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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. Yes, but my more recent post (just above) is a bit more accurate. It's not calendar time that matters, nor amount of time logged in, nor number of logins. It's actual participation in the forum discussions, and "higher-quality" (for lack of a better phrase) participation counts for more. At least that is my understanding. Yes, that seems contradictory when the number of posts you can make is limited. In practice, it's not as bad as it sounds; you earn the basic privileges pretty quickly.
  2. So many different kinds of sexual behavior, and billions of men... not to mention an infinity of possible contexts... and y'all want to put it in one of three boxes? Or one of five? Or one of seven? Or even on a one-dimensional axis? Dream on.
  3. I'm moving this to the PrEP forum; I think it makes more sense there. Short answer: Yes, PrEP will work regardless of how many loads you are taking. More loads don't somehow "use it up". It isn't perfect, but it's very, very good as long as you take it regularly. That said, if you go full-on bare cumdump, you are very likely to pick up some other STIs. Do get the appropriate vaccines and get tested and treated regularly.
  4. I'll dish out compliments to guys at any distance, but unless there's some reasonable probability of actual colocation in the foreseeable future, I won't add any sexual fantasy material. I figure it's always nice to be appreciated.
  5. I should be so lucky in this area to get sex once a week. 😕
  6. Alas, that information now appears to be outdated: -From the Wikipedia article on cimetidine
  7. I don't think there is any reason to believe that getting medical care as a foreigner in Germany would be difficult. Expensive, perhaps, difficult, no. Foreigners in Germany surely get sick all the time, and I would not expect preventive care that is the standard care in Germany to be different even if it isn't available where you come from. I recommend doing a web search for clinics in Germany (preferably in the area where you will be) and trying to get some real information. They will probably be happy to talk with you and tell you what is and is not possible. They might even be willing to tell you what it will cost (which, believe me, would be nearly impossible to find out if it were the US!). Or if you know anyone living in Germany, you could ask them. I did a little web searching and found this site to give a lot of info that looks useful: [think before following links] https://wise.com/us/blog/healthcare-system-in-germany
  8. Welcome to the site! Look around a bit (I encourage you to try the search tool!) and you will find topics that address most of your questions here.
  9. Another face I want to know the owner of... in so many ways! 🐷
  10. Oh, I get that and I agree. Disclaimer: I'm not experienced in BDSM. But my understanding is that safe words are intended as exactly that. They are for safety in a situation where the sub is threatened with actual harm (be that physical or psychological), not just having their boundaries tested (which is part of the point, is it not?).
  11. Super sexy pics!

  12. I think if we were to do it right, the "age of adulthood" would have not much to do with chronology, and a LOT to do with maturity. I've known people well into their 20s (and probably older) who didn't seem mature enough for adult responsibility. We could have some kind of test... of course then people would cheat on it, and bribe their way out of it, and like that. Never mind.
  13. The part about no safewords is a red flag IMO. Plus, the dude seems to have a bad attitude. In my world, there's a distinction between "dom top" and "asshole", and I avoid people that appear likely to cross that line.
  14. Yes, I have this problem a lot. Despite all my cruising profiles online stating explicitly that strict oral is not my scene.
  15. Hot avatar pic, man!

  16. Very sexy pics, man!

  17. Thanks for the follow, cutie!

  18. @RubberAustria is right about how to use it for "on demand" dosing (which is best for your purpose). More information about how it works is in this topic:
  19. There are a lot of links to good verbal videos in this thread:
  20. Great start! I'm liking the characters already. I'll offer a bit of what's intended as constructive criticism: This has a lot of typos - including a couple where I cannot actually tell what you mean for sure (which is rare for me). You may find it helpful to type out longer posts such as this in a text editor (you can get basic ones for free) and proofread them (or better, have someone else do that) before posting them here. You can message me if you need help getting started with that.
  21. Link to an mpreg topic in the fiction section:
  22. Reminds me of that song my momma sang when I was a kid... Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts, Marinated monkey meat, Chopped up baby parakeet, French fried eyeballs dipped in motor oil, And me without my spoon! The answer would seem to be "marinate it".
  23. Here's a link to a post from when they (and some others) went offline: You can find some of their stories in the Bareback Bloggers forum. Search for "[2Pigs]" in the topic titles.
  24. I have said this before, but I'll repeat it here for all you impatient... cowboys? queens? newbies... as it seems to have escaped the notice of some: Gaining privileges (i.e. advancing from New Member to Junior Member to Member...) is NOT just a question of how many posts you make. It is a function with multiple inputs. The exact nature of it is confidential (I don't know it either). What I CAN tell you for sure is that the quality of your posts matters. A thoughtful contribution to a meaningful or horny discussion will up your reputation more than a "me, too" or "that's hawt" response. Posting your own topic that spurs a new discussion counts for even more. So share something interesting! This is a discussion forum, not a monkey house (appearances notwithstanding).
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