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Everything posted by xxww

  1. no your not the only one im in the same boat, idk how you can make so much time for sex. like some of the guys on here must have no jobs or rich as fuck the only way i see it.
  2. I am in my 20's and i prefer to hook up with guys older than me, i love it. i almost never hook up with anyone in my age range. i wish i had alot more that would hook up where i live it seems that they want guys in there age range no one younger it sucks for me.
  3. I agree that he's playing you and using you, but what I learned is there's always two sides to a story just saying.
  4. LOL wow no that not the problem i have... i don't top because i last too long. after a wile i get bored as hell i started as vers but then i became bottom cuz toping was uninteresting too me. anytime i top i can go for hrs with out even Cumming or even get near it and it sucks cuz i would like to top but cant enjoy it.
  5. LOL i think all men gay or not love tits
  6. well im not poz but i think its hot to think about, if i was tho i would want to know too even want to fuck more so no your not weird.
  7. i love hairy men the last guy i played with was hairy all over it was nice god i love bears he had a nice hairy back too
  8. Don't know if this was said but this one is funny to me - " Safe sex only won't bareback so don't ask! " then ad " tested neg as of ( whatever date ) " well if you are only safe wtf are you testing for?
  9. um lol this post looks like a craigslist scam, im just saying. I really dont care about the pics but if your going to email the pics to someone, whats to stop them from posting them up on here anyway:confused:
  10. anytime i had a bad hook up i never hooked up again but thats just me
  11. thanks for the replys it seems like I need more fiber or something to make it easyer to clean out faster
  12. its a long story that go's with this but not going to tell it unless you want to hear it, anyway long story short. how do you clean out well enough for last mintue, out of the blue, unplanned hook ups?
  13. i missed something, whats the point of this post?
  14. i love the guys that have a wide piss slit get to work the tongue in there and i love if hes a precumer the taste is so sweet
  15. some sweet vids i need to make some of my own
  16. i always felt when the top cums in me, that the best part. but the last top i let fucking i felt nothing anytime he came so i got sick of him and im not hooking up with him anymore. we played for 4 months and im shocked it last that long i wasnt feeling him.
  17. now thats a TRUE bacon lover, never knew bacon and sex can go together lol
  18. yes deff hot i like any facial hair tho seems more manly to me
  19. tops that keep trying to play with your dick when they are fucking pisses me off
  20. well i havent had a top call my hole a pussy and thats good cuz i have no prob stoping in the mid of sex if i get turn off, it has happend before and i kicked them out. thats just a turn off to me like Tigermilner said im not a substitute for a woman, tran, or a crossdresser so no its not hot to me.
  21. i like hairy tops its just so much more masculine to me i like to get fucked by men not boys lol but ive seen some trimmed tops that i would let fuck but they dont turn me on like my bear men i havent had a guy with a full beard yet but cant wait till i do
  22. i would like to see but it wont load the page for me
  23. well im about to have a bunch of you guys hate me right now but it is what it is. to me if your know that your poz you need to say something at all times or shit like this will happen. i understand you feel like its a set up but if they didnt tell the kid they was poz then they got what they what they deserve. it makes me mad that most of the guys on here just think bareback means that you want to be poz thats not true, yes that may come into play but thats not all barebackers goal like half the sluts on here.
  24. yes he deff has a nice set love them
  25. yes my first time i sucked dick and the guy started cumming it was a big load and it was soooo nasty i had to spit it out i said to my self " and this is what i wanted? why? " lol i was so turned off and yes i had to drink so much just to get the tast out my mouth but that was the only time tho
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