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Posts posted by viking8x6

  1. On 9/3/2022 at 1:16 PM, viking8x6 said:

    If I downvoted your posts or your girl's recently, it was because I honestly thought they were crappy content. I don't think that about all of y'all's posts. But I certainly do think it about some of them.

    I said that four weeks ago. It's still true. You have posted a pile of things that I didn't downvote in that interval. And now, when I downvoted one post because it was (in my opinion and only my opinion) off-topic and derailing the discussion of someone's actual experience (as posted in the "your last load" thread) suddenly you're complaining that I'm pursuing a vendetta? Please. I have better things to do. But go ahead, keep digging...

  2. First, just breathe and don't freak out! You are OK. You have a disease (in the literal sense - "dis"-"ease", something wrong). You will get better, possibly with medical help.

    Second, you can't be sure what it is without testing it. It could be monkeypox (the pictures you posted are consistent with poxvirus lesions). It could be something else. Given the current landscape of hazards and the timing of a possible exposure, it seems likely that it is monkeypox.

    Third, when a disease doesn't go away on its own and instead seems to be getting worse, the thing to do is go see a doctor (or urgent care or whatever options you have in your locale). That's what they are for. Even if they don't have vaccines/testing locally, they can certainly take a sample and send it somewhere else for testing. And if they're ignorant about monkeypox, well, you will be doing a public service by making them educate themselves!

    I'm merging this thread into "What it's like to have monkeypox," where others describe their experiences, with pictures. That may help you compare.

  3. 33 minutes ago, FelchingPisser said:

    This is just what I remember about a time in my life when I was visiting rest areas on interstates late at night...

    IKR? Let me tell you, the rest areas on I-88 across central NY state were cruisy but the traffic was mighty thin. Then there was the time I came out of the T-room to see the aurora borealis. That was cool.

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  4. I do miss it - used to haunt the T-rooms in college and grad school, and later the ones in the park in SF (though there was plenty of outdoor cruising there as well). There's absolutely nothing near me now (very small town), and even at a moderate driving distance the action isn't what I remember. Though when I think back, there was a lot of wanking and waiting in between the action. So many lost hours...

  5. At this point in my life, I'm confident that it's not for me. I've been around the track a few times and tried it both ways. I'm completely upfront with people about it, especially potential partners. I certainly don't judge people negatively for choosing the monogamous path. I might occasionally find it sad that I won't get the opportunity to play with a monogamous guy I have the hots for, but it's not a big deal. There are a myriad reasons for missing out on one man or another, and I don't feel shortchanged; there are more men who do reciprocate my interest than I will have time or opportunity for in this lifetime.

  6. Once again (for those who haven't read the explanations above):

    Privileges on BZ come with participation. You get more privileges when your membership level goes up (that's the "title" that shows on your membership, like "Junior Member" or "New Member". That happens when your reputation score goes up (which you can see by your avatar pic in your profile). To raise your reputation score, post responses and new topics in the discussion forums. It helps if they are in some way interesting so that other people respond to them... one-word responses aren't going to do as much. The exact details of how it works are confidential - we moderators don't know them either. Fortunately, there is no need to "game the system" - if you post a reasonable amount of quality content (say a couple or three posts a week) you will advance pretty quickly (in a few months).

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  7. This is definitely a difficult situation, but I don't think that there is no hope. I have had a few brushes with family issues (with a few cousins as well as with my brother), and I think one key to navigating them successfully is to be very clear-eyed and open-minded and think about things from everyone's perspective.

    It sounds to me like your feelings are OK, and so are your brother's. Both of you love the other one, and you have a good relationship. That's a truly wonderful thing, and in my life experience, not nearly as common as it should be.

    You have romantic feelings and physical attraction for him. You don't know if they are reciprocated, and probably he doesn't either. I'm guessing from other clues in your posts here that you are in a culture where homosexuality in general is not socially acceptable or is marginalized. Even though you are close in age, the viewpoint he learned while young may be rather different from yours, and he may have a lot of trouble accepting any feelings of his own toward other men, let alone toward you.

    You are comfortable around each other physically (you can sleep together and even massage him and you are both OK with that). That is also great, and also not all that common (at least in my culture). That makes things a bit easier in some ways and harder in others.

    A number of people have mentioned counseling, and I think you would probably find that helpful. What you also might find very helpful is to try and look at things from your brother's viewpoint, if you can. What does he feel about his relationship with you, and about living with you? What does he feel about his romantic life, and his sex life? If you don't know, perhaps asking him about those things (very carefully, and not in any way suggestively) might give you a lot of perspective about the issue, and maybe about where some of those feelings (both yours and his) come from.

    Blessings on you for happiness and for a continued great relationship with your brother, no matter what form that takes.

    • Upvote 1
  8. On 7/25/2022 at 6:22 PM, 7617QC said:

    I know this story is very boring compared to all your advanced stories. But I wanted to share my journey and I believe this is only the beginning. Do you have any advice how to push it further? I want more than one load inside me. What can I do and how do I let go? Please give me some challanges.

    It's not boring. It's your story, different from everyone else's. And your English is just fine, so don't worry about that.

    My challenge to you: Have a sexual encounter that you really enjoy the feeling of, besides just the hotness of raw sex! It's not about pushing it further - there's no goal here. It's about enjoying the ride!

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  9. I'm not a medical doctor, but I am a PhD in a relevant science (Chemistry), have worked in the pharmaceutical industry, and have a decent understanding of basic pharmacology principles.

    On 9/9/2022 at 6:52 AM, IrishKinkSlut said:

    My question though, the PrEP I was taking was Tenofovir and the instructions said do not crush or chew but that was my only option since I just can not swallow tablets and its not for a lack of trying. I asked my doctor and she said "Yeah you should be able to, we have people being tubefed that have it crushed down" so can it be crushed down at all or does it not work. Surely it still works as long as you get it in your system right??

    As long as you get it into your system, it will work. The dose is sufficient that a possible small loss in the crushing would not be significant to the effect. The drug is an immediate-release formulation, so crushing it is not going to cause any problem with absorbing it.

    The tablets are coated (which is disrupted by crushing, of course), but the coating dissolves in your digestive system to release the drug. This happens relatively quickly (less than an hour). You can take it with or without food, and if the former, it would be held in your stomach longer than an hour, so it could potentially be exposed to stomach acid even if it were not crushed. Hence, that is not a reason you would need to take it whole. Here again, there is no reason to think the crushing will prevent the drug from having its proper effect.

    The one difference it is likely to make is that if you take whole without food, it would normally move through your stomach quickly and be released in the small intestine. If you take it crushed, your stomach would be exposed to the full concentration of it without any food. This could potentially cause some stomach irritation. As nausea and stomach pain are known (though not common) side effects of the drug, the main purpose of the coating is to prevent them in cases where people choose to take it without food.

    In my somewhat-educated opinion, you are good to go - but I'd recommend taking it with food and plenty of liquid.

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  10. On 7/23/2022 at 3:33 PM, westotpatl said:

    Been a member for a while and am having problems trying to friend profiles.

    I had trouble submitting friend requests at some point. I filled in a bunch of previously blank things in my profile and then it let me do it. Mind you, the person can still turn down your request, and frequently will if you don't have any content posted yourself.

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  11. 2 hours ago, BareLover666 said:

    Perhaps we as humans are just not that rational.

    My hypothesis is that humans (some more so than others) have an innate tendency to push the boundaries of the safe and the possible. Such a trait would explain a great many things that are otherwise puzzling - the classic examples being geographical exploration beyond the bounds of the hospitable, or even the habitable - the South Pole, Everest, the Moon...

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