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Posts posted by AirmaxUK

  1. 1 hour ago, ErosWired said:

    Laced up tight or sort of loose at the top? I usually wear mine loosely laced so I can slip my feet in and out of them (it saves time getting my pants off). The hazard to this is that I have had a Top fuck me so hard he literally fucked my boots off. Though I guess a Top could interpret that as a compliment to his prowess...

    Also, what about the accompanying socks, if any? I almost always just wear white athletic socks because they contrast with the black of the boots.

    I like the feel of wearing boots that are very tightly laced, but loose can look good too - I guess it depends on the circumstance. You need to plan around taking them off and putting on taking time - especially with something like 20 or even 30-hole rangers... and boots with zips is just cheating. 

    Socks - for me, its gotta be long soccer soccer/football socks - colours to reflect interests - typically blue or yellow. 

    Laces - I try to keep to original colours and styles, but did go through a phase of yellow or white laces in my rangers - which I stopped after someone informed me that white laces in tall black boots was a racist thing.    

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  2. My fave boots are black Austrian Army boots from a surplus store - they have leather inside as well as out and are super comfy and supple as well as looking the part. German Army boots are more common and look almost identical but lack the leather internal lining. eg: [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.varusteleka.com/en/product/austrian-kaz-03-combat-boots-surplus/64337

    For a more urban look, I prefer Timberlands - the classic Premium 6-inch boot in the 'sand' colour but also in matt black.  I think in the US/Canada you can get them in 9 and 12 inch height as well, both of which are on my want list. 




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  3. 8 minutes ago, BareLover073 said:

    Ok, thanks rawTOP.

    CumJunkiePig's question about a 'no chem sex' group had me thinking there where also special interest fora, clubs or groups.


    I believe the idea is that by request the chemsex area can be hidden. I think it is aimed at guys who're in recovery and don't want to be triggered.  

  4. 42 minutes ago, justsexnowatl said:

    Right or wrong, I make certain assumptions when I see a guy wearing a Nasty Pig ball cap or clothes out in public.  If you wear the discrete stuff with just the NP snout logo, no one straight is gonna know what it is, and the guys you WANT to notice it will recognize the logo.  I realize tops can be nasty pigs too, and wear the clothes, but when I see a guy wearing that I automatically assume he takes loads in the ass and mouth among other piggy stuff, and it would be on him to clarify he's a top.  Point is I assume bottom or vers when I see someone wearing NP

    Being a little autistic, and as a result having issues with making and holding eye contact, my favourite ways to signal are typically also clothing related:

    • GearBerlin T-shirts - various graphics and slogans. Some more subtle than others. I own "Böse" "Proll" "Sniffer" "Sneaks" and the one with the gas mask picture. [think before following links] https://gearberlin.com/collections/t-shirts 
    • G-Star RAW had some nice t-shirts a couple of years back with "RAW" very large and a line like someone had spilled some talcum powder... 
    • Sk8erboy Socks - with FCK ABL, BONE ME, or "Fuck My Socks Off"
    • Nastypig Socks

    Also "FroKnowsPhoto" has a line of t-shirts with the slogan "I Shoot RAW" in various styles to publicise his photography website and YouTube channel. I own three of those - my favourite being the one with "I Shoot RAW" in the style of the Back to the Future movie logo, second favourite being the one in the style of the Stranger Things logo. 

    The socks have gotten me attention in everyday life and the I Shoot RAW t-shirt also gets comments. 

    Always looking for new ideas.  Biohazard symbol stainless steel "jewellery" and pins from AliExpress or Banggood was my last foray before lockdown. 

  5. 5 hours ago, DannyBoyCMH said:

    For me, it's always been about eye contact.  What has worked most of the time is a slightly long look at them in the face, look down to their crotch, look back up and smile.  Then I usually turn around and look back.  Sounds simple, but it really works.  It's also subtle enough around other people that it's not really noticeable by anyone except the two of you.

    That's the classic cruising technique. There are variations... The one you describe for works well for situations in a bus/train/bar.  

    The other I recall is making and holding eye contact as you walk towards each other - pass by - count two steps after passing and then turn your head back and smile. If he does the same, then the your're on. 

    It is most successful in places with a decent gay population like Brighton or London in the UK but this all relies on the other person being somewhat aware of their surroundings, and these days people don't look up from their phones in situations where cruising might happen. 

  6. On 3/24/2021 at 11:42 AM, TNVersGuy said:

    I do ask a few questions of the top to get a feel of who he is. Problems I’ve ran into....old guys that are truly looking to get in your room and just watch or just eat ass and can’t get hard, guys that are tricked out on something and can’t get hard, or guys that claim they’re 8” but are 4” and can’t even get close to cumming. 
    I love taking all loads but a few questions can many times head off some hookups that simply aren’t going to work. 

    In the past when I've advertised on BBRT, I've used "A hard cock is much more important than age, abs, or inches".  Seems to work!

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  7. On 3/21/2021 at 2:34 AM, BootmanLA said:

    I will toss this out there: I think there can be a difference in meaning for "no loads refused" depending on whether it's used in an ad for a party/hosting situation - the kind of thing BBRT classifies as "Local Parties" or "Quick Connect ads" - or used in a profile. In the former case, sure: the bottom should be prepped, ready to take whatever size cock(s) show up, and no matter what skin color, HIV status, or anything else may describe them. Those sorts of ads include time parameters, so there's no excuse for not being ready when you said you'd be.

    But in a profile, where it describes more the general approach the poster takes to sex? It's more reasonable to ask at least some questions, because there's no guarantee the poster is ready right that moment to do what he says. He may feel he's ready to handle a 6-incher without a lot more prep but not a niner. He might be an "on demand" PrEPster and only is "no loads refused" when he knows his day-of double dose has had time to kick in for a few hours. And so on. A bottom asking questions when he doesn't have a "right now" kind of ad posted is not out of the question. 

    That doesn't excuse race-related bigotry, of course; "no load refused, unless you're not white" would be a blunt but honest statement; they don't use that, of course, because they know even lots of white guys would be turned off by that kind of attitude. 

    For me, I believe that if you're advertising on "Local Parties" or "Quick Connect" you should make sure you're prepared when the ad is posted or prepared in time for the time slot advertised.  If you're online looking to hook up then the same thing applies.

    So, I do try and make sure if I am cruising online, I am at ready to rumble.  Advertising on BBRT's Quick Connect is a way to signal that. On other sites it is hard to stand out from the masses as being ready. 

    You wouldn't go out cruising on the heath, meet someone and then say "Oh, I have to go home and clean out first." 

    I think a lot of guys (especially right now) are more into the idea of getting off and are satisfied with validation it brings when someone is interested,  rather than go through with it.  

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  8. When I talk about ground rules - perhaps those are too harder words for what it is. Guidelines maybe better. We're both human and recognise not perfect: so neither one of us has the right to take the moral high ground over the other. Both having the same understanding of this really helps. 

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  9. Absolutely. My partner and I share a philosophy that differentiates between "play" and "intimacy". We realised that although well suited for each other in most respects, in terms of kink and sleaze there was some stuff we were into individually, that the other was not. We developed a few ground rules, and it means we can play with others without fear of making the other feel uncomfortable or jealous.  It works well for us. 

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  10. I know at the moment we can't travel much (#Covid) and with enforced closures the scene is in a state of flux. But it's nice to dream. 

    Years back, I used to never go anywhere without my Spartacus book, which listed every bar, club, adult bookstore and gay-friendly business worldwide. That kinda vanished as the internet took over, and while there are some great guides out there that deal with specific places (eg patroc.com in Europe) I wondered if anyone can recommend guides that are US centric or worldwide. I know there are gay travel sites, but they tend to focus on the fluffy twinky places. Particularly I wonder if there is anything that might list the kind of events and places that would appeal to a BZ member... I guess squirt.org has cruising spots. I know there's a site that lists the parties in NYC. But the information is fragmented - it would be nice if it was all in one place - does this exist?

    eg: was thinking about perhaps a trip to Sawmill in FL and wondered what else of sleazy interest was nearby?     

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  11. 55 minutes ago, BreedMeBro said:

    Not permanently it's not. The real website is at [think before following links] [think before following links] https://bull-berlin.wixsite.com/website Their Facebook page is alive and active, with messages posted even in the last 24 hrs.

    This place unleashed my full cumdump potential. Guys had been fucking me in the sling all night, one after the other and cumming silently. At some point cum was running down my bare ass, dripping on the floor and I realised there must have been 10+ loads in me. Can't wait till they reopen. I'll be there the first weekend, all weekend!

    So glad they're still active. I had some many awesome experiences here and at Scheune. I was quite upset when I heard the rumour they'd closed permanently.  I can't wait for them to reopen too!


  12. 8 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

    When that kind of risk is incurred so you can blow a load in some stranger's ass, or get loaded up by some rando in a dark room, I get incensed.

    Because those are the same mother fuckers who will then go into the grocery store in the next week, the same ones who can't follow the little signs on the floor asking people to move in one direction or the other on each aisle. And they may not even know they've been infected, if they have mild symptoms or none at all, but that doesn't mean he won't pass it on to the 70-year old man who's shopping in the same aisle or ahead of him in the checkout lane. That doesn't protect the cashier who has no choice but to work because she's the primary support for her family, including her retired mother who lives with them.

    The upcoming issue will be that once vaccinated some people will think they have carte blanche to ignore the rules. Truth is even though someone has been vaccinated they can still carry the virus and pass it on but it is less likely they'd have symptoms themselves so more likely to be unaware they are a danger to others.  

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  13. 1 hour ago, ErosWired said:

    What a clever idea for the bathhouse! Did you have anything printed on yours, and if so, how did the printing hold up against water, steam, etc.? I’ve had things written on my ass with an indelible laboratory-grade Sharpie marker at the bathhouse before, but a couple of trips to the steam room fades even that.

    I think the branding on the yellow one was embossed into the silicone and the red one was printed. Both survived the sauna, SOP, and daily wear.  The best option would be embossed, filled with another contrasting colour for durability.  

  14. I always thought those rubber wrist bands that were popular a while back were a missed opportunity. They were sold to raise money and were a solid colour usually printed with the name of a charity.  I got a load of yellow ones and blue ones which I used to wear on my wrist or ankle in the sauna or in bars, etc. You can get them printed with anything - would be cool if you could get one with the "Breeding Zone" logo or even Biohazard symbols on to wear on left or right wrists (or both) as appropriate to attract others with a similar interest. If guys think it is a good idea, I might get some printed up. 

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  15. I remember when The Hoist was open in London they had a sportswear-wrestling-gunge party. They had two inflatable pools one with Natrasol (sp?) in it and another for hosing down/cleanup. They advertised that anyone could have a go... being well into this, myself and a friend attended. The evening started with some Portuguese wrestlers putting on a show to get everyone in the mood. Dead keen, we put our names on the list to have a go. When we were called up for our turn, we were told by the promoter - in front of everyone - that we had to go to the back of the queue so that "the hot guys get a go first, and if there is any gunge left at the end of the night maybe you can have a turn".  We left and never went back.  It's funny how the community can be all about equality and acceptance, yet we can also be our own worst enemies.

    That said, we have had some great fun at Laboratory in Berlin and The Boots in Antwerp when they have had mud and gunge events. Everyone gets stuck in and generally there's no judgement. 

    Usually in the UK around April-May time we get a lot of heavy rain showers without the weather being wintery cold. This is ideal for outside play in the mud. There's a few of us who like to meet up at Hampstead Heath when it is wet and rainy in rubber, hivis Workgear, or football kit, play in the heavy rain and find some mud.  Not sure I would play naked up there as there are too many twigs and stones!  

  16. The tangible pre-vs post Covid change will be that some venues that offer opportunities to meet and play will close. For instance, London's biggest sauna in Vauxhall has already permanently closed. I know other places are asking for support with GoFundMe pages to try and stay in business. Licensing policy and property prices will make it difficult to replace the ones that close. Not just in London, I hear a few of my favourite haunts in Berlin have permanently closed. These places need our help and support or they will be gone. 


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  17. 6 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

    Right now, I would imagine that virtually all such events have been put on hiatus until covid restrictions are mostly lifted (and not just in the area where the party is to be held, but more broadly, because most hosts for such events logically care about the health of their participants). 

    There are undoubtedly some still going on, essentially underground. But I'd wager such parties are open primarily if not exclusively to regulars - that is, people they know won't rat them out to the authorities for exceeding guidelines for contact, etc.; and I'd further wager that given the high demand for *anything* like this, they are probably going to be even more picky about "qualifications". 

    Unlicensed events need to be very tightly controlled: It only takes one queen to be upset because he didn't get the attention he thought he deserved and contact the authorities as revenge to ruin it for everyone. 

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  18. I never did the phone hook up boards much: in the UK they tended to use £1/min premium rate numbers and had looooong messages you had to listen to in order to maximise profits...  What I did have success with was newspaper small ads, especially in the free papers. Craigslist, but in print. Also ads on Teletext (for those not in the uk, teletext was a free videotext service broadcast on tv channels) yielded some interesting meets. There used to be fetish clubs you subscribed to and they sent printed news letters in the post with personal ads and member lists in the back with phone numbers. In the early days of dial-up internet, IRC text based chat was very popular as well as email mailing lists. That was a really good community, and the two main UK channels, used to have regular events and meet-ups. When it became mainstream it began to become the cyber wasteland you describe... 

  19. I think you have to consider what happens if it goes wrong. Will the other person know what to do? Can you trust them to do it?

    Going back a few years (the details are a little hazy) there was a really hot guy known as "Chip" who used to do a strip act around the London bars with a bit of a BDSM flavour.  I met him a couple of times and he was a really lovely guy.  He vanished one day and later I learned he had travelled to the USA to hook up with someone he met with online for a BDSM session that involved breath control. It transpired that during the session something went wrong and he stopped breathing. The guy he was with wasn't paying close attentions and didn't notice for some time... and then panicked when he realised. The panic meant he didn't administer CPR or call emergency services, and the situation became unrecoverable. He ran off leaving chip's body behind. Two days later he took his own life, at which point the investigation revealed what had happened. 

    So it does happen. 

    I always make sure everyone stays sober and knows what to do if the scene goes wrong, and I have to be confident they'll follow through. Some rando guy from the internet invited to a hotel room I think there is a good chance he'll make a run for it, if it goes wrong. Especially if there are drugs involved. You're trusting someone with your life here - so make sure you know them! 

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  20. 1 hour ago, BootmanLA said:

    Bear in mind that size and sensitivity are two different things, and may be unrelated, or directly proportional, or even indirectly proportional to each other. So be careful what you wish for.

    I have known guys (two) who had small but very sensitive nipples who did everything imaginable to increase their size, primarily with suction. They both ended up with nipples that had as much erogenous appeal to their bodies as their middle toes - ie none. 

    Agree with this. Mine were quite nicely sensitive to begin with but they have become slightly larger but much less sensitive with use and abuse. 

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