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Everything posted by dickluva

  1. I did not stay at Congress this year. I went to The Congress on Friday night and hung out in lobby bar with friends. The bartenders were clueless. Congress used to have such a friendly and organized staff. Two years ago at The Congress, my room got robbed, and the staff couldn't do anything right, so I'm not going back. Every time we came into the hotel we had to go through security and show we were guests, butt I still encountered 2 people in the halls that were definitely not IML patrons, and I got robbed. This year I was not going to pay $180 for market pass. My friends said the market was really disappointing and didn't buy anything. I asked my friends to get me poppers butt I bought poppers at Steamworks for $25. I really enjoyed staying at "The Den off Eastlake." I'm not giving IML any of my money anymore. I just wrote a post about my adventures at Steamworks in "Where did you get your last load?"
  2. International Mr Leather 2024 report. IML host hotel was totally boring on Friday night. I went to Steamworks 3X in 4 days. Cumunion party on Thursday I got bred more times than I could count. Bro's with huge cocks too. Saturday afternoon the Bear party I got bred more times than I could count in 6 hours. Da' Bears know how to fuck. The Sunday Steamworks party I got bred more times than I could count. The World has changed in my favor. I'm older BBButt sex is not [banned word] anymore. Not one dude used a condom. When I lived in LA, NYC, or Chicago dudes would become hostile to me when they found out I was HIV+. Nobody cares in '24. There was too much sexxx to write about anyone as particularly exciting. Sometimes the most average looking man was the hottest load. I finally cum down a dudes throat in the dickpit. Chicago is still my favorite sex city, butt FTL is second. I still can't believe prices on everything= room + gas + steamworks admission. IML and Congress hotel just $gouge gay men.
  3. I meet a lot of tops who seem like they can not cum. I think it is a real issue. Couple of friends I have known for years I've never seen cum. I'm one of the guys a tight hole makes me cum sooner than I wood like. Fast ejaculation is good for something I don't talk about here.
  4. I'm going to be Cumunion at Steamworks Thursday, Touche and Jackhammer parties.
  5. I'll be at The Den on Eastlake Thursday to Monday. I'll be at Cumunion on Thursday night at Steamworx. Jackhammer and Touche parties. BBRT@Musclecumhole. Dickluva11 on X. Lookin' to serve & breed.
  6. "BTW, wouldn't mind meeting one day when my travels next bring me to the States, which is scheduled to be at end of this year?" I will be in FTL, FL at InnLeather NYE '25. If you were talking to me.

  7. I read "The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert Kennedy Jr in '23. I borrowed it from my local library. It took me a few hours. I think RFK Jr is the most interesting man alive because he asks really important questions. I think people who condemn the book without reading it are really boring. I do not remember the book saying condoms are useless, but avoid poppers. I remember gay men and ACT UP. I did not know until I read the book Fauci would not allow the use of old drugs to be repurposed to treat HIV. I was young when I tested HIV positive. I'm old enough now to say I lost 30 friends and lovers to HIV/AIDS. The same disease I have. Most of the men that I knew that died took prescribed medications. Two died of brain tumors, that were really tragic. Handsome and healthy before AZT. A few died early in the crisis before we even called it HIV. I have probably had HIV that long. I was teen runaway in LA. My health thrived without Rx. I have avoided condoms for the last 20 years. I have used poppers too. Poppers and viagra may have killed a few friends(senior citizens) in the last few years. Thanks for reading this.
  8. I don't know where you💉 are. I would love to swap ☣️loads with you.

    1. stillbreedin


      let's make it a 3 way. in memphis. sharing strains.

    2. stillbreedin


      two hot guys in my bed. a dream come true....or cum true

  9. [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/25881/cruel-condom/ [think before following links] https://scottpauldesigns.com/?s=cruel
  10. I I know what you are asking. This is best answer I can post here. I posted a party on BBRT for NYE weekend at InnLeather Dungeon 37 dudes were approved, I declined nobody. No one showed. This month I posted the BBRT party on a Friday, by Monday I had zero responses. I changed HIV to "Undetectable" and approved 7 men, declining zero. No one showed. One guy did want to hook up, but he had no pictures. I can't get a gangbang together no matter what I say. I am leaving the BBRT as "Undetectable" This fantasy of finding other toxic men, even in FTL FL, supposedly the largest gay community in the country, just doesn't work out for me. I have been lucky and found a few toxic in the last ten years, butt only at bathhouses and just because of my look. Fort Lauderdale is a BBlast everyday.
  11. Fuckin'☣️ink~! Will be back in FTL March 23 to April 02/24. Dungeon room @ Inn Leather FTL, FL No Load refused. Posted on BBRT too. Looking for anonymous, promiscuous, and public...😈🐷
  12. Fuckin'☣️ink~! Will be back in FTL March 22 to April 02/24. Dungeon rm11 @ Inn Leather FTL, FL No Load refused. You may have to buy a $10/daypass to get in InnLeather. Posted on BBRT too. Looking for anonymous, promiscuous, and public...
  13. I was at Ramrod for NYE '24. I had a great time, no fucking on the pool table, butt I fucked a few dudes. It was my night to top.
  14. Will be at Inn Leather and Slammers again February 17-20.
  15. BTW, I approved 37 men, members of BBRT, RSVP 'd they could cum to my BBRT event Saturday 12/30/23 Noon at InnLeather. No one showed up for me. Doesn't seem to matter where I am, all I get are no shows from BBRT & Sniffies. I still had a great time at InnLeather & Slammer. Thanks
  16. I went to Cumunion Atlanta December 27 at Tokyo Valentino. Very🐖 Fun. Didn't get any loads. Didn't get off. Left too early 22:30. Still had a great time. I went out 4 days in a row. Drove on to FTL, FL. Went to Slammer's 3X in 3 days. OMG Slam' was fun.
  17. Chicago🐷 Cumunion does not seem dead to me. Really want to try Cumunion at Jackhammer⚒️ someday. I went to Chicago Steamworks Cumunion on Monday Dec 11, 2023. BBRT had said like 50 pigs had indicated they were going. So, I was available, had extra $200, and weather was good for driving over 600 miles R/T in my old Caddy. I got there at 8pm, and all the reserved Cumunion rooms were already rented. I got a plain room. I had a BBall, not best time ever, but I got fucked & bred. Best part was sucked down 3 dudes in a row. Dropped a few loads too. Caught a nasty respiratory virus too, of course. Doc treated me for gono too.
  18. [think before following links] https://saunagijoe.com/
  19. Fuckin'☣️ink~! Friday December 29 to January 04, 2024. Dungeon @ Inn Leather FTL, FL No Load refused. You may have to buy a daypass to get in InnLeather. Cum on it s New Years Eve. Poppers welcum. No Drugs. Your favorite slut will be in town and looking to celebrate the holiday properly! Looking for TOPS ONLY this time around -- apologies to my fellow bottom pigs. In observance of the holiday, you're welcome to please wear your favorite MASK, gear, leather, costume, whatever you'd like! The following quote from Joe Gage's classic film, Heatstroke, sums up my feelings about good sex: "The best homosexual sex is anonymous, promiscuous, and public..."
  20. I enjoy both PS, CA and FTL, FL. Palm Springs does not have a bathhouse, FTL has 2 plus 321 Slammer which I think makes FTL the clear choice for sluts like me. PS & FTL are both easy for me to get to from Midwest, 18 hours behind the wheel or both have like 2 non-stop flights from my local airport. Key West is difficult for me because of lack of non-stop means it is like 18 hour flights or 24 hours behind the wheel. One time driving to KW there was an accident on the causeway, we turned off the car and sat on the car with no A/C for hours til the wreck was cleared. Lighthouse Inn had bedbugs that hurt like hell. Mosquitos were thick too, KW def did not make me feel like being naked outside. Sex with mosquito repellent smells and tastes nasty. My favorite guesthouse is InnLeather. Patrons maybe seniors butt they are there to party any day. You might bring some extra viagra. I had success finding hot men into my personal fetish. Every time in FTL I come home with serious STI though. I know I had a great time.
  21. Fuckin' Oink~!🐷 Manseeker Please keep sharing your adventures, and pics. Pigs like you make visiting BZ the best part of my day. Thanks for your follow too. Followed back. X🔱X

  22. @dickluva1 on X
  23. [think before following links] https://twitter.com/i/status/1478735053404487685
  24. Fuckin'☣️ink~!🐷 Wiltscumdump= Welcum to BZ~! Please keep sharing your adventures, and pics. Pigs like you make visiting BZ the best part of my day. Thanks for your follow too. Followed back. X🔱X

  25. Fuckin'☣️ink~!🐷 Jack= Please share your adventures, and share some pics. Pigs like you make visiting BZ the best part of my day. Thanks for your follow too. Followed back. X🔱X

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