Please note that the restrictions that sometimes come with an infraction DO NOT last nearly so long.

    • Thanks 1
  8. Illegal and "fucked up" don't qualify as "evil" in my book. Immoral does (by definition). However, as I see it, morality (as opposed to ethics) is personal and situational. That's precisely why I think legislating morality is a seriously bad idea.

    I've done quite a few illegal and fucked up things, and even a few that were pushing the boundaries of my own morals. I've never done anything I would construe as "evil".

    The illegal stuff I won't mention here (even though the statute of limitations has probably expired).

    Fucked up... well, there was the time I was in the sex club and pointed the guy who insisted on a condom to my bottle of mineral oil when he was looking for lube. And the time I pissed all over a guy in the middle of a college classroom (after hours). And way way way too many instances of public sex in parks, restrooms, an elevator, a graveyard... Did I mention the time I got thrown out of Sears?



    • Upvote 2
  9. 3 minutes ago, TwinkChaserSlut said:

    What is its purpose?

    Per @rawTOP's original post at the beginning of the topic:

    On 8/5/2012 at 2:03 PM, rawTOP said:

    For a while now you guys have been discussing the idea of a cumdump network - basically guys in different locations that will take any load on call, no questions asked. Let's stop the talking and turn it into a reality...

    If you want to be a cumdump in the cumdump network post a message here

    • Piggy 1
  10. 58 minutes ago, BergenGuy said:

    er, "...which would explain WHY it is limited to the US."

    This site really needs an edit button.

    It has an edit button. It's active for about 10 minutes after you make a post. You should have been able to edit your post by clicking on the "..." menu at the upper right corner and selecting "edit". If you don't see "edit" in that menu, use the report option to request that a moderator make the change for you.

    • Like 1
  11. 17 minutes ago, ErosWired said:

    There are multiple reasons why that “saying” (which I have never heard said, ever, until now) cannot be true, but let’s start with plain statistics. The average length of the erect human penis is 5.1 - 5.5 inches. That’s not small-to-average, that’s the average. Polling and anecdotal accounts on this site consistently place the population of bottoms as approximately 66% of this community, with exclusive Tops only making up about 10%, so men who take it up the ass at least part of the time constitute 90% of penis owners across the range of potential sizes. Cocks of 7” or greater are in the 90th percentile of cocks out there, so there can be no meaningful statistical correlation between sexual role preference and penis length.

    I so want to make this into a practice problem for statistics and overlapping sets on standardized exams.

    • Haha 1
  12. That's complete nonsense as far as I know.  Anyway, in my book top/bottom is no more strictly binary than any other human orientation, which is to say, not so much.

    What I can tell you for sure from personal experience is that guys with bigger cocks get asked to top a lot more. So if there's any wiggle room in their top/bottom orientation, they wind up topping at  least some of the time, regardless of where their actual preference falls.


    • Upvote 3
  13. Sure, but it also sounds like just about every other virus. Just remember, the symptoms are produced by your body's response, not by the virus itself.

    For example, it's nearly a ringer for whatever I just got over, which was itself a dead ringer for Covid, but tested negative for that. Whatever it was, was exceedingly unpleasant. And I'm pretty sure I caught it from my cousin's 7-year-old (or his mama), so it sure as heck wasn't HIV.

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