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Everything posted by Sharp-edge

  1. I'm currently having a training in internal medicine. I've had many rotations and met many people but this dude is unique. I've spent so much time thinking, fantasizing or even having sex with guys. But this guy is different. It's not a matter of hotness (he's rather tall and lean, I think the word that would describe him best is not hot or good-looking, it's "cute"). I've heard many times people "worshipping" useless, selfish doctors. People claiming for other doctors to be true to their purpose etc. Most of the times all these were lie. I'm sick of meeting self-centered doctors only caring about how rich they can become. This dude is unique. He loves his patients. He loves being a doctor. He works very hard. He is always cheerful. I see a myself inside him and I can relate how tough are all these and how he can hide it behind a smile. Instead of having me thinking that he's hot or whatever, I think that he is a very nice person. He makes me wanna protect him. I'm trying to do my best to help him because I know he ends up sleepless. I wanna protect him from burn out because I know it will come. This guy shines bright, he acts as a true inspiration. He makes me wanna be the best, study hard and care for my patients. I really hope all his hard work will pay off because he deserves it. It may sound silly-poet-ish whatever that word I just invented means, but I've seen too much darkness and his light is piercing. It feels good being around him. He's caring. I'm a considering my feelings towards him. I have two basic modes when it comes to men. Getting horny and falling in love. None of them is really triggered. I don't plan to fuck with him (unless he asks) and I'm not falling in love in a romantic way, but I love what I have met from him. I know the world needs more people like him.
  2. I tend to overthink. Maybe this post is one of these times. I keep on hearing that the real issue is not how we look but what other people see on us. That if we lack confidence etc this will bring a negative outcome. And that makes some people think okay I will feel confident and it will do the trick. But that couldn't be further from the truth. I do believe that what we feel is what we "radiate" and it is this "radiation" that catches one's attention. But it's not a simple thing. Everybody knows what makes him feel nice and what not. So wearing something nice will definitely show. But it's more than that. We live in an era that promotes the "body positivity". But while it started with good intentions I think people are becoming a little deluded about it. Deep down everybody knows what he likes and what he doesn't. There are cases where a mental disease (such us anorexia) that can afffect that. But if we think of an average person he knows if his body looks bad or not. Or better yet, he knows if he likes what he sees or not. So I think that we should try and be the way we want to be and not take the easy approach that someone should just take us the way we are. In my eyes the magical feeling of flirt is all that struggle to attract. When I fell in love with someone many many years ago I thought that I had no chance. And I was right. He was a man and I was in a "slumber". The feelings he generated inside me help me awaken. Somehow in that process I felt that I was getting better. I felt that I was no able to participate in the game we call love.
  3. I would be very happy to meet an FTM guy
  4. I haven't thought of that but that's a very strong argument that could convince people with bricks instead of brains
  5. That was an interesting one. He experienced several difficulties in understanding that. I wonder if there are other str8 guys out there wondering the same.. how to put it nicely.. questions. I told him that there is not a particular trait to look for. You look at someone and you body reacts to it. It's what you see. It can be even what you smell (at least for me, the scent of a man and I don't mean a bad smell but one's natural scent). Based on his thoughts it's hard to like hairy people (so men cannot be liked) and it's also difficult to like "big" people. He meant that in order to be attractive you have to look like a stereotypical woman "smaller" than a man, hairless (I suppose waxing is praised). When trying to explain that maybe he should think since women find attractive men, then so can men who like men. But in his minds we're men and so that does not work. He also asked about sex, whether or not we get erections. I told him that he's a handsome guy and I could fuck him until he gets convinced but he was not up for the challenge. He then said that he can't be fucked because he's tight (can't recall his wording though). I told him that this is easy to fix. I'm glad he asked me all these, he tried to understand more. However I do feel his world is shattered because he was thinking men cannot be fucked.
  6. I still haven't practiced sounding. It seems there is not a single guy in Greece (spare me) that is into it. 99% of people don't know it and those who do loathe it. I wouldn't like to practice it on my own.
  7. I'm not a fan of condoms (who is?). But when I barefuck it's always via an app and we discuss that just before. I met a guy recently at work. He is cute and friendly. He's 21 (I'm 31). It ws the first time I fucked someone younger (I was always into guys 40+). It felt nice that I was more experienced than him. He did enjoy it. But he let me stick my dick inside. He said if we should use a condom. I asked why and then I got inside him. It told him it would feel nicer and he enjoyed it. I'm glad about the way things turned out. It could have been his first bare dck.
  8. I remember seeing ads late at night to call a weird number for telephone fun. People would even pay for that back then.
  9. I remember that there was like a division between raw and condom porn. Some sites were raw and some were not. There was (and still is) the category "bareback". But not it's useless. Porn is bareback so it's a useless filter. The biggest shock was when Tim went raw. Now when I see a condom in a porn movie I know it's vintage. And regarding real life fucks, I mean come on. Nobody likes a condom does he? I've done some anon bareback, that "danger" felt nice
  10. would you mind share these in a personal message?
  11. That's a fantasy topic. Alchemists can create a homunculus. That is, an artificial person. They gather the elements that make up the human body and they transmute it into a living puppet. If the result could be better in terms of appearance than that of Dr Frankenstein's (who was not an alchemist), would you use it to create an army of lovers? Now that's an idea for a new porn movie, too bad I don't have Tim's number to discuss this.
  12. I don't know if he's homeless. It's just that that guy triggered something on me. About the guy you mentioned, drugs can make mental health issues to arise because on the impact upon brain neurophysiology (and potentially morphology changes). That guy sounds really cute but lost in the drug world. I know it sounds bad, but theoretically I'd love to fuck him hard and have him at my place for some time offering what he needs and eventually help him become independent, find a job etc.
  13. I try to understand if the guy I was talking about was a drug user or just homeless or who knows maybe into alcohol? He asked for cigarette which does not clarify things. If that guy like beers or vodka or whatever I don't mind buying him a bottle as long as he takes my cock. Although I'm not sure if drunk or high whether he could function. And if I give him poppers I dont know if it's a good idea.
  14. Were those drug users, homeless people or both? What exactly did you tell them? I was thinking of telling me that I could give him cigarettes and my place for a couple of hours and I'd like to play with his body if he's not into sex
  15. by getting up you mean get hard? I don't mind, I'd prefer being me the one who fucks
  16. That sounds hot. I had an incident yesterday and maybe it gave rise to a new fetish or something. I was at work, having to move from point A to point B which was a 10 minutes walk. Halfway, a guy around his 40s that I found sexy stopped me and he asked if I could give him 25 cents to buy some water or something like that. He kept on talking but I wasn't really paying attention I was looking for some coins. I gave him 2 euros. I'm not sure if he was a drug user (could be but not sure) and maybe he said that he was homeless. I continued my way when he asked me if I can also give him a cigarette and I said I don't smoke (true). But while i was walking I thought the guy was really hot. I'm not sure what I could have done. I like the win win situation that you mentioned. I'm not sure how should I approach him. Any advice? I haven't done such a thing ever but damn it makes my dick hard. I thought of buying him a packet of cigarettes and ask him to smoke some in front of me somewhere quiet (because I also have a smokiing fetish). I'd appreciate some advice.
  17. I'm very curious and feel weird about it. It's the moral vs the horny part which sometimes indicate towards different directions. If someone was cute enough would you try to have sex with him? Is there a way to approach them? And, most importantly, do these people have "apetite' for sex or not at all? Would you take any precautions or it would be as with a typical guy?
  18. oh I know this piercig but didn't know its name. nice dick:)
  19. I know it starts from small, I even like the idea of watching it getting upgradated after months. However I haven't found a piercer who does that in Athens and that's an issue. About the guys that are weird about it I don't care that much, my bf is okay. I mostly worry about a possible infection. Regarding peeing.. well.. I never had a good shot, it will get worse but whatever. What's a amp?
  20. I always had the feeling that a piercing becomes part of someone and they keep it forever, but especially about PA and nipples people are somehow forced to take them off because something just jappened. I really don't get that question about hurting. Of course it did but it's obvious. I like the hole it leaves behind, am I a [banned word]? I wouldn't like to have a meatotomy though, I want it whole with a hole (no pun intended)
  21. Here's mine
  22. I'm thinking for several years of getting a PA. Thing is I can't find a piercer in my city. Maybe I should do it when abroad but it feels risky. Do you think that it would look good on my diick? I'm uncut. I love big sizes and the PA hole ti leaves behind. Does any of you has any advice to share? And if someone would like to show his PA, would be great.
  23. So my bf is currently working for an airline company. It's quite fan I think travelling all around (although time is super limited) and he is abroad quite a bit (so we don't sleep wth me). I was unaware that this profession is quite gay friendly (preferred by gay men I mean). I have on the back side of my mind that he could cheat on me (I'm not sure if it's that bad actually but I'd prefer that I wouldn't know it and it wouldn't happen too often). I also worry a bit, if everything will be okay during the flight, if the passengers are kind towards him as he is with them. I think if he gets tired of all these duties and moving in the airplane corridor and serving meals etc and if his colleagues are okay. I know that if he has a hard time he wouldn't tell me because he keeps everything inside. He looks happy though. He found me a business class ticket for Edinburgh. It was the first time (but I hope not the last time) I went business. That's the way that every person should be treated. When in Edinburgh I could move with him hand in hand without raising eyebrows or any other body parts and that was so comforting. It was the first time to do that in public (we're together for almost 10 years). I met people there and spoke with them, it felt so refreshing meeting a new culture and saying hey he's my bf and not my "friend". I also got the chance to chat in english with some native speakrs which was fun. I just wanted to share these thoughts.
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  24. Would u fuck me?;)
  25. As it happens, my bf that I cherish most has a brother. He's not gay as far as we know, but I think he's a hot guy. I have fantasised about fucking him when I'm horny but I think it would be a disastrous thing to do. Have u ever found urself in a similar situation?
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