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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. Moderator: The number of reactions per day is intentionally limited. That is the way @rawTOP decided to configure the system. One reason for this is to encourage people to contribute their own ideas about a topic raised by someone else, rather than just using a "thumbs-up" (the visual equivalent of saying "that's hawt"). Sure, a lot of things on here are hot... but we know that already! Limit your use of reactions to things that really impress (or disgust) you, and it's not really all that much of a hardship. When I was a full Member (with 10 reactions a day) I used to hit the limit maybe once every couple of weeks.
  2. So it DOES work, and there's a limit on the number of times per day you can use it. Which is exactly the way it is programmed to work. The number of reactions you can apply per day depends on your membership level. You are a full Member (as opposed to New Member or Junior Member), and I believe 10 exactly is the number you get per day. As you continue to post content, your Reputation score (which you can see if you visit your own profile) will increase and you will advance to Senior Member, and then you will get a larger number of reactions per day.
  3. Very sexy pics, man!

  4. It just looks that way because you're not in one of the more benighted areas of the country like West Virginia (where I am). There is apparently only one place in this entire state where they are holding vaccination clinics.
  5. You might want to clarify what you mean by that. A lot of people are confused. For the current (Jynneos) vaccine, this is true. From the FDA announcement of its approval (2019):
  6. Fuck that's hot!!
  7. If it's Windows, it's under Windows Accessories -> Character Map. But I don't know where they go - whatever you wrote isn't in a language I know.
  8. What other belief-system has two days of the week named after them (Thursday and Friday) ??? In the event someone doesn't realize it,, Thor's day morphed into Thursday, and Freya's day into Friday. That would be the northern European pantheon, not they Olympians. But it's more than two. Try four (in English, anyway): Tiw's day Woden's day Thor's day Freya's day (or Frigg's)
  9. The mind is its own place, and in itself Can make a heav’n of hell, a hell of heav’n. 😉 Malt does more than Milton can To justify God's ways to Man.
  10. Moderator's note: The OP is no longer a member, so if this is going to happen, someone else will need to step up and organize.
  11. @BootmanLA Nothing is better than a ham sandwich. Proof: Nothing is better than Eternal Happiness. Eternal Happiness is certainly better than a ham sandwich. By the transitive property, Nothing is better than a ham sandwich. You're welcome.
  12. WOW!! Only made it part way through chapter 2 before exploding! Sizzling hot!
  13. Yeah, I remember Inn Exile circa 2000. Lovely place, though it was a weeknight in January so it was completely dead. On the other hand, the company was paying the tab, so I wasn't going to complain...
  14. No, you're fine. The system automatically flags certain posts for moderation before they go live. That message is just to let you know why your post isn't appearing immediately - it is being held until a moderator can look at it. The system notifies us right away that something needs attention, so usually one of us can check it reasonably quickly.
  15. You're not the only one! I was looking for it yesterday on your behalf and I couldn't find it either. But it's right there, and on my screen it was even bright blue! SMH.
  16. The Tenderloin may be the worst neighborhood in SF, but unless it has gone downhill substantially since I was there in the '90s, it's not all that bad. There are much scarier places in most of the other large(ish) US cities I've been in. And I'm sure rent isn't cheap there. It's just less expensive than in the rest of SF. It's probably still completely unaffordable to mere mortals.
  17. Also, a good detergent ("grease cutting" dish soap, for example) can itself be a germicide, because it can destroy the integrity of bacterial cell membranes.
  18. Just ran across a fairly thorough article on Monkeypox. Has a lot about transmission modes, including prevalence of different modes and the status of research on transmission to date. Definitely worth a read. https://www.statnews.com/2022/08/10/what-scientists-know-and-dont-know-about-how-monkeypox-spreads/?utm_source=pocket-newtab
  19. Well, they're FICTION. At least as far as I know. If you're finding anything out there suggesting that they're not, I expect it's derivative.
  20. If you get Monkeypox and then are eaten by a shark, does the shark have to worry about contagion?
  21. If you actually read the rules, which are prominently posted in the general discussion section and pinned to the top, they explain quite clearly what things are not allowed on the site as well as why. In this case scat is legally obscene and therefore against the law - it is not protected by the First Amendment right to free speech.
  22. It seems to me that the labels "gay" and "straight" are contributing to your confusion. Why not let them go and think about what is real for you? You have enjoyed sex with men, and with this man in particular. You want to do it more. There's nothing wrong with that, and it is one of the blessings human beings can enjoy on this earth - go for it! Perhaps you are worried that you must behave a particular way or acknowledge to the world that you enjoy sex with men and indulge in it. That is a completely separate decision, and you can make it based on your own feelings and circumstances. You can keep it to yourself, or share it only with people whom you trust, or wear it on your sleeve - all of these options are valid, and each has different consequences. But you don't have to rush into it, either. You can share it with one person you trust and see how that feels. You can share it semi-anonymously in a friendly group setting and see how that feels (indeed, you already have, right here!). My advice (worth its weight in gold!) is not to allow the potential judgments of others lessen your enjoyment of life. Whatever approach fits that best for you is the one to choose. Because life is too short already, and allowing others to make any part of it miserable is a great shame, and in my view of the world a sin.
  23. Can you see the FNORDs?
  24. This. Though it's up to 112 now. You can sort the stories by start date, and that makes it easy to see that each page holds a month or two of stories at the usual rate of writing. To put it another way, people here read a lot faster (and more) than they write.
  25. @Monorchid, I completely understand your point of view, and I personally agree with your assessment of the drawbacks of the existing system. I think part of the problem is that the underlying software is fairly old and the size and complexity of the site are pushing its flexibility pretty hard. Also, BZ is built and maintained by a very small number of people. Both of those factors limit the possibilities as to how a goal can be accomplished. All that said, the number of words that trigger the automatic editors and filters is actually very small (single digits, I believe), and they're specific to subjects that are actually illegal (here in the States), with the intention that it never go live on the site at all. This avoids the temporary violation of the law that would otherwise occur between the time something is posted and the time it's reported and moderated. So, if you have a few words that you feel you really need to use for a story other other post, it's fine to message a moderator and see if we think they'd be a problem. Alternatively, you can post the story with the words in it, and if the filters change it on you, come up with a different way to express it and edit accordingly (or if the time window has ended, have a moderator do that). I do understand the failing of the latter approach as far as time invested if the vocabulary in question is crucial to the effect that you, as the author, are creating.
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