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Everything posted by buzztham

  1. is there going to be any more to this story
  2. how is this going when do you think it will be ready
  3. using my phone is right on target but using my pc it is about 2 miles off
  4. I was talking about bottoms in small towns in larger city's bottoms will take dick but they can have more of a selection to choose from but yes bottoms are more worried about finding tops
  5. is there a way that polls can be posted in groups
  6. I would love to be with a top that shoots huge loads
  7. I agree pisstopper large bottoms like my self will most likely take any dick just to get fucked because the tops we can find seem to be few and far
  8. it's even harder when you live in smallish town but least I live near I 90 but even on craigslist I don't get a lot of hook ups
  9. I am a large bottom but it seems like the tops in my area don't want to fuck me do any of you other bottoms have that problem
  10. how many of you tops fuck heavy set bottoms your do just want skinny bottoms and what turns you on about the bottom
  11. are you looking to put your information on the cumdump network
  12. are there any tops that are in Austin mn or get here that need a bottom to put your seed in
  13. dose getting piss up the ass burn
  14. great story so far keep up the great work and I hope the next part will be posted soon
  15. when someone dose something like that to their balls dose it increase the amount of cum they can pump out
  16. how soon after putting up the information do we get a text
  17. this is my new information the in my other post is no good
  18. well his ball sac was the size of a grape fruit is that just a large ball sac or did he do something to them and just to note he is 51
  19. I was just with a guy and he had a really big ball sac and I was wondering what a normal size ball sac is
  20. I am looking for any cock and any load in Austin minesota
  21. a person texted me but nothing happened
  22. wow people like will always end up alone but I hope you find some one that cares for you the same way you would care for them
  23. where I live it is just hard to find people to fuck me
  24. you don't need a toy to open yourself up when a top plays with your hole it and you will relax and a top will be able to fuck you hopefully raw
  25. so it's the tops fault for having a small dick
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