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Everything posted by obsidian

  1. I think you misunderstand how things work in the UK. This isn't America. We don't have religious politicians (meaning they keep their faith private), we don't have a religious right and we don't have religious lobby groups. To get elelected you don't have to talk about God or suck up to religious groups. We have very robust laws stating that what people do in the privacy of their own homes is no one else's business and human rights legislation which states that sexual expression is protected. The Conservative party who are in power legalised gay marriage and have many politicians in prominent positions who are openly gay. Compared to US conservatives they are totally gay friendly. That said this government does seem to be concerned about porn but there is literally a 0% percent chance than anal, or any other kind of sex will be made illegal. It would be technically impossible to do and enforce.
  2. I'm versatile. I wouldn't want to be exclusively anything. That's the beauty of being a gay man, there is such a diverse range of sexual experiences that you can have. However, there I do recognise that there are reasons that prevent people from bottoming, even if they want too.
  3. glad you like it

  4. Last night, at a threesome with a regual fuck bud and another guy. I turned bottom for the first time in about 3 years and I enjoyed it so much, im deffinately not a 'top' anymore.
  5. It's something I wonder if I should try sometimes, but even though I would probabaly like pussy, I find womens bodies totaly non-sexual. It would also make me doubt that I am gay so i've decided im not going to bother even trying to fuck a woman, ever.
  6. 10% of people with european ancestry are extremely lucky to probably have some degree of immunity. Whereas the rest of us aren't so lucky. There are probably other genetic factors at work other than the identified 'hiv immunity' gene, many of which are unknown. So, if your luck enought to have the right genes, theres no real way of knowing, well unless you have take 10,000 loads and are still neg! I barebacked maybe 4 or 5 times, testing poz was a shock.
  7. I don't think its possible. So many people think they are neg and are actualy poz, and some people are being dishonest. The only way you could be BB and stay neg is in a monogamous relationship.
  8. Each to there own but I find it very difficult why anyone would choose to make themselves permanently asexual.
  9. I think there is a bit of a misconception about how long uncut dicks take to clean. Its not a difficult, long or tedious process, it takes literaly 5 seconds and if you do it every day, dirt doesnt have a chance to accumilate. When you have been cleaning it your entire life it becomes second nature, you do it without thinking. For people who live in countries where you can wash in clean water every day, the notion that 'a cut dick is cleaner' is nothing more than marketing spin.
  10. In this country, the UK, circumcision is very uncommon. Well unless you are Jewish or Muslim. I happen to be of the opinion that circumcision of children is wrong and totaly un nessecary. We have a foreskin for a reason. If it was not supposed to be there, we wouldn't have them in the first place.
  11. I only started watching bareback porn after I became poz
  12. If you use products to numb yourself you will begin to rely on them.
  13. Bottoms who don't clean out
  14. I voted not realy. When I tested poz it was a shock because I had only done bb a couple of one off times. Obviously it only takes one encounter but I dint think it would happen to me. Taking my tablets I find easy but its annoying. I'm healthy now but I might not be for ever. The only plus side is I get to have bareback sex with no fear from HIV, although I still worry about other bugs, infact I try to avoid people who seem too slutty. I much prefer bareback but if I could somehow magically become neg tomorrow I would happly go back to condoms.
  15. ^^^^ totally agree. I also like the idea of being able to just slip my cock in without having to wrap it up.
  16. There is a place in London called the sweatbox. Its basicaly a sauna (bathouse) with a gym attached. I think this type of stuff is encouraged there. My old gym in Manchester was notorious for people cruising in the showers, steam rooms and changing rooms even thought it was totaly mixed.
  17. Hi rawtop, thanks for fixing that problem but nowit seems that the latest update has caused firefox to render threads very stragely.
  18. Is there a problem with the system that updates blog posts to the forum. There doesn't seem to be any new blog posts in this last week.
  19. No, not for me thanks.
  20. It certainly can't live indefinitely outside the body, not sure for how long tho.
  21. I cant see any way to edit old posts
  22. Ive known i was poz for about three years now. When I found out it was a bit of a shock because I wasnt into bareback or particulaly sleazy before. I generaly have a positive outlook on life and i tend to be quite rational so i knew that io wasnt going to drop dead any time soon. I made the effort of carrying on as normal, went to work the day after i found out. I was put on treatment more or less immediately and havent looked back since. So far i havent had any adverse side effects and I would say I live a normal life, apart from the pills. Being poz has changed my outlook slightly, it has made me more determined to succed in life and get what I want. I now also eat healther and go to the gym regualy which is something i had always planned to do, but being poz inspired me to take action. Ive decided to never tell my family, it would worry them too much. But most of my gay friends (and one of my str8 girlfriends) know as well. My positive test result encouraged my best friend to get tested and he found out he was poz as well.
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