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- Birthday 09/22/1969
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Max and Bane stayed at the estate with Tommy and Zeke for several weeks. There was so much family to meet and get to know Zeke and Max developed a very genuine friendship. They were very much alike. Zeke had one other friend like Max and he decided he wanted them to meet even though they had reason to mistrust each other. The Light seemed to really have turned over a new leaf so maybe it was time to bury that hatchet “I have some friends coming today that I want you to meet and I want you to keep an open mind. They are Major Agents of The Darkness. I assume you know what that in” He told Max, who nodded “I don’t hate someone just because The Light doesn’t like them” hr said sounding curious Half an hour later the Predator family arrived. Apex and his husband Peter along with their life partners Warren and Ted. These four were the ones The Darkness had asked The Entity to allow to soul jump Warren and Tommy were especially close, being two peas in a pod The introductions were made and Apex and Max seemed to hit it off well West came out of the house and anyone who could not tell he was carrying was blind Bane had asked him who the Baby’s Daddy was bit he would’y say Both Zeke and Tommy were very solicitous of him though. More so than the situation required and West spent a lot of nights in their room… T “My next appointment is tomorrow, are you two coming?” He asked Tommy and Zeke “We will be there” Tommy said with a gentle smile for his pregnant grandson Bane noticed Zeke was smiling in a similar way and a suspicion formed in his mind… Nah. couldn’t be “Good” West said and went back in the house They all talked quietly as they felt The Light and The Darkness pretending to ignore each other. Those two were both a bit flamboyant and for those who were sensitive to the Higher Plane they broadcast their emotions when they were around. Oddly The Darkness’ feelings came across as hurt and angry and The Light’s felt almost sheepish “I see yours is as much of a drama queen as ours is” Max said to Apex who just smiled Zeke got a mental message and had a brief conversation with Agnes in his mind “Agnes has something to show us and wants us to come to her lab. I told her you were here Peter and she would like to get your opinion” Zeke said Peter was a doctor and medical researcher and he and Agnes had worked together many times “Sounds interesting” Peter said Zeke used the code that would take them directly to the ab and they stepped through the transport door to find a smiling Agnes waiting for them “This is really fascinating Peter, can I upload it to you. It’s always good to have someone check my work” She said He nodded and then a distracted look came over his face It took him only moments to review the upload “Remarkable and your work is flawless Agnes” he said finally “Care to let the rest of us in on it?” Tommy asked “Come here and I will show you” Agnes said They walked over to where two round platforms about four feet across raised up about a foot off the floor “We genetically sequenced the virus samples we took from Max and Bane. Max you have a slightly mutated version of the Angel Strain I’m calling Risen Angel. Bane your strain is even more mutated, I’m calling it the Fallen Angel Strain of just Fallen for short and you will see why soon She waved her hand over a panel and a naked man appeared above each platform. They looked exactly the same. They were computer simulations so complex and accurate that medical tests could be done on them “We infected them with simulations of each f your strains and ran a test. We accelerated time for them like this and watch The change in the one on the left was subtle, he seemed to grow more muscular and his features became more handsome, like he was a better looking version of himself The change to the one on the right was far more pronounced. He slowly became thinner and sicker looking till his body looked very much like Bane’s in the vision "The one on the right has periodic bouts of illness but the strain is still non-lethal. The illnesses are not opportunistic illnesses taking advantage of a weakened immune system. It’s the virus working these changes on the body and it chooses when to stop. In hundreds of simulations the results vary from almost no change to even worse than this but none of them die Then they all felt it as the two simulated viruses started communicating with each other. It wasn’t verbal but you could tell what they were saying to each other and they mostly agreed with each other. They only actual words were the names They called each other Risen and Fallen “Oh that’s pathetic” The Darkness' voice said “You never could make a good dark deity on your own” “It’s not my thing” The Light admitted “So are you finally talking to me again?” “I’d better or this new religion and any others you hatch will be worse than the last batch, maybe worse. At least I was there to help start those." The Darkness said sounding like it was an imposition B"ut if you ever get your side believing that my side is responsible for every bad thing that happens to them again I really well never speak to you again” The Darkness huffed angrily “Honestly, look at the damage never having to take personal responsibility did to humanity1 And you encouraged it!” it said and they could almost feel it shaking a metaphysical finger at The Light Then this simulation on the right darkened and the communication between the two became adversarial and contentious but not violently so, They both wanted to be dominant but neither was evil. One wanted calm and stability and the other wanted fun and anarchy. Neither was completely right or wrong and through it all you sensed that the two cared deeply for each other “That is how a religion is supposed to be” The Darkness said with satisfaction “May I touch your Agent if he allows?” it asked and a dark form appeared near Bane “If he allows" The Light said Bane nodded and The Darkness lightly brushed his cheek. He felt a change in the whispered feelings coming from his Virus and his attraction and love for his husband came more into focus. Opposites attract Agnes ran a new simulation and this time the one on the right did not end up as sick looking but the communication was that loving contention. Each simulation ran after that was the same. The level of wasting changed but the communications didn’t “Both strains can be controlled with the torques or medications, so it’s up to the individual infected weather they change or not” Agnes said after she ran several more simulations where neither man changed Bane and Max looked at each other and Max smiled, Bane didn’t have the choice not to change. Max controlled that “Maybe we could spend some time together and…” The Light “I will think about it” The Darkness said but it didn’t sound very reluctant “It’s been so long” The Light said with yearning n it’s voice “And that’s your fault, isn’t it?” The Darkness said sounding stern “Yes Dear” The Light said meekly I guess some things are universal “If that vision you showed us was accurate…” Tommy started “What vision?” Apex interrupted sounding curious “Let me show you” Max said. He gestured and they all saw the vision of the future concert “Wow, that’s so hot and so wrong” Warren said and he backed up int his husband Ted’s arms, grinding against him a little “Why do some change and others don’t?” Tommy said “I have a guess” Bane said “The ones who changed were afraid and the ones who didn't weren’t. I wasn’t afraid but I was in a lot of pain, Max is teaching me to love it and The Light probably influenced things in my case as well” “But the ones who changed could have gotten away” Tommy said “Back in the day we all dealt with reluctant chasers who changed their minds” Zeke said “I usually just held them down and pozzed them anyway” Apex said with an evil smile “Me too” Zeke admitted, matching that smile. “Those were the days. Now everyone’s torques protects them unless they are in violation long enough” “How do these new strains react to the normal Angel Strain?” Tommy asked “Basically which ever strain gets established first can hold the other two off and all three wipe out normal HIV” Agnes said “So if I have this right, some of the people I poz will get Risen and some will get Fallen. What about Bane?” Max said “They will all get Fallen but it varies in severity even if you let it run unchecked” Agnes said Max looked at Bane and there was an evil glint in his eyes They all went back to the estate, leaving Agnes to her research “Next time I soul jump I want Fallen if I can keep it from wrecking my looks” Warren said “You know I can control that” The Darkness told him “Just making sure” Warren grinned “When is your next jump?” Tommy asked “We all do it at the same time and these bodies are about 150 years old so any time really” Warren replied “I’d rather have Risen” Ted said “It would be like Russian Roulette for whoever I pozzed” "That's true" Warren said considering it "We can't poz anyone because of the torques" Apex growled sounding frustrated “If we could poz people like we used to this would be a lot of fun” Tommy said with a sigh That night West was too tired to play with his Grandpas so he slept in his own room Tommy had been thinking of something all afternoon and as he lay on Zeke’s chest he brought it up “You know, you and I COULD poz anyone we fucked. We can control anyone else's torque and shut off their virus protection whether they want it or not. We can even set it to come back on in a couple weeks" he mused to his husband “And I thought I was the more evil one between us” Zeke laughed “I’d run that past Order, Chaos and The Entity first. Let’s not step on any toes” Zeke said. He loved when Tommy showed his Evil side but it was best to be safe **************** They closed their eyes and a moment later they stood before The Entity with Order and Chaos floating on either side of it They explained Tommy’s thoughts to the three “I’m surprised it took you this long to think of it, you have had the ability for a couple centuries now” Ezekiel (Chaos) said “I thought it would be an abuse of power” Tommy said “Tommy, you and Zeke have a long long track record of doing things that change other’s lives for the better without even trying. If you decide to infect others we trust that it will actually benefit the people you chose and if it’s not going to we will let you know” Gabriel (Order) said “I have no objections. You two have more than lived up to my expectation of you and you have done the world so much good you deserve a little indulgence” The Entity said fondly "It's not like yo would be destroying their spirits and so go ahead" “Even if I get the Fallen Strain in my cock?” I don’t have to be completely infected by it” Tommy said “Are you thinking of converting to the new religion?” Gabriel said actually sounding pleased “You could keep an even better eye in it from the inside” “I just might” Tommy said “There have been worse religions in the past “ “I am thinking about it too” Zeke said after a moment “That would work out well” Ezekiel said “Oh! And good job getting The Light and The Darkness working together again! They are far more potentially dangerous on their own. They need each other for balance” “We will keep a close eye on things and let you know if you are headed into trouble” Gabriel promised as they left **************** “That went well” Zeke said, opening his eyes and hugging his lover tightly The next day they went with West to his appointment. Twins were more difficult for a synth skin pregnancy so it was best tone safe Everything checked out fine and they went back to the estate “Zeke, why are we keeping this a secret?” Tommy asked “I wanted to sort through my feelings and get it straight in my head before we told the family” Zeke said The three of them sat in comfortable chairs before a fireplace. The fire in it was a projection but you could not tell. It even gave off heat “West, I love you as my grandson and I love you as the co-father of my coming child but I’m not in love with you. I know what that feels like and I have only ever felt it for Tommy and your Uncle Red” Zeke said “And Mike” Tommy said and Zeke smiled a little sadly nodding “I feel about the same West” Tommy said “It’s better to be honest than to try to force something that is not there” West smiled “That’s a relief” he said “I wanted you to poz me but the babies were really an accident. I wasn’t trying to trap you two” “They weren’t a mistake. They are going to be a blessing” Zeke said “That’s true” West said “You remember I used to date William, the conservator here at the estate? He was only an assistant conservator back then but he's really sweet. We drifted apart when I went to college” “Yes, he’s a good man, that’s why we promoted him: Tommy said “We have been seeing each other again for the last couple months and it’s getting serious. He wants to raise the babies with me. I think he’s guessed who the fathers is or thinks it’s just one of you two. If we were together we could raise the babies tight here and you two could be part of their lives every day Let’s be honest, you two are to busy to be full time parents” West told them “I’m not giving up custody of my son” Zeke said with surprising heat “Me either” Tommy said just as firmly “I’m sure we can work that all out” West said with a big smile West’s fiancée had been named Robert and several months later when the babies were born they named Zeke’s son Rob and Tommy’s son Bob to honor him. No matter where they were in the world or what they were doing, Zeke and Tommy spent at least a couple hours a day with their sons and even changed diapers. They also spent at least two full days a week being their primary caregivers. The boys grew up with four dads and to them it was perfectly natural **************** Zeke and Tommy infected their cock and balls with the Fallen Strain in their cocks by brutally fucking Bane several times over a few months. The new strain had a 60% chance of infecting a top fucking am infected bottom just like the original Angel Strain Max had watched them fuck his husband and added a third load to his ass About two months after they started fucking Bane he got sick again As Fallen worked on changing his body He was feverish and light headed when Max put him in the sling and restrained him, clamping his nipples and adding weighted chains to the clamps this time They were in the Temple of the Virus and Bane was in a feverish world of pain and pleasure as his Grandpa Tommy rammed his cock up his infectious ass Max crouched by Bane’s head and whispered in his ear “You are such a toxic slut Bane. That’s your own granddad fucking your ass and your other one is going to fuck you afterwards. You love those incestuous cocks in you don't you?” Bane just groaned in feverish pain and pleasure as he clamped his ass around Tommy's cock Tommy moaned as his thick 8 inches slid in and out of Bane’s infected hole “So hot, so tight and warm" Timmy told Bane as he fucked him, slamming that ass hard and breeding the delirious boy deep Zeke stepped up next and slammed in as Bane whimpered, instinctively clamping his hole around his Grandpa's 10 inch shaft, milking it for charged cum “Fuck this feels so good, I want to fuck you every time you are sick” Zeke said as he slid in and out and after a few minutes added his own incestuous load to Tommy’s Max took his place and rammed in balls deep as he tugged on the tit clamps making Bane scream. He fucked his uncomprehending slave who only knew the pleasure that pain gave him in the feaver dream he existed in right then As Max’s cock throbbed and shot a third load into his ass he came explosively, shivering and shuddering, almost convulsing as his cum shot up and landed on his face with a splatter They continued to use the helpless boy for two days until his fever broke. He looked slightly thinner but it was to soon for any real, noticeable changes to occur Two weeks later both Tommy and Zeke’s cock strains of HIV were confirmed to be Fallen and they shared an evil grin and plotted **************** Ethan loved his work as a PIF. He had been one for thirty years and it never got old. He looked about 35, muscular, hairy, handsome and hung. His specialty Daddy and about half his clients were under 25 and smooth but he got all types because everyone needed a Daddy now and then4 His scenes ranged from spanking an ass tilly it glowed red before he bred them to a tender cuddle fucks Even PIFs needed to take their weekly load though and he was a little annoyed, at himself. He had been a bit distracted and his torque had just started glowing green. He needed two loads. to get it to stop now. He thought he had just taken a load a few days ago though He grumped about it as he ate dinner at his favorite restaurant and even considered visiting a PIF himself “You should be more conscientious Ethan” said a voice from the next table “You are a PIF after all” His friends Tommy and Zeke sat at the next table and Tommy grinned at him with mischief in his eyes “We could help you out” Zeke said with a smile. "You don’t want to go to work like that tomorrow, do you? What would your clients say?” “Why not?” Ethan said “It’s better that going to another PIF myself." He had played with the two before. and he never felt any pressure to top with them. S4ometimes he wanted to bottom just because he wanted to bottom and when he did he wanted it rough. Tommy and Zeke were very good at that They ended up at Tommy and Zeke's apartment and soon were in their bed Tommy took him on his stomach. They had tied his hands behind his back and blindfolded him so he didn't see when his torque flashes white before Tommy slammed in. He was even rougher than normal as he tore Ethan’s ass up with a good ten minute fuck before laoding him up. Zeke was even rougher as he bred him and Ethan’s ass was a little sore by the time Zeke gave him the 2nd load he needed They offered to let him stay the night but his place was only a few blocks away and he had an early appointment in the morning. The only problem was that one of his cocks was missing. He shrugged and headed home. It was only a sock The next day after he finished his third client Tommy popped by with the missing item “Somehow it ended up way under the bed” he said as he handed it to him “Thanks, you, but didn’t have to do that” Ethan said with a smile “{t’s no problem at all” Tommy said with a smile as he left Ethan never knew that Tommy had turned his torque green three days early to get the opportunity to poz him **************** “It’s all set up” Tommy told Zeke when he got home. "I set the system at his PIF playroom to signal us when a client comes in and either of us can disable their viral protection from wherever we are if we want. I could have set it up to be automatic but I want to think about that a bit before I actually do it” he said “I want to see if the Virus can figure out to not affect Ethan’s looks. According to Agnes it decides how much to change someone” Zeke said “If it doesn’t change him much I’m going to keep his viral protection offso he can infect client after client. I think we can set it to just not control HIV and still keep him from catching other things ” “If this works out I think we should go after more PIFs. We can set the client’s protection to come back on after a couple weeks. They will be irreversibly infected by then” Tommy said with a smirk “I guess we become PIF hunters then” Zeke sad sounding and feeling like the Zeke Evil of old ************************************************************************************************************* Let me know what you think! Scanbu
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Apex and Ted both took an involuntary step back as Warren and Peter advanced on them. The two brothers looked at each other and then started laughing at the looks of terror on their husbands faces “Oh my god! I wish I had a camera!” Warren said and Peter nodded with a smile Ted laughed though he still sounded a little nervous. He had only bottomed for Apex for a specific reason and hadn’t since the test results confirming he was poz. If Warren really wanted it he would bottom for him because he would do anything for Warren but… They had an understanding. Ted was a Bad Boy who treated Warren roughly, fucked him hard and to the outside world seemed to be the dominant partner but it was Warren who controlled things in the bedroom. Ted did what Warren wanted and Warren never wanted his Bad Boy to bottom for him Apex tried to laugh but couldn’t. Peter bringing up his promise to bottom any time for him, a promise Peter had used to betray him, had brought up too many emotions. Things best left buried in Apex’s opinion Then Peter was there gilding him and in Apex’s eyes he was the beautiful Peter of their youth but now more handsome at just over 30. Even Peter’s cock was the way it used to be and he wondered which was the illusion and which was reality “Peter has things to do that will require him to look more normal. Right now only you can see both but he will eventually learn to control the change himself” The Dark voice told him “Change?” Apex asked “Yes, right now it’s an illusion but as time goes by and I work with him more he will eventually be able to actually physically change back and forth. It might come in handy someday but you will always be able to see Normal Peter when you want. It’s my gift to you tp make up for the past a little” The Dark voice said Peter heard all this but Ted and Warren didn’t. They would learn in time “Guys, I need to talk to Apollo alone. We will see you in the morning, ok?” Peter asked “Go ahead” Warren said as his crazy, romantic Ted swept him up into his arms to carry him into the bedroom “I didn’t think when I brought up your past promise Baby” Peter said when they were alone in the second bedroom, there were three in total “I don’t think you were ready for that and maybe never will be because of what I did” “You are the only person I have ever bottomed for and…” Apollo said trying to sound like Apex “And I betrayed you” Peter said seeing through his ruse “I will never ask you to bottom for me again. I’m sorry if I hurt you” Apollo looked at this beautiful man who looked just a few years younger than the husband in his dream and let the hurt go. He made gentle love to this beautiful Peter that night and they truly started healing the old hurts, not just hiding and ignoring them The next morning they had breakfast and headed down to the beach. They all wore loose shorts and a t-shirts and Peter’s gauntness was not so obvious They had two days to kill before Ari got there They sat together watching the other beachgoers, though they sat somewhat apart from them One young man in his early 20s caught their attention. He was tall, dark haired, hairy chested, nicely muscled and had a great ass in his tight trunks. He was showing off for a woman a few years older than him who smiled indulgently as she lounged on a beach blanket. He joined her and they kissed then sunbathed together “I’d love to catch him drunk and breed him” Apex said and the others agreed “Is getting them drunk a kink for you? Dies it turn you on or something?” The dark voice asked and they all heard it “It makes them easier to handle and makes them forget what happened. I am usually forcing myself on them and infecting them with a disease but none of the drunk boys have ever made any nasty accusations that I know of” Apex said. In the past he had not cared what happened to him and he had the money to hire the best lawyers but now he had a family and probably needed to be more careful “They don’t forget because they are drunk. If I can’t recruit them I make them forget, p. Them being drunk actually makes it harder for me because to accept me they can’t be under the influence. It’s another one of those pesky riles I hate” The Dark voice said “You try to recruit all the men I have pozzed?” Apex asked surprised “Not on the same level as you but yes. All the sex is fun to watch but there is a reason for it. The people I direct you too need changing. They are headed down destructive paths that will harm a lot more people than the paths you put them on. It’s one of the few things I agree with Order and Chaos on. If they accept me I can change their path” it told them “Order and Chaos?” Warren asked “I will tell you about those two busybodies some other time, they do a lot of good but they have a more narrow definition of what’s good for people than I do” It replied “If we don’t get them drunk how do we get them into a position that we can poz them?” Apex asked “Well there are four of you and there will usually only be one of them so…” The Dark voice left it hanging They all got the idea immediately and all started to get hard “You know, I have restraints, gags and a few other things in my bags, just in case” Apex threw out "You know, the basics every poz predictor needs" “One more thing. The more overwhelming their physical sensations are the easier it is for me to get them to let me in. Just don't leave obvious marks on them” the Dark voice said and they all got a little harder ************** Chuck lay on the blanket after his girlfriend left. She always teased him. He wanted to marry her and take care of her but she would never give him an answer. She was great in bed though so he kept after her, His parents told him he could do better but he was in love and he knew deep inside she loved him and would realize it someday “Howdy” A voice said and he looked up to see a guy laying out a blanket about 10 feet away Chuck nodded and smiled then went back to thinking about his girlfriend. All the showing off earlier had made him thirsty and he had drained his drink. He picked it up and shook it to see if he could get one more swallow “Empty?” the man nearby asked “Yeah” he said and sat it back down “I’m staying up in that bungalow, you are welcome to come get some water. I think we have soda too” he said “Water would do and thanks” Chuck said “No problem, the name’s Ted, come on up” Ted said “Chuck here” Chuck said, bending down to pick up the blanket and the pack that had his phone and wallet in it and they walked towards the stairs together. Another man at the top of the stairs saw them head up and went in the bungalow They shook out their blankets and left them outside then Ted opened the door As Chuck followed Ted in the door shut and he felt his arms grabbed from behind. He saw Ted grab something off a nearby table As he opened his mouth to yell “What the fuck?” Ted shoved something in his mouth and someone stepped up behind him and buckled the gag in place. He was wrestled into a bedroom where the a man stepped in front of him The man was blond and skinny to the point of being gaunt. He was also totally naked and his cock was rock hard and dripping. He took Chuck’s pack and sat it on a table then turned back “Very nice” The man said looking him up and down and then cupping the bulge in his trunks with a bony hand while pitching his nipple with the other, Chuck struggled to pull away but the man let go and walked behind him He really started struggling when he felt that bony hand slide down the back of his trunks and a finger slide into his ass “MMMM that's a virgin straight boy ass. This is going to be fun” the man said He was stripped and his wrists were wrapped in leather cuffs that were secured to the bedposts as he continued to struggle. His ankles were also cuffed and he was bent almost in half as they were secured to ropes coming from the same bedposts As the skinny, sick looking man crawled between his legs all he could think is “Why is my cock hard?” The man looked down at him and said “I look this way for exactly the reason you think I do. I have HIV and I’m very toxic. I’m going to fuck your ass bare and cum in you so maybe someday you can look like this too” Chuck looked at him and shivered struggling against his bonds, then a hand came in from the side and put sharp clips attached by a chain on his nipples and all he could do was writhe in pain but his cock got even harder He felt something blunt press against his asshole and finally pop in as more and more pressure was applied. He really screamed as the head of that evil looking man’s cock popped in to his virgin hole “Stop fighting it, enjoy it, I can help you with that if you let me in” a Dark voice said in seductive tones in his mind The man pulled the head out and shoved it back in sinking more in and making it hurt even worse “I can make this feel so good for you, just let me into your mind” the Dark voice purred “No!” he though back The skinny man was working his way deeper and deeper and in a few minutes was sliding in and out. His cock was so wide it could never stop hurting him “I can make you love the pain, welcome it, crave it, just let me in” the Dark voice whispered insidiously “No!” he thought back again, though he didn’t know why he was fighting so hard Someone pulled on the chain to the clips on his nipples and shook it making him writhe even more, whimpering in pain “Why fight me so hard? You know you are enjoying this on some level, All I want to do is set that side of you free. Just let me in and it will feel so much better” The Dark voice said sounding like a concerned friend Something in him broke “You will make it feel better?” he asked “I promise” the dark voice said “Do it, please” Chuck begged and he felt the Dark voice slide into his mind Everything changed even though nothing really changed. The cock in his ass still hurt but the pain felt good somehow. The thought of being infected with HIV still terrified him but it also had am erotic allures and he found himself wanting to let the HIV ravage his body A hand reached behind his head and removed the gag “Thank you” Chuck said, not even thinking of calling for help The emaciated man between his legs was breathing harder and slamming into him with every thrust as he sped up “I’m going to breed you now, I’m going to shoot my HIV filled cum so deep in you it will knock you up and my virus will seep into your blood. You will be mine forever because my virus will live inside of you” he said “Tell me you want my toxic poz seed to infect you!” “Do it man! Give it to me!” He moaned and he found himself really wanting it The Dark voice chuckled in his mind, “See?” it said The sick man fucking him stiffened as his cock throbbed and Chuck felt a hot, wet feeling inside. He imagined he could feel the virus invading his bloodstream and came hard shooting cum that splattered his chest and hit him in the chin After the thin man caught his breath he got up and Ted crawled between his legs kissing him “There are three more of us who are going to breed you and we are all poz. Do you want us to untie you?” he asked “No man, just fuck me like this. I kind of like it. Pull on that chain now nd then too” he said and Ted grinned as he slid in fucking him hard and fast, tugging on the chain as he added a 2nd poz load to the first A smooth man with a cock as thick as the sick man’s slid in next and jackhammer fucked him rill a third poz load was deposited in his sore, raw ass He felt a new kind of delicious pain and the man called Apex rammed in and burst past his inner ring. “Take my toxic load you little slut” Apex grunted a few minutes letter as he deposited the fourth toxic load in him They finally untied him and the sick man who was named Peter made out with him as he fucked him a second time Later he was kneeling between Ted’s legs in the living room, getting his first lesson in cock sucking when his phone rang in the pack on the table beside them He fished it out and saw it was his girlfriend so he answered “I’ve been thinking, if you buy me a nice ring I might give you an answer this tine” she told him, teasubf gun again “Ummm, yeah, about that. I’ve changed my mind. I’ve decided I like cock better, thanks for offering though” he replied “Haha, very funny, stop joking with me Chuck” she snapped He activated his phone’s camera and let her watch him sucking Ted’s cock for a few seconds then clicked off the camera again “Still think I’m joking? Have a nice life” he said and hung up on her “Good for you! She sounded like a bitch!” Ted said and then grabbed his hair to roughly pull his month back to his cock and started fucking his throat Apex knelt behind him and slid his thick 12 inches up that already battered ass then reached around to pinch his tender nipples, Several minutes he came for the third time that day as he took poz cum in his mouth and as at the same time “I better go” Chuck said reluctantly as they stood “You don’t have to you can stay as long as we are here” Ted said and the others nodded agreement “I would at least need to go home and throw some clothes in a bag” he said excitedly and they all smiled at his eagerness. They let him shower and waved as he headed for his car. He would be back in a couple hours he said They each took quick showers and went to a local restaurant for dinner, getting take out for Chuck, in case he was hungry As they sat around the table waiting for their food Apex brought up something he had been thinking about “We are a family now and I would like to do something to show it so everyone knows” he told his three life partners “My last name is Preda, Ted’s is Date, Warren and Peter’s is Orwell, If we take the beginning of each we get Pre Dat Or. I would like us to adopt the family name Predator. Maybe even legally change our names to that” “Only if you keep your first name Apollo. You can make your middle name Apex” Peter said very firmly “I like this Apex fellow but I married and love Apollo” Apollo took his hand and kissed it “I love you too Peter” Warren chuckled “I want to see how much is left of him after he tells Mama Preda he is changing his name. She won’t like that” Ted said “I don’t have a problem with it either. I don’t have any other family I care to claim” and it was decided Chuck drove up just seconds behind them when they got back When they got inside he told them “The Bitch called my parents and told them I was gay” Warren winced “It’s called outing someone. Was it bad?” he asked “Nah, they are relieved. They always said I could do better than her and they don’t care if that someone better is a dude” Chuck laughed The next day they hung out at the beach all morning and fucked all afternoon. They mentioned that Ari would be there the next day and he was welcome to stay and meet him The next day when Ari arrived he gave all four of them big hugs and then they introduced him to Chuck who had been hovering in the background They just stared at each other like they had found something that had been missing from their lives and now that they had found it they would never let it go. They finally touched and then Chuck was in Ari's arms and they were kissing “I think Chuck just found his Someone Better” Peter said with a gentle smile “Why me? Not ANOTHER perfect match couple to deal with!” the Dark voice groaned and confirmed it ************************************************************************************************************* Next Chapter: Ari gets what he wants Let me know what you think! Scanbu
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Maxwell was once again dressed in his skin tight leather pants tucked into his boots. He was bare chested as he sat on his throne and looked at the beautiful boy he had just married, “Worship me as your God” Maxwell told the kneeling neg virgin Bane had crawled to him and kissed his boots, licking them and then working his way up to his leather covered cock The boy worshiped it with his tongue, tracing the outline and then every vein slowly and lovingly through that thin leather before Maxwell freed it for Bane to suck Maxwell’s cock was both longer and thicker than Bane’s more than hefty 11 inches. It was a cock that looked like it was designed to plow neg holes, shred them and make them receptive to the viral gift it offered. Bane had to stretch his jaws just to get the head in. He did the best he could for his first time and Maxwell would see he got plenty of practice After Bane had him hard he said “It’s time to restrain and infect you. Our Viral God wants to claim you and so do I” Soon Bane lay bound securely by his wrists and ankles cuffed to the chains of a sling. The boy was utterly helpless and his excited cock dripped pre at the thought as it stuck proudly, straight up in the air. He was blindfolded and had a ball gag in his mouth. Jagged clips bit into his nipples and he moaned at the pain and pleasure they caused. Maxwell stood by the moaning virginal sacrifice and took his huge dangling balls in his hands and twisted lightly watching his slave writhe in his bonds until he let go Ten he pulled on the nipple clips and Bane’s back arched in pain. “I want you to put your torque in medical mode and grant me control. I am a medical doctor soI have the proper authority to use it.” he said to Bane removing the gag “I know you can just think it but I want to hear you give it to me” Maxwell was asking for permanent control of Bane’s health and health care. It would take away his ability to chicken out when the virus started changing his body. You gave a doctor control of your medical mode when they were treating you for something and you might be incapacitated. The doctor kept that control till he released a patient, usually when treatment ended but in some cases it could be indefinite “I grant Dr. Maxwell Vector full medical mode control” Bane said and their torques flashed white acknowledging it “You are truly mine now” Maxwell said and he accessed Bane’s torque and turned off his protection from viruses. Infection was inevitable now He stepped between Bane’s bound legs and ran a lubed finger around that virgin neg hole then shoved it in, roughly twisting for just a moment before he shoved in a second then a third and fourth as Bane groaned. It was driving him wild with desire. He had to have more “Please! I need it!, Fuck me please! I have to have your cock in me! Hurt me with it! Just get it in me! Make me your slut and poz me!” The neg boy begged “Good boy” Maxwell said and lined his cock up with Bane’s hole and eased the head in then pushed back on the sling chains making him swing back slightly then swing forward causing a little more of that cock to enter He kept pushing back on the chain until just the tip was still in and letting gravity do his work for him and Bane grunted in pain each time more slid into him. When half his cock, about six inches was in he started fucking Bane with it and slowly worked his way in till he felt the head nudge that inner ring. He took hold of the chains once again and pushed till just the tip of the head was in one last time but instead of letting gravity swing the helpless boy back he yanked back on the chains and thrust forward, spearing through the inner ring and up into his guts Bane screamed and writhed in pain as that inner barrier was breached. His bound limbs strained against their restraints as instinct took over for a moment “Minor internal bleeding detected” Bane’s torque reported to Maxwell as it monitored his health. That’s what he wanted to hear and had been waiting for. He grinned and fucked harder, knowing Bane was ready for viral impregnation now “Hurts doesn’t it Baby? But you wanted this, you even asked me to hurt you and now your bleeding inside, Nice and ready to take Our God in you. I’m about to infect you with HIV/ I’m going to enjoy watching it it slowly take over your body and change you, it’s going to be so hot fucking you when you are fevered and delirious with the bug flu and I’m giving it to you you right NOW!” Maxwell said pushing in to the hilt and spraying his toxic seed deep into this boy who had given himself totally to him and the Virus “Fuuukkkk yes! Poz me!” Bane said as hic cock erupted sending cum flying all over both of them as the vision of himself ravaged by the bug rose before his eyes Maxwell fucked and bred him twice more without pulling out. Bane cumming with him each time. When he did pull out a pink mixture of cum and blood coated his cock He unbound his husband and lifted him out of the sling, holding him in his arms as the dungeon vanished and a large four poster bed appeared. He took the beautiful boy and gently laid him on it then he lay down next to him and pulled the boy against him. They fit together perfectly and soon drifted off to sleep, Banes head under Maxwell’s chin as he nuzzled into that muscular chest, wrapped in his husband’s strong protective arms Ten days later Bane started to fill ill The next day he lay sweating in bed as a 101 degree fever gripped him. He was pinned under Maxwell who slid his massive cock in and out of his hole and twisted his nipples cruelly as he pounded that fevered ass, breeding him multiple times while whimpering how beautiful he was going to be when his body was thin and wasted and how he was going to enjoy fucking him each time the Virus made him sick As his fever burned, Band grew lightheaded and he started having strange feelings and urges that were not his own. He imagined that the Virus in his blood wanted him to go spread it. That it had a conscious desire to infect others and he was to be the deliverer of that infection but thought it was just a fever dream Two days later Bane felt better but the feeling was still there and growing stronger as more and more virus built up in his blood. They left the temple and took the transport door down to Maxwell’s beach house near the village below. The place was opulent and tasteful with a pool and a short stairway down to the beach “Welcome home Baby” Maxwell said as they arrived “It’s wonderful Maxwell” he said looking around at the furnishings and the art on the walls “Call me Max, Baby’ He said as he showed him around The next day he got a message from Grandpa Tommy “We’ve been invited to spend a few days with my Grandpas at their estate. They would like to get to know you” he told Max “I’d like to get to know them too” Max said They stepped out of a stone arch on the ancient Barrows estate. Bane had brought them to this door because you got a good view of the house from here. It was the best surviving example of a style of architecture that was nearly 1100 years old and his Grandfathers had preserved it perfectly. The stone outside and the wood inside was impervious to weather and rot and the house stood almost as it had been built in the early 2th century “Beautiful” Martin said, looking at the stone-faced building with appreciation “It’s been in my family for over 1000 years and it’s always been my 2nd home. All the grandkids have a room here and there are still a few empty” Bane said They made a short walk down to the house where Tommy and Zeke greeted them at the door They had a light lunch at a table by the pool set up and they sat talking about their pasts “He knows who you really are and how old you are” Bane told his Grandpas “The Light told you about us?” Zeke asked Max “Yes, it’s a terrible gossip” Max said smiling, not surprised these two knew of their association with The Light Cousin West came put of the house and waved as he headed to a lounge by the pool. He looked like he had put on some weight “The Entity told us that you two are The Light’s new representatives and I definitely prefer you to the old one. Can you tell us about your new religion?” Tommy asked “We are still hammering out the details. We worship the HIV Virus though. Mine urges me to spread it. It’s almost conscious. It has a desire to take over the bodies it inhabits. To shape them, The light came to me soon after I started worshiping mine” Max told them “I have been feeling the same thing since I was sick a few das ago. It’s not just a mindless Virus, It can think on a primitive level” Bane said, then asked Max “Can you show them the vision you showed me?” “I think so, if they allow it. Them being agents of Order and Chaos might make it difficult otherwise” Max said Tommy and Zeke nodded permission and Max gestured in front of their eyes, When the vision finished their reaction was odd to Max. Tommy reached out and took Zeke’s hand and they looked into each other's eyes with loving expressions “It reminds me of The Evils” Tommy said and he explained how he and Zeke had met and the Evil personas they used to use so long ago “You don’t mind what it’s going to do to me?” Bane asked “You didn’t look much worse than Zeke did when I met him" Tommy said “Would it offend you if we had someone study your strain?” Zeke asked, Intelligent viruses were a worrying thought “No, it’s that budding awareness that we worship not the individual viruses” Max said That night in bed Tommy said “I might even consider converting to that religion. It’s not much different than the way we lived our early life together. I have no objection to any of what we saw” “Not even the forced pozzings and what it did to them?” Zeke asked “Did you notice that not one of them tried to run? Many had a clear shot to the doors and could have made it out easily. There is more to that than it seems if the vision is literal” Tommy said “That vision got me rock hard” Zeke admitted “Me too” Tommy said kissing Zeke seriously They didn’t make love that night, instead Zeke brutally fucked Tommy like he had the night they had met as they remembered how the HIV virus had bound them together The next day Agnes came and drew blood from Max and Bane to run some tests ************** Alex stalked his prey. He had his instructions and he and his husband Marc hid in the trees waiting The man they were after was named Brent Hutton. He was an actor, one of the most famous in the world. Movies nowadays were immersive. You lived out the movie as the main character if you wanted or watched from the side in a 3D environment that surrounded you Brent had been voted the Hottest Man On Earth for the last 20 years running. He had blond wavy hair and green eyes. His body was muscular perfection and many a boy or girl sighed over his picture and fantasized how wonderful it would be to be with him even though rumors said that he was a conceded ass He had gone to a PIF in disguise. The PIF specialized in humiliation for those who craved it. He was tall, young looking and rather scrawny but he had a huge cock. One of the five largest in the world at just over 13 inches. His clients were usually handsome muscular men with small cocks and he dominated them with his huge one making them worship it and him His name was Terry, he has a ginger and a little out of shape quite deliberately. He looked like a geek but the head of his cock had been almost as long as Brent's entire tiny shaft as he rubbed the two together “Pathetic” Terry said as he pushed Brent back on the bed. “A small cocked boy like you needs to serve a real man like me. All those muscles are just to hide the fact you aren't a real man, aren't they slut? You dream of having a cock like min but you can’t so you serve them inst3ad. Raise your legs and spread them like a good little bitch for me so I can load you up. I want to see if I can fuck a load out of that little thing” Brent did as he was told. This was what hi craved behind his facade of cocky confidence, He could only get it from PIFs like Terry and none had ever realized who they were fucking Terry got between those muscular legs and put his huge cock head at that hole, punching it in. Brent squirmed in that pain he loved as a huge cocked man took him Terry quickly sunk all the way in. “Such a little slut to take a man my size so easily” he said though Brent was gasping and cleaning the sheets in pain. His little 3 incher was vibrating and dripping pre though Terry fucked him hard and slapped him across the face, something the client had requested. “You ready to take a real man’s load bitch? You ready to get bread like the small dicked little looser you are?” he asked after pounding that muscle ass for 15 minutes or so “Fuck yes, please give me your load!” Brent begged, right on the edge Terry’s entire shaft throbbed as the cum moved up it to spew deep into his client’s ass as thier Tiny cock shot cum that arched and hit Brent in the face and both or their torques flashed as the requirement was met Terry was a huge fan of Brent Hutton and had stared at a poster of him above his teenage bed so long as a teenager he had memorized the position of the 17 freckles on the man’s stomach and chest. He had realized who Brent was despite the changed hair color, undetectable prosthetic nose and contact lenses that changed the color of his eyes The last thing Terry remembered before waking up in the hospital was saying “This was a dream come true for me. I have wanted to fuck you since I was 14 Mr. Hutton” as he pulled out He had been beat within an inch of his life and found by his next client. Brent Hutton had vanished That was twelve weeks ago today. Alex and Marc had tracked Brent to this remote house, deep in a forested area. Brent’s brother owned it and Brent was one of the few people who had the code to access it’s transport door. It had taken over a week to hike here and set up a temporary transport door but Marc was Ex Special Forces and had kept his training up and his body in shape across the centuries. He was the nest commando and forest tracker in PIPE and he often trained others in forest stealth techniques Alex had joined him through the temporary transport door. He was fit but had no training in the areas Marc did. He didn’t even like to go camping The two watched through binoculars as Brent stood on a deck, moodily staring into the forest, his torque glowing orange He had lost it when the PIF recognized him. fearing that the man would expose his kink and the size of his penis. He always wore padded pants with a healthy bulge to hide it. The PIF had survived but they were keeping who attacked him under wraps. He did know his bank accounts had been frozen and then emptied. Probably going to that damned PIF in compensation “It was si stupid!” he thought berating himself PIFs were bound by contract to never reveal what happened with their clients but being recognized had made him snap He didn’t notice as his torque changed from orange to red but he did notice what felt like a bug bite in his neck a few moments later. He slapped at it and was surprised to find a small dart in his hand and then he passed out Marc lowered his blowgun and he and Alex casually walked up to the deck, carrying the unconscious man towards the transport door Brent woke up naked and tied down on a bed, He soon recognized that he was in his own bedroom in his own home Three men stood in the room. One was Terry and the other two he did not recognize. Terry and one of the men were naked The naked blonde man with the spikey hair said “Oh good you are awake. We can get on with this. The name’s Alex and this is my husband Marc. You already know Terry. Marc and I are members of PIPE and you are in violation. You also beat a PIF nearly to death and we are not sure if you were trying to kill him or not” “It’s been decided by the proper authorities that I am to poz you like all violators get pozzed and take control of you. Then I'm to then transfer that control to Tarry here. He will own you for the rest of your life. He already owns everything that used to be yours, including this house As your owner all your future wages will go to him as well” he went on getting between Brent’s legs and lifting them to his shoulders “Damn yo do have a tiny little cock don’t you?” Alex said as he rammed his thick 9 inches poz cock up the helpless neg man’s ass “I see why a PIF like Terry would turn you on, a tiny dicked slut like you needs a man like that. I bet my 9 inches of toxic poz cock can do the job too though and I admit that I have actually thought about pozzing your ass on occasion when I watch your movies ” Alex told him He pounded that neg ass hard and soon his balls were pulling up, ready to pump cum and virus into that defenseless neg hole “Here it comes slut. You are about to get pozzed and owned. That’s what you get for trying to kill a PIF” He growled as his toxic load filled Brent’s ass and their torques flashed “I claim you” Alex said and took control of the hottest man on earth completely “Terry here now owns you completely. You are his legal1 property until he chooses to release you” he then told the knocked up and pozzed man “I hope you enjoy a being the slave of a man who can cum 12 times a day, every day” “14 times on a good day” Terry said “And from now on it's are all going up my small dicked slave's ass” Alex and Marc untied the new slave and quietly left him with his owner “On your knees bitch” he snapped and Brent instantly obeyed though he tried to resist “I spent all my time in the hospital thinking of the things I was going to make you do and do to you. when I owned your pathetic ass. Open your mouth and take the head of my cock in it. I am going ro oiss and you will not only drink it. You will love it. You will crave my piss and beg for it every time I need to urinate” He said Brent opened his mouth and took the head in. Terry let it flow, He did love the taste and gulped it down greedily Terry slapped him hard across the face “Thank me and tell me you love me whenever I slap you and mean in. I am the center of your universe now and you love me so much you will put up with any abuse” Brent felt overwhelmed with love for this skinny big cocked man “Fuck I love you so much! Thank you for slapping me!” he said and really meant it. How had he lived without Terry in his life? “Get on the bed on your back” Terry ordered and Brent scrambled to obey Terry got between his legs and slid that 13 inch monster in to the hilt, then he looked int his slave’s eyes “You are my pathetic tiny dicked slut now and I’m going to commit to giving you every load I shot for the rest of my life will go in you and I am only 30, I know you are 40 and so we will probably have at least 120 years together so you will get used to me in you. I already know you love it” he said grinding his pubes into him “We will be getting married and though we could live off what is now mine easily I want you to keep working so you stay in the spotlight shoe me off like I am a God in public” He said flexing his cock inside Bren “If you are asked what you see in me I want you to just look at my crotch and blush, then mention I am a retired PIF so they all know what is happening” he said as he began sliding in and out “I think you need 15 loads to get you back into compliance. That would be a new record for me but I’m not pulling out till your torque winks out. You are such a pathetic little dicked bitch that you will love that won’t you?” “Ohh fuck I want all your loads in me. I need them” Brent said “Such a slut. All you are good for is taking loads” Terry sad and a couple minutes later he gave the man he has lusted after for years a load of hot PIF cum and their torques flashed It tool nearly 4 hours but Terry set that new record and Brent’s torque faded completely About a month later Marc and Alex were kissing on their couch. Even 1000 years in the future people still watched TV and celebrity gossip and news was as popular as ever “Today we have an exclusive interview with Brent Hutton and his new husband Terry. The two announced their surprise marriage as Brent accepted his 21st Hottest Man on Earth award in a row. I caught them back stage afterwards" The reporter said The picture switched to a shot of Brent in a suit and Terry in a black leather jacked over a white shirt and a pair of skin tight black leather pants. His cock ran down one leg almost obscenely “So tell me Brent what attracted you to Terry?” the interviewer asked Brent blushed and looked at Terry’s crotch and muttered “I love him and he’s a retired PIF” he said “Thank you Baby Boy” Terry said and the he said “There a couple things we didn’t announce but I will give you the scoop” He put one arm around Brent’s waist and put his other hand on gis new husband's stomach “We have our first baby on the way and Brent will be playing a pregnant man in trouble in his next movie” he said with a proud smile “Congratulations to you both! I can’t wait to see the movie!” The interviewer said A few months later every boy above 12 with top leanings had a poster of Brent, shirtless and very pregnant wearing a pair of tight shorts that clearly showed how small his bulge really was He won his 22nd Hottest Nan on Earth award in a row by the largest margin ever ********************************************************************************************************** Next Chapter: Test Results I’m not sure if a huge dicked man who can cum 14 times on a good day would be a blessing or a curse Let me know what you think! I love your comments Scanbu
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“Warren?” Peter said “Yup, it’s me” Warren said then looked around at the people surrounding them. Then he picked up the chart on the end of Peter’s bed and ran through it quickly “You are here because you are not responding to meds anymore. Basically this place is just a roof over your head while we wait to see if this experiment works. Medically we can’t do anything for you” He said in a professional tone “We?” Peter asked pulling a blanket over his naked body and Apollo’s “Ok folks!” The man named Tommy said “Lets give these people some privacy! This was not meant to be a spectator event!” Several people blushed and everyone dispersed, though some stayed just in ear shot “I work here Peter, I’m a Hospice nurse. You might know that if you had bothered to contact anyone in the family in the last decade” Warren said, his voice a mix of anger and caring concern “Baby this is not the place” Ted said gently “That’s exactly what I was getting at” Warren said “I want you to come home with us. I can take care of you for what you need and honestly Peter, you are my last living blood kin and if this experiment works or not I want to get to know my brother, whatever time we have left” Warren said “Oh by the way, this is my husband Ted” “Nice to meet you” Ted said, though it sounded a bit strained “What about Apollo?” Peter asked “Call me Apex Peter. And I live with them already. They are my lovers and very, very important to me. I love them both. In the long run they may have saved me from going insane” Apex said looking at Warren and Ted It was the first time any of the three had said the word love in regards to their new partners but it was a declaration Apex felt he needed to make and they needed to hear “Apex?” Peter asked sounding confused “Apex is who I am now. Apollo is my legal name but I’m not comfortable with it any more. Apollo was the boy you hurt. Apex is the man I am now; We can talk about it later” Apex said “Will you come home with us?” Warren asked his brother and Peter nodded Dr. Cole signed the release papers and the four of them got into Warren’s car as he drove them home Apex used the drive tome to sort out his thoughts and feelings and made some decisions They moved Peter into the guest bedroom that used t be Apex’s and then sat around the kitchen table to discuss things Peter sat across from Apex with Ted and Warren to the sides Apex reached out and took Warren and Ted’s hands in his then looked directly at Peter “I love you Peter, I can’t help it, it’s built into my soul and I want to make you part of my life. But you have to know Warren and Ted ARE my life now and as long as they will have me I want to be with them. I chose to love them and I just hope they chose to love me back” Apex said to him He was feeling a mix of love for Peter and protectiveness for his lovers and the protectiveness was stronger “We do” Ted said, “We have talked about it but didn’t want to say anything and rush you” and Warren nodded “They are to me what I was to you when we met. They love me and try to show that every day. I’m not going to make the same mistake you did and throw that away:" Apex said and he looked at each of his lovers with a question in his eyes, they both nodded, knowing what he wanted “Peter, If you want to be part of my life you have to accept that you will never have all of me. Maybe you can become part of us or maybe you will only want to be with me. Whatever you do will have to fit into my life with these two.” He said firmly “It’s more than I deserve” Peter said looking down “I don't know if I have much time left and if I don’t, I want to spend what I have with you, Warren and his husband. I really don’t know any of you any more and I want to use what time I have left remedying that” “What did you mean when you said that man was the reason you were in the hospice?” Apex asked him Peter blushed and looked away “I had a good, steady job with benefits and health insurance. Mast… He never kept a job long. When we both had to go on meds he would take mine when he didn’t have insurance. It happened several times and…” ‘They lost effectiveness for you” Warren finished for him “Peter! How could you let him do that to you?” he demanded “Easy baby” Ted said “After what I did to Apollo I was so broken and he just built on that. He had me convinced I was worthless and deserved what he did to me, At first it was hot to be treated that way. I craved it, but eventually it just became torment. He always told me no one could ever love me abd I was lucky to have him and I was so twisted I believed him. Then I got laid off and I was getting sicker so he threw me out. I think he found a new boy and replaced me” Peter said not looking at any of them “I am setting up counseling sessions for you starting as soon as we can get you seen” Warren said, his nostrils flaring with anger “And if I ever get my hands on this Vince he will be sorry he was ever born” “I can’t afford that” Peter said sadly “I was in Hospice because it was a free program in the city I lived in” “Don’t worry about the cost” Apex said “But…” Peter said “Shut up and let us help you” Warren snapped at him and then he thought of something. He wrestled with his conscience and finally brought up something that was inevitable anyway “Apex, you have the best health insurance I have ever seen, You paid $10 for that antibiotic and it’s non formulary on most plans. If you marry Peter you can put him on your plan. We all know it’s going to happen eventually. I trust you to keep your word and stay with us even if you do and it would save a lot of money. Besides, if he doesn’t have much time left you two should be together for that time” Warren said quietly but sincerely. That statement had cost him a lot “The money isn’t an issue for me” Apex said stiffly “But Peter’s possible life span is” Ted said just as quietly and sincerely as Warren “Are you two trying to get rid of me now? Besides, I don't even know if Peter wants to marry me!” Apollo said Peter’s face was a study in conflicting emotions, Love and hope warred with self loathing and despair “Do you want to marry me Peter? Will you?” Apollo asked almost shyly “Ted and Warren are right. I knew I wanted to marry you as soon as I realized ot was you, I jost had to make sure you knew they would never be out of my life and you had to share me” Peter looked at him and said “Under three conditions. First. I want you to have a prenup drawn up completely protecting your assets from me. I get nothing from you if we divorce,. Second. That you SWEAR to me and these two that you will never leave them for me. I will divorce you if you do that. Third, That you DO NOT give me access to your finances. If Mast… Vince ever found out I was married to a rich man. He would try to take advantage of it and me. If you meet my conditions I won’t be able to hurt you and he will stay away” “Please, I hate him but I can’t resist him. His control is built into me. I never want to see him again. Don’t give him a reason to come back into my life” Peter pleaded Apex fought down his anger that the man he loved was so broken “I will do as you ask, but everything but the part about Ted and Warren goes out the window if Vince is ever no longer a threat OR your therapist says you can be trusted” he said then he thought of one more thing Peter needed to know He told him about his lifestyle, how he pozzed neg boys who were straight or cheating. It was something he had no intention of grieving up for anyone “I regret leaving you not pozzing you. I pozzed several people and it always gives me a head rush. I only stopped when I learned I was resistant to meds, I didn't want to pass that on” Peter said “If I only have a little time left I want to spend that with Apollo but if I have longer I want to try to be part of what you three have if you will let me: Peter said to his brother and his husband “I think incest could be hot” Warren said with a smile “I'd like to watch that” Ted said smiling too “I think I need a nap” Peter said “So much has happened today and I didn't sleep well last night” As he went to his bedroom Apex went out on the back patio to make some phone calls First he called his lawyers and requested several things be drawn up and overnighted to him. Then he called the courthouse and found out what was involved in getting married. He was advised that if he was in a rush that a quick trip over the border into the neighboring state would vastly sped things up when he asked what the shortest time it could be done in was Then he called his mom “Mama, I’m getting married, probably in three days and there are some people who are very important to me I want you to meet. Will you fly out? I want you here for it” he said. He had not visited in many years but he called his mom at least once a week “Well, that's a surprise! And who, pray tell, is my confirmed bachelor of a son marrying in such a rush?” She asked but she sounded pleased “The only man I would ever consider marrying. The only man I have ever loved until recently” Apollo told his mon, bracing for an explosion Isn’t it off how we all turn into little boys when our mom is mad at us? There was silence on the other end of the line for a moment then finally “I see, and how long has Peter been back in your life?” she said and she did not sound pleased anymore Apollo looked at his watch “About 6 hours” he responded holding the phone away from his ear quickly The next door neighbor looked up at what sounded like a woman in the distance yelling “WHAT???” “Calm down Mama! Please!” Apollo pleaded and the he told him a VERT edited and cleaned up version of today’s events, finishing with the fact that he couldn’t wait because Peter may not have much time left and that Apollo could not imagine what never being Peter’s husband, if only for a little while would do him now that they had found each other again “You are such a good, loving boy Apollo but are you sure?” She asked “Absolutely, Mama” He said “Then you have to do it” She said simply “You will come?” he asked “Yes I will come. I would not miss your wedding for anything” she said “Listen, I need you to call Uncle Chris for me. I need a favor. Someone needs to be dealt with” he said and told her about Vince and what he had done to Peter “That poor boy. He made a mistake but no one deserves that” she said “I will call your Uncle and he will get it dealt with” she promised The day after a package arrived from Apex’s lawyer. In it was the requested prenup as well as documents granting Warren and Ted every right a spouse would have and an agreement that if Apex was ever incapacitated that Warren would make medical decisions for him, Ted would make financial ones and Peter would not challenge either one Apollo’s Uncle ran the docks in a major northwestern sea port and lets just say he let some very interesting things slip through that maybe he shouldn’t The day before the wedding Vince got pulled over for a broken tail light. The officer said he thought he smelled something and searched the car. In the trunk he found some of those things Apollo’s Uncle let slip through the port. Quite a lot actually The office was skeptical of Vince’s claim that he had never seen those things before. The D.A, believed him even less and the Feds didn’t believe him at all. The bust was big enough to make the national newspaper and Apollo put the story in a nice frame to give to Peter as a wedding gift I will pause here to acknowledge that considering hos lifestyle and preferences that Apex was being just the tiniest bit hypocritical here but he had never damaged anyone the way Peter had been damaged and what’s a little hypocrisy among friends? We all are hypocrites now and then Apollo’s mom arrived the day of the wedding. He had hired a Limo big enough to take the five of them across the border to a wedding chapel he had rented for the day and where a Justice of the Peace waited. He and Peter had gotten the marriage license the day before No one in the Limo noticed the four other Limos following them till they got to the chapel and most of the members of Apollo’s family got out of them to Apollo’s shock and happy surprise. Even Apollo’s dad and his husband were there… The wedding was beautiful and Apollo's Uncle threw them an impromptu reception at a famous steak house a business associate of his owned His Uncle pulled him aside and said “I did you a favor now you will do me one. I know the situation and when it resolves one way or the other you WILL come home for a visit, either with your husband or to let your family help you through his loss. We are all praying for you both” Apollo nodded with tears in his eyes. Not for the thought that he might lose Peter, he was not very worried about that. He had been further along than Peter and they had had the same strain after all. He teared up for the love and acceptance his orthodox family was showing him and his new husband That night when he and Peter got into bed Peter felt something hard under his pillow and pulled out the framed story of Vince’s arrest and his eyes widened as it sank in. “You just happened to find this in the newspaper and I have never seen you with a newspaper in my life?” He said “Yup! Pure coincidence!” Apex said nodding innocently “And Vince was never into that stuff. He hated even the thought of it” Peter continued suspiciously “Maybe that was a pose so people wouldn’t figure it out” Apex said in that same innocent voice “And Vince was broke all the time. He never had money” Peter went on “Again a pose to fool people. You do realize you have called him Vince twice now don’t you?” Apex said “I don’t know how you did this and I really don't want to know but thank you Baby” Peter said gently, setting the frame on the nightstand, then they made love carefully, Peter was still frail and they had done a lot that day Apex remembered something as Peter lay sleeping with his head on his new husband’s chest “You in there?” He thought at the Dark voice in his mind “I’m here most of the time” The voice said “Care to explain what you said back in the Hospice?” Apex asked “It’s relatively simple. Peter is your perfect match. The spirit your spirit was meant to be with and has been with in thousands of past lives. It makes things a bit sticky for me. Because you are with your perfect match you could drive me out if you wanted to. I have to have permission to stay” the Dark voice said Apex thought back and the voice had actually started talking to him when Peter started seeing Vince “Did you arrange our breakup? Were you behind the whole thing?” he thought angrily “Not the breakup actually, I was just drawn to the situation though.- I did influence things to get you infected with that virus but Peter met Vince totally on his own” the voice replied “I just took advantage of the situation” “Why are you being so honest with me? You could have just said no and kedt it at that” He asked still somewhat angry The voice sighed “I wish you hadn’t asked that. Ok, When you are with your perfect match I can’t deceive you. I have to answer your questions truthfully because your permission to let me stay has to be made based om the truth. I REALLY hate that rule but it is a rule. If I lie to you I have to leave and can't come back. I have had more fun with you than anyone ever so I’m following the rules to th letter” it said “Ok, if you want to stay I am asking you to never hide anything from me if it could hurt me or someone I love or care about. Do we have a deal? Oh and none of this convincing yourself that harm is actually good in some way. Let me know and I will decide.” He though The Dark voice cursed in several languages. Only a few of which Apex knew then finally said “We have a deal” “Ok, go away and let me sleep. Talk to you soon” Apex thought with a smirk The Dark voice growled but went away “Apollo, who are you talking to? I don’t recognize that other voice” Peter asked still half asleep “No one Babe, go back to sleep” He said kissing the to[[ pf that blonde head He was tired too so it didn’t register that Peter had heard a conversation that had taken place inside his head There was a small follow up story in the paper the next day about even more of that stuff had been found in Vince's house and in a storage unit he rented bit they didn’t see that one. None of them ever read the paper Apollo’s mom stayed for a few days and didn't batt an eye when he introduced Warren and Ted as his lovers the day after the wedding. They didn't mention that Peter and Warren were brothers though. That may have been a bit to much for her “Yesterday morning I had one son, today I have four. I’m a lucky woman” She said “Mrs. Preda…” Warren started a bit awkwardly “Mama!” she said cutting you off “I am Mama to all of you from now on and that's the final word on it” and she stared at them all imperiously “Yes Mama” They all said finally. Not even Warren was a match for Mama Preda She took to Warren like she had known him all her life and she adored Ted by the time she left. She was still of two minds about Peter, It depended on how he treated her son They had a scare when Peter got sick about a month after the wedding but after a 2 day low fever he recovered A month later he had put on a couple pounds and he was looking better. A month after that his test results showed The Angle Strain was now dominant and his numbers were coming up. He was going to make it He stood up for his brother at their vow renewal and Apex stood up for Ted as they pledged themselves to each other for a 2nd time in a beautiful ceremony Apex’s wedding gift to them was a trip. They would accompany he and Peter to visit Apex’s family for two weeks, though Warren and Ted would stay in a beautiful bungalow on a cliff overlooking the ocean that had easy beach access, while Apex and Peter would stay with Mama Preda. The bungalow was only a 30 minute drive from town so they would have plenty of time with the family and plenty of privacy They threw a huge party the day after they arrived and Mama Preda got everyone's attention and then grabbed Ted and Warren who had been hanging back ri avoid notice “You all know Apollo married Peter recently but before that he was in a polyamorous relationship with his two life partners, Ted and Warren here. I believe Peter has joined that relationship and they are all life partners now. I accept this and I look on Ted and Warren as my sons just like I do Peter. Please welcome all three to the family. Oh and you can look up polyamorous yourself. I had to” She said And that was that. Mama Preda said it and it was done, Any doubts who ruled this family? Peter looked a little apprehensive though “Am I part of your relationship?” “Do you want to be?” Ted asked and he took one of Peter’s hands “Yes, do you?” Warren asked taking his brothers other hand Peter indeed with tears in his eyes Apollo came up behind Peter and wrapped his arms around all three crushing them together in a tight hug “Mine forever!” he said possessively “All three of you4 and I am yours” They all repeated his words “Mine forever! All three of you and I am yours” and it was a vow and a bond There is just one thing” Warren said “I think we need a new house because we definitely need a bigger bed” “We will have a house designed and built, I already know what the bathroom will look like” He said remembering his recurring dream Two days later Apollo’s little cousin Ari turned 18 and there was another party. The four of them went to help set up “Little Ari” was not so little any more. He was tall as Apollo at six foot six but much more muscular. He looked like a golden haired and furred Greek god straight down from Olympus. His eyes were a blue so pale the looked silver in some lights Before the party began Ari approached the four of them and gave them all a slightly more than warm hug “I know what I want from my birthday from you four” he said “though I’m not sure you can give it to me” “And what is that Ari?” Apollo said but he had a guess “I want all four of you to take my virginity but I want Cousin Peter’s loads bare. I know what makes you look like that and you are so hot and beautiful. I want to look like that someday. I had a neighbor with HIV when I was younger. He looked just like that and I lusted after him but he never knew. He went on meds and moved away last year” he said looking at Peter with longing and lust in his eyes “That’s why I don’t know if you can give it to me. I know your health is improving but that it was a close thing. Are you medicated or can you transmit it?” he asked. In his youth he didn't realize what he was asking could offend some people but not these people. Four cocks grew rock hard “We are all poz and toxic Ari, but we can’t give it to you because the family would kill us” Apex says as his predatory side came out, wanting to infect this boy so bad “Why do you want it anyway?” “I’m going to college in a couple months and no one expects an 18 year old to be poz. I will be able to infect so many guys!” He said and a fifth cock got rock hard “And they won’t kill you if they don’t know!” “You two are staying out at the beach” he said, indicating Ted and Warren “I am supposed to go on a camping trip alone in a couple days, I do it all the time since my dad stopped hoping last year. The campground is only a mile or so away from where you are staying and my site is isolated/ so if I hike down to the beach I can be there in just a few minutes. I will swear I got it at college because a lot of guys are going to get infected. I really want to see if I can get a few drunk straight guys at the fraternity parties” Apex remembered that his mom had told him that Ari had suggested the bungalow he rented for Warren and Ted. This was a devious young man. He might have to start calling him Ari Predator and that gave him an idea to think about later “You two come out to the beach for a three day visit with your life partners and we fuck for three days. I should be poz by the end of that.” Ari finished “You have this all thought out” Peter said “And I for one would be happy to infect you if you really want it” “I want you to be my first cousin Peter” Ari said “I would be honored” Peter said smiling warmly Ari walked away smiling to greet the guest coming in “The only problem is he will never get like Peter is now because the Angel Strain doesn’t do that” Warren said “I am going to try to recruit that young man and I can make him look like he wants if he accepts me, like I did it to you, Apex” The Dark voice said to Apex in his head “Who was that?” Peter, Warren and Ted all said together looking around “Oh good! You all heard me! I have been trying for weeks! I want you all!” The Dark voice said excitedly Apex motioned with his head and they all stepped back into a hallway. He explained about the Dark voice and what it had done to and for him with the voice adding comments here and there, making them believe everything Apex told them “Are Warren and Ted a perfect match like Peter and I are?: Apex asked and the voice swore in several languages again but finally said yes grudgingly “Tell them what that means and this goes for you too Peter” Apex said The voice went through it all again “I can do some nice things for you, You two saw the work I did on Apex after he found out he had the Angel Strain. I can change your bodies somewhat” The Darkness told them and it made some suggestions. “You could call it a sign on bonus” it finished “Cab you make me healthy and sturdy enough to take a good fucking from Apex but keep me looking like this on top of that?” Peter asked “Nothing simpler” it said “Would you all mind?” Peter asked the other three and they all said he was beautiful like he was and so sexy “I don’t need what you offered, I’m happy like I am” Ted said “Nit I reserve the right to ask for something in the future” “That’s fair” The voice said Apex told them what questions to ask to make the voice always totally honest with them and the voice grumbled as they all made the same bargain Apex had All three felt The Darkness take up residency in their minds and both Peter and Warren felt their underwear get tighter. Peter felt his body grow sturdier and stronger They had to get some place privat and see The Darkness’s handiwork so they went and hugged Ari and wished him a happy birthday and then told Mama that they were going to go to the beach for a few days but they would have nearly a week left when they came back They swung by Mama’s house and grabbed their suitcases and headed for the Bungalow When they got there they put their bags in the 2nd bedroom and all headed into the main one They stripped and naturally Apex and Ted were unchanged but Warren was now totally smooth and had a muscle tone he had never achieved before. Pater was sturdier but if anything more thin and gaunt/ The real difference was what flopped out of their underwear. They had both had about 6 ½ inches that had been very chubby. What was there now was almost frightening. Warren now had 9 inches plus a little and it was perfectly smooth like his body, His balls that were huge and hung down low. Peter was just a hair short of 10 inches and it had ropey blue veins. His balls were just a bit larger that Warren’s but what was scary was the girth of their cocks From top to bottom they were every bit as thick as Apex. From side to side they were a full inch and a half thicker. They could lay their hands on top of their had cocks and only have half the thumb stick off the side “Fuck, those things are never going in me” Apex said “Me either” Ted said looking frightened “I would not bet on that” Warren said grinning evilly “I don't bottom” Apex said “Funny, I seem to remember someone saying that his Peter could have his ass any time he wanted” Peter said grinning just as evilly “That was over a decade ago and you didn’t have that monster then!” Apex said sounding nervous “You didn’t put an expiration date on it my love, someone has been brutalizing everyone else's hole and maybe it’s time he got a taste of his own medicine” Peter said as he and Warren advanced on their husbands slowly ************************************************************************************************************* Next Chapter: OUCH? and The Predator Family The Apex/Apollo thing is just what side of his personality is dominant at the moment. Either the Predator or the soft emotional side/ It’s not a split personality in the classic sense and can flip in an instant. Apollo is healing and coming out more but Apex will always be the dominant side Let me know what you think! Scanbu
- 41 replies
- 8
- poz conversion
- stealth pozzing
- (and 3 more)
Hot start. You need to have him ask if that donation was U.S. or Canadian funds. Because if was U.S. funds he actually donated something like $12,500 Canadian lol. I moved to Canada when I married my husband 13 years ago and deal with the exchange rate all the time. Sorry it was the first thing that jumped into my head. I'm such a geek. I do love your start. It's very hot! Keep going!
Thank you 🙂 Being in the future with this sroey gives me more room to play
- 9 replies
- 2
- forced conversion
- forced bareback
(and 3 more)
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Thank you! I'm working on it
- 9 replies
- forced conversion
- forced bareback
(and 3 more)
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It took four days to fuck Alvin and Calvin into compliance. The two had recruited the other men recently, slowly taking over the small village and encouraging men they could not convince to leave. Some of the women had been here and others were tricked into coming then trapped by the shutdown of the transport doors. Once the doors were down the twin boys had come out in the open, proudly displaying their red torques and the other men had let theirs go out of compliance. It was only pure luck that they were found so early in their plan. The two had missed almost three years of loads. Zeke and Tommy could have reset the count at any time but decided taking almost 150 loads a peace over a few days would be educational to them. Every man in town, Be they PIPE layers, Puff Rangers or even the men who the twins had recruited had helped keep their holes full of cock till the job was done though the two were allowed to sleep for eight hours a night during which time their torques speed healed their battered holes back to virgin tightness so Zeke and Tommy got to bust out their cherries four times The twins had been recruited and trained when they were teen agers by a man named Preston White and Preston had been a thorn in Zeke and Tommy’s side for centuries Preston was The Light’s sole clone jumping agent, He was a cynical bastard who was an expert at using religion and rhetoric to advance his hateful views “If I ever get my hands on Preston I'm going to make him surrogate through two or three clone generations” Tommy said angrily “You could not let him raise any of the kids though” Zeke said thoughtfully as if he was actually considering the idea Then they both heard a mental chuckle and knre they were not alone in their heads. Ever since that first day when they met The Entity, Gabriel and Ezekiel, otherwise known as Order and Chaos had worked with them openly, since their presence had now been revealed “You don’t have to worry about Preston anymore” the two heard Gabriel say though no one else could hear him “And why is that” Zeke asked “Because even The Light is tired of him. It’s been him, not The Light who has been pushing the old religions for the last couple centuries. The Light likes to make religions, it’s not attached to any particular ones though. It has completely changed gears before and has been trying to do it again” Ezekiel said “Human king used to worship trees at one time. There have been religions dominated by women because they created life in their bodies. The Light tailors religions to mankind’s level of development but it kind of got stuck on this last batch. You actually did it a favor when you broke those old religion’s hold on humanity” he went on “Does humanity really need religions?” Tommy asked “You know better than most that humans are more than just flesh and bone. There is a creator out there after all. Religion is supposed to be a way for humanity to express gratitude for the gift of life. You humans need a spiritual outlet” Gabriel said “So what has happened to Preston?” Zeke asked “He died” Ezekiel said “So?" Zeke said “I have died four or five times now, so has he” “No, he really died. The light asked The Entity not to soul jump him this time. With him gone there will be no one pushing to bring back the old religions or the terrible things that always seemed to come with them in their latter days” Gabriel said “The plots you have been thwarting were from Preston, not The Light lately so they should dry up now. As far as we know this was the last one” Ezekiel said “So The Light is going to work on entirely new religions?” Tommy asked “Yes and it invites you to monitor them but asks you give them a chance. Even in today's world where information spreads so fast it will take decades to establish anything major, Even The Entity is behind this” Gabriel said “We will keep an eye on it and won’t step in unless we need to: Tommy said and Zeke nodded Zeke and Tommy had a conference with their fellow PIPE layers and every man in the village was ordered to never get out of compliance again and to completely forget the twins and everything they had been taught by them and then dispersed around the world and released Tommy and Zeke ordered the twins to forget Preston White in the same way. They still had to answer for their other crimes so they put them into the latest model of synth skin. These were semi permanent and could last multiple surfaces. They also tapped into the wearer’s balls and extracted sperm so that the wearers could be knocked up with babies that were half theirs These skins would last through five babies each. A friend of theirs had been looking for just such a situation. His name was Amon and he was a wealthey man in Cairo, Egypt. He wanted a “straight” white male surrogate “To father many boys on” and had made the request to PIPE. He would pay handsomely and the funds would go to compensate the women who had been trapped in the village They took the twins through the transport door directly to Amon’s residence in Cairo to deliver them. They had prepped them as per the merchant's request “Amon will marry both of you and will give you a large settlement if you divorce him at the end of your sentence. You don’t have to like what he does to you or to obey Amon but you can never try to leave him until your final child by him is 18. You will raise your sons with none of this “completely straight” bullshit but otherwise how you raise them is between you and Amon. Amon has the right to do with you as he will for the length of your service to him and you will not protest any cosmetic changes he makes to you” They told them Five babies would take about 12 years to work through giving the body plenty of time to recover between and with having to raise the children it was effectively a 30 year sentence “Amon has his own strain of HIV and wants to infect you himself so we have stopped your infection and as of now you are still neg. Your torques will allow and facilitate his infection of you then resume normal protection, Oh and as a final parting gift we had your cherries grown back one last time” they said to the two angry twins Stopping an HIV infection could only be done within a week if the initial infection even with today’s medical technology but infecting his “wives” was important to Amon Amon came out to greet them. He was a large man with dark skin and short cropped black hair. He had a huge smile and a huge cock and his eyes lit up as they fell on the twins “You will make beautiful babies with me” he said to Alvin reaching out to pinch his nipple Alvin’s gave took on a look of disgust and he tried to walk away bit didn’t get two steps before the commands he had been given stopped him. He could not leave till his sentence was complete A man came and stood before them and he wore a chain of office that denoted him as a civil marriage clerk. All marriages were civil now and these clerks performed the simple ceremony all over the planet Before he started he asked a few questions. The twins hand been prompted with the answers Amon wanted “What gender and title do you wish to enter this marriage under?" The clerk asked “Male, husband" Amon said “Male, wife” both twins were compelled to answer though they sounded perfectly natural, even happy thanks to Zeke and Tommy’s control The ceremony went quickly after that and these twins who had wanted to bring racism back to a world that had been free of it for centuries were now the wives of a black man and sentenced to bear him five sons each “I sent you a complete report on them Amon, look it through wen you get a chance” Torrent said “We interrupted your wedding so it’s only fair we see you safely married and we even got your brother married with you. Congratulations! Both of you! And you too Amon!” Zeke said to Calvin and then all of them “Thank you for my two beautiful wives my friends! I will treat them with the respect I’m sure they would treat their own wives with!” Amon said putting an arm around each twin and pulling them against him Zeke and Tommy stepped through a transport door directly into their apartment. Tommy just wandered around, it was his first chance to look around the newly rebuilt place alone. The memories of he and Zeke’s early days were everywhere here and he smiled letting them come. He and Zeke gave each other their weekly load and then a few more in a bed so like the first one they had ever slept in together ten centuries ago that Tommy could not tell the difference “It’s good to be home” He thought as he snuggled into Zeke’s chest and slept for nearly the 365,000th time. There had been a missed day or two here of there when one of them had been hospitalized but other than that they had been together every night since that first. They had the “Church” in the village torn down and a small grove of cherry trees planted there to mark the final resting place of so many things that did not fit in this world anymore ******************* Amon scanned the report Tommy had sent him in his hard and took in it’s entirety in just a few seconds. he had been a student of history so he had a better idea than many of the things these men had been trying to resurrect and the things they had done and tried to do “My wives find themselves in a situation very like what they tried to force those poor women into. It is a fitting punishment for them” He thought ironically He looked at his two scowling wives and smiled at them “You can serve out your sentence willingly or not but you will serve it out. I married you and made you my wives at Tommy’s suggestion and now that I have gone through the report of your activities I understand why.” he said to them “Since you do not believe a wife can be raped I will have no problem forcing my attentions on you as my legal wives, in fact I would enjoy breaking you both and making you serve me as you would have done those poor women.” he went on “How do you have HIV? You are not a member of PIPE that I know of, or were you in the past?” the short haired one asked. Amon had no intentions of learning their names, a brief time with a hair accelerator would make him look identical to his twin and he was simply going to have a 1 or a 2 tattooed on their asses to tell them apart “No, in my youth I sought it out. You can turn off your torque’s protection against it and I found the experience erotic. The man who infected me was quite compelling and magnetic. He explained the process to me and bred me every day till my torque told me I was poz irrevocably. He wanted me to stay and help him spread his virus but I had family commitments so I turned back on my protection and came home” He told the one he decided would be 2 “I have turned off my protection again but it will take a week or so to build up enough virus to infect you both so we will wait till then for your first breeding, Do not worry, your synth skins will protect our sons from the HIV. They will be born healthy and strong ” Amon said “Strip them” He said to his men who were standing near by He examined them as his men held them by the arms. They were beautiful and would produce beautiful sons, Their small, barely average cocks were oddly hard as he examined and touched them. He loved the way his dark skin contrasted with their pale white skin that was the color of cream in untanned areas. He would keep them out of the sun and soon they would be that color everywhere “With these tiny cocks you were born to serve men like me and bear my sons” He told them “You are barely men as it is. Those women you wanted so bad would have laughed at you” he told them and motioned the guards to take them away They spent the next week having things done to their bodies and listening to a looped recording that played in their ears 24/7 the only difference in what they heard were the numbers that were now their names 1 heard “My name is 1. I am Amon’s wife and slave, I was born to be these things and to bear his sons, I was also born to carry his HIV in my blood. Amon, our sons and his HIV are all that matters in my life. I will serve and pleasure Amon, raise and nurture our sons and worship the virus in my blood. I am lucky to have all three. I deserve this as just punishment for my actions” And 2 heard almost the same thing A week later the twins were delivered to their husband who had been saving his cum all that time. He wore a long, black. silk robe as he waited They now both had their nipples pierced and silver rngs hung from them. The wounds were healed but their nipples were now far more sensitive than they had been before. Their small cocks were pierced too and a tiny lock hung from the end of each holding in place chastity devices that kept them from even getting hard Their hair was long and cut the same, The only difference was the tattoos on their asses They wee in a light airy room with silk hangings and cushions scattered on the floor as well as bondage equipment and two slings, all black so it stood out “Who are you?” Amon said to the nearest twin to him “I am 1” he replied in a slightly dazed voice “And who am I” Amon asked “You are my Husband and Master” 1 said “Come kneel before me 1” he said and 1 crossed the room and did so “Tell me what you want 1” Amon said “I want to serve you and to carry your sons. I want you to put your HIV in my body and claim me with it” he said “Open my robe and kiss the cock that is going to do those things to you” Amon said 1 opened the robe and reverently kissed the tip of head sticking out of Amon’s foreskin. the cock was soft and hung down about nine inches. It was dark, the skin glossy and it was about beer can thick the entire length, His balls were about the size of lemons and one hung down further than the other “Oh God man, how can you give in like that?” 2 said angrily “1 help me with your brother wife. He needs some instruction” Amon said and the two of them strapped 2 to a large X cross with his back and ass exposed. He was yelling and cursing at Amon and his brother the entire time Amon took a switch and expertly used it to make 2 scream as his back and ass turned red. The torque would make sure that tomorrow there would be no marks, the pale skin once again perfect When he was done he said to 1 “go to that other cross and let me secure you as well so I can do the same to you” 1 did sp but asked “why Master? I was good” “Yes you were my wife, so I will not beat you quite as hard. I do this because you do not have my son growing in you. I will switch you both every day you are not pregnant with my son” he said “That makes sense Master” 1 said Amon gave him a light switching for begin a good wife He then went to the still sobbing and cursing 2 and lined his now rock hard 10 inch cock up with his slave’s hole “I don’t want this. I’m not ready! I don’t want HIV” 2 begged “Too bad bitch! You are going to get it and my son as well. You said it yourself, You even preached it to others. A man can’t rape his wife” Amon said and he rammed in balls deep 2’s hole was not virgin but it felt like it was and he screamed at the brutal poz invasion Amon reached around and pulled n the rings in his nipples making him moan and soon his body took over and started started pushing back on his cock as he slid in and out, loving how his ebony cock looked sliding into that cream colored ass Amon got close behind him and whispered “who are you?” into his slave’s ear “I am 2” he said in a moaning voice “Who and I?” Amon asked “My Husband and Master” 2 said pushing his ass back to meet that black cock’s thrusts “And what do you want 2?” Amon whispered and started biting and sucking on the side of 2’s neck, leaving a large mark on that pale skin “I want your baby and your HIV Master” 2 said in a slightly broken voice as his mind twisted into it’s new role in life “You got it wife, here comes both now” he groaned as he began spewing sperm and virus deep inside this twisted fuck. Their toques flashed acceptance of 2’s weekly load 2 learned what an anal orgasm was as he felt his Master cum in him wit toxic virus and sperm both wanting to impregnate him As he came down off that orgasm he felt his balls being pumped for his own sperm as his Master’s was collected and filtered to only let the sperm through and leaving the concentrated virus behind, making it’s infection of his blood even more likely Amon waited for about 20 minutes and then his torque and 2’s started flashing pink then baby blue and they both knew 2 was pregnant He repeated the process with 1 but more gently as his more devoted wife begged for his baby and his HIV and they got the confirming pink and blue flashes soon after They tested positive for Amon’s strain of HIV a couple months later but they were taking so many loafs their torques never went near a week without recording a new one All of their son’s were born healthy and happy. When they had each born five sons for Amon he simply bought them new synth skins and asked them to put them on 2 actually had the presence of mind to ask why he should and was told “Because tif you don't he switchings won’t stop now till your last son is 18 but as long as you have a child by me under 18 they will if you do ” 2 quickly put the skin on, The switchings had become more severe lately and he could not take 18 years of that. He didn’t consider that that would keep him and his twin with Amon forever because they had to raise their youngest child with him to 18 before they were free to leave him Amon slowed the birth rate down to one every 4 years for the twins and on his oldest sons 18th birthdays he let them father a son on their mothers. the system for keeping the children of near relatives defect free had been perfected centuries ago when synth skins had first been invented so there was no worry there After that Amon fathered every other child on his wives and the rest were by his sons, who had unlimited use of their mothers as sexual outlets once they turned 18. Eventually his grandsons joined baby fathering business and the very last baby 2 had was fathered by his great great grandson/son At 100 Amon let the twins retire from baby making. They both had over 20 children and 100 grandchildren both of their own birthing and the normal kind They never even thought of leaving Amon when their youngest turned 18, They loved him to much When Amon passed 42 years later 1 and 2 did not recognize Tommy and Zeke at the funeral, even though they gave heartfelt condolences to the grieving twin wives who were now 160 years old They followed their Amon within a year but they had lived a happy, love filled life for the vast majority of it and left behind whole platoons of descendants who loved them very much *************** Tommy and Zeke had been back in their rebuilt apartment for a week when their grandson showed up in tears West was not really their grandson, He was the direct descendant of their first clones Karl and Charly. 7 generations down the line. They had always been involved in that lines lives calling each child their grandchild to keep things simple Zeke held and rocked West gently on the couch as Tommy made tea for them West was 28 years old and the man he had been about to marry had been killed in a freak accident. Such things still happened even in 3024 They moved West into an apartment on a lower floor of their building. Zeke and Tommy were the only permanent residents in the building but there were other furnished apartments where friends and family could stay when they visited Tommy activated the “grieving period” on West’s torque eliminating the need to take loads for 6 months and they spent a lot of time helping their grandson through his grief 6 months later West was feeling somewhat better, He was a good looking young man with Tommy’s eyes and hair and Zeke’s build and cock Tommy had noticed that West’s torque was glowing blue and he and Zeke went down to remind their grandson that he needed to get out there and get back into compliance “Can I ask you two to help me out? I have wanted to play with you both since I was about 12” West said Tommy and Zeke had fucked almost every one of their grandsons at least once so they had no problem complying “But you get out there and earn the next load or use a PIF young man!” Tommy said in mock severity shaking a finger at him They had all forgotten one thing though Zeke went first sliding his 10 inches gently into his handsome grandson moving in and out with his huge balls slapping their 7 generations later echo with each thrust. He groaned and came in West and both their torques flashed as well as the red flash around Zeke’s cock West tested a few minutes then held his arms out to Tommy Tommy slid in next and gave his grandson a good pounding, ten minutes later his load to Zeke as his grandson came all over himself and there was the flashes, then West’s torque faded completely They were starting to clean up and they got a bit of a shock when both Zeke and West’s torques started flashing pink and baby blue and they all remembered “You were getting ready to start a baby when he was killed weren’t you” Zeke said with a slightly sick feeling and West nodded Tommy had to cover his mouth to keep from giggling “Ummm there’s more” West said motioning them to sit “I used to love your stories of when you were young and liked to give people HIV. I turned off my protection when I went blue and hoped you would both fuck me. You probably just pozzed me as well as knocked me up” West said “He’s your sneaky assed grand son alright” Zeke said to Tommy “MY grandson? Why are they always MY grandsons when they do something underhanded?” Tommy asked “Because I’m not subtle enough to be that sneaky” Zeke said with a smile for his husband “That is true, you still use battle axe diplomacy even after all this time. Ok he’s my grandson” Tommy said “He’s too smart to be yours” Then West and Tommy’s torques started flashing pink and blue “Did I mention we were going to try for twins” West said sheepishly “SO your grandson” Zeke said as Tommy’s jaw dropped ************** Bane was 18 by less than a week and still a virgin. He was one of the most famous boys in the world, He was a fashion model and singer as well as an actor, He had dark sensual good looks with auburn hair and eyes of a bright amber that seemed to smolder as well as a full generous lipped mouth that his fans dreamed of kissing. His body and skin were perfect. He was 6 foot tall with an athletic though not overly muscular build, His ass was to die for, just this side of being a bubble butt and his cock was a massive 11 inches. He had the perfect dusting of ginger body hair and skin slightly darker than cream that was freckled so perfectly that it looked like God had placed every one perfectly. These were just what God and Genetics had given him. He was a sweet, good natured boy, though sometimes he was assertive when he needed to be though he didn’t see what people thought he was so special. If anything he was shy and self conscious when around a man he felt was attractive. He was a natural born submissive though he didn’t know it yet He was also one of Tommy and Zeke’s grandsons. Charly and Karl had had three boys and first one had married “Little Red” who was Red’s clone/son and Bane was descended from them As far as he knew his grandpas Tommy and Zeke currently had 11 grand kids running sound in the world Most of them had been at his 18th birthday party 3 days ago but Tommy. Zeke and cousin West had seemed a bit freaked out about something. Still it was a good party He was going to meet one of his fans. A man who looked to be in his 30s with auburn curly hair, lighter than his by a few shades, that reached his shoulders and a matching mustache and goatee. His eyes seemed to burn into Bane’s soul when he send video messages that always said the same thing “Come to me when you are 18. I will take you and make you mine. I will share my visions with you and we will usher in a new future together” Bane didn’t know why he was going to meet this somewhat frightening man but he knew he would loose his virginity to him somehow and he wanted to He took a transport door to the island the man lived on and came out standing on a stone platform at the top of long steps that ran down the side of a mountain to a beach village far below The place was an ancient stone temple of some forgotten religion but now the stone doors were carved with a biohazard symbol. Bane only knew what that was because he had seen them tattooed on his grandpas in old pictures “Come in Bane, I knew you would be here today” a deep voice said and the door opened Bane went in and the door swung shut behind him The man waited inside. He wore leather pants so tight that you could see individual veins in his huge half hard cock detailed in the black shiny material. He wore a leather harness like you see in classic leather porn of which Bane was a huge fan. His chest was covered in reddish brown hair that ram down in a strip to his pants and his nipples were pierce. A biohazard like the one on the door was tattooed on his abdomen to the left, below his navel “Strip and sit here Bane” he said indicating a stool that was in front of a throne like chair Bane wordlessly obeyed blushing shyly because he was rock hard as he sat The man sat behind him in the chair and for a moment ran his hands over Bane’s young body possessively “My name is Maxwell Vector and I own you, I am about to dictate what the rest of your life will be and you will accept every bit of it without question. You have no choice and this is not a negotiation. My rules. My orders. My will. You will obey me in all things” he said and as he started his fingers found Bane’s nipples and begin to pinch and pull on them making them hurt and his cock drip pre “First of all I am not your Master, I am your God and you will worship me and my cock. Yoou and I both serve a higher God but I am your personal God. Second, we will marry today and you will be my husband forever. Literally forever. We will live for centuries and you will serve me that entire time. Third, you will turn off your viral protection and let me infect you with HIV, then you will keep it off and let the disease run till I tell you to turn it back on again. You will look like this when you do and our god will keep your appearance like this forever” Maxwell said and he pulled a hand from his now tender nipples to wave it in the air in front of Bane’s face. Then it returned to it’s pinching and pulling as Maxwell began to kiss and suck on his neck, chewing it till he marked Bane Bane saw a vision of the future. He was on stage giving a concert and he looked thin, his face was still handsome and the wanted look only made it more so He was wearing a pair of skin tight white latex pants that showed every detail of his rock hard cock that was down his leg, straining to rip free. The pants also showed his hip bones and his skinny legs He wore no shirt and his stomach was flat and sloped, maybe 5 pounds from being sunken and that biohazard tattoo was there. His chest looked muscular but you could count his ribs and his arms were thin but showed wiry muscles He wore a collar and a long leash that let him move about the stage. The other end of the leash rested in Maxwell’s hand. Maxwell looked exactly the same as he did now as he sat on that stage in a well lighted throne for everyone to see The song he sang was a song of worship for Maxwell and his cock which delivered the true High God which was the Virus in their veins. The crowd of beautiful, healthy young men screamed and cheered when during a guitar solo Bane went and groveled at Maxwell’s feet and lick his boots. Ge sung songs of worship that urged young men to turn off their protection and give themselves to the Virus. To become like Bane, thin, and wasted looking. h Between the songs Maxwell would press the kneeling Banes face into his bulging crotch and thrust his hips, rubbing his slaves face in the cock that had done this to him. The cock that had destroyed his youthful beauty and turned him into a poz God Finally there was the song that invited the young men to take the step now. The doors opened and dozens of men even more wasted than Bane came into the concert aisle naked with cocks dripping viral poison Maxwell and Bane descended into the crowd to join them and one by one these beautiful young men went to the diseased Disciples of the Virus and offered up their neg holes to their new god The wasted poz men fucked them brutally, with no mercy shown. The intent was to welcome them to the worship of their new God in a rush of pain, lust, blood, cum and virus As the boys limped towards the doors with cum and blood running down their legs you could almost see their faces starting to thin as their new God took hold of them Some boys remained seated, seeming scared scared and unwilling to convert, The wasted disciples dragged each one of them to Maxwell and Bane who ripped their clothes off and used their evil wills to force their victim’s viral protection to turn off off. Then as the Disciples held their struggling bodies down, Maxwell and Bane converted them whether they wanted it or not. They forced their toxic cocks up into those unwilling, still struggling neg men As soon as they came in one of these boys their youthful, fresh, healthy bodies instantly shriveled and withered and they wee lost to the Virus God forever. They straightened from their forced conversions and joined the other Disciples as they drug the reluctant converts to their fates Bane came back to his present body with Maxwell still sucking his neck and pulling his nipples He pulled his lips away and whispered in a sultry evil voice. “That concert will happen someday, far out in the future when the Church of the Virus spreads. I will spend eternity feeding on your soul while our Virus God feeds on your body. You have no choice. You are Mine and always have been Mine” Maxwell waved his hand again and a scroll if paper appeared in the air floating next to a acid green feather pen. Bane read every word and it was exactly as Maxwell had said but something bothered Bane “What about love? You talked about marriage but not about love” he said Maxwell's arms went around him and his voice was emotional when he said “Thank the Virus you brought that up! I was not allowed to because SOMEONE likes to make stupid rules. There is an entity called The Light and it came to me when I started worshiping the Virus. It said it would give me power and make the Virus and I true Gods, you too by the way.” “The sacrifice it demanded, just to be an ASSHOLE, was that I could not bring up love before the contract was sealed. Don’t ask me why, I think it just likes to be dramatic or something” Then Bane was spun around. Maxwell took his chin in his hand and painfully forced him to look into his green eyes. The deliberately inflicted pain almost made Bane cum and he realized something about himself “Listen to me, Bane. I am going to spend the rest of eternity physically hurting you every single day. Making you scream because it brings me joy and pleasure and it will do the same for you. But I will also love you deeper than you have ever been loved and we will have a wonderful life together. I promise” Maxwell said “You are making it sound exactly like my Grandads, Zeke and Tommy. I just discovered that I like deliberately inflicted pain and that’s exactly like Tommy. You love giving pain an that’s exactly like Zeke, They fell in love the day they met and have never looked back” Bane said “There are some similarities that aren't there. Maybe because The Light is a plagiarist. It even mentioned those two by name, though I didn’t know you were related to them. I know who and what they are and how old they really are as well. The Light is a terrible gossip” Maxwell said Bane heard a voice from nowhere “Well really Maxwell, you don’t have to be insulting” “Truth is truth my friend” Maxwell grinned “Bane I have loved you since I first saw you at a fashion show in Paris up on the runway The question is, how do you feel about me? Anything at all?” Maxwell asked actually sounding a little anxious “I would not be here if I had not known I loved you from that first message you sent when I was 16" He started "Here in your presence it almost bowls me over how much I feel for you” Bane said honest then he giggled “It took my grandpas almost a month to admit they loved each other” he said Bane turned back around and a new paragraph as well as a second signature line had appeared on the scroll. It read: Maxwell and Bane promise that their love will only grow from this day forward and they will put NO OTHER, not even their Virus God or The Light before each other. Ever!” “I don’t like that last line” the strange voice said “Too bad!” Maxwell said sprawling his signature on the first line Bane took the pen and signed the second line, selling his life and his soul to this man who was now his God and the Virus they both would worship The scroll and pen vanished in a flash and a new voice said “The bargain is sealed abd Soul Jumping ability is granted to Maxwell and Bane” “That’s The Entity, The Light is afraid of it” Maxwell whispered to Bane “I most certainly am not!” The first strange voice said “You sure do jump when it says jump” Maxwell said grinning again. “Now go away, I have a beautiful boy to marry and infect with our God the clerk will be here in less than an hour” “Oh no you don’t! the clerk can wait a bit! I will make it worth their while to. You got a Tux?" he aske Maxwell. The ancient formal wear was back in style Maxwell nodded “Go put it on and meet me back here. Oh I need you to open that transport door and give me the code. Am I on the system here?” Bane asked “System and Bane, full control” Maxwell said looking amused “Scoot, get that Tux and get back here” Bane said Did I mention that Bane could bossy and assertive sometime? Don't let them fool you. EVERY sub s like that when they need to be. Remember, it's the sub who holds all the power. All he has to to is say "No" and it's over He had prepared for just this possibility. Those weird voices that spoke to his Grandpas sometimes had tipped him off to it. He had always heard them though he knew he wasn't supposed to As Maxwell went out the door Bane said “System take these two uploads" and he mentally sent the files When the upload was complete he thought “Wedding” the furniture vanished to be replaced with a wedding set up, chairs on either side of a carpeted aisle, flowers, silk buntings and soft music His Tux was hanging from the podium at the front and as he started to dress he thought “Invitation list to his torque and this message went out to every person he cared about “I'm getting married TODAY. If you want to share this with me you have less than two hours to get dressed and get here. GET YOUR ASSES MOVING!! Love ya! Bane.” Maxwell got back and looked around amused “Very nice” he said and took Bane in his arms for their first real kiss “Bane, what the hell is going on?” Zeke’s voice came from the door He was adjusting his tie as he walked “Oh let me do that you old grump” Tommy who looked perfect said stepping in front of him “I met a man today and I’m marrying him. It’s an old family tradition” Bane said dryly A laugh came from the door and Jeff said “And here ate the originators of that tradition” as he and Mike walked in perfectly dressed Zeke and Tommy walked up and Bane said “Grandpas, This is Maxwell Vector the man I’m going to marry” Other guests were coming in and not a gew of them were relatives of Maxwell. Bane's cousin West and a few other cousins guided people to empty seats “I have heard the name before” Zeke said shaking Maxwell’s hand The two took an instant liking to each other, They were kindred spirits in many ways “I see you had a list of invitees set up as well” Bane said to the man he was going to marry “A voice from beyond warned me about you” Maxwell said with a smile "I think you are going to make my lie interesting" Bane tied to look shy and innocent "Not me" he said in a sweet voice Everyone made it in time to see Zeke walk Bane down the aisle and the wedding clerk performed a simple but beautiful ceremony Afterwards Bane thought “Reception” and the wedding cleared to be replaced by a party set up Jeff and Mike stepped up onto the stage at one end and everyone fell silent as Maxwell lef his new husband to the center of the dance floor alone Before we start are there any other cousins cousins who want to propose?" Jeff asked. It was an old, old joke "Ya know, it's been a thousand damn years almost, can we drop it already?" Dale said and most of Bane's side of the family laughed Jeff and Mike sang “Heartsong” as Maxwell and Bane danced their first dance. This was another family tradition that had been honored at every family wedding in Bane's family for the last 10 centuries The party lasted a few hours but soon the newlyweds were once again alone in the Temple of the Virus Maxwell took Bane's hand and kissed it then asked “So, your choice, bedroom or dungeon? I have waited long enough to get my Virus into you” “Dungeon, definitely” Bane said The party scene vanished and to be replaced by a very well equipped dungeon and Maxwell ordered “Strip!” and Bane began carefully removing his Tux and hanging it up properly as Maxwell did the same A good Tux is expensive even in 3024 ************************************************************************************************************* Next chapter: That first fuck you are all waiting for Let me know what you think! Your comments mean a lot! Scanbu
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BareInMissouri started following Scanbu
I'm working on several stories on here 🙂 I think you can find them in my profile.. Thank you for the kind comment
Thank you for your kind words. I wish I still lived in the Tampa Bay area, I grew up there but I moved to Canada when I got married. Maybe we could have hung out if I did
pervpigbottom started following Scanbu
Apex, Warren and Ted once again dat in Dr. Cole’s office. This time it was for HIV results. Apex had been living with them for four months now and breeding Ted that entire time. It was time to see if it had taken this time Apex had asked the Dark voice in his head to turn off his various special senses when it came to Ted and Warren and it had done so for reasons of its own. It was up to something but it wouldn’t say what Dr. Cole came in and Apex’s senses instantly told him that he was poz so things were working with others The cute chubby Dr. sat down and opened the folder sitting t it on his desk “Ted, I don't think it will come as a surprise that your HIV test has come back positive. Your strain closely matches Apex’s, again no surprise” Dr. Cole said as he opened another folder folder laying it next to the first “Warren, yuu are also HIV positive and your strain comes directly from Ted” The Dr. continued. Warren looked at his husband with his heart in his eyes ‘You are part of me forever” he said to Ted “No recriminations about spreading disease Doc?” Apex asked with a smirk “Hardly. At least Ted didn’t get it from his half brother like I did” Dr. Cole said and smiled as the three actually looked shocked and a little impressed “I will introduce you to my brother Red someday soon. Very soon maybe. You are all carriers of the Angel Strain of HIV now and in about a week we will be conducting an experiment that very well may save lives. I’d like to ask you all to participate. You would bring the number of carriers equal to the number of test subjects” Dr. Cole said “That sounds interesting” Apex said and the other two nodded. Dt. Cole explained the experiment and they all agreed. They could see how it very well could save lives. Even the Dark voice in A[ex’s head was for it. It liked to mess with people’s lives but they had to be alive for it to do that They were asked to abstain from sex in the two days propr to the experiment and they agreed to that as well That gave them a few days to play though *********** Warren was invited to a party and didn’t want to go. Ken worked in the same hospice that he did and did maintenance and clean up there. He was friendly and cute and hopelessly straight. At 22 Ken was tall, in good shape, had brown hair and eyes and a face that lit up when he smiled It was always lit up when he talked about his girlfriend who he was marrying in a couple months. He talked about her constantly and how they were waiting till the were married to have sex Warren was tired of it. Ken did not mean to imply extramarital sex was wrong but in his innocence and inexperience he did. The ladies at work thought it was adorable and firmly told Warren and the other male nurses to leave him alone at least till after the wedding The party sounded fun, watching the big game, pizza and alcohol but Ken was going to be there so he didn't want to go Wait… boys like Ken were Apex’s prey of choice… He had promised to leave Ken alone but Apex hadn’t “Can I bring my husband and a buddy?” he asked his friend who was throwing the party “Sure! There’s plenty of room” His friend said The party was held in a large house and spilled out onto the back deck. The yard surrounding the deck was fenced in with am 8 foot privacy wall and there were trees in the corners that had impenetrable shadows after dark Apex had honed in on Ken almost the moment they got there. The boy had been half drunk as it was and he made sure his cup was never empty. As halftime ended Warren and Ted noticed that both Ken and Apex seemed to be missing. The game was exciting and none of the other partiers really noticed though Apex led the very drunk Ken down the deck steps and to the shadowy wooded area in the corner of the yard. He had promised to show the straight boy something cool What he showed Ken was a pair of handcuffs and a ball gag which Ken though were very interesting in his drunken stupor. He was half passes out when Apex bound his wrists and hung them above his head by a nail that had been driven into the tree at some time. Ken was even softly snoring as Apex put the gag in his mouth and fastened it in place He pulled the passed out boy’s shorts down and freed his dripping toxic 12 inches which he wasted no time in shaving up that straight virgin ass. Ken’s muffled scream was lost in the partier’s loud cheering for a great play “Shhhh pretty boy… just let it happen… you can’t stop it so learn to enjoy it, I will teach you to love my toxic poz cock in you by the time we are through. Your ass belongs to me till I knock you up with my virus babies and you will always crave cock in you after this” he whispered in the sobbing straight boys ear Apex battered the neg boy’s prostate making him moan and his cock rise. He slid all 12 inches back in and his long fingers found the boy’s nipples through his thin t-shirt and pinched which made Ken moan louder and start to grind back into Apex “That’s it, listen to your body, It wants this. It wants to be used to pleasure another man. This is what boys like you were made for. To service men like me” Apex told him in a hot, nasty, mind twisting whisper as he slid in and out, getting close to breeding the undefended neg hole “You want it don’t you? You want my toxic HIV cum” Apex asked and Ken nodded though he was too drunk to know what he was agreeing to Apex shot his load deep inside that straight neg ass and Ken shot all over the tree. His body overwhelmed with the sensations that were coming at his drunk mind to fast. Finally making him pass out again Apex fucked him twice more adding even more virus to that knocked up hole. He had a feeling he had done the job and his HIV would live in this boy forever, He heard someone approaching and recognized Warren and Ted approaching in the dark. They had slipped away to join him “He’s out cold if you want a shot at him” Apex said with a grin Both added a toxic load to Ken’s well fucked ass and then the three of them cleaned him up and straightened his clothes then snuck him back intothe house and left him passes out face down on an upstairs bed They caught the last 10 minutes of the game and no one realized they had not been there the entire time The next day the three were making out in bed and Warren said “Lay on your backs both of you” They did so, they both usually did what Warren told them sexually though Apex sometimes balked. Ted was Warren’s sub. Apex was just along for the ride Warren straddled Ted and sank down on his cock riding him and as he did so he reached over and stroked Apex’s monster, He had done this many times Ted looked up at Warren and said “It’s ok baby, He’s part of us now” with a smile Warren pulled off Ted's 9 inches and moved over sliding his ass down on the surprised Apex’s 12 inches with a moan of pleasure. Apex had never made a move to fuck Warren out of respect for Ted’s possessive feelings towards his husband Ted rolled over and kissed Apex as Warren rode him then he asked “Should we try to DP him next? “God! I would never walk again!” Warren said though he didn’t sound totally against the idea Instead Ted stood over Apex and fed Warren his cock letting him taste his own ass on it as Warren rode and stroked, The three came together and then went back to making out When they finally dragged themselves out of bed Warren went and checked the mail He found a letter from their mortgage company that had a check in it. The letter said the check was the last four mortgage payments they had made as well as the refund from when someone had overpaid their mortgage and home equity loan as well as tax papers detailing how much they had to pay in taxes because the payoff was a gift. The refund check more than covered the amount “Do you know anything about this?” Warren asked Apex as he walked into the living room Apex tried to play innocent “Do I look like I have that kind of money?” he asked “Oh come on, Apex!” Ted said “I have never seen you work but you have money and share the bills here since you moved in. I had never heard of the car you drive so I looked it up online and it costs more than this house. So yes you do look like you have that kind of money” “I was so grateful when you two took me in and took care of me I wanted to do something nice fr you” He said quietly, “I was going to leave before you found out but you would not let me and honestly I forgot about it” “He forgot about it” Warren said sarcastically as he dropped int Apex’s lap and kissed him “All I can do is say thank you” he said simply and they let the matter drop though Warren and Ted did refuse to let him pay for groceries or utilities ever again *************** The study was held in the HIV wing of Warren’s hospice which had been sparsely populated but was now full as patients had been brought in from all over the country Doctors Cole and Lars introduced the three of them to his brother Red and Red's brother Zeke. They were o-husband with an attractive man named Tommy Apex knew them by reputation. They ruled one of the local bathhouses and had pozzed more men than even he had The study was simple. They were going to infect the HIV hospice patients with the Angel Strain in an attempt to save their lives Each room had three full sized beds separated by curtains, all the medical equipment had been cleared out Apex went into a room with Tommy and Zeke, a thin man sat on the edge of each bed, the man on the middle bed had blond hair and sat with his back to the door Tommy took the first man and Zeke stopped at the second saying “Hello” to him, As Apex walked past towards the third man he heard the man reply “hell….” the word trailing off into a gasp of surprise and then “Apollo?” His body moved before his mind fully registered that voice Zeke looked surprised to find him gripping his arm with tears in his eyes “Please let me do this one” Apollo begged. Apex had been shunted off to the side by that voice. He had to be Apollo right now Zeke nodded “He’s all yours” he said and moved to the third man Apollo sat next to the thin man on the second bed and took him into his arms as tightly as he dared “Hello Peter” he said looking into eyes that were just as blue as he remembered “Apollo I…” Peter stammered “Shhh let me say something first, You never gave the the opportunity to reply when you sent that text” he said then he steeled himself and said “I forgive you for everything and no matter what, I could never stop loving you. Even if you don’t love me back now, I will never be able to stop loving you” It was what his entire life was built on. Love he couldn’t stop for a man who had betrayed him Peter blushed and said “I don’t deserve your love, Apollo” Apollo was honest and he laid his heart and soul bare for Peter to see “No. you don’t deserve it but you've got it and it’s not going anywhere so you can do with it what you will. For all I know you are still with that guy, maybe even married to him. Maybe if this works and I save your life you will go back to him but you will take my love with you if you do” “I’m not with Master anymore, he's the reason I am here. I’m not with anyone and I don’t deserve to be. I betrayed the only man I ever really loved for excitement and lust. Master was always right, I’m a stupid, worthless slut who deserves what he gets” Peter said in a broken voice Some things he had learned from Ted clicked into place “He’s not your Master any more I am” He said sternly and Peter looked at him in shock “I’m not that boy you used to know and I know how to give a boy like you what you need. You are NOT worthless because you are truly loved. I could not love something that is worthless. You are going to spend the rest of your life as MY property and you will never call yourself worthless again! Do you understand me?” he said intensely looking into Peter's eyes “You promise that you still love me? You are not just saying that because I am so sick? Peter asked still not really believing. Not daring to hope “If you were not so sick I would slap you for questioning my love” Apollo said angrily “You can build your life on the foundation of my love and never have to worry. I just hope you come to love me again someday” “I do love you, I never stopped loving you. You have no idea how many times I have regretted what I did and wished we were still together. I fucked up so bad Apollo. I was young and stupid and he promised the moon. I took everything you did to show your love for granted and never realized how special you were till it was to late: Peter said an he clung to Apollo tight. like he was a rock in a storm “Lets see about saving your life then” Apollo said “I think I was in worse shape than you are when I caught this strain” Apollo said kissing him The Dark voice in his head seemed upset about something “Can it wait? I’m kind of busy right now” he thought at it “Di you WANT me around later to talk about it?” The voice asked “Of course. You are part of my life and I think I just proved I don’t give up on those I care about. Why wouldn’t you be there later?” he thought back “We can talk about it later as long as you still want me around” the Dark voice said sounding happy and relieved Apollo laid Peter gently on the bed and made love to his waisted body. He saw the boy he had loved so many years ago not what he had become. He didn’t care that others were watching having finished their own tasks. He just needed to save his Peter “Damn, he’s as big as Mike or John” he heard Tommy say and heard an answering grunt from Zeke Then a few minutes later he heard Warren gasp and say “Oh my God” but he ignored it all as he made love to this man who for good or ill was the center of his life. He didn’t stop at one load and ended up putting a total of three into Peter’s frail body before he finished He lay holding Peter to him kissing the top of his head as the man curled into his chest Peter looked up to the audience surrounding the bed, they had been drawn by the intense emotions that radiated from the two of them. As he looked at the smiling faces he saw one that had tears running down it and his eyes locked on that face Apollo followed his gaze to the face “Why the tears Warren?” He asked the man who stood crying in his husband’s arms. Ted looked unhappy too “Because as much as I love you both I don’t want to lose you to him” He said then he looked directly at Peter and said “Hello big brother, it's been a while” ********************************************************************************************************** Next Chapter: Family Ties Let me know what you think Scanbu
- 41 replies
- 8
- poz conversion
- stealth pozzing
- (and 3 more)
World Building content warning: I have been working on this for a couple weeks and the fort chapter is a bit long This is the first chapter of a story in a world 1000 years in the future and a lot of things have changed. A great deal of this chapter deals with world building details explaining some of these changes and the reasons why they happened I tried ro make this part as amusing as I could, The dialogue between Religious Leader and Critical Thinker made me chuckle a few times. Yes I laugh at my own jokes I also think many of you would join me in wishing that PIFs and Orange Parks really existed in today’s world To make things easier I marked the largest part of the World Building section between two lines of @@@@@@@@ symbols If you skip it don’t blame me if you have no idea what the hell is going on later in the story I hope you stick with me and read it all. I’m writing this like a book and some World Building has to be done Scanbu ************************************************************************************************************* Author's note: This is a possible future and may conflict with things in present day stories. One possible reason is it's hard to remember things that happened 1000 years ago Rule one is that there are no paradoxes... Rule two is that if you find a paradox refer to Rule one... Chapter One: Coning Home The man waited in the dark for his husband to get home, though this “home” was not the home his husband thought he was coming to. This had been years in the making and would not have been possible if the waiting man had not been foresighted and nostalgic many years ago The door opened and the man’s husband stepped into the dark room “Lights” the new arrival said. He was always forgetting that he just had to think his commands in a certain mode but the old vocal commands still worked though the lights stayed off this time “Dammit why won’t these damn lights work?” the mans husband muttered “Because I asked them to stay off” The man said in an amused voice His husband actually looked around then and caught the feel of the place, the moonlight coming in through the two story high windows, the muted background sounds of a city around them, the proportions of the place “Zeke, you didn’t!” Tommy said. He knew this place in his bones, though these particular bones had never been here before. But how… this was not possible The lights came up and Tommy found himself in their old apartment, everything was the same down to the cracked brick in the wall across from the elevator door, it even felt the same but this building had been torn down centuries ago “Did you have the building rebuilt from the original plans or something?” Tommy asked “I had it reassembled. This is the original building, on the exact same spot. Remember I took you to Eurp[e when the building was “torn down”? I had it disassembled brick by brick and each brick was numbered and stored with it’s exact position recorded. I have had the supports modernized to fix the structural problem that caused us to have to condemn it and the building is completely updated to modern technological standards” Zeke said Several buildings had stood here in the centuries since but when the last one had been demolished 5 years ago Zeke had decided it was time. He had every brick treated with a preservative that made them virtually indestructible and then had the building painstakingly rebuilt. Old photographs and even more accurate memory scans on Zeke himself had exactly duplicated the furnishings and decorations “Welcome HOME my Tommy!” He said as he took his husband in his arms and kissed him “And happy 1000th anniversary” He said once the kiss broke Tommy looked confused, their 1000th wedding anniversary was not for over a year “Tommy, it’s April 12th 3024” he said gently. Suddenly Tommy’s eyes widened and his hand went to his mouth “We met in that Bathhouse 1000 years ago today!” He gasped “And you brought me to this apartment for the first time that night. How did I forget that?" He asked “Because it’s not really something we kept track of. It's the day you drove The Darkness out of me. It had almost won you know. I almost fell completely and would have without you” Zeke said Zeke was thrilled, in all their centuries together he had never caught his Tommy this off guard, Tommy did it to him probably once every few years but this was a first for Zeke He took Tommy’s hand and led him over to the dance studio with it’s mirrored wall. Tommy found his tights exactly where he knew they would be, In a drawer next to the small changing area. Zeke had remade their home perfectly They did their stretches, moved to the center of the floor and a mental command started that old Billy and Mike song playing The two flowed like water through the dance, They were both in their 5th clone body having just made the jump again about 10 years ago. The Entity managed not only to transfer normal memories but also muscle memory. The only thing it could not transfer was stamina and that took a couple years of steady work to rebuild Tommy and Zeke were the best dancers in history by now. They had done this dance thousands of times and it still invoked the same feelings in them. It was this dance that had forced their love to the fore and made them both admit to it during the explosive sex that had followed Sure enough they ended up on the soft mat they had learned to keep against the mirrored wall, Tommy looking into the reflection of Zeke’s eyes as his lover of ten centuries plowed him from behind, They knew exactly how to move to heighten each other’s pleasure. They would never grow tired of making love to each other as no other sex partner could com close to the pleasure they brought each other As Zeke’s cock spasmed inside of him filling him with his seed a glowing line appeased like a necklace on their shoulders, chest and the back of their neck. Tommy’s glowed green and Zeke’s glowed white After catching their breaths they went into the perfectly recreated bathroom and showered. There was a “light shower” installed as well. It was a device that could get you clean in seconds, no matter how dirty you were but most people still took showers in water and used soap. It just felt better Tommy returned the favor, sliding his cock into Zeke’s ass as the water and steam surrounded them, They were totally versatile with each other now, though they still only bottomed for close friends and relatives. When it came to sex with most others they were both tops. The only exceptions were family and old friends That glow appeared again when Tommy bred his husband but the colors were reversed, Tommy had white and Zeke green This time Tommy caught a flash of the red glow in the bathroom mirror. Ir was around the base of his cock and balls, lie a cock ring under the skin as he came. The same glow around the base of Zeke’s cock as he came on the shower wall As they dried off with a flash from the light shower Zeke said “Get dressed, we have company coming” and sent the mental command “Party: to the apartment system When they came out of the bathroom it cleaned itself as soon as they shit the door and the rest of the apartment was decorated for a celebration, complete with snacks and drinks all set up and waiting Zeke got a mental prompt from the security system and the elevator door opened. In a flash of light their first guests arrived Mike and Jeff stepped into the apartment followed by Hank and Buzz. John and Sal came soon after. “You did a perfect job Zeke, the place looks great! So vintage it makes me want to redo The Compound in classic early 2000s style” Jeff said standing on tiptoes to kiss his husband’s cousin; who was also his cousin's husband, on the cheek. They were cousins married to cousins Tommy’s brother Marc showed up next with his husband Alex followed by Jason and Jet who might just be able to dispute the “greatest dancers in history” crown Tommy and Zeke wore Lars and Cole came next or as many people called the “Tall and Wide” as Lars was almost seven feet tall and Cole was an adorable chubby man Red and Tony arrived and Tommy threw himself into Red’s arms for a kiss as Tony hugged Zeke and squeezed his ass just for old times sake Zeke laughed and kissed the big man, He had gotten over the “I’m only a top” bullshit with thier friends centuries ago. Even Mike bottomed on a semi regular basis now and not just because he had to The elevator door closed and opened again as Theo and his husband Bob stepped out of the actual elevator, having come up from a lower floor Tex and Nick arrived next followed by Agnes and her husband Max and finally Dale and Alan got there. These all were the members of The 100 that Zeke and Tommy were closest to. Each person was with their “Perfect Match”, the spirit they had spent the vast majority of their multiple past lives with just like Tommy and Zeke had A few more members of the 100 arrived and even a couple of The Darkness’ agents were invited though none of The Light’s agent would be seen in the company of these people. The light was always stuck up The Entity had allowed a few agents of those powers to be cloned and soul jump to be fair It has an ulterior motive it had told Tommy and Zeke about. The Darkness and The Light didn't realize that The Entity could track those soul jumped agents and in general, know their plans @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ In the grand scheme of things The Darkness was a petty criminal, it amused itself by “ruining” the lives of individuals or couples but didn’t try to “destroy the world” constantly because it was having too much fun with it’s little games. Tommy often compared it’s personality to that of a cat The Light’s agents mostly just complained and tried to get people to pay attention to them by telling them they should feel guilty for feeling good. They had very few converts, mostly because everyone knew they participated in what they called sin at least once a week. Even agents of The Light were subject to the law of the land though they claimed they should be exempt The Light was the source of almost every religion in history and their grip on humanity had been destroyed in a single generation once the 100 had managed to gain control of education worldwide It had taken requiring just one thing to be taught and every religion on the planet had fought against it's being taught to everyone tooth and nail For the last 870 years every child on the planet was required to take classes in critical thinking What followed was many many conversations that went something like this Religious Leader - You should let me tell you how to run your life, who you can love and marry, how you should act, who you should hate and what you should hate about yourself if you don’t fit my view of how a person should be. Oh! And most importantly you should give me money. Preferably 10% of your income. The money is the most important part! Critical Thinker - You know, that seems like a pretty raw deal, You make my life miserable and I pay you for it? Do you at least kiss me when you ate done? If not why would I put up with all that? Religious Leader - No I don’t kiss you! You are not my type! That would be one of those sin things we talked about earlier! You should accept this all because I have studied these ancient texts and because God has picked me to interpret them for you. I can tell you what they mean Critical Thinker - I have read those texts too and you seem to cherry pick them or even make things up to support your personal prejudices and viewpoints. Either God thinks exactly like you do and the rest of those texts are just an exercise divine in creative writing or you don’t actually know what God thinks. There are also some pretty terrible things in those texts. Things that would get you thrown in jail if you did them, so why should I take them serially? They were written in a time when people didn’t even have electricity or toilets. What do they have tp do with the modern world? Religious Leader (usually through clenched teeth, trying to control their anger) - That’s what FAITH is you miserable sinner! Believing absurd things to keep your betters in power! How can we live our cushy lives of luxury while you work to support us if you don’t just mindlessly obey? How dare you question centuries of tradition that we teach because it’s total self serving and gives all the power to us? You are just supposed to be sheep! I knew letting you learn to think was a mistake! Critical Thinker (usually backing away from the fanatic ecclesiastic because they frothing at the mouth by this point) - I tell you what, you do you and I will do me and we are quits on everything else. I mean maybe of you were going to kiss me when you were done but since I’m not your type why don’t we just be friends? A few religions had caught on and changed their doctrine. They preached love, kindness, acceptance and charity. Their clergy became true public servants but even these religions were greatly reduced. People just didn’t trust them An argument was made for all the charitable work religions did and it was quickly pointed out that it always came with strings attached. “We will keep you from starving and teach you the things we want you to learn, but you have to believe in our god, accept our control of your life and all our prejudices” Religion said "No thanks". other people are offering to feed us and teach us without the strings. Thanks for the offer though" people in poorer areas said as their standard of living came up due to technology and personal mobility and religion lost it’s final hold It was mostly an academic study now. People tried to revive them now and then and had even had moderate success but once they reached a certain point the old patterns of hate and bigotry had always showed their ugly heads and people fled in droves This pulled The Light’s teeth. New religions would spring up occasionally but they always followed the patterns the revived old religions did and none ever really caught on Most people developed a one on one relationship with God and spirituality but kept their views to themselves ****************** The party went on for a long time, late into the night, as these ancient friends talked about the last thousand years and focused on the male half of the population since the only woman present had been so instrumental; in the changes to men’s lives Long before mankind freed itself from religion and it’s inherent problems she had broken down the barrier that kept same sex couples from having offspring together also she and many others had also done study after study showing that the root cause of many of the problems of the world and the thing that religion exploited the most was male insecurity and a need to dominate usually instilled on them by their insecure fathers who were backed up by what they learned in church Bisexual men and men who could at least accept that they sometimes had an attraction to other men had a far lower rate of domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse and were generally more content with life than men who maintained that they were only attracted to women This latter group was lying to themselves and that was proved by study after study all over the world. It was the underlying stress of that self delusion that added to the problems mentioned before The first step was to remove all stigma from same sex attraction. It had been proven to be a natural part of the human condition and once religious bigots were no longer spouting hatred it only took a couple generations before there were more gay, nonbinary and bisexual people that there were straights When both social and religious stigma were removed the rates of those issues we mentioned dropped even further, except among men who strongly identified as “straight only. They rose among that population as these men denied their true natures out of stubborn, misguided pride, once again passed from father to son It soon became obvious when 98% of social problem were attributed to just 1% of the population that pretending you were 100% straight was the problem Don’t get me wrong. Almost 50% if the relationships in the world were male/female but most of these people accepted that same sex attraction was a natural part of life. They had it but just preferred the opposite sex, at least most of the time Monogamy had gone out of style with religion and most people had side relationships with both sexes to round out their lives It also needs to be noted that men who said they were 100^ gay and had absolutely no attraction to women were frowned upon by society as well, but they didn’t have the same rate of problems the straight men did The now global society came up with it’s own solution to the problem and the torque was the perfect way to implement it The torque was a biometric device that Agnes had come up with in her second century of life/ At first it was just a health monitor and a rudimentary mental link to various devices. Over time it’s function and uses expanded to the point that it was able to shield the body from infection, both viral and bacterial and use the body’s own resources to manufacture most prescription drugs and administer them, all your doctor had to do was upload the prescription. It also controlled every device around you, It got to where you couldn't even open a door without your torque The things were invisible most of the time, They were just under the skin around the neck but would glow sometimes when specific things happened Literally every person on earth had a torque. It was part of the normal delivery process to put one on a newborn. .It would painlessly sink below the skin and grow with it all it’s life. One of the first benefits of the torque to it’s wearer was it mostly prevented SIDS or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, reducing it' by 97% so parents wanted their child to have one from the beginning To solve the “Straight man” problem every government in the world passed the same law The torques were updated for both men and women to be fair, both sexes had a new requirement but we will only talk about the one for men here. After his 18th birthday, a man’s torque would change. It would require at least 10 minutes of anal stimulation and the anal injection of a certain protein found only in semen once weekly after that point Your own semen would not work and neither would toys Basically every man on earth above the age of 18 was required to get fucked bareback and take a to load once a week. Exceptions could be made for people medically unable to do so of course as well as for people who chose a life of celibacy as well as for truly nonbinary people There was a 10 year introductory period, mostly to find and train enough “PIFs” before the penalties for noncompliance were enforced PIF stood for “Protein injection Facilitator” and these men were trained to be able to top anyone no matter the physical appearance and also to make the person being topped genuinely feel wanted. Every client left a PIF with the feeling that the man had enjoyed fucking them and found them attractive A fully trained PIF with the aid of really delicious protein and vitamin shakes and simple medical enhancements could fuck 10 times in an 8 hour day and still keep a significant other happy at home Statistics showed that about 50% of professional PIFs who had a significant other went home to female partners when their shift was done World wide, people in relationships were about 30% Male/Female couples, 25 % each for Male/Male or Female/Female couples and 15% people with multiple partners of either sex all in one relationship About 30% of the total world adult population was single at any given time There was no charge for going to a PIF as they were all public employees and you were not allowed to use the same PIF more than once a year. Every home on earth had a “Transport Door” and there were also publicly available ones in even the smallest communities. These doors would take you to any public place on Earth so getting to a PIF was no problem for anyone Many boys wanted to grow up to be a PIF and any boy could because PIFs of all races, shapes and sizes were needed A general PIF was usually an average looking guy who was friendly and warm to his clients and the sex was very vanilla. About 60% of men used general PIFs when they needed one Specialized PIF “franchises” popped up all over the world as well. Some of the popular “brands” were: Daddy, Daddy Bear, Cub, Chubby, Leather Man, Jock, Boy Next Door and Sissy Boy. There were other specializations and just about any type of man you wanted could be found as a PIF somewhere in the world. You could only use a PIF if it had been more than four days since your last load as you were encouraged to find them on your own. Some men proudly wore shirts or hats that said “Never PIFed” on them to show they could get all the raw cock they wanted. A lot of these men were lying though When you took a load your torque flashed green and when you gave one it flashes white. This was to let you and the man fucking you know the requirement had been met. At a week since your last load your torque would start to glow green and you had to take two loads to get it to stop, At two weeks it went to blue and you had to take three, At three weeks it went yellow and you had to take four. These things happened and it was no big deal At four weeks things got a bit more serious, Your torque started glowing orange and at that point any man could take your ass forcefully without your consent with no legal ramifications, as long as they didn’t injure you. Amy tactic was fair game, gang fucks, bondage or just plain forced sex and they could keep forcing you till your torque stopped glowing all together though they did have a limited time to do so This sparked a new kink and industry, “Orange Parks' ' popped up in many larger cities. They were like the bathhouses of old except they were larger. They usually had a maze or were in a mockup of an urban area or forest. Some looked like the stylized inside of a prison, though there had been no actual prisons for centuries. Old porn died hard If you were a man wanting to fuck you paid a small fee to enter. If you were a man with a forced sex fantasy you were given a glowing orange necklace and the fee you paid was based on how many loads you wanted to take before it stopped glowing. If your torque was actually glowing orange and you made it to the park without being stopped and dealt with you were let in for free The Orange Parks made a fortune and many men got their required loads that way. The park staff was always nearby to keep things from getting out of hand and everyone had fun acting out fantasies in a safe environment You had two months of orange glow and then you went red At that point your torque lost the ability to protect your health in some ways, It would let you be infected with HIV and the infection was allowed to progress any time your torque was red. No one had ever let that go on long enough to find out that it was a buff and your torque would NOT let you actually get sick. HIV was just a threat and deterrent, not a death sentence to the truly stupidly stubborn Your torque also started sending out a signal that would draw “PIPE” layer within 10 miles to you like a magnet when it was red PIPE stood for “Protein Injecting Penetrative Enforcer” and were jokingly referred to as “PIPE layers” The same rules applied . Any tactic short of serious physical injury was acceptable. The differences were that the PIPE layers were all "double poz" and when they infected someone with HIV they could take control of that person totally Being double poz meant that you had a normal strain of HIV in your cock and balls. A torque like device embedded like a cock ring under the skin that glowed red when you came, kept your normal torque from controlling the infection there so you could give it to someone who’s Torque was not protecting him. Just to be doubly sure that the PIPE layer was protected the rest of the body was infected with the Angel Strain of HIV, The cock ring torque kept the two strands separate As for taking total control of someone, All they had to do was say “I claim you” when they came in a violator, what usually happened then was that the PIPE layer would command them “stay in compliance from now on” and release then but they didn’t have to The man who let his torque go red could end up the slave of the PIPE layer for life. They could even be sold and ownership transferred, though this had to be approved by the one of the head PIPE layers (Tommy, Zeke, Mike, Jeff, Tony or Red) The system had been in place for over 200 years now and the incidents of social problems and crime in general had plummeted world wide So had incidents of depression and self harm. These had been almost totally wiped out Prisons had been abolished and such criminal acts that were committed by men were punished by making them public surrogates for other men for a certain number of pregnancies. They could be rented to carry a couple’s baby or knocked up to provide children for single men wanting to raise a child. The couple or man whose child they carried as responsible for the surrogate’s upkeep during the pregnancy and during recovery. There were many men who served as surrogates by choice but they could chose their clients. A public surrogate couldn't. It was first come first serve. Their surrogate fee went to the people their crime had harmed These men’s torques kept track of their location and kept them confined in a certain geographic region. It was far more effective than prisons and cost so much less In the last year there had been only three murders committed globally and all were by men who’s torques were glowing red. The punishment for murder was always the same. 20 surrogate pregnancies per victim. Which took about 35 years to finish. This had been an above average year for murders and many years had none at all One murderer furring the last century had been rented out by a wealthy Arab man for his last 12 pregnancies in a row, The two had married after the third and he had written a classic book about his life called “Mister Mother Was A Murderer” @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The party wound down at about 2 AM local time. Tony and Red stayed so that Red could hold Tommy and Zeke while they slept while Tony held Red. They never forgot that for almost a century Red had been married to both Tommy and Zeke Tony was Red’ perfectly matched soul partner but both Tommy and Zeke were close matches as well and Zeke was Red’s half brother In the morning Tommy made breakfast for the four of them, The apartment had cleaned itself after the lights were turned out and looked perfectly normal when they woke As they walked away from the breakfast table the dishes vanished, only to reappear in the cupboard perfectly clean. The kitchen had cleaned it self while they ate Red laughed “No more fights between you two about doing the dishes” he said jabbing Zeke with a finger Tommy laughed "We have not had a serious fight in 830 years, not since Zeke had the very first “Self washing dishes” prototype one of Ze-Corp’s subsidiaries was working on installed. And that was 100% true, They had been together 10 centuries and the biggest bone of contention between them was who was going to wash the dishes. Like I said they were the perfect match for each other Zeke got a mental alert and though “Screen” A screen appeared floating in the air in front of him and Theo’s face appeared on it “We have a situation, one of out roving PIPE layers was hiking through a remote area in the mountains when his torque started going off like crazy, He sent a micro cam to the source" Theo reported He found a small village, only about 30 people. He checked the female torque channel and all the ladies are in compliance but he’s getting 15 signals on the male channel “The cam followed the men into a meeting that was a boys only, with a man dressed like a priest. He preached the typical “Divine right to be straight” bullshit along with a fair dose of misogyny, homophobia and racism. We have it all recorded. Oh, and the entire town is gathering for a wedding this afternoon we can get them all at once” Theo finished “You guys want to come?” Zeke said to Tommy, Red and Tony and they all nodded “I get the priest, I have something planned for him” Tommy said angrily “Gather as many Pipe layers as you can, who knows how many loads it’s going to take to get these idiots into compliance” Zeke said They assembled in the hangar, which was on what used to be a secret Air Force base hidden in the desert, 20 PIPE layers were there. It was just a short step through a transport door for those whose torques had the clearance code, and many old friends they had seen at the party last night were among them There were also 50 of Theo’s hand trained security forces ready to assist, They carried no weapons other than a long staff. There were no guns. The only gums left in the world were disabled and in museums. The rest had been melted down and the metal used for more useful things like… well anything The uniforms they wore looked like leather pajamas and they concealed many pockets with various items securely stowed. They were modeled after the original bathhouse pajamas Theo used to wear and were his idea of a joke. The men had no idea what they were wearing These pajamas were all the body armor these men needed. Much stronger than any body armor commercially or militarily available and yet they allowed total freedom of movement. These men were the most feared fighting force in the world. Theo had named them "The Power Puff Rangers" mashing together his two favorite childhood TV shows. The man's sense of humor got out of control sometimes. Again the men were not in on the joke “Wars” were now fount hand to hand with blunt weapons and were more competition than conflict. Every nation in the world ran itself for the most part but it’s leaders knew they were ultimately answerable to The Primes, two shadowy figures who ran the world and only members of the 100 knew The Primes were Zeke and Tommy, who also pretty much controlled the world economy as well through the power of Ze-Corm You were a citizen of whatever country you resided in but you could pick up and move anywhere in the world at any time. When a nation got troublesome it’s citizens were suddenly given huge incentives to move elsewhere and the fretful country would usually find itself almost empty. That personal mobility also kept governments from mistreating their citizenry The PIPE layer on scene signaled that the temporary transport door he carried with him was set up and functional. They all filled through into a mountain meadow somewhere in the world Tommy’s torque started a local region diagnostic at his mental prompt. He and Zeke had the only Prime Command Torques in the world. They could access any information anywhere, take over any control system and edit other people’s torques, shutting off their command abilities and even rendering them unconscious The rest of the 100 had similar abilities but they could not affect Tommy and Zeke “They have managed to cut their Transport doors off from the rest of the system. I’m sending out a world wide patch to fix the vulnerability they found and exploited” Tommy said to Zeke as they approached the village on foot. They could clearly hear multiple Red signals from ahead As they approached the town meeting hall they saw that a very recognizable religious symbol to anyone who knew much about religions was on the outside wall as well as other symbols Every member of the 100 in their party stiffened as they saw those symbols. People born in their era would instantly recognize them as symbols of fascism and racial hatred. Those symbols had no place in this era Tommy could hear a droning voice coming from within “One man and one woman as God” intended” as he reached the door “That’s it, let’s end this party now” He growled, pushing the door open The scene inside froze. It looked like a beautiful wedding service if you ignored the fact that the bride was being held in place by two men and her face was filled with loathing. Every man’s torque was glowing red The Puff Rangers moved in so quickly that the priest didn’t even have time to say “What is the meaning of this?” before he was being restrained by two pajama clad men The Bride broke free and ran to a woman in the front row who could have been her sister or her mother, you never knew nowadays Zeke approached the pair and noted the bruising on the bride’s face that cosmetics didn’t quite cover “How long have the transport doors been down?” he asked “About three months, about the same time the men's torques went orange” said the other woman “They have been telling us that they are starting a new society based on an old religion and that we will be much happier once we accept our natural place as subservient to men” she said with disgust “They weren’t getting anywhere so they held a meeting and voted in a new “law” saying that their was no such thing as spousal rape and started planning the “weddings”. I was the first and he had to force me to even come in the building” The bride said angrily “Do you mind?” Zeke said gently reaching for her chin She shook her head no and he gently turned her face to the light, there was a lot of barely concealed bruising Tommy had been watching and he mentally activated a protocol that started getting things ready “They were all getting abusive because none of us would comply” the other woman said and Zeke decided she was mother and not sister All the other women nodded Out in the town square the public transport door activated and started glowing a gentle green “Ladies.” Tommy said raising his voice slightly “The transport door in the square is active and it will take you to a medical facility where you will be checked for injury. If you feel up to it there will be people there to get your full stories. Counseling sessions will be set up and I am afraid these are mandatory until your councilor heels you no longer need them. All the counselors are female and have been in practice for decades, We assembled the best in the world for you” This protocol was always kept in place and could handle much larger groups of victims if it needed to. Just because it had been over 30 years since it had last been activated did not mean it was scrapped. They even held yearly drills to keep the people involved sharp “Thank you” the bride said to Tommy and Zeke as the security forces led them out “You can’t leave! You are my wife! It’s your duty to serve me and submit!” The groom yelled angrily as the bride ignored him and walked out He looked at Zeke and Tommy since they seemed to be in charge, seething in anger “You have no authority here! This village is an independent nation!” he spat at them “Ummm Calvin, we have not actually gotten around to declaring that, no one wanted to fill out the form because they are so long so we put it off” one of the other men said “Shut up you idiot!” the priest snapped “Sorry brother Alvin” The man said sounding abashed The groom and the priest looked very similar. Tommy accessed their tongues and found that they were both 20 years old and twins They were beautiful men. He had to admit that. They were tall, muscular, smooth, light blond hair and vivid blue eyes. Calvin had hair the fell on his shoulders an a few inches down his back while Alvin's hair was shorth and that was about the only difference between them “I’ve got Calvin and Tommy has already claimed the priest. PIPE layers make sure they get the gift they deserve and if you Rangers want to throw a few loads in feel free, any load will do once a PIPE layer has knocked them up and taken control of them. These men have some punishment coming beyond just being fucked back into compliance” Zeke said “Strip them” Zeke said and the soldiers holding the blond twins ripped the clothes off them They both had really nice bubble butts and cocks that were on the small side of average “It figures” Zeke thought as he walked up to stand before Calvin ‘This is going to be fun” Zeke said rubbing his cock through his pants and eyeing the naked and very angry man appreciatively "I hope you are a virgin. I love pozzing virgins who think they are straight" They bent the two over the altar in the makeshift church and tied their hands behind their back as the two struggled and yelled protests to no avail "Just shut up and take your fucking" One of the Puff Ranger holding Calvin down said "When he;s done with you I'm going to ass a load or two my self. It's going to take days to fuck you back into compliance" Zeke and Tommy stepped up behind the law breakers, dropped their pants and moved their cocks to those unprotected neg holes. The HIV in their cocks and balls was no tame Angel Strain, but normal HIV. It was a deterrent after all. As long as these men stayed in compliance it would never progress Neither was gentle as they shoved in and their victims bellowed in pain “That’s right bitch, scream! I want this to hurt! I never want you to forget this moment! The things are trying to resurrect here are abhorrent! Fascisms? Racism? Misogyny? It has taken centuries for society to burry those things and you want to bring them back?” Tommy snarled as he forced his thick, eight inch, poz cock about halfway into what he realized was a virgin ass “We will rise up and return control of the world to White Men as God always intended! The other races will be subjugated and women will be put in their place!” the defrocked priest snarled through his pain “Wrong answer bitch!” Tommy growled as he rammed the rest of his cock in making Brother Alvin scream again Zeke was no gentler and he had two more inches of poz cock to work with than Tommy did He managed to get in balls deep on the first trust and immediately started brutally slam fucking the abusive fuck beneath him “You think it makes you a man to hit a women huh? You think it makes up for that little cock of yours? You were born to be another man’s cum dump and that’s what I am going to make you, you pathetic tiny cocked bully! How does feel being the weaker one now? Not so good? Maybe think about that next time you decide to his someone weaker than you” he snarled into Calvin’s face as he slid in and out fast. his huge balls slapping the much smaller balls of this bully boy “You know I have HIV and that I’m going to infect you with it. You studied the AIDS epidemic in history. It’s requited curriculum, so you know what it can do to you if you don’t stay in compliance after this. I enjoy pozzing stupid men like you, who open themselves up to it. I have pozzed more men than you can imagine and I’m going to add you to the list and there is not a damn thing you can do about it” Zeke said as he picked up the pace He looked up at Tommy across the altar from him and nodded, they drug that first fuck out making both of those neg holes raw. The torques would guarantee infection on the first load but they wanted to make these two bastards hurt Finally Zeke and Tommy came together timing it perfectly, filling those more than receptive neg asses with virus . The red torques beneath them briefly flashed green acknowledging the load and they both said “I claim you” taking total control of these two who thought they could tear down the world Tommy and Zeke had spent 1000 years building together *********************************************************************************************************** Next Chapter: Appropriate Punishments Let me know what you think! Scanbu
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