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Everything posted by TigerMilner

  1. I came out to my kids when they were old enough to ask me, "Why don't you have a girlfriend". I did explain to them that I had tried not to be gay and that was how I came to be married to their mother. I told my oldest daughter who is a step parent adoption when she was 16 because in the heat of an argument my wife threatened to tell her. So I difused the threat by telling her myself. She has told me since that from that day forward she knew she could tell me anything. Raising the two little ones as a single parent I was not about to live my life in the closet in my own family. They were not really ok with it when I first started dating again. I never exposed them to the revolving door that is the typical gay relationship. I didn't introduce them to men until it got to at least 4-5 dates. Topdawg is the only man from my porn career that they have met and of course they had no idea we were #1 on xtube at the time. I've never moved a man in. This one particular fuck buddy that my daughter asked about is the only one who has been consistent even though I have dated men in the course of the time we've been fucking. Many times part of the thrill with him is that one or both of us has often been cheating on someone else. I made a short snapchat video with my son last night. He has quite a following and is also big on youtube. I realized when he posted it that I just created an opportunity for the dreaded exposure of my online porn career. I doubt his followers watch my videos but I would not be happy to be recognized from that and embarass him. I've created quite the tangled web here. As my son was explaining his followers and subscribers and how to monetize a youtube page I wanted to blurt out "I've had 8 milion views on my blog and xtube!" lol. But I am holding that back as my defense in case it does come to light. Wow, I've gone off on a tangent. Life is a trip when you have kids. I highly recommend it.
  2. Yes I've had both as well and I see the difference now. "Like friends with benefits?" is exactly what my daughter's last comment was. This question really has my head spinning. Mainly because I don't know what he is to me? And I don't know what I am to him? Why should I care? Why this one? Why does he keep coming back? Today is the seventh anniversary of him answering my CL post and our first two fucks. I hate that I know shit like that. What am I? A girl? lol.
  3. Many people who know me from my videos and my blog are surprised to find out that in my 30's I decided that maybe being gay was a choice after all. Being a bb bottom all thru my twentys had left me unhappy, heartbroken, and with serious addiction problems. I met a beautiful woman my first day in rehab. She came after strong and I went with it. I married her one week after we got out of rehab. Probably not the best decision I've ever made but I thought "what the fuck?" Worse case scenario for me was we'd get divorced and at least my parents could say i was divorced, which in their eyes was preferable to saying I'm gay. I gave it my best. I adopted her 11 year old daughter and a few years into it we adopted two bi-racial infants. We made a nice family. I still remember the first time I got fucked after she died. I had been monogamous for 9 1/2 years and one of the things I learned is that being gay is NOT a choice. I gave it my best shot and I came out of it knowing I needed a man's cock inside me. He was latin, about 38, muscular from hard work, and spoke not a word of english. It's funny how horny guys do not need language to fuck. He loaded my ass with it's first load in nearly ten years. It was mind bogeling for me. I knew I'd be after that for the rest of my newly single life. I'm a gay man. A true bottom. I love taking a man's raw load in my hole. That is when I'm being true to myself and fuck being what society wants from me. Pussy just didn't do it for me. I'm meant to submit.
  4. You forgot Silver Daddy Jeff Grove. I love that my first professional porn scene was with him. I was instantly turned on to him the first time I saw him. He was amazing fucking Dawson on the beach at Fire Island in Meatrack from TIM. Hes on here too.
  5. My daughter asked me recently who is he to you about one of my fuck buddies who has been a regular of mine for 7 years now. It has made start really thinking about what she asked. What is he to me? Who am I to him? I have another less regular one who I've been seeing for over 8 years. To me a fuck buddy is a hook up who worked out well, there is good chemistry and we like to fuck. Most of the time, all we do is fuck. All we talk about is the next fuck. Occasionally one will become a friend, sometimes we keep fucking but usually when they move to the friend zone the fucking fades out. It makes me wonder, what is a fuck buddy to you? Do they mean something to you? Do you get to know them after several years? Do you care about them? I know I do. I value them as an important part of my life. Yet they don't share my life. Man that question as made me really take a hard look at this.
  6. Its interesting that you list saunas/bath houses with a bunch of apps and sites. Nothing gets me more dick than going to a bath house, sex club or party. The guys there came to get off and I don't usually have any problem getting them to breed me raw. I also have pretty good luck with Craigslist. Lots of married guys looking for daytime action. I'm always surprised but most married men love raw fucking.
  7. I don't think having a healthy and active sex life is modeling bad behavior. Its perfectly natural. I don't offer up details but there are things that they see and I'm glad she asked rather than assume. It was funny because she was explaining it to her boyfriend on the phone when she asked. I think that trying to explain it to him made her ask, what is he to you? I think honestly and openess is the best policy, said the man who's kids don't know he is an internet porn star. But if that ever comes to light, I'll handle it the same way.
  8. Why did it have to be Charlie Sheen?
  9. I have gotten a little bit too casual lately I guess when it comes to my fuckbuddies. One of my most regular buds has been around a lot lately. We've started hanging out as well as having sex, which is all we used to do. My kids have known him and seen him around for about 7 years and it has always been kind of a "don't ask, don't tell" type of thing. I never lied about who he is but never volunteered information either. The age difference is such that he is only six years older than my son and seven older than my daughter. She came right out and asked me "Who is he to you?" the other day. I was kind of shocked and stalled for time by asking the classic line "What do you mean?" She responded with "Is he your friend, your boyfriend, a hook-up? I responded by using her words. "He is my friend, he's not my boyfriend, and he started out as a hook-up". She said "Oh Ok". It makes me wonder, how much do you tell your kids about your activities? I realized that lately they have seen several men in my place either when they would come home or wake up. It is probably why she felt she had to ask. I felt like it was important to be upfront and truthful, since that is what I have taught them is the right way to be.
  10. I totally understand the thrill you speak of. I started out doing exactly the same thing. Then I learned that it is illegal after I started posting them. I only make and post videos with guys who are aware of and are into it. Lots of guys get off on doing it. Often they participate by taking out their cell phones and give me additional footage to edit in and gives a second camera. It also proves that they were aware if any regrets appear later when they realize 100,000 guys have seen it on xtube. Whenever a guy I've made a video freaks out about how popular they are I always take it down. I'm nice like that. I have way too much visibility now to post something like that. I can't take that risk. You say they are for your personal use only, but once you cross the line fo posting them, you will be hooked. Then you will get caught.
  11. Planning to be in the Dungeon Saturday night about midnight. Anyone want to help me stir up a gangbang? Last year was so hot. I got 8 loads. Planning to beat that. Here is a link to the blog post I wrote last year about it. http://www.tigermilner.com/2014/11/impromptu-gangbang.html I'll have on my Breeding Zone t-shirt and my jeans with the rear seam open. My favorite outfit.
  12. I prefer uncut cock. It is definitely easier on the bottom and just feels better. Like most of the other comments, I just want a hard cock. Cut is fine but if I'm designing my ultimate cock, it would be just like nature intended. Whoever thought up circumcision should be shot. I wish I had my foreskin. It has to feel better.
  13. I don't seem to be on your list. I was level 4 for most of my adult life. I kind of have a problem with the judgemental tone of your Level 5. "with knowingly positive personel". How would you know the status of the personel at a bath house unless you knew them. And what difference does the status of the personel make unless you are having sex with them. Most of them are pretty busy when they are on the job. You don't go to a club to fuck the staff. If level 5 was Prefer Raw, always. That would be me. Level 6 implies will take a load from anyone, and that is not me, even though I always prefer raw, that doesn't mean I take all loads.
  14. The thought of making you feel all warm inside turns me on alot. I'd you to make me feel all wet inside. Hot man.
  15. I don't think these awards put on a show or event. Those type awards are studio sponsored and they give most of the awards to their own stars and productions anyway. Raven's Eden awards are totally fan based from nominations to selections of winners. That means more to me.
  16. I started a new page as TigerMilner Page. Follow there if you want to. Message me who you are on BZ so I will know. Some of you already have and I appreciate it. Still pissed.
  17. I have one like that in my stable of regulars. He's become one of my special one's after seven years of taking his uncut 9" brown cock and all the cum he can pound into me. And to think I almost turned him away when he first hit on me because I thought a 21 year old twink was not my thing. I remember telling him after he hounded me to let him in on the gangbang I was assembling, "Ok, but you better be every inch of the 9" you promised me!" Boy did he deliver that day and every time since. Every bottom needs to give a twink top a chance. We've had some amazing sex over the years. Going to do it again tomorrow. lol.
  18. Well its official. No more Tiger Milner on facebook. They denied my appeal. I'm so pissed.
  19. I try to always keep it inside me for the next guy. Plus I love to know I have the guy's DNA. But if its more than like 3 loads it can start to feel like you are about to have diahrea. In that case I have to push some out. That is why felchers are so needed. I don't like the crampy feeling when it starts to get that way.
  20. I met a guy at a sex club in NYC and hooked up. We didn't even exchange names much less contact info. The next day I got a friend request from him. It freaked me out, but I do get recognized from my videos so I guess its a good thing. I still haven't gotten used to being internet famous lol.
  21. Some jealous cunt reported my facebook page for Explicit content when I posted a link to my new video on Twitter. It automatically posted it to my facebook page. I've done it many times before and no issue. I have appealed but don't know how long it will take to find out if I am permanently deleted or not. So for those of you who follow me on Facebook, that is why I am no longer on there. I have 5K friends on that profile and obviously one is a cunt. If you don't like my content, unfriend me. No need to cause problems for others. First I get banned from xtube of all places, now facebook. At least I'm safe here on BZ. Maybe I'll do like I did with xtube and create a new profile, but if it can't be TIger Milner I'm not sure I want to. Maybe I'll use Banned4good like I did on xtube. I'll keep you posted. Here is a link to the video. It is hot. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=X96tk-G407-
  22. I was undetectable 30 days after starting meds. I think that is the norm unless there is a resistance issue. They do tests for that before they prescribe so your risk is minimal.
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