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bbcunthole started following badboypig
I'll fuck any guy however old he is (over 18) just hope he has a HVL
While I completely understand the notion of having the biohazzard symbol is almost fetish like, I give the same amount of respect for the guy who wears a shirt that has the symbol on it and then a statement like "I gift anyone HIV, Proud of it." Until the symbol becomes more prominent and understood by most people in our country, I think we should display our pride in it in a way people can understand...
Encountering any problem? Post them here...
badboypig replied to rawTOP's topic in Tips, Tricks, Rules & Help
Agreed and must label things better and find a better way to know exactly where to post things. -
How can I delete my profile/account?
badboypig replied to rawTOP's topic in Tips, Tricks, Rules & Help
It's extraordinarily disturbing that you are not permitted to delete accounts especially for something as serious as this regarding a world health problem, yet the moderator can give you infractions and make judgments of you. Sir it is you who really has some really demented life to be as inappropriate in your treatment of some people in here. -
The truth about Poppers and how silly they are
badboypig replied to badboypig's topic in HIV/AIDS & Sexual Health Issues
No bro I'm just not gonna waste my time looking up every source I used, put it in APA reference style format and fuckin type it in for you guys. I'm not doing a paper. Don't like my forum get the hell off instead of critiquing the inequity of taking an hour to give you guys the exact means to extract this information which none of you would understand anyways, lol -
The truth about Poppers and how silly they are
badboypig replied to badboypig's topic in HIV/AIDS & Sexual Health Issues
No not in this context, what im trying to say here is that similar to certain drugs of high abuse potential like methamphetamine, Poppers prevent Glutamate from binding with the NMDA-Receptor, in turn it doesn't send the message over to the seat of Dopamine's "loop" which causes what we know now to be a greater mental problem than we thought before. Basically when we have fun doing something dopamine gets released, which makes you feel pleasure, dopamine then tells Glutumate to store the memory of what you really enjoyed because Glutumate deals with our memories. Then when something in the environment triggers you to want to have fun again, Glutamate sends the stored memory to Dopamine where Dopamine will be "told" by Glutamate that this was a GOOD memory, so dopamine will activate your pleasure pathway. Now your direct question would have to be answered by a Philosopher. But here's the thing- Poppers fuck with the brain and cause an amnestic moment if you will. In reality you don't know what the fuck you feel, so GABA which if it binds with its receptors will reduce your anxiety. Each time you do poppers your brain can't function normally and you really are completely dazed but GABA compensates by relieving you of stress. But it can't connect what's going on with making you feel good or any shit like that. So actually when someone says they feel good they don't understand in that moment anything and remember this is the peak concentration which lasts 6-7 seconds, so when you think about it you're wasting money on a drug that has VERY low potential for abuse, only really lasts a few seconds, why bother? -
The truth about Poppers and how silly they are
badboypig replied to badboypig's topic in HIV/AIDS & Sexual Health Issues
Oh ok, DSM IV-TR DSM V FDA REPORTS "Neurons, Neurotransmitters, and Neruopeptides" NIDA latest findings NIMH latest findings -
The truth about Poppers and how silly they are
badboypig replied to badboypig's topic in HIV/AIDS & Sexual Health Issues
Oh yea there are a lot I posts that people don't like on here. For example, you instigated an argument over this yet you still made an assertion that is pretty equivalent? Don't respond lol -
The truth about Poppers and how silly they are
badboypig replied to badboypig's topic in HIV/AIDS & Sexual Health Issues
Judgmental? I was trying to do two things here 1. Inform about some issues with poppers that some people may not be educated about 2. Present the latest findings by various groups such as the NIDA, NIMH, APA, etc., about what we are learning about poppers use, lol. That's not completely out of line is it? -
The truth about Poppers and how silly they are
badboypig replied to badboypig's topic in HIV/AIDS & Sexual Health Issues
Yea that's definitely an interesting point, I have only focused on the neurological effects and whatnot. -
It's funny how "poppers" better known as isobutyl nitrite (like "Tina" I just call it by its real name- methamphetamine HCL), are the most widely misunderstood substance by basically every gay guy I have ever met. They all say two things both of which are either only partially true and one that is not true AT ALL. 1. Isobutyl Nitrite possesses the chemical abilities to loosen the sphincter muscles in the anus- Yes and no. when inhaled blood that flows to the heart results in an approximate 55 second smoothing of only soft muscle throughout your entire body. but it only relaxes sphincter muscles for about 6-7 seconds before the muscles return to normal. while they return to normal, depending on how thick your penis is and the frequency of penetration will determine whether or not it actually has done "its magic." Sonetimes it does briefly, other times it may actually produce additional discomfort that the brain is not able to recognize but makes everyone i have encountered believe that it tends to work all the time. 2. Isobutyl Nitrite can be taken with Viagra or MDMA and there should be no worries- In fact, taking this alkyl nitrite with Viagra has an extremely severe contraindication problem that has a higher than I'd like to see chance of death. Nitrites and MDMA also don't go very well at all with each other. Using both at the same time does significant damage to your frontal lobe, actually can lead to male erectile dysfunction disorder after a very short time of using it together. 3. Isobutyl Nitrite "relaxes you" yet gives you this great rush. These statements are both true as well as false. All alkyl nitrates do is increase the amount of blood that goes to your brain and your heart very rapidly and it's subjective effects last less than a minute. given the fact that they are alkyl nitrites that are a form of inhalant that has any consistent mechanism of action because these inhalants must cross the blood brain barrier at the precise moment that monoamine oxidase is in effect attempting to kill other neurotransmitters. If you take it during this time you will feel a head rush, increase in sensory perception and lightheadedness. If however the drug does not cross the BBB when monoamine "killers" are working it will cause a feeling that time is moving dramatically slower than really is and could create an anxiety effect that occurs to quick for the user to notice. Still, the anxiety results in memory loss, confused state of mind, and loss of consciousness briefly. Hence, no one is really sure what they experienced and therefore have no real understanding of the drug. As Alexander Shulgin once said, any ..."alkyl nitrate will be an aphrodisiac, but the LGBT community really picked one of the most ridiculous compounds to use for recreational purposes. I would personally recommend a fast acting phenylthylamine if you want to get the best sexual experience possible." 4. Alkyl Nitrates often produce headaches- in reality it damages parts of the brain dealing with GABA-A receptors and Nicotine receptors. In sum, "poppers" in reality last less than a minute while some claim longer, and it makes your brain confused to the point where you actually lose interest in sex but you happen to believe it makes it more fun. While cheap, it's really a big waste of your money since what you believe probably isn't real.
Drugged And Forced To Be A Male Prostitute
badboypig replied to BBbttmDoc's topic in Chem Sex FICTION
Would just like to say to you, based on the subjective effects you said came from the purported "ecstasy" or MDMA that they gave you, there is no way those would have effected you like that. Without question you were probably given a pill that combined various compounds of the psychostimulant drugs as well as either some opioid or GHB analogues. More over for any college student to even remotely think that giving you ecstasy would sonehow hijack your brain while they carry out their plans they are the dumbest guys around. Pure MDMA which nobody has ever really had before in its pure form without adding amphetamine or methamphetamine to it (although MDMA does have methamphetamine in its structure, once it crosses the blood brain barrier it loses all it breaks down significantly because MDMA contains adioxy structure that works primarily on serotonin and also breaks down methamphetamine in vivo) to it. More over if it was real ecstasy, less than 9% of people are able to perform sexually, which makes me wonder why everybody reportedly claims it makes their libido increase dramatically. Never has, never will. -
Psychology or theories behind bug chasing?
badboypig replied to a topic in Making The Decision To Bareback
As a student of neurology I can say three facts regarding homosexuals in general, as well as homosexuals that suffer fromhyperaexuality and/or paraphilias. It is a little known fact that gay males are five times more likely to abuse methamphetamine Hcl than any other group COMBINED. Why start out by mentioning meth? For two reasons 1. Methamphetamine molecules look almost identical to a very important neurotransmitter that you have in your brain- Dopamine. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that gives us feelings of pleasure that we get in things that make us feel happy. Sex and orgasm release approximately 360 units of dopamine. Our enjoyment of food releases 559 units. Cocaine releases 900 units. Methamphetamine releases close to 2000! What is important to understand about dopamine is that it the chemical the gives you thepleasureable sensations in methamphetamine, alkyl nitrates (poppers), having sex, eating food that tastes great. Anytime you feel a burst of pleasure it's because of dopamine. gay males we have found have a serious debt in the number of units that would naturally get released so that you may feel pleasure. While dopamine makes us feel good, it also teaches us what we do not like. Now, because gay males are born with below normal dopamine units and receptors, we typically have many psychiatric issues like depression, anxiety, etc., all these symptoms tell another neurotransmitter called glutamate as well as GABA which deals with thinking, creativity, and memories. Hence growing up many of us do not conform to the typical things that make us happy. Once puberty starts, we typically exert most of our dopamine to feel pleasures having sex. That's why most of us are sluts. We must constantly try to feel as happy as possible and dopamine gets released typically to increase our sex drive. But dopamine only deals with pleasure. Our abnormal thoughts that turn us on so that we can feel pleasure come from GABA and Glutamate. Since these neurotransmitters have taught us negative things like being gay isn't normal, etc., it tends to skew us to take certain pleasures in abnormal and dangerous activities. This tells dopamine to give you a lot of pleasure in doing unsafe things such as having unprotected sex, willingness to contract diseases that are very damaging. What makes matters worse is that for those gay males who use methamphetamine, they do not realize that they literally deplete dopamine levels seconds after they get released. This is why many males cannot maintain an erection while under the influence. In sum, our paraphilias and hypersexual tendencies are a disease of our brain- we can thank certain genes like DRD4 for that .
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