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Everything posted by Sharp-edge

  1. I wanna ask about the healing period, if it breaks the condom (which sounds interesting I think), if it can hurt the anus of the other person and if you can rough fuck someone
  2. It's not a matter of shame I just think via pm I'll get the info I need faster and I don't wanna bother the forum that's all
  3. I believe that a bottom doesn't need his dick to feel good, provided that he has a good top to take care of his hole. So a chastity will help the bottom realise his role and concentrate on his asshole. But what does the usage of a chastity device for longtime? Does it make the user unable to fuck? That would be hot but I don't know much about it I've only see some xtube videos about it. The idea of "destroying" the dick of the bottom with such a device and making it small, powerless and dripping precum excites me a lot. What does a chastity cause then?
  4. Is there anyone with a pa to message me? I've got some questions to ask:P
  5. I wish Jake Gylenhaal was gay and mine
  6. Does chastity makes the dick useless after time? or does it make it small?
  7. Have you ever felt or heard something similar? And if so, what's your opinion about it? Being gay is something that in many countries is not forbidden by laws but something that the society doesn't toleraty. So what's the difference from being morally convicted of thinking that it's not right? And if someone is in love with his brother what should he do? Express his feelings or hide them and try to forget it?
  8. are there any videos on xtube about unconscious sex? I'd be curious to see something like that.
  9. I've seen some times some anime porn which was kind of interesting and I was wondering if anyone finds sexy some animated heroes. Is there any of them who turns you on and what would you do with him? I'd go for him http://pre10.deviantart.net/84a6/th/pre/f/2011/030/f/4/tangled___flynn_rider_by_uniquelegend-d38dyic.jpg
  10. I was googling for some gay magazines because i've never seen one and i found them quite interesting. does any of you buy any of them?
  11. I've seen many amateur porn videos about ballbusting.. I was wondering how can the passive guy last such a painful thing to do.. and after this is over won't he have inflammation issues? Does this give pleasure in any way? I like wathing it but i don't think i would ever allow this to be done to me.
  12. I've seen a few porn scenes (like in TimTales which I love) that the passive guy while sucking or getting fucked by the other porn actor plays with the cameraman. I saw one scene in TimTales which the passive sucked the cameraman a little and in other one that the passive was touching the cameraman's feet while jerking off the active. Do you like seeing this? It makes me super horny and i was wondering if it just occurs or they have said that before. Is it a lack of professionalism or just having fun which is what the viewer should receive?
  13. Lately, I'm really into sounding porn.. I'd like to try it to myself but I don't have the necessary equipment + that i'm afraid of infections. Does any of you practice it? Urethra stays stretched after that? I see people inserting a whole finger there.. I find also very hot sounding the PA hole.. When i'll get mine I'll definately give it a try.. I really like th PA hole especially when cum comes out of it.
  14. Ok here's the thing. i met a guy at my working environment... and from the moment I saw him it was like a thunder hit me. I want him badly... this goes for many weeks.. I think of him, I wait all day to say goodmorning when i see him and goodbye when I leave... when I need to go to his office I'm excited, he's nice with me. I know he's in a relationship with a girl (but can you ever be sure with us boys?).. Today I found a photo of him by chance in the fb page of a colleague (I haven't added him at fb as a friend).. it was like the best thing that happened this day.. Is this stalking or i just want him badly? I want to aproach him some how.. I need to kiss his lips and hug him. I mostly want to fuck around but I don't think much of sex with him. sleeping with him would be ideal.. what should I do?
  15. Do you like edging? I watch in some amateur porn videos which I find much hotter than professional (maybe the guys are more into it than the pornstars).I like to see them desperate to cum. Have you ever tried this? I want so badly to be tied and edged until my cum flows...
  16. I've never tried electro.. i would also like to try sounding.. i'd love to find someone who likes that and to that to my dick:)
  17. Does any of you practice electro? I've seen it in many amateur porn videos and it made me very hard. I wonder though why it's almost completely absent in professional porn (as well as good fisting). I want to have electro too.. if anyone has experience in this please message me:)
  18. Do you over jerk off with photos of people that you found by chance in facebook? Not necessarily people you know.. just people who appeared in the search while you where searching for something else for example.. ?
  19. Which site you chose to jerk off and which you avoid?
  20. I liked the videos on this site but it was very slow and you couldn't see the video before you open in.. very bad for a porn site..
  21. I'm starting this topic having seen a TimTales video (Caio Veyron and Dale Cooper) but I have also seen other videos similar to it.. a top with a huge dick only fucks with the tip of his dick and he doesn't enter all the dick or at least the biggest part of it.. why do that? why not deep penetrate him? isn't it annoying for the bottom?
  22. I've never done that thing that you call anal masturbation I'd love if someone could explain me here or in a message:)
  23. I'd like to fuck a guy with no dick and penetrate his new pussy. It would be very hot. Apart from the fantasy part, you will have to take testosterone injections or gels for the rest of your life and speaking for myself, I'd never do that.
  24. I was just wondering if causing pain to the bottom while fucking him, even making his asshole bleed (not in purpose) is a turn on or a turn off
  25. sequel coming soon
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