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About boilad

  • Birthday 06/01/1986

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    Neg, Recently Tested
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  1. Brilliant story. Please publish more chapters. (If possible, please include some leather in the story; gloves, boots or something.) So far, my favourite character is Horse.
  2. I would love to see more of this story - please with the same (or, better, more) amount of aggro/violence.
  3. Hi Scorpion,

    I really like all of YOUR stories (in particular, "Predators and Prey"; "No Risk... No Fun"; and "Fake Bareback Porn Cast"). I would be grateful if YOU could send me the details for YOUR website, as I would love to keep reading YOUR work.

  4. Loving the story so far. Thank you so much for writing it. Looking forward to the next instalments. (I'd love to see more leather / beatings incorporated in the story; of course, the story is perfect as it is.)
  5. Brilliant story. Thank you so much! Looking forward to even more violence (and perhaps to some leather incorporated in the story).
  6. We would love another chapter in this story (actually, as many as possible). Please consider including leather / leather gloves / beatings in the next chapters.
  7. This story is incredibly hot. Looking forward to the next chapters. Hopefully, the author will make more use of "leather gloves" in the story.
  8. I see you are reading my story,  The Hitcher.

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