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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. I unexpectedly had this happen about a year ago when I hired a masseur because my back pain was flaring up. I was rather disappointed, because the sex was OK but the massage part was very very lame. And I had specifically asked if he did deep tissue work, and it wasn't intended as a euphemism. I'm with @BBArchangel on this one. I'm much more interested in bodywork as physical therapy.
  2. Sending private messages on the site is a privilege. This is so that random trolls and adbots can't sign up and immediately send people junk messages. It is easy to earn the privilege. You just need to post actual forum content. By posting content that gets positive reactions from other users you will earn it even faster. It does. You are a Junior Member now, so you should already have the privilege.
  3. Thanks for the follow!

  4. The handy chart I found puts 8" at more like 99+ percentile. No sex for him!
  5. Really like the latest chapter, and was pleasantly surprised by the ending (I probably wouldn't have been but for your disclaimer - I was imagining far less positive outcomes). Technically speaking Mateo ought to get PEP, since his chances of exposure with what they did are significant (if small). But maybe the clinic people will tell him that...
  6. It is allowed to post your email address on the forum. Be advised that you are posting it on a public web page, so it is very likely to be picked up by address scrapers and used to feed spam engines. Don't use an email you're not willing to have slammed with a lot of junk.
  7. If you're selecting conversations to delete (I find I can only select entire conversations, not individual messages within them), there is a floating delete button that appears in the horizontal center of the full browser window (not just the conversation pane) near the bottom. It will work on one or many. It's in a rather non-intuitive location.
  8. Moderator's Note: It's OK to talk about prosecution of pirating. It's very much NOT OK to have discussions that enable or encourage pirating here. Anyone posting to this thread: You have been warned in advance.
  9. Not a bathhouse, but I dated a guy I met in a T-room once. Tall, and a scientist (like myself), had a scent that drove me wild, and could suck my dick while he fucked me (heavenly). I fell for him and got all gooey-eyed. Only trouble was he was totally inexperienced with men, got cold feet, and went back to his girlfriend. Then six months later I ran into him in the local video store where he was together with some totally unsuitable guy who had no chin. Ticked me off. Conclusion: You'd be better off dating someone from the bathhouse; they're less likely to be in denial about their sexuality.
  10. Only if I get to keep my dick and balls. Only trouble with that is that things down there would be crowded and probably messy.
  11. When I'm having GOOD sex, I don't think at all - I'm just in the moment. When I'm having mediocre sex, I'm usually thinking about how to get it to be good sex. When I'm having bad sex, I'm thinking "beige... I'll paint the ceiling beige."
  12. No means no, even in a bathhouse. That said, in such an environment you may have to be explicit about where the boundary is. In this case you were in a "I was riding the most beautiful guy's dick and trying to get him close while a crowd watched..." headspace - trying to get him close implies you don't want other participants, period. So maybe a firm statement like "Watching only right now!" would be more effective. Just because you're bottoming for someone doesn't mean you can't be definite or even a bit aggressive toward bystanders who queer the pitch (pun intended).
  13. Maybe you don't. Everyone's emotional and sexual response is different. It's quite possible that for you, sex and love are strongly connected and it's hard to have one without the other. That's fine! There are plenty of men out there to choose from, and many won't find that trait objectionable - some may even prefer it. Hence the need for communication.
  14. OK, chacun a son goût, I guess. That sounds really nasty to me.
  15. I've seen this in porn videos and it always strikes me as kind of weird.
  16. Thanks for the follow!

  17. All over my belly, chest, shoulder, face, or the floor behind my chair. Depending on how long I've been edging that day. If I'm feeling lazy about cleaning up after it, I'll grab a towel or tee shirt out of the laundry and throw it over my front like a haircut cape.
  18. With my bowels, I find that there's a significant difference between powdered psyllium (Metamucil et al) and whole psyllium husks (Now brand is what I use, available at Trader Joe's). The whole ones are much better at accreting into a solid mass and sticking everything else in there together with them.
  19. Not being nor feeling particularly feminine, I prefer "ass" or "hole", or "deep in my guts/belly". If you're doing a good job of filling it, I'm not super picky. But if you call it something that makes me giggle, it may spoil the mood.
  20. There is not. This isn't really a hook-up site - to be honest, the population here is too small and spread too thinly for it to be much use that way except in the largest cities. There *are* connection threads for specific geographical areas. A lot of members here also have accounts at various hook-up sites, particularly BBRT and Recon, and you can post your handle in those sites in your profile here so people can find you.
  21. I don't think there's a way to sort on number of votes. You can vote on number of views or on number of replies, which usually correlate pretty well.
  22. Ed: The paper referred to here has since been refuted - see the below posts. Big thanks to @fskn and @ErosWired for pointing it out so quickly! Here's an interesting paper (dated 2008!!) that suggests that the chance of transmission at very low ("undetectable") viral loads, while very small, is likely to be significant on a population basis. How this plays out in practice with respect to all the other variables affecting risk, I have no idea, but it seems useful to add to the discussion here (even though it is old), as it includes a quantitative estimate of the relationship between viral load and transmission risk. [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.who.int/hiv/events/artprevention/wilson_relation.pdf
  23. Not really. The chance is very small, but far from infinitesimal, and depends a whole lot on how promiscuous that 1 partner per year happens to be. As many other people here have already said, it only takes one. And some of your assumptions (e.g. gay/bi men are more likely to carry HIV) are not necessarily true - they vary widely in different places and life situations. In 2019 (the most recent year for which I readily found statistics), nearly a quarter of new HIV cases in the US were heterosexuals. So their chance of contracting HIV (on average) is about one quarter that of gay/bi people. The fact is, the chance in either case is pretty darn small (far less than 1 in 1000), and even quite a lot of promiscuity isn't going to make it all that big unless the person in question is actively seeking out infectious partners.
  24. I think @BootmanLA's understanding that you want to attach images to a BZ Message (to another user) is correct. You're supposed to be able to do that using the button he mentions. I tried this many ways and it does not appear to work - I think some of the limitations on links and images that were added later are interfering with its function. However, you CAN accomplish your desire simply by posting the image in the Gallery (alone or as an album). Once it is there: 1) open that image from the Gallery, 2) copy the web address for it from the browser address bar (select all and copy), and 3) paste it into your message. BZ will automatically recognize it as local content and insert a hotlink to it so the image will appear in the message.
  25. They are currently recruiting for volunteer subjects in Washington, DC (George Washington U) and San Antonio, TX (U of Texas Health Science Center), with additional sites not yet recruiting in Atlanta, GA and Seattle, WA. Contact info for the researchers is at the bottom of the clinicaltrials.gov page for the trial: [think before following links] [think before following links] https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05001373 This is only a Phase I study, and the target number of participants is small (56). The primary goal is to demonstrate safety, and the secondary goal is to evaluate immunogenicity (whether the vaccine produces an immune response). It is open to people of either biological sex, ages 18-50. They are not accepting (for Phase I) people who test positive for HIV and people who are at risk for HIV exposure (this makes sense - they need to make sure that any health results observed and any antibodies generated are from the vaccine and not from the virus).
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