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Posts posted by AirmaxUK

  1. It will be interesting to see how the situation develops: I think that clubs with dark rooms and bathouses/saunas will be among the very last places to re-open. The only other two outlets we have really are the apps and cruising spots. I am really hoping the latter enjoys a renaissance, as the hook up apps before the lockdown they were getting frustratingly sketchy when it came to arranging real meets. When you visit a cruising spot, you've made a commitment to the cause - unlike the apps where you can log off and have wank instead. 

  2. 3 hours ago, guy4it said:

    Videos with annoying sound(s) from airco's, fans, tv or radio commercials, creaking beds and above all excessively whining bottoms or guys who can only say 'fuck yeah' 30x.  

    Oh yes - I've seen some where the TV is left on BBC News 24 or even UK Daytime TV and you can hear it very clearly - very much a distraction. 

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  3. It happens. Some guys feel rejected if they get turned down and retaliate so they leave the situation with what they believe is the upper hand. The only other option is to ignore if you're not interested, but I think that make you look bad. My approach: Be honest, and rise above their insecurities if they react... 

  4. In some of the other sections of this forum there are some really good stories that have been written - some stretching to many multi-parts - and some are extremely popular. Followers anticipate each instalment eagerly... Given how guys seem to anticipate and discuss each chapter of the stories as they are written and published, it strikes me that this could be a great subscription revenue stream for studios. 

    Now, I realise a lot of porn is about instant gratification but given the popularity of the stories on here,  I do wonder if there is a market for stuff that has more emphasis on characters and a storyline - maybe even a mini-series. It has probably been done with the more 'fluffy' porn but I reckon there is a market for some less fluffy (TIM style) stuff with a storyline. 

    I remember the 90's/00's Cazzo films that were harder in terms of content, but had a storyline (although usually quite a weird one) - and enjoyed those.

    Is anyone making this kind of stuff any more? Is there a demand? or am I alone in my appreciation of this kind of thing?  

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  5. First time I watch a clip, it's all about the action and what's going on, but then I'll begin to notice details in the background of images. Particularly enjoy it when it is filmed in someone's house or room and you can see their personal stuff lying around, rather than a empty tidy anodyne hotel room. These details give little details away about the guy. What he likes: books, pictures, posters, cd/dvds, sports equipment... And also the circumstances of the film: a pile of discarded clothes and sneakers on the floor is more likely to mean it a real-hookup than something that's been intentionally filmed.  

    There are extremeds, though: there was a clip I saw sometime ago filmed in a guys room and it was really dirty and messy - garbage on the floor, discarded clothes everywhere, half eaten take-aways, no sheets on the bed- just a bare mattress. On the other hand there was another clip I saw filmed in quite an expensive hotel room that had absolutely no personality or character. After I'd watched it once it had nothing more to draw me in... boring. Perhaps another dimension to all this is the TIM style videos that are filmed in cheap motel rooms and they come off with an atmosphere of someone renting the room to hook up and advertising on Craigslist or whatever. That strikes a balance and is quite a horny atmosphere. 

    I guess it's a bit like the stories you read on here - the best ones paint a good picture about the guys using personal details so you can relate to them. And I think the same applies to Porn.  

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  6. You think hankies are complicated? Anyone remember the online derivatives of the Hanky Code, known as the Twink Code and Bear Code? (In use circa 1995) 

    People use to put these strings of letters and numbers in their email and usenet signatures to flag their interests and how they identified. 

    You'd see things like:  B8 d++ f? w++ k--?

    This is a Bear Code description of Father Christmas and translates to:

    B8: Very long beard
    d++: DADDY with a vengence!
    f?: furry in a bearish sense (no hard visual info available)
    w++: BIG TEDDY
    k--? totally vanilla (no hard visual info available)

    First there was the Bear Code and then the Twink Code.

    I can't find a full description of the Bear Code but here is a link to the full Twink Code:

    [think before following links] http://user.xmission.com/~trevin/twink112.html

    Back then I used: T6C2L1sh-da--w-c+y-e+g+f-k+++s+++q--


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  7. On 4/7/2020 at 4:39 PM, Britnonchaser said:

    Perhaps we'd have a vaccine much quicker if we had more real actual scientists, but nerds know they can make so much money being a climate "scientist"/hysterical doom-prophet working for Al Snore or George Sorrows or whoever... 

    Don't get me started on how the UK discourages scientists and engineers - of all the people I knew from University on my course, I think I am the only one working in the field still. I do know a few still working in Science and Engineering but they emigrated to places like Norway and Germany. Most that stayed in the UK have found that careers in Banking, Insurance, Management welcome people with technical degrees and will pay 2x to 4x the salary.  It's getting better that STEM in schools is improving and involving more, but we have to create the future opportunities and options for scientists and engineers careers to flourish or they will defect to the finance industry.  I have immense problems finding good talent to work on my teams - and 90% of the time we have to import it. I get the sense that the UK economy doesn't really care for innovation and manufacturing any more. 

    Sorry. Rant over. It touched a nerve! 


  8. What really makes a difference at these things is to be engaging and welcoming to everyone, not just guys you fancy...  If you see someone on the sidelines, go make them feel welcome and involve them. It'll pretty much guarantee they'll feel more comfortable joining in and come back for more. Some guys are shy going to these kinds of events, especially the first time and it can be intimidating if everyone else seems to know each other and be at ease. 

    I've had experience of small fetish parties for a long time - and we've seen all sorts over many years. 99.9% of the time the guys are wonderful and it's great - you meet some wonderful people... but you need to be be prepared for the minority who ruin the vibe:

    • you may need to physically remove someone against their will when they're too drunk/high and spoiling things for everyone else. Knowing how to handle this is useful. 
    • people passing out (or worse) from being too high/drink/or overdoing poppers. poppers and viagra is a bad combo!
    • there'll always be one guy who won't take no for an answer and be a complete nuisance to everyone else. The first time I give them a frank talking to, the second they get removed. The third, they get banned. 
    • On the other hand the scorned queen who approaches a guy, gets rejected, and then tells management the guy tried to sell drugs to get revenge. 
    • Some guy gets cum on his limited edition Armani suit (which looks like it came from Primark) after he's been in the darkroom and wants you to pay for it to be dry cleaned or replaced. 
    • People losing their stuff in the darkroom (usually their phone) and they want you to pay for a replacement. 
    • If you have a coat/bag check, people claiming they had stuff stolen. (CCTV camera in cloakroom area to prove nothing happened is useful)
    • One party we had a couple of guys into dirty fisting (bear in mind this was a foot fetish party) who managed to ruin one of the dark playspaces. We ejected and barred them and had to close that room for the night. 

    Risk assessments... think about how things might go wrong and how to avoid it in the first place, and how you'd handle it if it happens. Use that to draw up some house rules.

    One of the contentious things is whether you allow people to take photos/video with their phone in the party. On the one hand it's good publicity, on the other hand a privacy nightmare if someone gets filmed against their will. Having a clear policy "if you come in, expect to be filmed" or "filming/photos are banned".  Personally I'd like to ban smartphones from inside play venues for a variety of reasons, but there is too much pushback in the UK from customers on this. It's kinda sad when you get guys in a party who are more interested in Grindr/Scruff than who's there in person!


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  9. Living in a suburban area, I rely on commuting the bars and clubs in London for fun - many places are shutting (hopefully temporarily) and London Transport is ramping down from today. I think that avenue of fun has stopped for the time being. 

    As for the on-line situation, people seem to be more than ever happy to surf the apps and stay home with their dick in one hand and their phone in the other. I guess that's expected, but frustrating. 

  10. 3 hours ago, PlayfulPup said:

    Am I the only one that riffled through the locker room lost & found for treasure?

    Are you alone? Absolutely not! When I was a teen, I remember 'forgetting' various items of my rugby kit on purpose so I got to use something from the lost and found.  

    These days, I've always had a superstition that some of my jocks were "lucky" and washing them kills off the magic that makes them lucky. Daft, I know. 

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  11. Staying in Blackpool weekend of 27-29th March and looking forward to some of that infamous Nothern hospitality! Will be taking loads all weekend... none refused. Have access to a room with a sling. A hard cock and a nice load is more important than age, abs or inches... Events publicised on BBRT - sign up now! 

  12. 7 hours ago, RawPlug said:

    I used to be a semi-regular back in the day. It’s a bit of a shadow of itself: 20 years ago it was fantastic - there was no place quite like it.But the apps and rival hotels have taken their inevitable toll, although it can still be fun. I’ve never seen a condom used there. 
    I do actually now find the Prince Albert (PA) round the corner much better. There are slings in some of the rooms, and last time I was there I lay for hours while guys came up from the bar to fuck me. Nice leather/biker crowd, too. 

    That's interesting to know. I've not heard of it until now, so I wonder how widely known it is. Was it just residents who were using the bar and coming up to your room, or guys from outside too? Did you have to advertise (online?) to get things going?

  13. Yeah -I agree about the numbers...  I excluded SBN from my recommendations etc because Playpit was a small venue - like someone's apartment - and therefore the crowd was pretty small/intimate/friendly. Some of the bigger clubs may have tons more guys but its not the same up for it atmosphere that playpit had in my experience. 

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  14. I've found that "getting involved" really helps attract interest. If you stand around the edges I think people think you're not confident or not up for it. The best times I've had is where you have a good session a group or with another guy and that advertises what you're up for. If I go to a sauna it's good to go with a friend and have a public play demonstration with them initially - see who takes an interest  and take it from there. The slowest times are usually when I'm on my own and aren't familiar with the clientele - getting that first play is hard. 

    Being a bit versatile often helps as it can give you an 'in' to a group and then you can flip. 


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  15. Options are becoming more limited as places close. I really miss PlayPit and The Fort. Today, similar options are central station's underground club but check what's on - for a playpit like vibe,  try "Pants". "SOP" gets very sleazy, but that's a yellow themed party so not everyones taste.  

    Vault 139 is a less sleazy option - there's a distinct 'after work' crowd in the early evening and then a later crowd. My pet peeve is the after work guys don't clean out at all and that can ruin everyone's fun. 

    Other than that, the smaller saunas like Locker Room, Sailors, etc have a more playpit like vibe. 

    Hope that helps?


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  16. Ok, a pragmatic review:

    Since I last went the basement now has some very subdued lighting, so it's not pitch black. They seem to have altered the position of the sling a bit and they way they have hung it makes it quite difficult to use as the chains at the leg end are near vertical meaning you need to have lots of leg flexibility to get your legs up. I tried a couple times and it wasn't comfortable at all. I didn't see anyone else use it. There was also a bench down there and there was a guy who was on it all the time and didn't move at all. The real hotspot was the upstairs room with the sling, bench and wet play area. The padded platform in front of the TV seemed to attract most action and there was a guy there with a mohawk most of the time who seemed to be encouraging and directing play. People seemed to be frightened by the sling and if you went in it, nobody came near.  Other than that room,  it seemed to be guys endlessly wandering around and around and not seeming interested in anyone. As time went on spaces in the darker areas filled up with guys arse-up but not many tops or vers guys. That said, I took six fucks and dumped my load before I left.   

    I think that if the bar sold alcoholic drinks, like they do at Luton Greenhouse it might help guys loosen up a bit.  I also got the impression that since it was bear's day there were a lot of cliques and although you'd think being a new face might have some novelty, it was a bit difficult break into as people tended to hang around in groups. I got the impression some guys were more interested in the buffet than playing. 

    So, mixed, and having not been in a while it was interesting to go back. Not a disaster, but not a stellar experience. 

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  17. So, I thought I'd write about this as it was my first experience of a Horse Fair. This horse fair was organised by The Boots, in Antwerp. They seem to have three or four of these throughout the year. 

    If you don't know The Boots, it is quite a nice venue and play space. The basement has a bar and darkrooms with cages, slings and a gyno chair with the stirrups. Next up is the entrance and changing area - with proper douche showers. Up again is the main bar and a smoking room. Next floor up is the play space with many cubicles, maze, holes, slings and a wet area. This space is more enclosed catering to those who prefer private fun. Up a floor is another play space - more SM themed and quite open - less private. The attic is sometimes also open when it is busy and serves as a chill out area. In short it's one of the best play spaces in Europe - not as big as Labotatory in Berlin, but very good nonetheless. 

    OK so as a Mare (of course) I arrived at 3pm and after changing I joined the other mares in the basement. I counted 23 of us in total, and it was a mix of ages shapes and sizes. I would say the clientele was defiantly not 'twinks'. We had about an hour to buy drinks and get ready for the Stallions. Mares were given a yellow wrist tag (like you get as music festivals). 

    I am guessing the stallions - who arrived from 3.30pm - were guided to the main bar upstairs. I know they were given red wristbands. 

    At 4pm the Stablehands came into the basement bar and gave instructions: in dutch, French and English. They showed how to wear the hoods so you cannot see, and explained that anyone caught taking off their hood or peeking would be removed. They explained that if you raised your hand in the air, a Stable hand would come to assist you - this might be to guide you to the bar, the bathroom or to resolve an issue with a stallion. As a mare, you cannot refuse a stallion but you can say stop if you *really* need to. They also handed out red bandanas to indicate that you're okay with bareback. Otherwise the stablehands will check condoms are being used. 

    I should have thought a bit more about what was likely to happen next, as we got the instruction to put our hoods on - and there was something of a mad rush for all the good "spots" in the basement. I hooded up and managed to get a spot on a bench at the side of the room.  Not having done this before I was unsure of the protocol and whether you stand, bend over ready or if it was ok to feel around to find and encourage a stallion. Being blinded its adds an extra dimension and any anxiety is amplified tenfold. It was all a bit sudden and I felt a bit out of my depth. 

    Honestly, I couldn't see anything - and with the music pumping - the only sense you have of use is touch. (And maybe smell)

    So the stallions came down and started to mingle. 

    The atmosphere was highly charged - it is difficult to imagine how heightened it is now knowing what will happen next... The next two hours were exhausting to say the least. Ordinarily I'd write about what happened, but being blindfolded I have absolutely no idea who played with me or what was happening. It was just a two hour haze of probing cocks and utter darkness. 

    The stablehands did a great job keeping everyone in line and making sure the mares didn't remove their hoods. 

    Now being my first time I made two mistakes - number one was not sorting out a 'spot' at the start. Number two was trying to walk/move around the venue. There was a period near the start where not a lot was happening near me, so I decided to try and find another spot - this turned out to be a mistake as I lost my original spot and then couldn't find another. 

    There were a couple of occasions when I detected a brown smell. I had to move away as it puts me off - I was a little surprised that someone would come to a party like this and not be cleaned out properly - especially as there is cleanup facilities in the venue. Accidents can happen, I suppose. 

    So after two hours, the music fades and we are told we can remove the hoods. Part of me didn't want to - but being able to see all of a sudden was a little overwhelming and took a moment to get used to.

    Thinking about it now, in terms of cocks/loads it wasn't as much quantity as I had expected - I have had better luck on a normal fetish/cruise part at The Boots, but the thing that's unique about this party is the rules, protocol and the atmosphere. There is really nothing like it - it's unbelievably horny - and although I think many guys probably expect the quantity for me it turned out to be the electric atmosphere that made it so special. 

    But it didn't end there - it turned out the barman working the basement bar was an admirer and when the party was over he invited me upstairs to a sling room - it seemed watching the proceedings had made him very horny - and he wanted to continue the fun.  Although he was hot, I did find myself wishing I still had my hood on as I missed the anonymous 'cant refuse' aspect. 

    So now I'm back in my AirBNB with various bits sore and aching for all the right reasons... and I'm already planning to go back there for the next party! 

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