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Everything posted by dickluva

  1. Please tell me if Tom’s Hotel (Gay Hotel)is still open? Website is down. Facebook page has not had update in years. Thanks From GayPassport= Why we love it: Tom’s Bar cruise club (which is two doors down). ♥ Iconic gay hotel in the heart of Schöneberg ♥ Hotel Pass comes with great discounts to gay venues ♥ Clean, comfortable rooms that meet all your basic needs Tom’s Hotel is a famous gay Berlin hotel. I often lament passing of iconic gay places.
  2. The fuckbench at my local Club STL starts out in the middle of the room, but shortly will be fucked into the wall by eager top. The bottom, holds on tightly. You may have seen this =[think before following links] https://www.jimsupport.com/product/adjustable-fuck-bench/ Jimsupport sponsors gay events. thanks
  3. I saw a post on BBRT for a man visiting my hometown's club on Sunday afternoon from small town a few hours away. No load refused kinda pig. I really like my Club on Sunday's. It's a regular kinda crowd. Reminds me of the story on here "Filthy Sauna. " I get to the Club, and this really lean, young, tattooed pig on this fuckbench with a few fuglies watching. I waited my turn, not long before the pig lost his hardon. I licked his cumhole just to be sure. My dick got so hard I bred him in like 5 minutes. I wood like to last longer, but I just wanted my load in the pig's hole. I think it got a few loads after me. xox
  4. Wish dude would give us some idea of location of that arcade. I love arcades butt the ones around me are pathetic= too brightly lit, terrible porn, fugly guys that just want to watch, no gloryholes. thanks
  5. BZ says I can not send private messages. I sent you one telegram, find me on BBRT?
  6. Had a great time~! Wood def go to Pigweek '25. thanks
  7. Fuckin' Oink~! I got the Dogtags and the Trimix.
  8. Join us and take the pix~!?
  9. Woof! I’ll be there
  10. LittleCumSewer hasn't been on BZ for over a year?
  11. I wear flip flops, butt boots or whatever footwear is your fetish. InnLeather is a BBlast. You'll have a Great time~!
  12. Fuckin'🐽ink! Looking to BBreed WS and get filthy. The following quote from Joe Gage's classic film, Heatstroke, sums up my feelings about good sex: "The best homosexual sex is anonymous, promiscuous, and public..." Guest @ Inn Leather to 11/29/2024 to 12/08, every room has a sling.
  13. Please find me and get me Wet. thanks
  14. this is working today= [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/embed/3080118 Stan Hardstyle large screen
  15. Internal Cumpilation [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/pulsating-injections-of-liquid-life-and-love/
  16. The Club Saint Louis has the slings above the bed in the VIP suites. I never get a VIP room because I don't see anybody use that setup, regardless of height/weight. I do really like the public sling room at CSL, it is not adjustable. I had a bf that could rig up the sling over the bed in the RV(limited space), but the ceiling connections were heavy duty springs, so the top held on to the bottom and took us for a ride. Few people could cum that ways, butt there were few barebackers then. It seems like Steamworks Chicago has sling rooms too, with awkward setup= too close to the floor or the bed. I have had fun in the public sling. I really like Chi Steam's fuckbenches best.
  17. Fuckin'☣️ink~! November 29 to December 8 2024 guest of InnLeather. I'll be at many of the events. Is buying the Pass($300) worth it? buy Trimix package? and where to eat? Wood love to hear from other pigs in FTL and travelers. Thanks
  18. Fuckin'☣️ink~! November 29 to December 8 guest of InnLeather. I'll be at many of the events. Pic taken at InnLeather. Suggestions for buying the Pass? buy Trimix package? and where to eat? Wood love to hear from other pigs in FTL and travelers. Thanks
  19. I'll be at InnLeather for Pigweek '24 at InnLeather.
  20. Fuckin' Oink~! Please tell us where the avatar pic is taken. Must be H♨️T place. Thanks

    1. dickluva


      I think I found the place in 50Latinos avatar. 


  21. I had a reservation to stay at "The Grand" for a week in April 2024, Easter weekend. The hotel put the total weeks room charge on my CC when I made the reservation, over$300/night. I arrived the front desk was ok. The hotel seemed empty on Thursday afternoon at check-in. My room had a view of the parking lot. I stopped to say hi to some guests at pool in my Villa Venezia. I said may I join you for a few minutes and they said something like, "That depends where are you from?" I said St Louis, MO. They said "No, that's a red state" Every conversion with housekeeping, servers or guests was just fugly. The Grand/Worthington/VillaVenezia is gorgeous, public areas, pools, and rooms, like a gay Ritz Carlton. The next day, I begged for my money back, there was push back from the manager. Policy don't give refunds. They eventually refunded the money, almost $2000. We had a family emergency. I drove home over a thousand miles. I would not recommend. I would not go back. I waited a long time to post this, to see if my opinion would change; or if they would reach out to me. Nothing.
  22. Fuckin' 🐽nik~! Hot Story~! ☣️
  23. The prices prohibit young people. Mostly senior citizens, like me have that kind of disposable income. I am on disability for HIV+. My Life is more difficult because of these prices. A weekend at IML didn't use to cost a months income.
  24. I would have sent this in pm as it is so off topic, butt I wasn't able. [think before following links] https://www.thedenoffeastlake.com/
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