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Everything posted by negparis

  1. I'm not really into verbal, just groans and moans are better. But all the same, I find it unsettling when the TOP doesn't let in one way or the other that he's cumming,
  2. I believe it was mentioned in the newspapers the day the decision was announced, 8 months ago or so. Apart from that, I can't say I've seen any information/publicity around prep in France. The official communication from government agencies or NGOs still seems to be : condoms ! It's easy to lose sight that people here are way more informed than the general gay population, and heavily skewed towards barebacking. But as a rule, you'll find : many guys that use condoms often or always ; many who say they are safe but regularly forget about it in action ; those that couldn't care less (some of them probably never testing) ; and everything in between. Just like everywhere else, I'd surmise? Where/how you meet people certainly also tends to stir the odds of meeting one or the other. Just because you met a guy, doesn't mean the next guy will have the same attitude towards bb sex. You have to realize that Prep availability is still quite limited. It's not like any place or doctor can offer it. It began with just a few hospitals. Even in Paris, I believe it was only two to start with. If you were in a smaller provincial town, out of luck! But it's about to become better: STD screening centers, of which there is a good network, should be able to offer it. I'm in Paris. I've been to a specialized screening center that caters mostly to homosexuals, and also follows up many gays with HIV. They'll get the agreement soon, and my plan is to get on prep after the summer. Even though the physicist was very open when I mentioned it, I got a feeling they will not generally advise it as the number one method to stay safe. More like : ok, you know you don't always use condoms? Then maybe that's something for you. A minor bother is that they tend to propose the version they've tested here : 2 pills the day before, or up to 2 hours before sex, and then one pill a day for 2 days. Repeat as necessary. Given what I've read here, that it takes 7 days to reach full concentration of medicine in the body, and given that the PEP is a 30 days long affair, I think I'll take the standard one pill a day regimen... I didn't expect what I read from Paris student about the bad reactions on Grindr. You do see a "on prep" profile here and there... Would not have come to me to shame them !
  3. Woof ! Great story ! I'd be so willing for Matty, I totally like that you took his seed.
  4. Nice. Would you consider telling us a bit more? What happened, and your thoughts during the whole event?
  5. Hum, well, actually... no. Grindr is not "for this" or "for that". Grindr is, that's all. It becomes what people make out of it. Obviously all the people you'll find there won't necessarily share the same views and wants as you, or me, or anybody else. To many, ignoring is the rudest form of answer. (me, I don't mind it) Sorry, but that last sentence sounds... terribly judgmental.
  6. I'm with Kylan on this one. Reading your posts, I wondered why you even bother. So I suggest you move on. His loss, not yours ;-)
  7. Really like this story ! What else did happen to you? :-)
  8. Hi Poptronic, Not directly answering your question, but in case you haven't already read it: https://blog.myfitnesspal.com/the-upside-of-a-weight-loss-plateau/ But it seems that you're seeing the final goal and putting up with the pain of getting there, rather than enjoying the physical activity. Maybe it's something that comes after more time, but if you never learn to enjoy the gym hours and the new diet, I fear it's gonna be difficult to hold on in the long run. Rather than an extended one-shot commitment, it's more of a lifestyle change you're looking at. Which means at some point finding a personal balance with a training intensity and a diet that is sustainable where you feels rewards and not just endless self-punishment. That can come after you've made your initial breakthrough and reached your goal, of course. All the best in your efforts!
  9. Not too involved here and generally appreciative of most people, but special kudos to Bearbandit : warm, considerate, helpful and never judgmental 1981virginia for stories that get me going like no others!
  10. I'd love to experience electro-torture at the hands of a sexy HVL top, until I beg him to breed me because either the pain or the excitation is too much to bear.
  11. Hot! He's a very lucky guy and he doesn't even know it!
  12. Woof! Wonderful ass, wonderful loads
  13. No problem, a really hot story :-)
  14. Mine at the moment is quite simply to be seduced by a sexy little poz fucker and finally agree to knowingly getting filled with his hvl toxic seed at the end of a very long sensual fuck. Can't tell if that's gonna happen one day, I'd say it lies in the hands of fate and serendipity rather than in my own...
  15. Wow, your stories are all excellent man, but for any reason this one got me going even more than the others ! Keep it up, they're fucking fantastic
  16. Really like the turn of events in this second part, with you getting it as well
  17. Easily one of the hottest stories around. Can't wait. If it doesn't come soon I'll have to try it myself lol
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