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Posts posted by fillmyholeftl

  1. 4 hours ago, gay87 said:

    This is the ipergay study by France medical team 

    conservative dosage is 7 days daily pill before first activity 

    ipergay study is one pill 24hour before sex and 2 hour before sex (2 pills total) and just follow up 2 pills after sex renders it 86% safe


    for myself, I took my first raw load after the 3rd pill, so theoretically I'm enjoying about 90% risk deduction, 

    there are study that shows taking 4 pills per week would be 96% effective , I wonder if this 4 pills per week applies for after last exposure as well, means I could just consume 16 pills after last exposure, will I enjoy 96% risk deduction?

    I think it means taking 4 pills weekly.. something like take every other day.. following a month or even a week, the person should have a reasonable level of the drug in their system to make it 86%+ effective.  I'm not quoting any study, just extrapolating data and common sense

    • Upvote 1
  2. 2 hours ago, N_Cordova said:

    I'm a bottom. I love feeling a bare cock deep in my ass, so I only bareback with guys that have recently tested negative. Recently, I've had an undetectable top looking to fuck me bare. I really want his bare cock in me, but I have not looked into Prep yet. Anyway, a lot of sites are saying that bare sex with an undetectable is as safe as fucking a guy that knows that he is neg. The thing is, I can't find details for tops vs. bottoms, so I'd like to ask... Is it low risk for the bottom, or just for the top? How much more risk is there in undetectable top's load as opposed to just letting him fuck you and cum on your ass instead of in it? Have any bottoms here converted from an undetectable top? I hate to sound undereducated, but I'm not seeing the specific answers to my questions anywhere else. Any input or your personal experiences would help greatly.

    An undetectable top is just as or safer partner for a negative bottom.  There is still the unknown with anyone who recently tested negative.  I would caution, that the data suggests someone who has been CONSISTANTLY undetectable, not just a single undetectable test result

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  3. I work in HIV Outreach... for what it is worth, the County Health Dept we are associated with, "says" they are gathering information to make sure everyone gets into treatment, with Ryan White Aid of free Meds/Dr visits.  Maybe I am being wishful, thinking that is all they want to do.  I really don't think of believe that any of the information would be used to prosecute someone. 

  4. The daily pill is the only regimen that is approved by US FDA.  There is research from France I think, that supported the as needed dosing (your #3) I think it was 3 pills after.

    Havent heard of your #2.  But after initial dosing, every other day would keep up some blood level of the drug but certainly would decrease the effectiveness

  5. 2 minutes ago, iosam said:

    So I've been on PrEP for two months, had a pretty serious rash that got worse over the course of a week. My doctor (and a consult and potentially a followup with an infectious disease specialist) believes that it's an allergic reaction to Truvada. Have any of you heard of anything like this?

    I'm neg now and been having fun playing without being worried about getting pozzed. Now I have to be more selective with who I play if I'm allergic to it :(

    In my HIV Outreach work, I ran into a guy who also had a pretty serious skin allergic reaction. Stopped Truvada for a couple months and then restarted but it still came back

  6. If it ain't broke, don't fix it! If he's undetectable, then the meds are working. Everybody's different in how they respond to meds, but I have to admit I've never heard of anyone going 20 years without a change in prescription. It might be an idea for him to talk to his HIV doctor about the possibility of changing, but if he's undetectable, he won't have enough of a viral load to test to see what would be the best combination for him (you need at least VL 1k and undetectable is between<20 and <70 depending on the lab). 

    Also, if he's been on the same meds for so long they obviously must be fitting in well with his genetics so that he's having few in any side effects. There's no way of telling how long the same meds will continue to work for him: prediction and medicine do not make good bedfellows ;)

    From what I have heard, you no longer need a 1K + VL to have the geno-Pheno type testing performed.

  7. I've been on PreP for the past few months and I've really been loving being able to bareback as much as I want. But the copay card I've been using was rejected yesterday with the pharmacy saying it could only be used twice in a year, but they gave me a number to call. Still haven't called it yet, I'm nervous...


    It's not something I can afford on my own and I'm scared I'll have to stop taking it... I've really been loving the raw sex I've been having, especially with poz guys. If I have to stop taking prep I don't know what to do... I don't feel emotionally ready to take potential poz loads completely unprotected but I don't ever want to use a condom again...


    I've never started a topic here before so I'm nervous about that too... Argh...


    Anyway, thoughts? advice? pound cake recipes?

    Is that the Gilead CoPay card you're using?  As far as I am aware, there is no monthly limit to it. Call Gilead.

    • Upvote 1
  8. From what I understand, the change in the formulation of Tenofovir  allows about a 10th amount of this drug without affecting the level of effective drug in your system.  Tenovir is thought to have to most negative effects on Kidneys & bone. They have put Descovy into 3 other combination therapies. I'm on one and don't feel that there is any less effectiveness in it. My ID doctor had no issue with switching me.

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    Is it a turn on to have your fuckhole referred to as a pussy/cunt? Do you not care one way or the other? Do you hate it? 

       I've had it called both, it's not a turn off, but prefer HOLE


    Is your pussy/cunt your primary sex organ?

       My Hole is my primary sex organ


    Do you have internal orgasms?

       I have multiple internal orgasms


    Do you like getting bitched out? 

       Not so much


    Does your cock get hard when you are getting fucked or does it flop around like a useless appendage? 

       Sometimes, but it isn't necessary.


    Is there any point to getting fucked if you don't get the sacred sperm? 

       Yes, getting fucked is worthwhile but of course its preferable to get the precious seed

  10. I know it would seem unlikely by the stats but am concerned. I am experiencing symptoms that could be the "fuck" flu. I have been on PrEP for a year and a half. Have not missed a daily dose in over 6 months. To my knowledge have never gotten the regular flu.


    Only recent encounter, Wed July 13th had unprotected sex with 2 guys at the bathhouse, one I'm not worried about because we have played before is strictly top says he's neg on PrEP himself and have exchanged contact info etc. Other one was a black guy, I let him fuck me, I got bored after 5-10 minutes and said take a break not sure if he came but he didn't tell me. No talking, no idea of his status.


    2.5 weeks later threw up late evening after afternoon brunch, I never throw-up. For the last 2 weeks been more tired, feel like I have a fever (confirmed yesterday and today 100.5 or higher) and some body aches mostly shoulder/upper back etc. Had one night a few days ago where I woke up and had a nightsweat by my head.


    How likely is it conversion? If it's happened would it show up on a rapid hiv test yet? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Any idea of other things it could be?


    It's unlikely, but nothing is IMPOSSIBLE.  Get tested, and then if negative, repeat in a few more weeks.  See how you feel... see Dr too.

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  11. I don't have insurance and was wondering how hard or expensive it would be to pay out of pocket. Does anyone have experience with this?

    Is there any Gay/HIV organizations near you?  I know that there are other "programs" sponsored by various entities to help pay for PrEP.

  12. Hi all:

    I'm seeking to gain knowledge base from those who have more expertise and experience in a situation I was involved in. I'm a bottom.. and have been on PrEP since April 2016. I strictly adhere to my daily pill regimen and take the pill at the same time daily give or take 2 hours. My STIs and HIV tests have been negative. Until recently, the last month, I have ventured to let a couple of routine fuck buds cum in me along with knowing they are HIV negative.

    To further push my limits I met with a top yesterday and he set up a Craig'slist ad for guys to stop by his hotel room and fuck my hole and leave. I had already had a few drinks and don't recall an hour of time at least so he filled me in on the events. I was fisted multiple times prior to anyone's arrival. A Total of 7 guys stopped by and fucked me. 2 used condoms and and the others loaded my hole. All guys that came, reported being HIV negative. However take that with a grain of salt.

    I'm asking this group for there life experience and what they have experienced in this situation... Has PrEP been totally effective for you? Should I be concerned? Or am I letting my nerves get the best of me because I've never done this before? I've read different PrEP studies and some say 42% protection and other vary up to 86/92%. I apologize in advance as this type of question may have been asked elsewhere. Thank you.

    There has only been the one isolated case reported of s person contracting HIV while compliant with PrEP.  You are taking it, just for such occasions  Best of Luck

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