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Everything posted by TotalPig

  1. I think a lot of guys talk a big game because it sounds hot or taboo or whatever to say your desire for bareback sex is worth dying a horrible, painful death as you waste away. In reality, thank a God there are effective treatments for HIV (no cure and the disease still damages your body). If the big talkers and bug chasers and shit really believed what they post online, they would decline taking any meds and already would be dead or battling a whole host of infections and disease and too preoccupied with just trying to stay alive from day to day they wouldn’t be posting on sex websites. Maybe there should be some educational piece that graphically shows the reality of what being infected with hiv and not receiving treatment is actually like. Unfortunately millions of people who died of aids in the 80’s and 90’s knew that horror first hand. i say glamorize sex, YES! Glamourizing death and disease, see a psychiatrist.
  2. Love an audience! I think I put on a good show at CLAW parties this year
  3. The NKP party at CLAW was a lot of fun! Hot, piggy guys and lots of fucking, sucking, eating hole and more. Good time had by all!
  4. I went to the Club 120 FUKD party last Sunday and it sucked...and not in a good way. I arrived at 4:30. For the first hour at least there was zero sex as guy's just walked around and stared at each other spread out over the 2 floors. There may have been 40 or 60 guys there but spread out. Eventually a guy got in a sling and was fucked by 1 or 2 tops but then even that stopped quickly. Yawn! There wasn't even any oral happening. By the time I left about 6 pm, I saw a total of 2 twinks get fucked in the small booth, a cub get fucked twice standing by the upstairs rail, a tweaked out looking bear fucked and the first guy in the sling. That was pretty much it. Boring. Just a bunch of average guys walking around without boners in underwear. I sucked maybe two dicks and didn't see anyone I wanted to fuck. At least it was only $15 to get in. Won't go back
  5. One of my good buddies (not a fuck buddy) started on PREP recently. He really struggled with the decision to take the meds and start barebacking. He called me this week and said he got gonorrhea after just his second raw fuck after starting PREP. He topped a guy 1 on 1 from his town that he thought would be more of a health conscious-type as opposed to fucking an anonymous, multi-loaded pig at a bathhouse. He asked my advice if he should go back to using condoms to avoid STI's, spending money for meds and doctor visits. He was pretty embarrassed to tell me but I told him it comes with the territory. I felt sorry he had such a bad experience with only 2 raw fucks under his belt. What are your thoughts?
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