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    Neg, On PrEP
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  1. I started on Prep in March and having been paying $0 thanks to the copay card. However, my insurance is changing next year and I'm going to be forced to meet my medical deductible first before they will cover any of the Truvada cost. This means about $1300 since that's my medical deductible. Now my company gives ups a stipend of about $500 in a health care reimbursement account and I can earn an additional $500 by getting a physical and BS like that...but i'll still be responsible for $300 and jumping through those hoops this year before I get to full coverage again. :-/ Still worth it, but just glad i'm fortunate and can afford it.
  2. That sucks. I heard it closed right after I went to decadence last year. it was SO much fun and so hot. guess i'll be at rawhide or my hotel more...
  3. I've been on Prep since late March of this year. I got on right before a break up where we were mostly monogamous with a little play together a couple times a year, but always safe. I'm 39 and since I started having gay sex I've used a condom 95% of the time, unless with a partner. It took me a few months after the break up and on Prep, but in June I took my first load with a guy who was Poz and undetectable on Meds. Since then I've only used a condom once this summer and i've had A LOT of sex. A lot of amazing, mind blowing, load taking sex. My sex life has never been better, or hotter. it's gotten to the point that if a guy says he only plays safe, it's almost a turn off. Luckily there's so many guys that I meet now that are either poz and on meds and undetectable, or negative and on prep that i find more people interested in raw than not. I will say that getting through that first 3 month check up was a little nerve racking, but once all my tests (hiv, syph, etc) came back negative...I knew I'd just keep taking more loads. Having that fear gone has really let my inner pig out, and I'm quite happy about it. :-)
  4. Are there any bathhouses left open in New Orleans, or have they all closed since last year?
  5. Are Wednesday nights completely dead? Going to be there for work for one night and would swing by one if there was a chance for a good time. Also, i'm down for sleazier which sounds like Midtowne...but if Club has a better chance of numbers on a Wed nite... Suggestions?
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