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Everything posted by Sharp-edge

  1. It was my time to serve my military duty. In Greece it's obligatory for everymale to do so. It was a bit late for me because I had finished my medical studies first (among other studies). If I had an option, I wouldn't serve. I wasn't scared about getting bullied. I'm fortunate enough to "pass" for a straight but that wasn't the important part. What was important is that psychologically I was more prepared (compared to my younger self at 18). So here are some things I'd like to share. Note: I was serving as a physician but still in the rank of a soldier. 1) As one of the physicians of the camp I got to see hundreds of soldiers. They would greet me and call me doctor and I wouldn't know them because they were too many to remember. I saw so many shirtless men. I examined so many chests. I got to know men better. At the same time I realized that we do nothing as a society but talk about women. It's time we start talking about men and not as offenders but as human beings that have needs, dreams and feelings. 2) It's freaking annoying to be ordered to do something and that in a rude way. They had us do push ups as a punishment for things like talking during our reports or whatever. It felt so abusive and childish. It was more annoying having female superiors because duty is obligatory for males but not for females. You can be a female officer but not a female soldier. 3) I did feel that we were part of a family. They would call me brother, I would call them brothers. It was nice. We were supporting each other. It was a newfound feeling. At some point I fainted (long story) and they carried me back to safety. They told me it's one for all and all for one. I was working too many hours, too many soldiers to see. They weren't patients. They were my comrades, my brothers. The same people that I would typically call patients would sleep with me in the same chamber along with 40 other soldiers. If they coughed, I knew, I was next to them. If they were sick, I'd see them. We would shave, shower and do all sorts of activities together. I made friends. PS At some point someone high in the hierarchy (no idea how to call that in english but he was 4 ranks higher from a lieutenant) called in the doctor office and basically told us that if we don't reduce soldiers who are off duty he would turn against us. Then there was a soldier who was a bit sick (but nothing serious). He was so so so fucking exhausted though. I didn't know what to do for some seconds. But it was so easy. I remained faithful to the Oath of Hippocrates which as a Greek person I value most. I gave him a day off because that's what he needed to the best of my knowledge. PS2 My dick was dead for some weeks. No sexual interest for anything. I was feeling captive. I was feeling scared and stressed and trapped. One night I woke up fully erect. I felt like that night, myself was back. I had started to adapt. All these changed me. I feel that all that nasty behavior of the army made me have zero tolerance for any type of bullying behavior.
  2. [think before following links] https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F8eQ92nXoAAiBKS?format=jpg&name=large I'd just suck him and ride him
  3. Guys I'm crazy about those toys they are so beautiful and I've seen them rarely in porn. They excite me. They can be rather small just for fucking or large ones to take a fiat. They are the absolute hole wreckers. Morever, if they had a close end (the inside part) couldn't they be used as condoms? I hate condoms but if somebody wants me to use I could offer him this alternative instead of raw. A hole-wrecker that will keep my cum but he has to take it all.
  4. So they do strengthen the poppers as they say they do? I bought one yesterday but it's in my bf's place so I haven't tried it yet. I like feeling like a monkey too. I feel the blood puming in my head and sometimes I see something purple/blue in the center of my vision which is cool cuz I know I'm high. I do 2 hits but I breathe real deep.
  5. how many hits would you say you take? (approximately)
  6. Do you have any advice about poppers? I've noticed that from a point on even if I take lots of hits I don't feel that high while in the beginning of my session even 2 hits can send me flying. Do those rubber inhalers help?
  7. I believe many gays hate them for no reason. It's much cooler in their minds to drink or to smoke weed but when you mention poppers some act like you're injecting substances or something. I can't understand why. Personally I love them, I love bating with them but some guys make me feel like I'm a drug addict or something.
  8. Before using poppers myself, I used to jerk with videos of other people huffing poppers (does that make sense?) And suddenly I saw that for most porn sites (pornhub, xhamster, xvids) hitting "poppers" (no pun intended) returns no results. Where the considered illegal or bad for some reason? Furthermore, I've noticed that in many porn videos the part where the dude takes a hit happens either when in his back or somehow is skipped. Like it's bad thing. You can see the bottle around but not when somebody hits it. And then we have the guys who hear the word poppers and think you're an addict person who drinks and injects chemicals all day long. I know there are crazy stories out there but everything we do has a hazard. Even swallowing your own food has a risk of death. I don't think poppers are that dangerous as many people tend to say. For me I love them. I thought they were used for relaxing the bottoms. But for me their true purpose is popperbating. Nothing feels better to me than jerking off and feeling happy and stupid while hitting poppers. Not that I want to say that poppers are "innocent" but do they deserve the treatment they receive? Are they that worse from alcohol and smoking? Because smoking is responsible for 1/3 out of all cancer related deaths and yet (apart from New Zealand I think?) if you're of legal age you can smoke your lungs out.
  9. For me, I put those type of men on their backs, their knees corssed on their chest and I fuck their hole nice and deep and then I seed them. This explains to them that the source of their behaviour is the lack of a nice and thick dick and helps them move on.
  10. He's a teacher/examiner but the seminar is ending very soon so we won't have any type of power dynamics.
  11. I think he needs someone to fall for him. It seels every girl he has targeted had a parachute lmao. I can fuck him or get fucked by him any time he doesn't have to feel hurt
  12. He's 100% straight, or to put me more precisely, no matter if he likes or does not like men he's really into women. We call him a vulture. This is a slung term in Greek to signify someone that really "hunts" women. Physically, he's interesting. Nothing special but he gives me the vibe that "he's a man" and that is somewhat intriguing. He's not charming, he's rather an asshole in behavior. We had a special training with him in charge. He called on the phone only the women if they had any questions about the seminar and then he was a bit mean with them by saying that they should have called him to make questions. We, the guys, were never called by anyone. I feel almost violated by him. He was testing if we got the course skills and examined us. He gave us all a non passing grade and we had to re-do the exam where most of us passed (I did). I've fallen to his trap. The girls don't like him, he's annoying. Actively, I don't like him either but when he would make some small moves to readjust his shirt of whatever my X rays are activated. Probably he could tell. From a point on he would call me too, as he did with the girls. The other guys he would not call. When we talk, me and him, he has that bro/dude attitude. If I wasn't experienced with stupid people, I would have bought it. He catches me from the shoulder and talks to me (about related things with the practical course). I'm like "touch me a bit more and somebody will end up with a dick in his asshole real soon". So this is not exactly a question rather a conclusion: this guy seems to be flatter that I've given him some hints that I like him and he doesn't mind I'm gay. He's equally asshole as he's with the girls. It's almost equality.
  13. I found an amazing guy that we fuck like rabbits. He's mostly bottom and he's into poppers. At first I thought that he would take a couple of hits or something like that. But he literally did dozens of hits. He looked so high and lost. I don't know if I'm a [banned word] or something but I enjoyed it.
  14. Once it was a fantasy of many. Now you get to hear nasty comments that he's a cheater and whatever and blah blah. But in my mind, he's just a horny guy who needs another horny guy to take good care of him. Is it thad bad?
  15. I was thinking for years of getting a nice large prince albert piercing but never got to make it. Same goes for sounding, I was scared of infections. I also hate condoms because I can't feel a fucking thing when I have put on and they're tight (and a boner killer) Would you care to ride it? Many times in dating apps (basically romeo) the bottoms are picky the only care for a total top even if you tell them that you only want to fuck them Send me ur feedback 😉
  16. Well I'm so jealous of that (in a positive way). I got fucked by a stranger when I was 18. I met him at an app, got into his car later that night, he fucked me in a beach. I asked him to use a condom, the condom broke (or he broke it) none of us cared. He said in time I will be able to control my asshole and open it at will.
  17. An interesting way to call yourself. At first I didn't enjoy bottom as well, I was a versatile dude. But I always felt that I needed at least a couple of guys to breed me despite not liking it that much, I needed the cum to take the seed.
  18. you're right about that. I think the journey begins with licking. It's the tongue that pushes through
  19. That is so great and I'm glad you had a positive experience. I don't know if I should have tried something similar back then. I suppose it can be also a cultura thing. 15 years ago when I was an adolescent I don't think I could have that outcome in a country like Greece. But I definitely needed a man like the one you described. Did he wear a condom?
  20. I started realizing that something was attracting me towards other boys when I was very little. I was a kid I wouldn't understand (I'm 32 now). I liked their nipples I think. I had noticed that I enjoyed more being around boys than girls but there was nothing romantic, it just felt better. At 12/13 I started to actively like classmates. I was scared though. I didn't know what I could do if i had a naked man/boy in front of me. I would be scared. I had sex at 18. Sometimes I think that for my case I would just need a man of my liking to be patient and teach me how man sex is made. I somehow feel sorry because I never had that experience.
  21. We're together for 10 years. We've been through many phases. Initially, we didn't have. We were both hesitant. Then I was the top. From a point on he became the top and I would fuck him rarely. Although I really like to fuck I think I'm the truly vers guy because I don't mind fucking or get fucked but he's more of a top. So it's a 90% of him fucking me. We tried some toys: a butt plug, a hollow butt plug, two double ended dildos, anal beads, cockrings, poppers and a cock extender 1) The double ended dildos were a failure. I told him we wouldn't like it but he's stubborn. We barely use them. The one double dildo is curved (maybe it was for women so as to penetrate both pussy and asshole) 2) The butt plug.. I'm trying to get it inside me. It hurts but I lwant to take it all. I've grown an apetite for making my asshole larger 3) The anal beads: Absolutely love them. I like that it stretches me and when I'm about to say it hurts too much it's swallowed inside my guy and I'm relieved. However if I take all four beads I see traces of blood so we don't use it now. 4) The hollow butt plug: damn that's hot. It stretches me nice, he enjoys ficking me and I feel wrecked. Love it 5) The cock extender. It's just amazing. It wrecks me as well. I want to get larger and arger sizes until I get a rose bud 6) Cockrings. They really made a difference. It takes us at least the double time to cum 7) Poppers. My bf doesn't like them but he enjoys watching me inhale. He says he feels my gut relax. It makes my face red, it feels like my head is burning and my heart beats fast. I love the feeling. Sometimes it affects my erection but even that feels hot PS1: I try to get my bf's fist inside me. I can take it almost until the wrist but then I feel an intense pain at a certain point and he can't push any further. I don't know why and how could it help it. But it needs so little to get deeper. PS2: Now that I've stretched my asshole with toys and his hands I feel like my gut turned into a second sexual organ. It feels better than fucking alone. It feels like I can control my asshole better. I also feel that it's not just the asshole, but the hole gut that's part of the sexual game and that I want to be filled.
  22. I always thought it was a hot toy but I'd never got the chance to use it. I bought it with my bf. It had 4 beads. My bf was scared of putting it inside me. He barely put a bead in me.. but I was too much of a whore and ended up putting all four inside. It was a nice feeling. My gut felt so stuffed and the whole experience was really satisfactory. I even fucked him with all the toy inside me. I thought my asshole was gonna drop it but unless I pulled it it would stay inside it. And when it stretched my asshole during the passing of the bead's largest part damn that was hot. The only bad thing was that I noticed some traces of blood. But really small ones, like 3-4 drops/clots. I feel perfectly ok, no further sign of bleeding so I guess this goes in the place of "it's not something to worry about but try to take it slowly" Another thing is that while I love fucking I have a desire to have toys in my gut.
  23. Aren't you a bit harsh on all of us? Should we be cold and uninterested in the fear of a random stranger calling us a tv mini series drama? Think not. Oh yes it is. And many people don't understand that. And a patient that dies can be a devastating thing, because you may feel responsible despite not being anybody's fault. About the two dicks, you're very right (although deep down I think he knows he was a lucky guy). Now he's found himself a woman, trying to feel straight or something. We're not as we were. They won't talk. My bf does not want me to talk to him. They've exchanged some bad words between them (in greek we say that a tongue does not have bones but it can crash bones). Now I'm having two "baby surgeons" to take care. Last time we talked he said that he was very happy about his gf. I told him that I know him too well and his eyes tell otherwise. He got angry. I told him I think highly of him and he's better than that. What I replied to the previous comment + I've thought again and again of everything. What we said, what he said (running through my head lmao). I believe all of that was too much for him and that he's an awesome dude who feels lost and threatened. On the other hand I believe for myself that although I tend to be a good person, lust overtakes me. I should know better than have sex with him. He enjoyed it. I'm sure of it. But his regret is ruining everything. I should have forseen it. I got drunk by his face looking at mine.
  24. Ehm it could have gone better.
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