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Posts posted by fillmyholeftl

  1. 29 minutes ago, orionboy1 said:

    In the modern age of apps like Grindr, A4A, BBRT have probably made the old school hankey code obsolete. While I am sure many guys of my generation probably arent even aware there was such a thing, but guys I typically go after are in their 40s and 50s and Im sure most are well aware of what the hankey code is. 

    I just recently bought a navy blue one (BB sex) and a light blue one (oral). Im sure Id obviously have luck in gay bars and stuff. 

    Question is, lets say I were to wear these either hanging out of my front or back pocket while out shopping? at the mall? the grocery store? 

    I have never had a hookup outside of using the apps or being at a gay bar. I think it would be hot if a guy approached me randomly in the mall or something and asked if I wanted to meet him in the bathroom for a quick suck or something. 

    So, think Ill have any luck ? or will I just look silly? 


    I see a guy around here...I'd say he is mature (50s-60)  Tries really hard to dress young.  The NP hat is skewed, the jeans slung low.  He walks around with a red hankie in his left back pocket ALL THE TIME.  I think he looks like a fool.  Oh the leather writ straps don't even come off when he's working out at the gym.... LOL

  2. 1 hour ago, cheetah45 said:

    As a follow up to the above, I contacted my black top friend and asked him if he was hiv+(had not asked before cuz his personal said he was negative). He replyed that he was positive but undetectable. 

    Myself, I am negative and really not looking to become positive. I do not have insurance nor the means to afford prep out of pocket. 

    I really enjoy how he makes me feel emotionally and of course I love to take his cum. So now I need to either trust that he is taking his meds and is truly undetectable or walk away. Walking is tough considering it’s taken a lot of my life to cum across a top that makes me feel the way I do when I am his bottom.

    If you've gotten to know him.. and trust him is there really any sane reason to think he's not undetectable and taking meds??  With all due respect to my fellow pigs here on BZ, I'm with the belief that majority of all HIV + guy are taking meds and wanting to be undetectable. Therefore.. GO FOR IT

  3. As a TOTAL Bottom... the center of pleasure for me and the TOP is definitely my HOLE. But like this afternoon... I got pounded by a 30 something with a THICK 8"... He wanted to see my cum, as do a lot of TOPS I play with. I would never get rid of either cock or balls.  Oh BTW, my cock altho hard when we started... by the end of 45 mins was soft, useless but I managed to rub one out while he played with my cummy hole 

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  4. 3 minutes ago, BBBoyfromTN said:

    The cruel irony of Prep is the guys who should most be on it have no idea it's available, namely very young guys, bi/straight guys, and closeted guys. You can't pick up a gay magazine or newspaper without seeing ads for it, but if you don't pick one up or afraid of doing it you'll never know. Most of them really don't even know that much about HIV/AIDS and how to prevent getting infected, especially barebacking. Many don't ask about your status or ask the wrong questions. I guess they want to bury their head in the sand...out of sight, out of mind.

    So true !!  I see this all the time in my outreach efforts on in the field... 

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  5. On ‎3‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 8:51 AM, 6811283 said:

    You CAN develop resistance to Truvada as a poz person, and that's the issue. If you skip too many doses of Prep you can get infected without knowing it. Then if you keep taking the pills you can develop resistance, because Truvada alone is not enough to treat an active HIV infection.

    So either take it properly and stay neg, or stop taking it entirely and take your chances. This skipping doses shit is not doing you or anyone else a favor.

    I said "when the infective agent (HIV) isn't present... If you get infected... that's a different story 

  6. 1 hour ago, Memphian said:


    I saw where they had a program for that but it mentioned there are eligibility requirements.  I assumed I wouldn't be eligible because of my income.  But I looked into it at your suggestion and it looks like it's available regardless of income, for up to $4,800 per year.  My mail order pharmacy through work doesn't permit this copay assistance for some reason.  But I chose it because it was cheaper ($75/mo.) compared to local retail pharmacies ($110/mo.).  

    So it seems that I'm better off moving it to my local pharmacy and the copay assistance will leave me owing zero!  That's how my blood pressure medicine worked too.  It was cheaper to take the copay assistance and use a local pharmacy.

    Thanks for the tip!



    My pleasure !!!  Best of Luck 

  7. 1 hour ago, Memphian said:

    My appointment was this past Tuesday. I wound up going to a woman’s health clinic where they do abortions and other reproductive health services. So there was me and one other guy and a bunch of women in the waiting room. I had found them on a website that lists PrEP friendly doctors  

    It did take some nerve and it was the first time I came out as bi to anyone. (Other than to guys who had their cock in my mouth or ass.)

    But they were cool about it and I just reminded myself they had seen it all and weren’t the least bit shocked by me. 

    I’m glad I did it.  $75 per month mail order with my insurance but well worth it for the peace of mind. 

    Get the GILEAD Co payment assistance card and you should have $ 0.00 out of pocket !! 

  8. On ‎3‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 8:41 AM, BreedingTop71 said:

    I love topping an ass. Never even sucked cock, just interested in using ass to unload. If the chemistry is really good, would love to use the bottoms ass frequently (6-10 times a week). If the bottom doesnt know his HIV status and happens to be Poz, is there too much a risk for me?  I know incidence is lower for us, especially since i am CUT but i still think about that. If i wanted to chase while being a top, i would at least want my conversion to be special not a random hookup

    It's not NO RISK... But it's pretty LOW Risk.  I wouldn't agree that the pee slit acts like a shovel at all.

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  9. Yesterday afternoon... I was doing my HIV outreach & testing at the bathhouse... was the end of the afternoon and gave the last "client" his negative results... he leaned in to give me a thank you hug and kiss  I gave him  tongue and slipped my hand in his towel... he bent me over and quickly gave me his load..  A hot Panamanian uncut cock and a BIG LOAD  :-)

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  10. 3 hours ago, RiverBear said:

    So if you are going to stop; stop. Don't skip doses and help the chances of developing resistance to PrEP for those who want it. Once you are poz you are poz and the thrill is gone. Then the monotony of being forced to take more tests, more pills, more paperwork, stigma in smaller communities, blah, blah. 

    It has its perks. It has it drawbacks.

    Maybe talk to a counselor first to make sure it isn't depression, a big life change or something else causing you to make this very serious decision.

    Once you are sure your choice is solid knock yourself out. 

    FYI... You cant develop resistance to PrEP.  I order to develop resistance the infective agent needs to be present, so NO HIV = No possible resistance when skipping doses or stopping and beginning again

  11. 6 minutes ago, lower_bucks_bottom said:

    Am I the only one that gets annoyed at tops that think the answer to not being able to get hard is to take another hit of poppers. I love poppers but I am a bottom and don't need to be hard, but for most guys they are the enemy of a good hard erection. I know there are exceptions, but for the most part if you want to be a good top give the poppers to the bottom and pound his ass. Maybe take a quick hit just before you give him your load.

    Also if you are sharing a bottle with a bottom sucking you, give him the bottle first, then you can take it while he is going to town on your cock.

    Sorry I just had to get that out.

    So true !!  My fav FB does just that... he doesn't touch the poppers and fucks every which way. Sometimes only sometimes he'll take a quick hit right before he blasts his load in me

  12. 4 hours ago, jasonp said:

    Does anyone else find it hard to not jerk off when doing anal play? I love seeing guys online taking huge toys or fists and completely ignoring their own cocks. To me, nothing is hotter than seeing a guy do extreme anal with a soft cock. But when I'm using toys, I always end up jerking off and can't go any further. Any advice on how to me more disciplined when doing anal play?

    For years I would concentrate on my pleasure...I'd jerk and play with my cock and usually cum much faster than I wanted... YOUNG & DUMB  I have grown to the point that I often don't even cum..I'll leak precum like crazy and have wave after wave of anal orgasms.  It's  funny i'll be hard at the beginning when making out and sucking, but as soon as the cock get in the hole its a whole different game

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  13. Drug resistance will not develop unless there is a latent (undetected early serioconversion)  Any "on demand" dosing wouldn't statistically give 99% protection.  Theoretically its vary good protection taking as you described.

  14. 5 minutes ago, hungry_hole said:

    I took PrEP for 2 months because of a holiday I took at place where I knew I was going to have lots of sex. And I did.

    I rented an apartment with a sling and a gloryhole and for several days I had guys coming over at all hours. The guy who rented me the apartment organized a gang-bang for me which was why I was interested in this apartment. Gang-bangs are difficult to organize on your own and also there is the issue of security. It was great! Now that I'm back home and not having much sex I decided to stop PrEP.

    I may take another sex holiday and go to a bathhouse. Can I continue with PrEP on demand? That is, take PrEP for 7 days, have sex on a weekend, and continue PrEP for another 7 days after the last sexual contact. Anybody does that?

    You can... It gives you some level of protection, not the approx. 99% that daily PReP provides

  15. 2 hours ago, sleazyseldn said:

    For years I have had a deep seated interest in modifying my cock and balls, as being mainly sub I felt that I didn't need them.  In the last month I was fortunate enough to meet someone who was able to help me on this path and clamped the chords to my balls making ma a castrated eunuch.  Next month I plan on a further modification by having a partial penectomy leaving only a 2cm stump.


    I know that many guys feel that this is stupid or that I am insane but I have never felt happier.  This is what I want and I will follow through on it and be happy with my life.


    Are there any other members on the site that have extreme body modifications?  Any guys interested in guys with modifications?  Any guys that are against it?  I'd like to here others guys views on this.  I'm not looking to be preached at and told that this is wrong, this is my decision and I'm happy with it.  


    I'm happy to hear both side of the argument but any abusive messages or posts will be reported.

    As a full fledged bottom... knowing my place is to serve the top and actually get all pleasure from my hole. BUT !!  This is NUTS

  16. On ‎2‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 3:55 PM, FriendlyBottom said:

    I guess I'm a member of the (mostly) silent minority on this topic...

    I don't "clean" a top's cock after I get fucked.  In general, I avoid taking in my mouth a cock that's just been pulled out of my ass.  I have zero interest in a cock that's just come out of somebody else's ass.

    Now, having said that, I do love to eat (the right man's) ass.  And there have a handful of memorable guys whose cocks have found their way into my mouth after coming out of my ass.  But in all cases, I wasn't going down on the guy in order to "clean" cock -- I was just so turned on by him and the hot fuck he just gave me (or was in the midst of giving to me), that I wanted to get on my knees to continue to worship his wonderful cock.  And there was one ex-fuckbuddy (a multi-cumming top) who, graciously, upon my request, once pulled his cum-slicked cock out my ass after he deposited load #2 so I could suck some of his cum off his cock before he fucked load #3 into me.  Again, I wasn't in the mindset that I was "cleaning" his cock, I was (a) really into this guy and (b) felt really comfortable with him and was confident that he would allow me to get "piggy" like this (totally out of the norm for me) and (c) at that point he had been fucking and breeding me pretty regularly for a few years and I had never tasted his cum (because he always came in my ass).

    And I guess I just run into different sorts of guys than some others on this board.  I have never run into a top who expected me to "clean" his cock after fucking me.  One guy asked me if I wanted to (and I politely declined and he was fine with it).  Only a handful of guys have ever tried to go ATM with me during a fuck session and I told them "Nah.  I don't do ATM" and they were cool with it.  (In one case, one of these guys was among those memorable exceptions I mentioned above and five minutes later, his cock was in my mouth and I really enjoyed the taste of my ass on him!)

    I guess my general mindset is the following:  I'm a bottom because I enjoy the sensation of cock in my ass and I enjoy pleasing a man by sharing my hole with him and catching his cum.  I don't view myself as subservient to him and I'm not submissive in nature and condescenscion and denigration are things I don't tolerate or enjoy.  I don't feel I "owe it" to a top to clean his cock.  My warm, tight, clean hole and a polite "thank you" afterwards are adequate appreciation.

    That's me and that's how I roll...

    I kinda used to think much the same, then came to the realization that if I expect the TOP to eat my hole then I should be comfortable cleaning off his cock that has come out of my properly cleaned hole.

  17. 44 minutes ago, NegToPoz2018 said:


    Great topic, I have been fucked by 2 men that said they where undetectable, and who knows at the bath houses since last summer. I recently tested neg. late last month, yet I just met another guy online, who is undetectable. I love this status, because I feel I get the emotional thrill of taking the risk, without as much risk.

    How about without ANY Risk

  18. 10 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    Sorry, but I have to disagree completely with what @bdbottom said above. Having a healthy immune system in no way shields a person from becoming infected with HIV. The only way you could resist the virus is if you had developed immunity through exposure, and what makes HIV so treacherous is that by the time your body develops antibodies to it, it’s already hijacked your immune system. The idea that you can avoid HIV through healthy diet and exercise alone is rubbish.

    Ditto with other STDs, by the way - you don’t develop immunity to gonorrhea or chlamydia from having had it. You can get it again. There is some debate about whether effective immunity can be developed to syphilis via exposure. Herpes and genital warts are both spread by shedding virus, and if you’re not already infected, you have no immunity (younger men may have been vaccinated against HPV in recent times.) Hep A and Hep B are lurking, and you can be vaccinated against those - but Hep C is as present a danger as HIV, and there is no cure, Crabs, of course, are simply pubic lice, and can leap onto anyone, no matter how clean and healthy you are.

    Sorry to be the square dildo at the orgy, but you asked about STDs, and them’s the facts, my friend.

    To answer your original question, my gangbang experiences have landed me exactly one STD: HIV.

    And yes, I was quite healthy at the time.

    If you are healthy (ie: healthy immune system) you are less likely to get infected...

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  19. On ‎1‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 2:37 AM, punaman said:

    would love to hear the stories of you poz guys going full blown AIDS. What it's like, what your going through, will you survive? decide to finally get on meds?  Most of the talk here is the joy of fucking while poz but not the end result of the agony and pain of having full blown AIDS. My husband says its the worst pain he's ever been in and now has neuropathy, memory loss, wasting effect etc, and he's glad he finally went on meds. How are you all going to cope and deal with dying? Shitting yourself as you can't get up, can't eat, drink, walk, talk etc.  Was it worth it? So come on guys that have actual full blown AIDS , tell it like it is and when going two or three months with AIDS and you're about to die, was it worth it?  For me, I'm still undecided

    In this day & age I think anyone who gets to the point of a AIDS diagnosis should have their head examined 

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  20. 2 hours ago, concerned1 said:

    Are guys with the biohazard tattoos poz and on meds or are they poz and deliberately unmedicated in order to spread the virus (or "share" their "seed" as they'd probably view it)?

    I ask because it wouldn't seem to make sense for a guy on meds to have a biohazard tattoo as the fact that he's on meds makes him very unlikely to spread the virus - and if he's undetectable, then the risk of spreading could even be close to impossible, according to a small handful of expert scientists who work in the field of HIV.

    Okay #1...Its not a small number of scientists it a FACT  U=U. Its proven in many studies.  

    Now #2, I have a biohazard tattoo and I'm undetectablepost-25393-140864348024_thumb.jpg

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