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Posts posted by fillmyholeftl

  1. I "think" I'm neg (I got what might have been the fuck flu in July 2015 but have been fine since then). I've been BB for a while (8 years) and not being a player, have only had about 4 dozen cocks in there (multiple loads though) and have fully expected any of them to be poz. I've made the choice to BB. I know the risks and the possibility that someone either has been recently converted (in which case they are probably very toxic) or is lying to me, and are stealthing me  Lying comes with having a hard cock. Whichever, shame on me! If ';m not already poz, I know I will be someday.

    Why not get tested??

  2. PrEP is effective after 7 days of daily dosing. There are studies done regarding interval dosing.  The effectiveness is a bit less.  "Interval" dosing, lets say you'll be slutty for a month or two & then take a break... Is fine.  Just take daily during those active times.  You can take a break of any length then resume when you're a horny bastard again. Just wait the initial period.  This doesn't adversely affect the effectiveness, nor cause any resistance issues.

  3. I had a similar experience but with a slight twist.  I asked my urologist to put me on PrEP an he didn't know what I was talking about. (I went to see him when I contracted gonorrhea for the very first time).  He was really in left field because he wanted to know which female gave me gonorrhea and apparently he just doesn't treat HIV patients. He is a specialist in both urology and oncology and I assumed that somewhere his his education he had crossed paths with infectious diseases live HIV. I guess it's kinda like the same way he assumes I am a straight black male.


    So I concluded that I was getting nowhere with my urologist. But I needed to find answers elsewhere. Quickly.


    Last month I began my own search to find a physician or a clinic, any physician or clinic, in order to get HIV-tested... and if I tested negative, I was hoping to get on PrEP.  Here's the twist, I started making phone calls on a Friday evening all  over New Jersey and New York to get tested for HIV.  I literally called dozens of locations. I could not find anywhere that would test me for HIV.  Right through to Saturday, the next day, all the places I called either sent me to voicemail or told me I could come in to do the test on a week day during hours when I am generally at my job.  I was in a general state of disbelief. I was totally exasperated!!  How could I be having difficulty in finding a place to test me for HIV?


    Getting on PrEP was the ultimate goal, but first I wanted to be sure I was HIV negative...

    Before giving up, I called a friend who has been HIV positive for many years now and I asked him where to go for a test.  He contacted his friend on Facebook who told him I should go to IRIS House in Plainfield, NJ or to IRIS House in Harlem, New York.  I called both locations and got voicemail.  I left messages on both.  The following Monday morning, I got a call from the New Jersey office.  They agreed to set up an appointment for me at the Harlem office of IRIS House that same evening.  I kept my appointment. And to make a long story short, I was put on a fast track to see a physician who has devoted her many years of practice to treating HIV/AIDS patients.  Thanks to her, today I am on PrEP.


    Here are the 2 biggest lessons I learned from my experience:  1.  HIV and AIDS are no longer considered a death sentence like it was in the 80's and 90's when it ravaged the gay community.  2.  HIV and AIDS are now in the same column as Tuberculosis (TB) and Diabetes...as long as you take your meds you will live a long, normal, and productive life. (Thanks to the great strides made in modern medicine).


    The urgency to deal with HIV and AIDS just doesn't exist anymore.


    I relocated from the NY/NJ area to S. Florida 5 years ago.  I became very involved in the LGBT community & began work in the HIV Outreach/testing field.  I am disturbed that NYC/NJ have no readily available rapid testing locations.  Here in Ft Lauderdale, rapid HIV testing is available 7 days a week. At the Pride Center, where I work we have on site testing 10am-9pm M-F and 12 noon-5pm on weekends.  We are out at the bathhouses and  other locations late at night and afternoons on many days.  We also offer help in linkage to HIV & PrEP services at no cost ... I am glad I relocated.


  4. I love this topic... a couple years back, I got fucked by this HOT Tattooed TOP @ the bathhouse... After he unloaded what was a massive load (it was an awesome fuck too) he slapped me on the ass & said..."take care of the kids"...HAHAHA

    Now a days, I'm in a monogamous pig relationship... My man will breed me at least 2 times during a 3 hours session... I always keep it in, over night if possible.  I feel that I am literally getting some of him into my being.. He is part of me... I am now CUBAN by injection.

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  5. Breathe Deep is a good start... It takes some time for most to adjust & accept, even if they aren't "surprised"... Look for some local support groups.  Fort Lauderdale is great in this regard as there are many opportunities within the community.

    Use these forums to gather info and reach out to others.

    Get a doctor that you are comfortable with and get proactive in your care & get knowledgeable about HIV.

    Good Luck


  6. I.ve been out of the "cruising" & hook up routine for a couple months, but wanted to share a HOT scene with my now BF (once FB)...

    He was away for Labor Day weekend, so neither of us had any action for about a week (yes, we are being exclusive for now)... So I was at his place last night... sucked faces, spit etc for a good 30 mins... then I sucked him for a while as he played with my hole.. then as usual with only spit and my natural juices he penetrated me with in my opinion, the best 8" uncut cock ever, and we made love for 20+minutes until he deposited load #1... we were cuddling, making out and talking, while he played with my hole leaking his seed and helped me cum... 5 mins later he's lifting up my legs and forcing is once again HARD COCK into me... honestly, it hurt a little at first (& he knew it), but he told me later, he HAD to fuck me again and unload a second time into me.  WOW  is all I can say. We have an amazing connection & chemistry that is as good if not better than our first hook ups 2 months ago... LOVE THIS MAN

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  7. I'm assuming that when someone skips a few days of medication and then restarts a few days later that he may not be undetectable for a few days. During this time he can then infect a sexual partner but by the time he retakes the tests his VL is again undetectable. Would that be possible?

    It takes more than a few days for the VL to increase to a "infective" level.  So theoretically, missing lets say 3 days of meds & then restarting, would not have enough of an effect to make that person INFECTIVE.  But, missing doeses, repeatedly, could result in a resistance problem, which in turn would have more of an effect on VL... My "advice",  don't do either.

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  8. Ok guys I'm afraid I have to humble myself and admit that I failed last night. It started while partying and I "shared" a cigarette with a buddy. That happened several more times. By late in the night I was bumming cigarettes and smoking them myself. I had a very stressful day today and I bought a pack. I smoked all day. I'm so disgusted with myself right now I want to cry. I blew over 10 months without a smoke. Damnit.


    I have to get up tomorrow and start over.

    Beating yourself up serves no purpose... Just get up tomorrow and start a "new day". Don't look back, our eyes are on the front of our heads for a reason.


    I failed many times both in "not smoking" (15 years now) and drinking (almost 20 years)

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