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  1. So I let my straight, hot, BFF borrow my car to fuck some chick. His car is way too tiny and I wanted to help a bro out and let him use my SUV. When he was done he met me at the gym and I went out side. He gave me the 411 and we bullshitted. He took his stuff out of my car and into his (I borrowed his to go to the gym) including blankets and such, but he had tissues and used condoms. I told him I'd take it for him since I didn't want him driving back with trash and I'd throw it out ASAP. He said no but I persisted since it made sense. He took off and I went back to the gym. As I was halfway to the bathroom a dirty thought came into my head. I went to the large stall and looked through my handful of trash to find his used condom. It was clear that he hadn't cum in it but I turned it inside out to lick his precum. I licked my best friends precum out of a used condom in a public restroom. I didn't even think about it until seconds before.

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