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About AIDSfaggot

  • Birthday 05/18/1976

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    AIDS and STDs
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    Now with AIDS tattoo on my lower back...

    Muscled twisted AIDS faggot, been POZ for 15 years, been off meds for 7 years and getting very toxic. STDs untreated for 12 months, Got Hep C, Syphilis; Gono, and a few others. Chasing more disease, AIDS, STDs, new strains of the disease I already got. I'm a dirty low life AIDS faggot, into self destruction and humiliation, love being in the position of a worthless faggot and being treated by men as such. AIDS is the ultimate humiliation.
    Off meds is not negotiable. Not planning to go back top meds ever... I've been full blown and sick with opportunistic infections in 2015, had PCP, Kaposi, and a few others and I fucking loved having all these infections, and now I have a real fetish for opportunistic disease. I went back to meds then and I will never do that again... Next time, going all the way... This time I want PCP to kill me
    Into bareback only, fuck, cum, random loads, fist, dildos and strapon, verbal, perv, outdoors, humiliation, Dom/sub and role-play.
  • Looking For
    Looking for sleazy sessions with perv twisted toxic tops or versatile. Not into other 100% bottom.

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  1. Fuckin' Oink~! Wish we were closer, love to have pal that's declines Rx, & takes steroids too like me.

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