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Everything posted by Webster9

  1. My eyes were bulging, not just from the potent hot rail I had just snorted, but also from staring at this guy’s super thick cock, and wondering if I’d be able to handle that monster fucking my hole. He must have noticed that I was checking out his big cock because he said, “Wait’ll you see it fully hard.” I just said, “Oh, my god !” And, he laughed. “Don’t worry. In a few minutes you’ll be begging for it. By the way,” he said, “My name’s Trex, you know, like, ’T-Rex ?” “Glad to meet you. I’m Daniel.” Trex walked over to the closet, and unlocked two padlocks, then slid open the door. Inside, there were a couple of steel filing cabinets that were placed side by side, both of them padlocked, as well. After unlocking one of them, he slid open the top drawer and took out a bubbler, a torch, and a very large baggie. Damn ! Was that two 8-balls, or three, or more ! He carefully loaded the pipe, then handed the torch, a lighter, and the pipe to me, telling me, “Here. Work on this for a minute while I get some other things ready. We need to get your hole stretched out a little before I go in there.” I flicked the lighter and lit the torch, then placed the lighter on one of the shelves that was conveniently built into the wall, within easy reach from the sling. As I applied the torch to the bowl, I watched the shards quickly melt into a puddle. Then, I pulled the torch away, and rolled the bowl back and forth, letting the liquid Tina coat most of the inside surface of the bowl. All the while, I tried to keep one eye on Trex, curious to see what was going to happen next. I moved the torch under the bowl, and watched the Tina quickly start to swirl as I continuously rolled the bowl back and forth and moved the torch away, then back under it again, while slowly sucking the clouds down into the bong water, then up the short glass rod, and deep into my lungs, before cutting off the torch and blowing out a huge white cloud. Holy fuck ! I could easily tell that there was a world of difference between this high powered Tina and the stuff I was used to doing. Just this one hit (along with the hot rail I had done) had my heart pounding, and I felt like I was ready for anything. While I leaned over and placed the bubbler and the torch onto the shelf, Trex was unlocking another file cabinet drawer. He rummaged around for a minute, then pulled out what looked like an average size black dildo. He also had a bottle of poppers and a bottle of lube. “Let’s get you opened up a little before I fuck you,” he said. Man, that sounded good to me, considering the girth of that BBC that was slapping against his leather chaps with each step he took. What I thought was a dildo, turned out to be an inflatable butt plug, in its deflated state. As Trex gave the rubber bulb numerous squeezes, he informed me that the butt plug was 8” long by 6” around, and that it would inflate to a maximum of 9” long and 10” around. He must have seen the doubtful look on my face as I stared at the butt plug, which was now fully inflated. “Calm down,” he said. “We won’t be going that big………….unless you want to.” With that, he hit the release valve, and the butt plug quickly returned to its original size. “Okay, Danny boy; let’s try this out,” Trex said. “But, first, let’s get you flying a little higher.” He fired up the torch and handed it to me, along with the bubbler. In just a few seconds, Trex had the butt plug lubed up, and he was working two, then three, lubed fingers in and out of my hole. When he nodded his head, I started sucking the potent clouds into my lungs, as the bong bubbled wildly. At the exact same moment that I blew out a huge cloud, Trex steadily shoved the 8 by 6 butt plug all the way into my hole. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” was all I could say, as the Tina rushed into my brain, and my hole spasmed, from the incredible sensation of the butt plug that Trex had just jammed into me. “Just go with it,” he told me. I closed my eyes, and repeatedly let my head loll over to one side, then back again. When I opened my eyes, Trex had a big grin on his face. “Good boy,” he said. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I kept moaning, as I flew ever higher. Handing the bottle of poppers to me, Trex told me to take a couple of big hits. After the first hit, I could hear a whoosh, whooshing sound, and realized that he had started squeezing the rubber bulb, inflating the butt plug that was already filling my hole. In my ears, I could feel my heart beating even more rapidly , and my chest and head flushed, feeling the hit of poppers making my head swim. “Again,” he said. “Take another hit. That’s it. Good boy.” Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…
  2. I always perk up whenever there's a BBC involved.
  3. The first time we connected, we agreed to meet in a park where we made our transaction. Several times after that, he would meet me at my house, an hour late, or two hours late, or he wouldn’t show up at all. It drove me crazy, but dealers are hard to come by, and I knew that if I pissed him off, I’d probably have a tough time finding another connection. After we’d met up maybe half a dozen times, I guess he decided that he could trust me, and he started having me meet him at his apartment. That worked out great, no more having to wait around, hour after hour, for him to show up. He would answer the door, we’d make the transaction, and I was on my way. One Saturday afternoon, after the usual frustration of trying to connect with my dealer, I finally got him to answer his phone, and he told me to meet him at his apartment. Fine. At least I wouldn’t waste an entire afternoon waiting for him to show up at my house. No matter how many times I met up with my dealer, I was always extremely nervous, so I got in the habit of taking a couple of big hits on my bubbler, before I left the house. That always made the tension and nervousness roll right off of me. I pulled on a pair of 501’s, my boots, and my black leather motorcycle jacket (no shirt), and headed out. Traffic was good, and parking was easy, so it didn’t take me more than 15 minutes to get to his apartment. Apparently the leather motorcycle jacket look gave him the idea that I was in the mood for some action, because, for the first time, he invited me in. As soon as I was inside, he offered me his pipe, and, of course, I accepted. I took a good hit, then handed it back to him. After we each had taken a few hits, he asked me if I did G. I said, “Sure,” so he went out into the kitchen to mix it up with some Gatorade. He handed it to me, and I drank it right down, as usual. But, man, this was some strong assed stuff ! It made me feel extremely dizzy, and just before I passed out, my eyes closed, and I could feel him unzipping my jacket and tearing open my 501’s. The last thing I remember, I was sitting on the couch, feeling his mouth on my cock. When I came to, I was all put back together, but I was still feeling kind of dizzy. I couldn’t help but notice that, now, there were 2 more men in the apartment. It turned out that one guy was another customer, and the other guy was my dealer’s supplier. The customer was a hot young guy who looked like he was barely of age, if that. He and my dealer were passing the pipe back and forth, and my dealer asked him what he liked. He said that he liked sucking big dicks. My dealer said, “I’ve got a pretty big dick,” and he proceeded to haul it out. He wasn’t kidding. It must have been about 8” long, and quite thick, and cut, with a big helmet head on it. The kid wasted no time dropping to his knees, enthusiastically sucking my dealer’s hard cock. Soon, the kid stripped down, and he resumed sucking. I asked the kid if he wanted to have his cock sucked, too, and he said, “Yeh !” So, I went right to work on him. I’m one of those guys who gets Tina-dick, as soon as I start partying. Not these guys. I was surprised that, even though they’d both been hitting the pipe, over and over, their cocks stayed rock hard. While I happily sucked the entire length of the kid’s cock in and out of my mouth, my dealer placed his hands on the back of the kid’s head, and repeatedly forced his down into the kid’s throat, and held it there until he had to come up for air. It was fuckin’ hot to watch, and I wished that it was my throat that was getting fucked. Several times, the 4th guy in the apartment (my dealer’s supplier) mentioned that he needed a ride back to his house. After a while, the kid had to take off, so I volunteered to drive the supplier back to his house. Every time I think of that afternoon, I could kick myself for not hanging around. Maybe I could have had a nice long session partying with my dealer and sucking and riding his big cock. It was about a 30 minute drive to the supplier’s house, and we exchanged small talk, then he suddenly blurted out, “Have you ever thought about becoming a dealer ?” I admitted that I hadn’t, and he proceeded to give me kind of a soft sell proposition. “You want some real quality shit, not that stuff he’s dealing you, that’s been cut so many times that you can hardly raise a decent cloud.” Well, he was certainly right about that. I told him I’d give it some serious thought, and I’d let him know. When we got to his house, he said, “Come on in. I’ll show you some real quality shit.” No way was I going to refuse THAT offer. I parked the car, and we went inside. Having never been in a supplier’s house, I didn’t know what to expect, but it looked pretty much like any other average house. He quickly gave me the ten-cent-tour, casually mentioning the sling that was hanging from a couple of beams in the ceiling of one of the bedrooms. Of course, my eyes lit up when I saw that. Back in the living room, he told me to have a seat, while he went out to the kitchen to get a couple bottles of water. When he returned, he also had what I was pretty sure was his “stash” kit. Smart guy, I thought. Being a supplier, he must have had a fairly large quantity of Tina, well hidden, somewhere in the house, and he kept a small “stash kit,” just for regular use. “Have you ever done hot rails,” he asked me ? I said that I had done, a couple times. “Wait’ll you try this shit,” he said. “This shit will knock you on your ass ! But, in a good way.” And, he laughed. I was surprised that the only thing in his “stash kit” was one small baggie, about half filled with very finely crushed Tina. Again, he was being smart, not keeping everything in one place. From one room, and then another, he retrieved a large mirror, a long glass rod, and a lighter. After placing the mirror on the coffee table, in front of me, he layed out a couple of fat lines of the Tina, then he proceeded to move a steady blue flame up and down the tip of the glass rod. When he determined that the glass rod was blistering hot, he handed it to me, and said, “There you go. Do that one,” pointing to one of the lines on the mirror. I put the glass rod to my nose, and very quickly sucked up the entire line of finely crushed Tina, holding the smoke in my lungs for a second, before blowing out a huge white cloud. “You feel that,” he asked ? He already knew the answer. He could see my bulging eyes and dilating pupils,as the rush intensified and i gasped for breath, my head and chest feeling hot, and my heart beating a mile a minute. Again, he laughed. Suddenly, I felt an urgent need to get out of my clothes, which I did. I could feel my hole twitching, and I couldn’t keep my hands off my cock as I watched him reheating the glass rod. Then, he handed the rod to me, and told me to continue heating it. “I’ll be right back,” he said. When he returned, he was minus all of his clothes, and wearing nothing but a steel cock ring and a pair of black leather chaps, with his big black cock hanging down, very thick and heavy. Showing a big grin, all I could say was, “Whoa !” “I thought you might like that,” he said, as he took the glass rod from me, and heated it a little more, before he bent down and snorted the second line. Immediately, he grabbed the back of my head, and pressed his lips to mine, and shotgunned the cloud into me, completely filling my lungs. Now, I really was reeling. “Chug down that bottle of water, then follow me,” he said. I was more than happy to do as I was told. He handed me a black jock strap, and said, “Here; try this on.” I pulled it on, glad to cover my ever shrinking Tina-dick, and turned back and forth to see if he approved. He smiled and nodded. “Go ahead and hop in the sling,” he told me, which I was more than happy to do.
  4. Wow; can't get enough of this. Not only do you have a super hot fucking story to tell, but you're a real expert at telling it.
  5. So far, you've got a super hot story, with all the elements that really get me going.
  6. Any sex club that has slings. I really get off on having a group of guys watching me getting fucked by one cock after another.
  7. You really know how to tell a story. I really get off on the never ending cycle of more partying and more sex, followed by more partying, and more sex.
  8. Great story ! Love it when Tina takes control and makes your hole hungry for a marathon session of anything and everything.
  9. So far, this is super hot. I'd love to take part in those sex enhancement trials !
  10. Fuckin' hot story, with just what I like: flying high on chems, kicking back in a sling, and getting my hungry hole fucked as much as possible.
  11. Your story is really fucking amazing, and incredibly hot. Some time ago, I partied hot and heavy with a guy who really got off on teasing my hole, with just the head of his cock fucking my hole (similar to what you described), and I can tell you that the sensation was so great and so intense that I wanted it to never stop.
  12. If he wants to play with me, he'd better be squeaky clean. This one guy stuck his cock through a glory hole, and before I got near it, a big brown cloud of stink just about knocked me over. No, thanks.
  13. For some reason, a LOT of tops think they can just ram their cock into a bottom guy, and start pounding away, no lube or anything. I learned that I had to take charge of the situation, provide the lube, offer it to the top guy, and actually tell him to take it easy, going in. One wonderful exception was a time that I posted an ad on CL, saying that I wanted to get together with a top, to party, and that I didn't get fucked. Looking back on it, I'm surprised that I received any replies. LOL. The guy I hooked up with should teach tops how to fuck, he was that good. Of course, partying definitely gets your hole more in the mood, pretty quickly, but this guy really took his time, used Gun Oil (sp?) lube, and was in me before I knew what was happening. We ended up with him fucking me in just about every position imaginable.
  14. I completely agree with the original poster (Bottom Jim). Anybody who thinks they need a condom for a blow job is woefully ignorant about the likelihood of disease transmission.
  15. I'm not into verbal except for the top to tell me what he wants me to do (to direct the action). I'm definitely not into any type of violence, slapping, spanking or hitting of any kind.
  16. Whether watching it or doing it, whether it's fucking or sucking, I want the load shot inside, not outside. I don't get off on seeing the "money shot." I'd rather hear the top guy moaning and groaning and see him spasm, as he's firing his load into the bottom guy. BTW, any time I've ever given a blow job, the top guy has always shot his load into my mouth, not outside...
  17. I have to be in control of the situation. Then, I can take any size cock all the way down my throat. But, if the top guy starts fucking my throat, my gag reflex goes into overdrive. Poppers don't help, either (for me).
  18. My Ex had a 10 X 7, perfect fleshy cock that hung down, hard. I used to lie on my back, on the bed, and he would straddle my chest, and pack that monster down my throat, until I had to come up for air. I loved it...
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