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Everything posted by badjujuboy

  1. Daddy's Cuntboy 13 I never really left Daddy after that session. Luckily, my apartment lease was coming up and I gave notice, though, I would have paid any price to break it. To the outside world, nothing changed but my address. But the minute I walked into our home, I’d stripped down to my yellow jock and be cuntboy. Here, I was not allowed any “outside” clothes... my collar, harness always waiting in the entryway when I returned home to be ready to service them. Friday mornings at work were the worst... knowing the weekend was coming up and if Daddy had made plans. I’d try to concentrate on finishing up my work for the week; at the same time, never knowing if I would get that text ordering me to come home early. That’s why I avoided any meetings that day. Yet, there were times when my work and personal lives collided. That day I had a last-minute meeting scheduled at 1:00 pm with a client. As my client entered my office, the familiar text notification rang. “Fuck!” I thought, knowing who it was. “Sorry about that,” I said as I grabbed my phone and quickly glanced at it. Yup... it was Daddy ordering me home by 2:00 pm... meaning that I had 30 minutes to get this meeting over with. “Yes Daddy,” I responded. I was fucked. I quickly rushed through the details we needed to go over as I tried to casually watch the clock... trying to gauge how much time I had left. Then another text came through. Giving an apologetic look, I grabbed the phone and glanced at the message. Stifling a moan, I held my breath and stared at the video... puppy’s open mouth being filled with a torrent of golden piss! I couldn’t look away. The piss continued to flow as puppy gulped it down. My mouth began to water. As the flow slowed, puppy moved to engulf Daddy’s cock... totally engulfing it, he gave me a fucking wink. FUCK!! I sat back in my chair and tried to relax. Pulling the camera to his face, Daddy mouthed “Now,” and hung up. “Everything ok,” my client asked. “Yyyeah,” I responded and rushed through a few more details and promised I’d email him with more details next week. I quickly left for home. Walking in just in time, I stripped down and geared up. “Good cuntboy. We’re in the dungeon.” I heard Daddy say over the intercom, realizing that he was monitoring the door from the dungeon. Noticing the rig and gear on the side table, I moaned. I took the strap, tied it around my bicep and prepped my vein. “Fucking cunt,” I growled the needle hit the vein and I drew my blood into the syringe... “Daddy’s cuntboy...” I emptied it into my bloodstream. “Shit!” I yelled as I took off the strap and let the chems flow through me. The familiar feeling overcame me... the rush of desire in my cunt overwhelmed me. Cock... that was what I needed... all I wanted was cock... in my cunt... in my mouth... I wanted to service... I needed to service and the cocks were in the dungeon. I walked into the dungeon and there was Daddy pumping puppy’s cunt lips. “Fuck...” I mumbled. Taking in the sight of those sloppy cunt lips extending inches along the inside of the clear cylinder, I dropped to my knees and crawled over to them. As I neared, I saw it... a mason jar filled with piss on the floor beside the sling. “That’s for you, cuntboy.” Daddy said. Quickly grabbing the jar with both hands, I swallowed the precious liquid I craved making sure I took in every drop. Daddy smiled, “Fucking piss boy... go clean up.” I wiped the chem piss from my lips and worked my way over to the shower area as I removed my harness and lowered my jockstrap... feeling my cock and balls escape the confines of the yellow mesh as the sound of puppy’s moans increased with the pumping action. Slowly removing the tunnel plug, I groaned as I felt the gape of my cunt remain open and began to clean my cunt out. I knew that I needed to be ready for anything. The fact that Daddy had left a rig for me in the entryway was the tell. Taking the nozzle, I noticed that it had been smeared with chem lube. Smiling, I slipped it into my cunt. Feeling the chems react with my cunt walls, I fucked myself with it... my cunt was hungry. “Hurry up cuntboy,” he ordered. “Yes, Daddy,” I responded and proceeded to clean out my cunt several times. Completely clean, I toweled off and pulled my jockstrap on. “Shit...” I groaned...feeling the mesh fabric cradling my cock and heavy balls... Daddy always kept my balls slightly engorged now... as the tight straps spread my ass cheeks, allowing complete access to my cunt. After getting my harness on, I grabbed the tunnel plug; but before I could insert it into my cunt, Daddy called me over. “Over here cuntboy.” I dropped to my knees and crawled to him. “Good cuntboy,” Daddy growled, releasing the cylinder from puppy’s cunt with a loud pop. I stopped. ”Fuck yeah! Fucking beautiful cunt lips!” I moaned as my mouth began to salivate at the sight of puppy’s huge throbbing cunt lips surrounding a beautiful dripping pink rosebud. Seeing my reaction, Daddy chuckled. “Go on cuntboy, have at it.” I quickly crawled over, shoved my face into those swollen mounds of flesh and began to feast on the slimy rosebud. Feeling the puppy’s cunt slime cover my face, I dove deeper into the folds of his cunt. I then tasted that familiar tang of piss. I went crazy... wanting to crawl into his cunt to feed on it as my body absorbed his fluids. Puppy began to moan, “YESSS! EAT MY CUNT CUNTBOY! FUCKING FEED ON MY IT!” I continued feeding, not wanting to stop. “OK cuntboy, off.” Daddy ordered but I continued like the hungry cunt I was. “Enough!” Daddy yelled grabbing me by the collar and pulled me off puppy’s cunt. I sank back and watched as Daddy, with a scowl on his face, released puppy from the sling. Upon release, puppy climbed off the sling and immediately went down on all fours and crawled to me as an alpha dog would approach a beta. I remained motionless, waiting to see what he would do. I looked up at Daddy, his face remained stern. I watched my alpha as he grew nearer. Part of me was worried but my chemmed up cunt began to take over. I saw his muscled pecs framed in his harness coming towards me with his huge red bulge hanging between his legs and my cunt lips began to throb. I began to moan. Closer he came until I felt his breath on my face and stared into my dilated black eyes not saying a word. Knowing my place, my eyes lowered and prepared for the worst. Suddenly, I felt his tongue begin to fondly lap at my face. Feeling this show of tenderness, I looked into his eyes began to whimper like a puppy. I didn’t know what came over me... but it felt right. Seeing my reaction, puppy nipped at my neck and moved behind me growling. Looking up at Daddy, I saw his mood change. He was smiling and gave a nod. Feeling puppy’s tongue on my cunt lips, I arched my back and presented my cunt. “Looks like we may have a cuntpup here, puppy,” Daddy laughed. “WOOF!” puppy responded as he took a swipe at my cunt lips with his tongue and began sniffing at my cunt. Feeling that tongue, I immediate pushed back and began to whimper, begging for more than his tongue... “Arff Arff” I begged. I didn’t know what was happening... the barking just came out. Seeing the confused look on my face, Daddy reassured me as he walked behind me to puppy’s side and petted him. “Go with it. You are discovering your true self... cuntboy, cuntpup, or maybe something else. Your alpha here wasn’t always puppy. He was just a fist sub when we first met until the first time he barked.” “WOOF!” puppy laughed as Daddy moved to pull the red jock off him. Freeing his cock, Daddy moved back to my face and presented his throbbing cock. “Cuntboy or cuntpup, you will be servicing me.” I let out a woof... No... that wasn’t right... “Arff!” I smiled as I took in his cock to the hilt as it rested on my tongue with his cockhead nestled down my throat. Suddenly, I felt puppy’s paws on my back as his breath hit my neck and I felt his fat uncut cock move past my cunt lips and into my cunt. I started grunting and moaning feeling puppy’s cock hit my prostate. With each thrust, I pushed back wanting him to fuck me harder, deeper, faster as I held onto Daddy’s cock with my lips. I was in heat... I needed cock. With one deep thrust, puppy sank his cock into me and held onto my shoulders. I could feel the heat of his body against my back as his erect tits hit my shoulder blades. “How’s that feel cuntpup? You want puppy’s knot?” I did... at this point all I could think about was being knotted to my alpha... I wanted to feel puppy’s cock locked in my cunt! “ARFF! Fuck your cuntpup!” I begged. “Fucking knot your cuntpup and fill me with your cum!” Daddy laughed and began to face fuck me. I moaned as puppy, with one last thrust, sent a torrent of cum into my cunt with a howl and held me with his cock plugging my cunt. With my cunt full of puppy’s cum, I began to work on Daddy’s cock... “Good boy, feed on Daddy’s cock.” I felt his swollen cock withdraw from my slick mouth. “Daddy’s ball’s...suck on em, cuntpup.” I moved down to Daddy’s crotch and took in the aroma of musk filling my nostrils. Growling, I lapped his ball sac as the salty taste of sweat filled my mouth. Feeling his sac contract, I immediately moved to take the cock in my mouth. “Good cuntpup!” Daddy moaned as he shot his load down my throat. We remained like that for a bit... Daddy’s cock down my throat and puppy cock inside my cunt. With his cock in my mouth, I looked up at Daddy and he smiled. “Good cuntpup. Release...” and he pulled out. At the same time, I felt puppy climb off of me. Moving around to puppy’s cunt, I instinctively growled and started sniffing. Chuckling, puppy positioned himself to give me better access to his swollen cunt lips. I did the same and he began to feed on the cum dripping from my cunt. Seeing his two pups, Daddy smiled. “Here cuntpup.” Feeling puppy stop his feeding, I whimpered a bit until I saw what was in Daddy’s hand. I quickly got up and crawled over to him. “For now, cuntpup,” Daddy said as he held a silicone puppy tail in each of his hands. “We’ll see what happens. You too puppy. Both of you, present cunts!” I turned around presenting my cunt as I felt puppy move quickly next to me. Grabbing a handful of the chem lube, he prepared the plugs and stuffed our cunts. “Grrrrr,” I growled working my new tail. Clenching my cunt lips, I felt my tail swinging as the plug worked my cunt. I fucking loved it! Seeing my enthusiasm, puppy pounced on me and we playfully began to roll around filling the room with the sounds of happy pups. “Good boys,” Daddy laughed as he pulled us apart and connected our leashes. “Come.” he ordered, pulling us the other side of the room with puppy slightly in front of me. Reaching the other side, I smiled as I saw Daddy had placed two dog bowls on the floor and piss. ‘Arff! Arff!” I barked... seeing the metal bowls fill with Daddy’s warm piss. Finished pissing, Daddy stepped back and we crawled to the bowls and immediately began to lap it up. I went crazy... my tongue slurping up the piss as it dripped down my chin and back into the bowl. I wanted to sink my entire face into it. Seeing this, puppy grabbed my head with his paws and held it close to the piss. “Use your tongue, cuntpup.” puppy encouraged, “curl your tongue... take in the piss.” I began whimpering...wanting the piss. “Listen to your alpha, cuntpup.” Daddy commanded. On hearing my Daddy’s voice, I relaxed and began to take in the piss as directed by my alpha. “Woof!” puppy barked as I followed his directions. Somehow, the rhythm of my tongue lapping at the piss, began to calm me but I continued whimpering. For now, I was a newborn cuntpup and still trying to make sense of it. I sensed Daddy approach and our leashes tighten. Daddy clicked his teeth, pulling us towards the bed. “Up,” he motioned and we climbed on the bed and Daddy tossed puppy one of his red jockstraps. After waiting for puppy to put it on, I moved next to puppy as he gathered me in his forelimbs... his paws gently stroking my tits as I positioned my cunt against the red mesh pouch holding his uncut cock and balls. I whimpered as puppy pushed his crotch against my ass cheeks and began chewing on my neck. “Ok cuntpup, relax. I’ve got that surprise for you coming in a bit.” Daddy smiled and walked out of the dungeon. I let out a soft bark and sank deeper into puppy. “Grrrr,” he growled and he held me tighter.
  2. Does he let you swallow his load? Does he let you suck on his cock after coming? Guys may get the urge to piss after shooting their load. You might try suckling on his cock and try getting him into letting you continue servicing him and “accidentally” having him release a bit. Just like his hole...work it slowly.
  3. Daddy’s Cuntboy Part 12 I couldn’t believe it. Here I was, a fucking cuntboy to two men... my Daddy and my alpha. I wanted to stay like this forever... a spun out chem whore cuntboy bent on nothing but servicing cock and taking fist. Holding the heft of my now enlarged ball sac in both hands, I moaned as I saw the metal tag attached to my collar glint, remembering when Daddy first presented it to me. Puppy continued holding me tight and began to circle my right tit with a finger. “MMMMMM,” he groaned, remembering the taste of my chemmed blood. “Fucking pigs,” we heard Daddy comment as he came up behind us. We both met his dilated eyes reflecting in the mirror. “Puppy, take the other ring out of cuntboy’s tit.” With a deep moan puppy obeyed and removed it. I winced. Seeing my reaction Daddy explained, “I’ve got plans for those tits cuntboy. I want your right tit healed before then. Now release that cock.” Daddy ordered, “I got something for that cunt of yours.” Lifting myself from puppy’s cock, I presented my cunt. “Fucking sloppy cunt!” puppy growled. “That’s my cuntboy,” Daddy smiled. “I want that cunt of yours open, cuntboy,” Daddy said as he presented a silicone tunnel plug. “You’re gonna be nothing but a gaping cunt. I fucking told you I’m going to transform you into what I want.” My cunt lips immediately began to pulse. Daddy, presenting the plug to us, began coating the chemmed up lube both inside and out. “Stretch my cunt, Daddy!” I begged. “Fucking cuntpig!” puppy growled as Daddy worked the plug into my cunt. “FUCKING CUNT!” I yelled, as felt my cunt walls expand, and take hold of the plug... my cunt was now nothing more than a gaping fuck hole. Stepping back, Daddy took it in. “That cuntboy, is how you will present yourself to me.” I began growling as the feeling of my open cunt overwhelmed me... I realized that I needed to be a cuntboy... nothing else mattered. I looked up at Daddy’s reflection, “PLEASE DADDY!” I begged. No other words came out of me, yet it conveyed all I wanted. “Yes, cuntboy,” Daddy responded... Daddy smiled and held out his hand. Taking it in my own, he lifted me to my feet. “MMMM” Daddy sniffed, “Rinse yourself off, cuntboy. No soap... keep those pits ripe.” "Yes, Daddy," I said as puppy carefully removed my gear. We stepped into the shower area and he began rinse away the remnants of our session... piss, sweat, lube and cum. Carefully, he wiped my face and neck moving to my shoulders and down my back before beginning on my pecs. Turning off the water, puppy wrapped a towel around my shoulders. “Fucking beautiful cuntboy,” I heard my alpha tell me. Tenderly, puppy began to rub the soft towel across my shoulders and down my back before beginning on my upper chest. As he dried my body, I could feel the chems flowing through me... the cravings emanating from my cunt. My eye’s lowered to puppy’s hands and I took in my pecs. The training that puppy was giving me was working. I was definitely larger... more defined. I had worked on my pecs until my tits pointed down at a sharp angle like his. Seeing me, puppy smiled, “Now those are tits...” and took my right tit in his mouth... chewing it. “Fuck yeah!” I moaned. I grabbed his head and pulled it harder into my pec. My cock strained against puppy’s torso... my tits were always connected to my cock... Releasing my tit, puppy held my pecs in his hands... feeling the heft that he had helped develop. Slowly his hands moved down and his fingers moved along the ridges of my abdomen. “Fucking six pack,” he chuckled. Next, I felt his strong hands take hold of my ball sac. “MMMMMM” he growled, feeling the heaviness of my now engorged balls. “Fucking bull sac, cuntboy... " he smirked. He grabbed the towel again and continued to dry me. Grabbing my hips, puppy positioned me. “Turn around cuntboy.” I moaned as I felt the softness of the towel moving across my hairless body. After I was dry, puppy helped me back into my gear. He fastened my collar around my neck... then buckled the harness over my shoulders and across my pecs. I smiled, taking in the feeling of them gripping my hard body. Going to his knees, puppy held a yellow jock and I stepped into it. He rose and pulled up the waistband and I felt it go over my balls... the yellow pouch barely containing them. Puppy smiled as he saw the root sticking out from the waistband of the jock. “Cunt...” puppy then simply stated. I fell to my hands and knees. I felt the burning of the chemmed laced lube enter my cunt. “AWWW FUCK!” I moaned as puppy pushed the tunnel plug past my cunt lips and my pulsing cunt walls expanded... This was what I was... a gaping cunt. Puppy slapped my ass cheeks and fastened my leash to my collar, “Fucking cunt...” and he led me out of the shower area. Approaching Daddy, I mumbled in awe. “Fuck me,” Daddy sat in his leather chair with his legs spread open presenting us with his beautiful cock... the cock I now served. We stood there, staring for a long moment, his eyes observing us. Then reaching to the table beside him, he lifted a shiny steel object and lifted his nuts, inserting first one and then the other through the steel ring. He then fed the length of his cock through it and pulled until it rested against his groin and lifted them up. “Get the fuck over here now, puppy!” Daddy ordered. Daddy smiled as puppy approached, stood next to him and dropped his jockstrap to the floor. He took another cockring and leaned into puppy, taking his sack in his hand and pulled large nuts through the ring. With a little bit of effort, Daddy managed to push puppy’s semi-hard cock through the ring and pushed it into position against his shaved crotched. I moaned taking in the sight of the gleaming metal against their cocks, lifting their cum filled balls. My mouth began to water. Satisfied, Daddy motioned puppy the floor with a slight movement of his hand. Puppy dropped to the floor. Crawling between Daddy’s legs, my alpha began to rub his hands up and down our Daddy’s legs. I watched puppy reach for and engulf Daddy’s cock in his mouth. I moaned, “Please” wanting to join him and worship our Daddy’s cock until I took in puppy’s ass... those fucking protruding cunt lips!! I still wondered if Daddy wanted my cunt lips to be like that... four years I thought... that’s how long Daddy has been working on them. Here I stood... my ball sac engorged with saline... but was it enough for him? What would my sac look like in four years?!... I looked down and held it in my hands contemplating, feeling the immense pleasure that I now was feeling... I wanted to find out... I had to. At that moment, I felt Daddy staring at me and I looked up with a pleading look... he simply nodded, acknowledging my desire. Daddy’s moans of pleasure grew as puppy started to worship that fat cock. Daddy reached to rub puppy’s back with one hand while the other rested comfortably on the back of his neck and began exploring puppy’s muscular torso as his other hand fondled puppy’s ringed tits. Daddy glanced at me as I took in the sight of my alpha pleasuring our Daddy. Puppy continued to service Daddy... my hand moved to my cock and slowly began to stroke. Daddy gave me a little smile as he looked down at puppy. I could hear puppy’s moaning as he continued to suck Daddy’s cock. Daddy grabbed the back of puppy’s head with both hands pulling puppy’s mouth up and down on his cock faster. “Hands off cuntboy!” Daddy yelled, thrusting his hips upward as he shot his load into puppy’s eager mouth. I immediately let go of my cock. Daddy nodded approvingly at me as puppy remained on his cock sucking the last drops of cum from the cock. Releasing puppy’s head, Daddy motioned to puppy to rise. Smiling, puppy came to me, wiped the remains of Daddy’s cum from his lips and gathered my leash. “Cunt...” Leading me to the sling, puppy silently signaled me to get on, grabbed my left wrist and secured me to the chain. He quickly did the right wrist and proceeded to continue with my ankles. He signaled Daddy with his hand motioning up and I felt the bottom of the sling rise. Walking to the table, Daddy grabbed a syringe, only this one looked to have a larger dose. I shivered, knowing what was about to happen. He grabbed my arm and prepped it and sniffed at my armpits, taking several long deep breaths. "Good cuntboy," he whispered to me... "Fucking rank...” Staring directly into my eyes, he gave me the slam and leaned into me. My head rose to meet his lips and our tongues began to explore each other’s mouth. Backing off, Daddy proceeded to slam himself. “Fuck yeah!” I moaned knowing that the we were nowhere near ending this session as he went back to the table grabbing a short metal chain with two clamps on it. Walking between my legs, he rubbed his fat cock against my cunt lips as he grabbed my left tit roughly in his hand and placed one of the clips directly on it. "SHIT YEAH!!" I screamed feeling like it was being torn from my body for a second time... my tit was on fire. Daddy then reached to my right tit completing the connection. Seeing my reaction, he grabbed my hips and plunged his leaking cock into my gaping cunt. “FUCK YOUR CUNT!” I begged as I felt his cock raping my open cunt. “Take it, cunt!” he grunted as the intense pain in my tits developed into pleasure. Seeing this, Daddy responded by intensifying the assault on my cunt and grabbed the chains attached to my tits and tugged at them. “Fuck yeah, Daddy!” I begged, “Fucking harder! Fucking cunt for Daddy!” I growled encouraging him to continue the onslaught. On and on he went pounding my cunt until finally, after losing sense of time, he roared and began to shoot a torrent of cum deeply inside my cunt. As Daddy pulled his slick cock out of my cunt, I could feel the cum seeping out. I immediately felt puppy’s mouth begin feeding off of my dripping cunt. “Fucking feed on my cunt, puppy!” I begged, pushing my body onto his hungry mouth. Daddy came around behind me and placed his half hard cock in my open mouth and inserted it straight into my throat. I wrapped my lips and tongue around his cock, savoring in the tastes of his cum and my own cunt juices. In only seconds, though, he began pissing in my mouth, flooding it quickly. The torrent continued and it soon started flowing out of my mouth and onto my neck. Daddy pulled out and let his piss splash out over my chest and down onto my cock and ball sac. I could hear puppy’s moans as the stream of chem piss covered my body. Seeing this, puppy went wild and began licking my torso, lapping up Daddy's piss. “Fuck yeah, puppy!” I laughed, “Feed off of me!” “OK pigs, time to switch,” Daddy said, releasing my wrists. “Release those,” motioning to my ankles and puppy released me and lowered the sling. Standing there, I got my bearings. I could feel the fluids begin to pool around my feet... sweat, piss and cum flowing from my body including my cunt. Taking in their scent, I moaned, dropped to my knees and began to take it in. “Fucking cuntpig!” puppy exclaimed at the sight of my lapping it up off the floor. I couldn’t help it... I wanted that piss and cum back inside me where it belonged! Grabbing my leash, Daddy pulled me up, wiped the dripping fluids from my lips and fed them to me. “Don’t worry cuntboy, there’s more... they’ll always be more,” he said and led me to the cross again and strapped me on. “YES!” I yelled... knowing what it meant. Securing my wrists, he removed my jockstrap and proceeded to spread my legs and chain my ankles to the lower posts. Daddy proceeded to explore my cunt lips, wiping more of the chemmed-up lube inside me. Then I felt it, the tunnel plug moving past my cunt lips. “Fucking gape!” I growled as I felt it spread my cunt open. “Fuck!” I yelled... realizing that this plug was larger than the other. “Yep,” Daddy chuckled, noticing my surprise. “Fucking gape.” Feeling my cunt expanding, I quickly drew in breaths. “Good cuntboy... relax...relax..” Daddy ordered, continuing to push the plug deeper inside my body. “Now cunt... one last push and it’s done.” Feeling the last push, I held my breath and it was done. “Gape!” I sighed as my cunt lips took hold of the plug exposing my cunt to Daddy. My cunt was open! “Thank you, Daddy!” was all I could say. Rising, Daddy kissed my forehead. “Be right back,” he smiled and moved to prepare another bag of saline. Moaning, I watched him hang the bag of clear fluid and gather the materials needed to inflate my sac to an even larger size. Walking the stand to me, he silently stared and nodded. Placing the stand to my side, he began. “Another 250 ml...” was all he said and inserted the needle. “Yes, Daddy! Bigger!” I begged, feeling the sting of the saline begin flowing into my sac. Satisfied with his work, Daddy moved towards puppy. “On the sling, pup” he ordered, “Cunt here will be out of service for a bit. Smiling, puppy moved to the sling and Daddy secured my alpha in. Once puppy was immobile, Daddy raised the sling giving him open access to puppy’s cunt. Smiling, Daddy prepped his arm, gave him a slam equal to the dose he gave me and puppy howled, “FIST!” Snapping on the gloves and lubing his hands, “Fucking pig,” Daddy snarled, “Tell cuntboy how much you need fist!” He reached forward and worked those swollen cunt lips. “Yes Daddy! Fist me!” puppy groaned. “I need it, cuntboy... just like you need piss! Fucking crave a man’s fist inside me!” he proclaimed as Daddy invaded his cunt. "Please Daddy... please fist me,” he continued. Obliging, Daddy shoved his entire fist into puppy’s cunt and proceeded to fuck him. "Take it, puppy! Take your Daddy's fist up your faggot cunt. This what you want, puppy?”” Moving his head side to side, puppy shouted, "Oh YES, DADDY! PLEASE GIVE ME MORE! I NEED THIS!" Daddy continued the onslaught... going deeper with every insertion. “YES!” puppy moaned as he moved to take it deeper into his cunt. Seeing puppy’s reaction, I immediately began moaning as my cunt lips instinctively began to throb around the tunnel plug. My cunt was insatiable... wanting to be full. “Take it puppy! Take Daddy’s fist!” I encouraged my alpha as he surrendered to Daddy. I began craving that fist. Daddy’s movements slowed down, no longer pummeling him, and patiently inched forward... puppy’s cunt lips slowly enveloping Daddy’s arm. “HOLY SHIT!” I yelled, seeing Daddy’s arm move up his forearm and past the elbow. "He's one talented cuntpig, isn't he, cuntboy?" Daddy laughed. “You think you could ever to this?” I moaned... my cunt was throbbing at the image of puppy riding that muscular arm and the thought of me on his other arm. Feeling Daddy’s fist starting to pull out, puppy pushed back encouraging him to go deeper. “Please, Daddy, deeper,” he begged, groaning loudly. “Don’t stop.” His fist slowly pulling out of puppy’s sloppy cunt, Daddy laughed, motioning to me and taking hold of his cunt lips. “You think we’re gonna stop anytime soon? We got that hungry slammed up cunt over there.” With a devilish grin, Daddy moved towards me and ordered me not to look down. With an approving glance, he took in my crotch. Suddenly, I remembered what he had done. I had been so caught up in puppy’s fisting that I forgot about the saline! My sac began to throb... I felt it... the fucking heaviness... the stretching of the skin. I was so fucking spun that I had ignored it. “Beautiful!” Daddy whispered in my ear as he released my wrist restraints and moved down to my ankles. “Close your eyes, he ordered and led me to the mirror. “Open,” he commanded. I opened and let out a loud groan, taking a look at my massive sac. “OH FUUUUUUCK!” There was no way I’d be able to go anywhere like this even if I wanted to. I was a freak! “Go ahead cuntboy, feel them. You’ve earned it.” I took them in my hands and began to explore. “Shit yeah!” I moaned feeling the skin of my shaved sac stretched out to hold the contents of the saline. I held my breath feeling the sensation of my exploring fingers move through my body. “Thank you, Daddy! Fucking bull sac!” I gasped. “That’s my cuntboy,” Daddy said, placing his hands on my shoulders and pushing me to my knees. Feeling the immense size of my sac, I spread my legs as I dropped to my knees. Daddy took his cock in his hand. “OK cuntboy, work on this.” Slapping his cock on my cheeks with his heavy cock, he placed it in my waiting mouth. Looking up at Daddy’s face, I felt it begin to swell... the warmth and pulsing of his cock releasing the salty bitter pre-cum down my throat. Thrusting into my mouth, Daddy reached down and pulled on my tit chains and I began moaning... stimulating his cock with the vibrations. “Yes cunt.... work it.” Daddy moaned. His cock continued to expand and entered my throat. Taking him down to the root, my throat constricted around the thick veined shaft as I took in the musky scent of my Daddy’s crotch. I stayed there whimpering and moaning with each thrust of his cock. “Suck my cock, cunt. Take it all down, cuntboy.” The now constant verbal abuse from Daddy and puppy only increased my desire to be dominated. I begged Daddy to fuck my mouth and fill me with his seed but I could only groan and whimper. Daddy felt himself approaching the edge and pulled himself back. Pulling out of my mouth, I moved forward to the withdrawing cock with a plea. “Please Daddy. Please,” I moaned. I wanted Daddy’s load. “Not yet cuntboy,” he said, “This is puppy’s load.” Seeing the disappointed look on my face, Daddy scowled, “Cuntboy, you are the omega... you are here for our pleasure.” Looking down, I acknowledged that I was and always will be the last in the pecking order and followed him to puppy’s side and knelt as Daddy moved between his legs. “Fuck me, Daddy!” puppy begged, feeling Daddy’s cock begin the invasion of his cunt. Slowly at first, he pushed past puppy’s cunt lips... teasing my alpha then withdrawing. With each movement, Daddy increased the depth of his assault. “Deeper!” puppy pleaded, feeling the thrusts increase with intensity. Daddy, gripping puppy’s harness, rammed his massive cock into his cunt... plunging it deeper with every thrust. I was in awe... puppy rode Daddy’s cock, his cunt refusing to release the cock from its grip. For what seemed like hours, the fucking continued... their bodies glistening with sweat. I saw the ecstasy on puppy’s face as his balls contracted and a load of cum erupted from his cock onto his scuplted torso. “Motherfucker!” puppy yelled. Seeing the cum pool on his pup’s abs, Daddy slammed himself on more time into puppy’s cunt and spasmed... “Take it!” Daddy roared, releasing his hot cum into the hungry cunt. As the cum flowed off puppy, Daddy moved forward, their lips meeting as puppy’s cunt gripped cock, refusing to release it. Daddy grunted, “Take it...” and thrust one more time. That's when I realized he was pissing up puppy’s cunt. "Yeah, puppy..." he groaned, "take your Daddy's hot chem piss all the way up your fucking cunt." Puppy moaned as the hot stream of piss filled his cunt. “Thank you, Daddy,” he groaned as he wriggled against Daddy’s thick cock. “You’re fucking welcome, pup.” Daddy responded, remaining inside puppy’s cunt, keeping it plugged. “HOLD IT,” Daddy commanded. Pulling out, he ordered me to come closer. "Get over here, cuntboy.” He took hold of my shoulders and looked me over, taking in my massive ball sac hanging between my legs and sighed. “You are such a fucking beautiful cuntpig!” He positioned me between him and puppy with my head level with his cock. I couldn't help but put it in my mouth, hoping I'd get some of his piss. He didn’t disappoint. He still had some left as he pissed his final streams deep into my gulping throat. “Now get on that cunt,” he smirked. I was surprised... did he say what I thought he said? “Kneel, cuntboy,” he ordered and I let out a loud moan as I felt my mouth come into contact with those swollen cunt lips and began exploring. The hunger for piss overcame me. Pressing my mouth deeper in his cunt, I let out another moan signaling puppy what I wanted. The flow of piss, cum and cunt juices began slowly but it was obvious that he wouldn’t be able to hold it. I eagerly began to suck at his cunt as he continued to release the fluids taking them down my gullet. I was insatiable... I was a cunt dying of thirst and the only thing I needed to survive was the mixture of puppy’s cunt juices and our Daddy’s cum. The wet slurping sounds filled the room as I fed on their precious fluids. I was so fucking high at this point. I just wanted to feed. If there had been any doubts about piss before this, they were gone.
  4. Daddy’s Cuntboy Part 11 Later that night... or was it morning by then? I didn’t even know what fucking day it was by this point... I opened my eyes and found myself entwined with puppy on the bed... our wet sweaty jockstraps off and tied to the bed posts. No longer spinning, I felt the dull throb of my right tit and I reached for it. “Fuck” I slowly moaned... the beginnings of a scab had begun to form. “Shit!” I smiled, suddenly remembering what had happened... being whored out, fucked and fisted. Then the sensation between my legs registered... my fucking engorged ball sack! Slowly reaching down I remembered my transformation... the heft and size of them hit me. It had happened... my fantasy. Somehow, my Daddy knew what I wanted and made it a reality. I knew the saline would be reabsorbed into my body, but for now, my balls were huge. Part of me wanted this to be permanent... a fucking bull sack so large that I would never be able to wear anything but a jockstrap. Then I felt puppy stir. “MMMM,” puppy moaned as he checked out the nape of my neck. “Fucking beautiful hickey there cuntboy,” puppy smiled as he leaned down, kissed it and began chewing on it. “Fuck yeah!” I growled, remembering the cunting puppy gave me when he went into his chem fucked headspace... wishing that I could feel his knot inside me. Then I heard a deep familiar voice... “Hey cuntboy, looks like you’re coming down” Daddy chuckled standing next to us holding two rigs. “Give me that arm... this’ll get you flying again.” I sat up. “Daddy,” I whimpered, reaching out to him... “Please.” I just wanted to be a fucking cuntboy and serve him and puppy. My cunt was insatiable. Daddy, looking into my eyes, took my outstretched arm, prepped it and slammed me holding the second rig in his teeth. “Fuck!” I groaned... the chems rush flowed through my body reigniting the hunger in my cunt. “Shit!” puppy growled. Seeing the blood tinged liquid pushed into my vein, puppy pleaded. “Slam your puppy Daddy!” Daddy smiled taking puppy’s arm, wrapping the tourniquet around his bicep and guided the needle into his vein. “Here you go puppy.“ Daddy groaned and began pushing its contents into my alpha. “Fuuuck!” I yelled as puppy took hold of my neck again and clamped down hard from the chems flooding his body. “Boys,” he said sternly, tossing the chemmed filled lube at us. “Lube up.” With a start, puppy and I separated ourselves and began exploring each other’s cunts with a handful of lube. Taking the lube, my fingers stroked puppy’s engorged cunt lips. I moaned... knowing how much work Daddy had done to get them to that level. Noticing my excitement, puppy laughed “A rosebud for my cuntboy...” and presented me with his beautiful rosebud. “Shit yeah!” I growled, lapping at the cunt juices dripping from dark wet folds of his cunt until puppy pulled it back inside. I sat back on my haunches with a disappointed look on my face. Grabbing the lube and positioning me, puppy winked at me and took charge. “Now turn around cuntboy, gotta get your cunt ready.” I grinned and presented... cunt first. With one hand, puppy held my ball sack. “Fucking beautiful cuntboy, we gotta keep this up.” I shook my hips... agreeing as he began working his lubed hand past my cunt lips. "AHHHH!” I gasped...his knuckles slowly moving past my cunt lips. The lube chems hit me and I pushed back... wanting to feel his fist inside of me. Seeing what I wanted, Daddy gave permission. “Lube up that wrist, puppy. Give cuntboy your fist.” I fucking began to beg as the thought of taking my alpha’s fist hit me. “Please puppy, fist my cunt!” I begged. “Fist your cuntboy!” I began pushing back as I felt puppy slathering his wrist. Suddenly, I felt my cunt lips slip past his knuckles and his thumb invaded my cunt. “YESSS!” I yelled as my cunt lips slid down his hand and rested on his wrist. “How’s it feel, cuntboy?” puppy questioned as his fist experienced my cunt for the first time. “Fucking warm wet and tight cunt.” he laughed... his fingers explored my cunt walls. “Fuck puppy! I love it! Thank you, Daddy!” I continued to repeat as the chems took over. I was now a chemmed up cunt. Standing over us, Daddy nodded approvingly. “Yeah cuntboy, take your alpha’s fist.” My cunt throbbed as puppy continued to rhythmically drum on the inside of my cunt. At some point, I felt puppy’s movements stop. “More!” I pleaded. I looked back over my shoulders and I stopped moving. Daddy was climbing on the bed behind puppy... his right hand fully covered in the lube. Daddy held his hand up to show me as puppy stared directly into my eyes. He knew instinctively what was going to happen... he had been trained on Daddy’s fist. Daddy began to work those enormous cunt lips of puppy. His hand slipped along my alpha’s protruding cunt lips invading the cunt. I couldn’t take my eyes off of puppy as he kept his dilated pupils fixed on me... nodding and quietly mumbling “yes...yes...yes...” Daddy worked his way inside puppy’s cunt. As soon as Daddy’s wrist passed through those cunt lips, puppy began moaning and working my cunt. “FUCK YEAH!” I growled. I looked up at the ceiling and saw the image of puppy fisting me and being fisted at the same time. My alpha was in his element... a fist pig that serves both his Daddy and dominates his cuntboy. “Please!” I moaned... keeping my eyes on the sight of us reflected back from the ceiling. Then it was over. Daddy pulled out of puppy causing him to whelp the sudden exit of the fist. Wiping his hands on one of the towels, Daddy announced it was time to concentrate on him. “OK fuckers... Daddy needs to be serviced.” Even though my cunt ached for puppy’s fist, Daddy was our first priority. Puppy immediately released my cunt and began to clean up. Feeling the emptiness of my cunt, I quickly crawled to Daddy and took his cock into my mouth. Realizing that I had taken Daddy’s cock to the root, puppy began worshiping his balls. “Fuck yeah... fucking service your Daddy!” Daddy moaned as he held us by the nape of our necks. I was where I belonged... servicing cock alongside my alpha. I began moaning on the hard shaft... knowing my place... the beta in our relationship. I felt puppy begin to explore my cunt lips with his hand and I knew then that my cunt would be feeling his fist in me again. Puppy had claimed another part of me. Suddenly, Daddy pulled his cock from my mouth and stepped back. “Fucking urinals,” he smirked as he held his cock, aimed it at our open mouths and let out a torrent of dark acrid chem piss. Puppy and I huddled together trying to swallow every drop of Daddy’s piss. “Fucking pigs!” Daddy yelled showering our bodies with his golden nectar. Once the stream ended, puppy and I immediately looked at each other. I knew he was thinking the same thing I was... this was our Daddy’s piss... we needed it. We began wallowing in the warm chem filled puddle... covering ourselves in it and lapping it off each other. We were two chemmed up piss pigs. I began licking puppy’s hard massive pecs as he fed on my piss-soaked back. I moved down past his rock-hard abs tracing his deep Adonis belt with my tongue and made my way to his inner thighs. At this point, I was torn... I felt his hard-uncut cock hitting the side of my face but the craving for piss was too much. I moaned as I moved down... I needed that piss and began lapping it up from the rubber tiled floor. “Fucking cuntboy... fucking piss pig!” Daddy congratulated me. I took a long slurp of piss and looked up at him... the piss dripping from my chin and smiled. It was true. I would always need piss. Seeing me in this position... slurping piss from the floor on my hands and knees... puppy immediately pounced on me and began giving me a hard-rutting fuck. Puppy’s hands slid forward from my hips and gripped the straps of my harness pulling me to him. “Fuck me, puppy!” I yelled, feeling his fat uncut cock hit my prostate. My cunt instinctively began to milk his cock... wanting him to feed and satisfy the chem induced hunger inside me. I was in heaven. I have to admit that all I could concentrate on were the sensations in my cunt created by my alpha’s cock. I came back to reality feeling Daddy’s hands caressing the harness clad muscles of my back. Moving behind us, his hands cupped my swollen ball sack giving an approving groan. The hunger in my cunt intensified and I pushed back on puppy’s cock wanting it to go to the deepest depth of my cunt. “Oh Daddy!” I moaned as I felt Daddy’s cock pressing against my ass cheeks as he crouched over puppy and me. “Fucking hungry cuntboy... gonna feed it two cocks.” Daddy growled... his cock head sliding against puppy’s shaft... and began to push past my swollen cunt lips. My cunt lips throbbed, imagining both of their cocks inside my cunt as puppy continued to fuck me. “Relax cuntboy and take it.” Daddy encouraged me. “Fucking surrender to your hungry cunt.” I begged, “Do it! Please! Fucking feed my cunt with both your cocks!” I felt puppy slow his fucking allowing me to concentrate on taking Daddy’s cock. Although I had just taken puppy’s fist, taking both Daddy and puppy at the same time was something I had never done before. Taking a deep breath, I began to relax as Daddy’s cock began to push past my cunt lips. “Fuck!” I hissed realizing that Daddy was now inside me with puppy. Daddy continued on, sliding his entire cock along puppy’s shaft into my cunt. Feeling Daddy’s invading cock, puppy stopped his fucking until my cunt lips met the root of Daddy’s cock. There were were... Daddy and puppy both inside me... cocks together... Daddy’s above puppy’s, both held by my throbbing cunt lips. I marveled at the thought of being shared by both of them at once. My hungry cunt ached and I instinctively moved forward to begin fucking myself on their cocks. Moaning loudly, Daddy and puppy took control of my cunt as I surrendered to them and they began fucking me in unison. With every thrust, I grunted in delight. The room filled with the sounds of our rutting... loud moans, grunts, pleas and wet slapping bodies. My entire body was on fire... the two men I serve were using me to fulfill their desires. I felt the deep throb in my cunt as every nerve in my body screamed from the double fucking. My body trembled and it hit me... “FUCK!” I yelled. The ecstasy of an anal orgasm overcame me and my mind shut down, experiencing nothing but the feeling in my cunt. It seemed to go on forever... my heart pounded. Coming back into focus, I realized that their thrusts began to slow and intensify. I was now familiar with their fucking and knew it wouldn’t be too long for them to fill my cunt. “Feed my cunt!” I begged feeling their simultaneous torrents of hot cum fill my cunt. They continued their fucking thrusting in and out... causing the huge amount of seed to leak out onto my inner thighs and my bull sack... until they completely emptied their balls inside me. Emptied, they rested on top of me. “Fuck yes!” I sighed feeling their weight. I heard Daddy laugh as he saw the gush of cum released when he pulled out of my cunt. Presenting his cock to me, he simply ordered, “Clean.” I immediately took it and began taking the mixture of their cum, my cunt juices and chem lube into me. Satisfied, Daddy walked away. Remaining inside me, puppy pulled me up and sat back, holding me in his arms... my cunt lips holding tight to his cock. His hands explored my body. “Fucking bull balls,” he growled. “Daddy wants to see how much more you can take.” I let out a deep animalistic growl. “Yeah?” I thought so.” puppy chuckled. Taking hold of my right tit, puppy lovingly massaged it. “That was fucking hot cuntboy. First time I’ve ever tasted another’s blood. Thank you.” I groaned holding his hand against my tit and gently gripped his cock with my cunt lips. “Fuck... it was wasn’t it?” I chuckled. We stayed like that for a while... taking in our reflection in the wall mirror admiring. “Do you smell that?” puppy asked as he held me tight. “That’s our smell.... leather, sweat, piss and cum.” I took in the scent of the room. “Yeah... fucking best smell in the world.” I smiled.
  5. Daddy’s Cuntboy Part 10 The three of us relaxed for a bit... puppy and I connected to our Daddy as he gently massaged our cunts. I glanced up at puppy’s image in the mirror... I studied his body... his massive defined pecs and ripped abs... a fucking alpha male... but, at the same time, his purpose was to serve the man who now controlled our cunts. I smiled... As I watched puppy, I felt a jolt of pleasure in my entire body. The movements in my cunt intensified, and my cunt walls throbbed in pleasure from the stimulation of Daddy’s outstretched fingers. With each throb, the vibrations rippled across my entire body. I began bucking... moaning every time my ball sack hit Daddy’s wrist... I was overwhelmed, lost in the moment and time seemed to stop... My eyes locked onto puppy’s. “Shit yeah, cuntboy,” puppy growled, “ride that wrist... take it! Fucking cuntboy!” I continued fucking myself on Daddy’s wrist until I felt Daddy’s fingers begin collapsing inside my cunt and the outward pressure on my cunt lips began. “AWWW FUCK!” puppy moaned as Daddy released his hold on us. With an unspoken command, puppy displayed his cunt to me... positioning it at my lips. “Cuntboy, LICK!” Daddy commanded and I began to feed... my tongue digging deep into puppy’s swollen juicy cunt, exploring the saturated walls of his chemmed up cunt... and fed on my alpha. Feeling Daddy rise from the bed, puppy and I separated. "You fucking love being a cuntboy, don’t you?” Daddy smiled. "Fuck yeah!" I answered contentedly as the lube and cunt juices dripped from my chin. "It’s what I live for now... complete submission. I love it when you and puppy use and control me!" He nodded and motioned me off the bed. I dropped to the floor onto all fours and he fastened a yellow leash to my collar. I moaned as he held it if front of me and I began to drool. “This is now yours cuntboy and puppy...this one is yours.,” Daddy chuckled as he produced a red version and puppy dropped next to me. Fastening red leash, Daddy led us both to the large “X” shaped cross near the opposite wall and released puppy, leaving him to observe. Releasing my leash, Daddy stood me up against the cross, nudging my feet apart until they were positioned with the lower half of the X. Kneeling in front of me, he attached my ankles to the bottoms of the cross making sure I could not move my feet. My legs were spread widely but not too uncomfortable that I wouldn’t be able to remain there for an extended period. As Daddy rose, he slid his hands up my torso... examining my body... sending shivers throughout my body. He lifted my arms and pushed them back against the upper half of the cross and restrained my wrists... securing me to the cross. I groaned as the musk of his pits hit my nostrils. I couldn’t move. I stood there, my back against the cross section of the cross’ timbers... cunt exposed from behind. My pecs and saline infused pouch pushing out. Daddy returned to puppy’s side. Studying me, Daddy’s head tilted. “Take a look at our cuntboy, puppy,” Daddy commanded as he leant down into puppy’s ear and whispered. Puppy rose. “On second thought cuntboy, I want that ball sack of yours bigger.” Daddy announced and I began moaning... My desperation showing, I struggled... He stood there... his booted legs spread, his ringed tits sparkling on his tautly harnessed pecs. My mouth opened as my eyes settled in on his thick dripping cock... I saw puppy walk into my line of sight... cutting off my jockstrap, puppy held my ball sack... feeling its weight. He smiled and began to swab the antiseptic. Daddy walked up behind him, ready to continue my infusion. “Please! Fucking pump it up!” I begged, feeling the needle enter my sack again. Daddy released the saline allowing for a slow release and the slight burning returned. I trembled... I was strapped to the cross... a totally different feeling than being in the sling. Daddy held my face, “Relax cuntboy. Feel your sack expanding... This is what you have become... a reflection of my desires.” He turned and walked to puppy. Daddy moved to puppy’s waiting mouth and rested his cockhead on the outstretched tongue. As soon as he felt the veined cock, puppy engulfed it deep into his mouth. “Good boy,” Daddy growled as puppy began breathing through his nose... feeling his throat contract around the thick cock shaft. Daddy withdrew his cock from its warm host. “Drink boy!” Daddy ordered. A strong yellow stream of chem piss came rushing from Daddy’s piss slit and puppy began guzzling. “Take it fucker!” Daddy encouraged as he took a step back and the stream of piss arched into puppy’s open mouth... the gulping increased as Daddy continued to empty his bladder into puppy’s gullet. I kept watching... my throat muscles contracting, reliving my role as their urinal. The torrent subsiding, Daddy took a step towards puppy... shaking the last drops off his cock... “That’s it boy... clean Daddy’s cock.” Daddy smiled down at puppy and attached his leash. “Stay...” he ordered as walked past me to the wall. Suddenly, a bright light shone on me... bright enough to keep me from seeing the rest of the dungeon. “OK cuntboy, relax and concentrate on that sack.” Daddy chuckled as he moved in front of me. With the light, all I could see was the black outline of his body. Suddenly, all went black... and I panicked. “Relax cuntboy...” Daddy tried to calm me as he tightened the blindfold leaving me completely blind. “Deep breaths, cuntboy...” Taking deep breaths, I tried to calm down... feeling Daddy’s hands on my pecs. “That’s my cuntboy,” Daddy praised me... preparing me for the next step. Then I felt it...Daddy inserting a pair of industrial ear plugs into my ears. My sight and hearing were cut off and I felt Daddy embrace me with his strong arms. I kept taking deep breaths concentrating on Daddy’s embrace until I began to relax. Feeling that I was safe, Daddy slowly released me and inserted the pipe into my mouth. Feeling the heat emanating from the torch on the pipe, I inhaled... the warmth of the cloud filling my lungs. Again, the pipe met my lips... After a few, not knowing what was happening, I went into my own headspace... remembering my first session with Daddy and puppy... everything that had come after that first night. “FUCCCK!” I hissed, as the chems renewed the rush and I realized that I was now just a fucking object in the dungeon... put on display as my body was being transformed for my Daddy’s pleasure... I didn’t know how long I was like that. It could have been a few minutes... but it felt like a lifetime. I couldn’t see what was happening but I could feel the pressure and weight increasing between my legs. My sack began to ache from the stretched-out skin... I began worrying that my sack would burst. “Daddy... please!” I whimpered. All of a sudden, Daddy removed my blindfold and instinctively squinted, trying to avoid the spotlights. I slowly opened my eyes, noticing that the room was only enveloped a red hue and my eyes began to adjust. I gazed on my smiling Daddy. “Welcome back cuntboy,” Daddy greeted me as he took out the earplugs. Removing the needle, Daddy chuckled and released me from the cross, “So how does it feel?” Stepping away from the cross, my legs moved together. “AWWW FUCK!” I exclaimed as I felt my huge sack slide forward as my body leaned back to balance myself. I let out a soft groan. “SHIT YEAH! CUNTBOY! TAKE A FUCKING LOOK AT YOURSELF!” I heard puppy yell... calling me over to the mirror. I made my way to puppy... no, I waddled... the mound between my legs forcing me legs apart...bow legged. My mouth dropped and stared in disbelief. There I was... a fucking freak! I stood there amazed... seeing a melon sized ball sack hanging down low... the skin stretched taut. “FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!” I kept repeating... knowing that deep inside, I had always wanted this. I had jacked off so many times in high school... fantasizing about walking into the showers... dropping to my knees as my full balls hung down... offering myself to every cock. I turned to Daddy. “Please Daddy,” I begged. “Fuck me!” Daddy just smiled and walked towards me... his engorged cock leading him to his cuntboy. I dropped on all fours... my knees extended allowing my sack to hang freely and I offered him my cunt... Daddy moved behind me positioning himself between my outstretched legs, rubbing his hands up and down my back. “Fucking beautiful cuntboy. Tell me what you want.”… I moaned... “Please!” I continued. “Feed my cunt!”... as my cunt lips ached to take Daddy’s fat cock inside me. Daddy took a hit long hit from the pipe as he spread my cunt lips wide. Drawing a second hit, Daddy blew the chem cloud into my cunt. My body spasmed... feeling my Daddy’s tongue against my hungry cunt. Daddy darted his tongue in and out... chewing my cunt lips and shoving his tongue in as deep as he could. I was in my own world... my cock leaking onto my engorged balls. My cunt lips quivered as I felt Daddy’s cock press up against them. Without warning, he plunged his entire shaft deep inside my cunt hitting my prostate. “FUCK!” I yelled as Daddy grabbed the back of harness, pulling me up to his chest, and began to pound my cunt. My head began to swim. “Take Daddy’s cock cuntboy! Fucking whore!” he yelled... driving deeper into me with every thrust. I let go a chem induced rant, “Fuck yeah Daddy... fuck your meth whore... fucking need cock... fucking cunt!“ He kept up the hard fucking and pounding of my prostate until I started to cum... causing my cunt lips to grasp and tightened around his shaft. With a final deep, hard thrust, Daddy plunged his cock all the way in and let out a torrent of hot cum... coating the inside of my cunt. “Fuck yeah!” I moaned contentedly. Pulling out, Daddy slapped my ass and stood in front of me, presenting his dripping cock. “Clean, cuntboy.” he ordered... without hesitation, I took his cock into my mouth... tasting the mixture of cunt slime as I obeyed my Daddy’s command. Satisfied, Daddy patted my head and walked away. “Now put on that jockstrap,” he ordered... pointing to the yellow jock on tossed against the mirrored wall. “When it’s on... back on the floor.” I grabbed the jockstrap and quickly rose to put it on. The feeling was incredible... the massive weight of the sack pulling on my groin caused me to slightly hunch over as I pulled it on. “Fuck” I mumbled, trying to adjust myself. I stood there staring... the waistband barely covering my cockhead... my exposed cock shaft extending from my groin. I smiled... knowing that it would last for a while. I wasn’t going anywhere. Noticing puppy crawling to me, I turned and dropped to my knees to greet my alpha. I sat back, my ass cheeks resting on the heels of my feet and adjusted my legs to allow my sack to hang free... Holding it in both of my hands, I proudly presented it to him. Drawing closer, puppy’s hands began examining the obscene mass and grunted an approval as he began licking along the length of my exposed shaft. My hips bucked and my cock sprung from its confines. “Take it puppy...Piss...I gotta piss,” I pleaded... the pressure on bladder hitting me... Puppy held my cock in his mouth and nodded... giving me permission to release a torrent of chem piss into my alpha’s waiting mouth. “MMMMMM...” I growled... knowing puppy hardly took my piss... I was his urinal... After having his fill of my piss, puppy sat back, mimicking my position, our knees touching. I took in the sight of my alpha... his hard pecs rising and falling. My gaze moved downward seeing his sculpted torso until my eyes landed on his full pouch. It wasn’t pumped like mine... no modifications... his was the product of exceptional genes. “My cuntboy,” puppy sighed and leaned forward... Taking my right tit in his mouth, he began chewing. “Harder!” I begged... grabbing his head and pushing it deeper into my chest. “HARDER!” My body began to shake... feeling the pleasure of my tit connect to my cunt... Releasing my tit, puppy began devouring me... tongues clashing, our hands exploring every bit of each other’s body. I couldn’t get enough of my alpha... I needed him to fuck me and I flipped... presenting my cunt. Letting out a loud growl, “HUNGRY CUNT!” puppy shoved his cock into me and pulled me up... my back against his pecs feeling his uncut cock fill my cunt. We stayed like that for a bit... until I saw our reflection in the mirror... My head exploded, “HOLY FUCK!” I yelled... pulling myself away from puppy and looked down at my right tit... the ring was gone. I freaked out... trying to look for it. Immediately realizing what he had done, puppy grabbed hold of me. “It’s ok cuntboy... it’s ok.” I stared down at my bloody tit... shaking my head... I couldn’t believe what had just happened. “Relax cuntboy...” puppy, examining my tit, tried to calm me down. I looked at Daddy, trying to understand what had happened... he came, stood behind me and held my shoulders. I stared, opened mouthed, into puppy’s dilated eyes. Suddenly... puppy groaned and went for my tit... his tongue lapping up my blood... “FUUCK!” I growled... I was so fuckin spun that I didn’t care anymore... I just sat there... feeling my alpha feeding on my bloody tit. “Shit yeah...” Daddy groaned. Falling to his knees behind me, he lifted my hips, pushing his shaft in to the hilt. “Fucking cunt...” and I rode Daddy’s cock as puppy sat back. “Cunt,” puppy smiled and rose with an evil grin. Leaning over me, he let out a red tinged trail of spit. I moaned, immediately swallowing the offering that my alpha offered. “Now me,” Daddy ordered and puppy moved to him... repeating the ritual with our Daddy. We were complete... My body was the vessel of their essences, their cum and piss. My life force... my blood... had been accepted into their bodies,
  6. Daddy’s Cuntboy Part 9 I watched Daddy walk towards us. Holding the shard packed pipe, he lit it up and took some hits. “Get cuntboy’s jock off puppy,” Daddy smiled handing him a knife. “No need to release his restraints, he’s got plenty of ‘em. ” “MMMMM...” puppy moaned... flashing an evil grin, he pulled on my straining wet pouch and cut the straps at bottom... releasing my cock and balls. “Shit yeah!!” I yelled feeling my balls hit my pumped up cunt lips. I moaned. My hungry cunt lips pulsed...attempting to suck them inside of me. Exhaling a cloud, Daddy chuckled... I saw that smile... a new thought had entered his mind...and he gave me a wink. I bucked... “Careful cuntboy,” puppy ordered, holding the knife to the waistband and cut it off me. Puppy wiped the remnants of my jockstrap on my body... soaking up my sweat and dropped it on my pecs. Immediately, I looked back up to the mirror. There I was, even more exposed with no jockstrap... Puppy grabbed hold of my cock and balls, moving them aside, completely revealing my cunt. As Daddy cranked up the bottom half of the sling, I studied my cunt lips... the first guiche ring now partially obscured by the puffiness the rosebud pumper had created. “Looks good cuntboy,” puppy said approvingly. “I got four years on you... but damn..” “Fucking spun out cuntboy...” Daddy grinned, putting the newly repacked pipe to my lips and fired up the torch. I inhaled deeply, keeping my eyes locked on Daddy. “Give it to me, cuntboy...” Daddy ordered. “Feed me thoses thick white clouds...” I groaned, seeing the white trail escaping my mouth and snaking into his... he kissed me. Dropping on all fours, puppy yelled, “AWWW FUCK...” and arched his back exposing his thick cunt lips. Pulling away from me, Daddy smiled, “Shit yeah...” and walked over to puppy handing him the pipe and torch. “Light up puppy...” Daddy laughed. After puppy took a few hits, Daddy fell to one knee and pulled those beautiful dripping cunt lips to his mouth... blowing the smoke into his wet dripping cunt. Feeling the warmth of the cloud fill his cunt, puppy gasped. Rising, Daddy grabbed the pipe and torch. “Have some more cuntboy...” Daddy ordered... holding it to my waiting mouth. Satisfied after I took a few more hits, Daddy set down the pipe. Staring at sweat soaked jockstrap, Daddy sneered, “Puppy! COME!” as he pointed down to the floor directly in front of him. Reaching Daddy, puppy moaned, his head bent forward and began worshipping the black leather boots in front of him. “SIT!” Daddy commanded...puppy sat back on his haunches. ”Shit yeah!” I exclaimed... seeing my alpha lost in total control by Daddy. “Good boy.” Placing the leash on puppy’s collar, Daddy patted his head and grabbed the yellow jockstrap and pushed it into puppy’s mouth. “There ya go boy, taste your cuntboy’.” Growling, puppy bit down on the wet material and turned to me... showing me that, although he was my alpha, we were both Daddy’s property. “Fucking cunt! I yelled, acknowledging I was nothing but a cunt to Daddy and puppy. “COME!...” Daddy pulled on the leash and led puppy next to my legs. “SIT!...” Daddy walked over to the shelves and puppy began to whimper. I couldn’t understand...puppy had never acted like this before. Daddy reached over to one of the tubs of lube stacked on the shelf...only this one had a black X on it...and took a handful. He turned...holding a black silicone puppy tail. His left hand, smeared in the lube, held the 8” plug...fingers wrapped around the narrow base as his right hand moved up and down the foot-long upright tail. As Daddy neared, a muffled growl came from puppy... “PRESENT CUNT!” Daddy demanded as he bent down and began working puppy’s cunt lips. “GRRRR!” puppy growled, feeling Daddy’s lubed up hand stretching out his cunt lips allowing the plug easy access to his cunt. Slapping my alpha’s ass, Daddy pushed the plug in and puppy yelped. Turning around, puppy instinctually remained on his hands and knees...or should I say paws... his throbbing cunt lips causing his tail to wag. His entire body posture had changed... his back arched... legs slightly spread due to the plug now pushing against the walls of his cunt. Puppy stared me down with those pitch black pupils, tightly grasping my jock in his teeth... saliva dripping from his chin. “That lube’s full of crystal cuntboy,” Daddy explained, “puppy goes into his own head when he feels that burn in his cunt.” I lay there taking in the sight... my alpha had transformed into a fucking animal! Ordering puppy to stay, Daddy stood between my legs. Pulling my ball sack and gently squeezing, he smiled. “The first time I saw your balls, I knew what I wanted for you.” I moaned... my sack was always a source of pride. My balls hung down low... my left ball dangled below my cockhead as the right gently rested on the left one. I remember strutting through the locker room in high school. The guys would try not to look but I would catch them sneaking a quick look...some of them a bit longer than others... Releasing my sack, Daddy pulled over a metal stand and hung a saline bag on it, “Don’t worry cuntboy, you’re not the first I’ve done this on,” he reassure me, “You’ll be fine... more than fine. Your sack is perfect. I’ve got a couple of 250ml bags of saline and we’ll see how it goes after the first.” After putting on gloves, Daddy tore open the packaging of a swab. Lifting my sack, Daddy gently began massaging my balls. “Aww shit!,” I moaned as I felt the coolness of the antiseptic against the skin of my sack. He smiled... releasing the flow lock on the IV tube, clearing the line and needle of any air. Stopping the flow, Daddy looked at me, “Ready cuntboy? Ready for some fucking bull balls?” “Do it Daddy!” I begged, “Fucking do it!” I inhaled as the needle entered my sack above my balls. Securing it, he released the needle and resumed the flow. After a moment, I noticed a dull burning sensation inside my sack. I groaned... not from any pain... but from knowing that I was evolving... Taking off the gloves, Daddy tossed them into the garbage. “Relax cuntboy and let the saline do its job,” Daddy told me as he handed me the pipe for another hit. Taking the pipe, Daddy walked over to the bed and settled back against the headboard. Daddy took another hit as he held his cock, “Puppy come!” Immediately, puppy scrambled over... tail wagging wildly...and jumped between Daddy’s legs. “Who’s a good boy?!” Daddy laughed, “Release!” as he playfully held puppy’s face and pulled the yellow pouch out of his mouth. Holding the soaked material, Daddy grabbed puppy’s jock pouch and shoved the yellow mass inside... creating an even bigger bulge. Pushing puppy’s mouth onto his hard cock, Daddy playfully asked, “Whadda think boy? You want a fucking huge sack too?” Puppy barked. ”Fuck yeah!“ I responded for my alpha... imagining myself worshipping puppy’s massive sack. Grabbing his head, Daddy pushed puppy down to his balls, “With all this talk of balls... work on mine for a while boy.” Puppy moaned as his tongue began lapping on Daddy’s full balls. “Fuck yeah... lap up that sweaty crotch.” Daddy moaned, “You like that don’t you? Yeah... fucking pup pig...” Puppy went wild... As I watched puppy servicing Daddy, I’d occasionally look up... watching the fluid draining from the bag through the tube and into my sack... At first, I couldn’t tell the difference, but after a bit, it began to show. The feeling of increasing weight, pressure and size was indescribable! My sack began to expand. Once I could feel my sack stretching, I couldn’t take my eyes off it. After a while, I growled as I witnessed my sack had grown to the size of a baseball. My balls still hung down due to my low hangers but now they were engulfed in pool of saline forming a large hanging mass. Seeing the results, Daddy remarked, “Fuck yeah... cuntboy... I think that’s good for now. Whadda ya think puppy? You like cuntboy’s new look?” Daddy teased as he left the bed, leading puppy by his leash and stood between my knees admiring his handiwork. Daddy held my sack examining it... playing with the weight and feel as he removed the needle. Daddy began undoing my wrist restraints, “OK cuntboy, time for you to see the results.” he said tossing another yellow swimmer jock on my pecs and released my ankles. I slowly climbed off the sling... feeling the motion of my heavy sack swinging between my legs and hitting my thighs. Glancing over to the corner mirror, I let out a long breath. “Go on cuntboy,” Daddy encouraged, “Take a look at yourself.” I walked over to the mirror, getting a full-length view of myself. I spread my legs and began to swing my pendulous balls around. I growled...amazed at what I had become. I felt the weight of the saline pulling my sack even further away from my body and I was hypnotized... I couldn’t look away. There I was! Daddy’s cuntboy... I scooped up my balls in both hands... feeling the weight and girth. I wanted this... “Thank you Daddy!” I groaned... looking at his face reflected in the mirror. “Get that jock on cuntboy.” Daddy laughed. Stepping into the jockstrap, I watched the yellow material stretch to its limits as I pulled the waistband up over my huge bulge. I stood there examining myself in the mirror... my full pouch nestled in my cupped hands. The pouch now barely concealed my cock...let alone my entire sack. I turned around... seeing Daddy standing there... taking me in... I smiled. “DROP CUNTBOY!” Daddy yelled. I hesitated for a bit from the change in his demeanor, but I went down on all fours and turned around... presenting my cunt. “Good cuntboy...” Daddy smiled, “Your instincts are kicking in... but you’re still hesitating.” In this position, I could see myself in the mirror... Daddy standing, arms crossed and legs spread, next to puppy with the leash in his hand behind me. Then I caught sight of my yellow bulge hanging between my legs... my hips moved causing the pouch to swing. “Let’s go boy,” Daddy ordered, leading puppy. Hearing Daddy’s gravelly voice, I snapped out of it and watched Daddy bring puppy right beside me. “RELEASE!” Daddy commanded and puppy let the soaked yellow jock out of his mouth...dropping it on the floor. “CUNTBOY, TAKE THAT JOCK...FUCKING TAKE IT!” Daddy yelled. I immediately grabbed it with my mouth, knowing I didn’t have permission to get up. My lips began pulling in the material and I inhaled as much as I could...tasting the fluids that it had absorbed and holding it in my teeth. The taste was fantastic...a mixture of my body’s sweat and puppy’s saliva. I started to suck on it, swallowing the moisture. Satisfied, Daddy released puppy’s leash and grabbed the knife. Holding the red waistband, Daddy cut the band and straps...the red jock dropped to the floor... releasing puppy’s pulsing cock from its confines. “What do ya think cuntboy? You like my dog...” Daddy teased. All I could do was let out a loud moan as my hips started rocking back and forth... offering my cunt. “SIK ‘em, puppy!” Daddy ordered... puppy scrambled to my cunt and began lapping. A loud moan escaped his mouth as he fed on my cunt juices. I pushed back... wanting to feel his tongue inside my cunt. Daddy stood there... intensely watching his raging pup consume my cunt. Suddenly, I felt puppy’s paws on my back... his forelimbs locked around my shoulders... He took hold of the nape of my neck with his teeth as I felt his cockhead at my cunt. I grunted... trying not to release the jockstrap in my mouth. I felt the total weight of my alpha on top of me. “Looks like you’re about to be cunted,” Daddy laughed. In one fell swoop, puppy thrust his cock into my dripping cunt as his jaws kept me pinned. I bucked... trying to take every inch of that cock inside me. “Fucking good boys,” Daddy muttered as he took in the sight of my assault...watching the sweat pouring from our bodies. I had never been fucked like this before... it was primal. The pounding of my cunt continued as the wet slapping sound of puppy’s torso against my back filled the room. I could feel this tit rings and harness roughly rubbing against my back. My cunt lips milked puppy’s fat cock... until I felt it begin to tense. My cunt muscles instinctively clenched, holding onto the throbbing cock as I felt a warm rush of cum feeding me. “AWWW FUUUCK!” puppy exclaimed as he fell on my back. We remained like that for awhile...almost as if we were knotted... Grabbing his cock, Daddy released a stream of piss onto puppy’s face, “DISMOUNT!” he yelled. Climbing off me, puppy took a final lap of my cunt, returned to his position next to me and moved his piss covered face to mine. Taking a bite of the jock in my mouth, he grunted and began pulling it into his mouth as I released it. “Cuntboy...” Daddy sighed as he held my chin, pulling my face to him. Looking up into his eyes, he smiled and placed the red jockstrap gently into my mouth. I moaned. ”Look,” Daddy said gently and stood back pointing towards the mirror. Puppy and I stared ahead into the mirror. There I was... a collared cuntboy next to my alpha... his red jockstrap in my mouth with the yellow piping of my harness securely around my hard pecs and collar serving as the background. I took in puppy in his red piped collar. He was my opposite...yellow jockstrap in his mouth and the red piped harness presenting his full pecs. As we stared into the mirror... Daddy approached us, two leashes in hand. He fastened them to our collars leading us to the bed. “You first puppy, present cunt.” Daddy patted the bed. Puppy quickly jumped on, cunt towards the headboard with tail wagging. Snapping on a pair of black latex gloves, Daddy climbed on and motioned me to join them. Settling in, Daddy’s left hand began to work my cunt. I arched my back, giving him more access as a couple of slick fingers pushed past my cunt lips pushing a gob of lube into my cunt. Without warning, a burning sensation filled my cunt. Daddy laughed, “X marks the spot cuntboy.” My cunt was throbbing… Even when I slammed, my cunt’s hunger had never been like this. I wanted to yell out... beg for my cunt to be filled... stretched out! Daddy continued playing with my cunt until he suddenly stopped. I tensed. I didn’t want it to end. I whimpered. “Relax cuntboy.” Daddy reassured me as he held the base of puppy’s tail with his right hand. Suddenly, puppy let out a yelp... dropping the yellow jock on the rubber sheet as Daddy pulled the large plug out of his cunt. Feeling his cunt lips slowly contract, puppy immediately went for the jock and took it back into his mouth. Daddy began working both our cunts... my mind totally concentrating on the instinctual hunger emanating from my cunt... the longing to be filled. I pushed back. My cunt lips began sucking on Daddy’s fingers. Already loosened by puppy’s pounding, I felt Daddy’s four fingers enter me as his thumb worked its way around my cunt lips. Feeling puppy’s sweat slicked body against me, I growled... knowing that he was experiencing the same thing I was. Then, with a slow steady push, our cunts stretched and accepted our Daddy’s fists inside us. “FUUCK YEAH!” Daddy growled claiming his property. Pulling his right fist out of puppy, Daddy grabbed the lube and coated the arm invading my cunt. Turning his wrist, he went in deeper and held his fist there. I tensed... Slowly twisting his wrist again, Daddy pulled out... stretching my cunt lips and his fist exited my cunt. I whimpered loudly... the hunger took over and I pushed back... my cunt seeking Daddy’s fist. “Easy cuntboy,” Daddy laughed. His lubed up left hand slapped my cunt lips. He scooped up more lube and proceeded to slick up his right arm...now filling puppy’s cunt. Quickly, he returned to my cunt. As if we were now in sync, my alpha and I mett the forward movement of Daddy’s fists and impaled ourselves on Daddy’s arms. I hesitated as my cunt lips slid over Daddy’s wrist since I hadn’t taken any further but the hunger overcame me. Then I felt it... Daddy’s hand expanded and began to push against my cunt walls. I pushed further... feeling my cunt lips wrap around Daddy’s forearm. “Easy boy...breathe...” Daddy chuckled. “You’re still in training.” I wanted to continue... but he was right. I stopped about two inches past his wrist and took in the feeling. Daddy began fucking us... in and out... the rhythm increasing. Sweat pouring, Daddy yelled “FUCKING BEAUTIFUL!” admiring the sight of his sweat covered boys taking his fists... their heads up... backs arched... the slurping sounds of our chem lubed cunts filling the room. And then it happened... a throb emanated from deep in my cunt... arching my back, my cunt lips grasped Daddy’s arm. “GRRRRRRR!” I moaned as I felt my cock shooting a jet of cum... filling my jock pouch. I fucking had my first anal orgasm! As the orgasm subsided, I leant into puppy’s body... feeling him continue fucking himself on Daddy’s right arm. Suddenly, his body tensed. I knew what was coming... I moved my body harder against his... wanting to feel him come and he spasmed. “Good boys,” Daddy said... extending his hands inside our cunts and began massaging. “Go ahead and toss those jocks boys and get comfortable.” We shook our heads... tossing the jocks off the bed our sweat rained down on the sheet. “Follow me cuntboy,” puppy grinned and kissed me. I watched as puppy leaned to right side... lifting his left leg over Daddy’s arm and fell onto his back. He smiled at me... spreading his legs to show me Daddy’s arm was still inside him. I nodded and lifted my right leg. As it went over Daddy’s arm, he leaned forward and kissed my inner thigh. “Fuck...” I moaned... I turned over onto my back. I turned to puppy and he motioned for me to look up. I was amazed... there we were...my alpha and I with our Daddy’s arms inside us. It felt so natural...
  7. Daddy’s Cuntboy Part 8 I groaned after puppy’s telling me my new truth...I was now Daddy’s property and would be whored out if that was what Daddy wanted. What struck me more was knowing that puppy was also Daddy’s tina whore and I existed to serve puppy’s cock too. It was what I truly wanted. “OK cuntboy, let’s go,” puppy rose and pulled me as I crawled back into the dungeon, “Daddy will be joining us soon.” Entering the dungeon, I moaned...knowing I was home again as the chems continued to work its way through me...my cunt took over my body. “Aww fuck puppy,” I pleaded, “My cunt needs feeding! Please!” “Good cuntboy,” puppy held my face as he bent down to me, “Daddy has plans for you tonight. Let’s get you ready. Up cuntboy.” I rose and stood before my alpha. After our first session, puppy and I began to work out together. I wasn’t out of shape but could bulk up a bit. I gazed at his hard body knowing that he was my ideal. I wanted to present myself as the perfect cuntboy for Daddy and puppy. Pulling my tits, puppy approvingly smiled, “Fuck yeah cuntboy, your pecs are puffing out. Your tits are beginning to point down like mine.” “Fuck yeah, puppy!” I gasped as he pulled harder, “I fucking love your body. Make me the perfect cuntboy for Daddy!” I reached for puppy and began massaging his pecs. “Shit cuntboy!” puppy exclaimed as I went for his right tit and bit it, “Harder!” I continued the pressure... ”HARDER!” puppy yelled as he reached back and fingered my cunt lips. I couldn’t take it anymore. Pulling down puppy’s red jockstrap, I sank to my knees. That fucking perfect uncut cock hit my face as I tried to take it in my mouth. “SHIT YEAH!” puppy yelled as he felt my lips around his cockhead. Quickly, I took that now familiar cock down to the root. His hard cock, resting on my tongue, throbbed as my throat enveloped his leaking cockhead allowing his pre-cum to slowly drip down my throat. We stayed like that for a bit...puppy’s cock resting in my warm slick mouth until he pulled out. “Fuck cuntboy, I so want to fucking feed you my cum right now but Daddy’s on his way. Let's get ready.” I released puppy’s cock and he walked over to the shelves and grabbed the ankle and wrist restraints and held them in front of me. He smiled, “Like I said...Daddy has plans.” After my restraints were secured, puppy led me to the sling, “Climb on cuntboy,” puppy ordered and secured me tightly. “Now we wait for Daddy.” “Well done boys,” Daddy said as he walked in. Approaching us he held my chin, “Now on to the rest of the night and my plans for you cuntboy.” Placing his hand on the back of my neck, Daddy spread his legs and guided my mouth to his hard cock. Seeing this, puppy moaned and began worshipping Daddy’s pecs, licking and biting his tits. Daddy stood there smiling...relishing in the worship of his two boys. After a bit, Daddy pulled his cock out of my mouth. “Cuntboy,” Daddy announced, “I have decided on the next steps for you. Puppy here, as you know, is my fist boy. You are my piss boy, but more so, you are my cuntboy...our cuntboy.” I nodded...knowing my gear represented the piss...yellow piped harness and jockstrap to puppy’s red. “You’ve seen puppy’s cunt lips. They represent four years of service to me. Now it’s time for you to manifest your service to me. You are my cuntboy...your cunt lips will also reflect this. But as my cuntboy, you will have additional modifications to show your position. Some may be temporary but others will be permanent. You will be forever marked as the cuntboy you are.” I don’t know if it was the chems or the fact that I was being drawn deeper into my role as a cuntboy, but I readily agreed. “Yes Daddy! I’m your cuntboy, mark me!” Daddy chuckled as he held up the bag of T, “OK boys, now that we’ve been replenished, let’s get this session started.” Both puppy and I moaned knowing it was going to be a long session since we all had a few days off and we’d call in sick if we wanted to extend it. Daddy went to the shelf and grabbed a glass pipe. “I don’t want to deal with getting the rigs ready so we’re gonna smoke it tonight,” Daddy announced as he packed the bowl with some of the shards. Walking over to me, Daddy smiled, “There you go cuntboy. I’ll light it.” I wrapped my lips around the pipe’s mouthpiece and inhaled. “Good boy. There ya go,” Daddy nodded as I let out a cloud of white smoke. “Again, cuntboy,” Daddy ordered and I obeyed. “Again cuntboy!” After seeing me inhaling the white smoke, puppy’s hunger for chems took over and he begged, “Please Daddy! Let me smoke!” Daddy laughed, “Of course, boy,” and placed the pipe against puppy’s lips and fed him a series of hits. “Go on puppy, suck on that pipe like the meth whore you are,” Daddy nodded as puppy sucked in the smoke until Daddy took the pipe and lit it for himself, blowing the thick white smoke into puppy’s mouth and kissing him. My head was spinning... my cock was fucking hard and my cunt...it was aching as I took in the sight of Daddy and my alpha devouring each other. Looking down at me, Daddy growled, “How’s my cuntboy?” as his hand moved down between my legs and spread my cunt lips. I arched my back to give him more access and he smiled, “Hungry cunt on you, huh?” I nodded, my body demonstrated the deep hunger in my cunt the chems had stirred in me. His eyes still locked on mine, Daddy took another hit from the pipe and bent down to my face. He exhaled and let out a large white cloud into me. Seeing me spun, Daddy smiled, “OK cuntboy, let’s begin. Puppy, bring me the toys.” “Fuck yeah!” puppy growled and moved towards the shelves. Seeing his hard glutes framed in the red straps as he walked away from us, my cunt lips throbbed. Daddy said that my cunt lips would reflect my position. If puppy’s cunt lips were obscenely engorged, what would mine be ultimately?! I began bucking as puppy bent down...exposing his cunt lips. Seeing my body’s reaction, puppy smiled as he grabbed a clear cylinder, hose and pump from the bottom shelf. As puppy walked back to us, Daddy explained what was to happen. “That cuntboy is a rosebud pumper. It’s got a rod running down the center that extends outside the cylinder. I’m going to slide the rod into your cunt until the cylinder presses against your ass cheeks and envelopes your cunt lips and I’ll be pumping until your cunt is blooming.” On hearing this, I moaned loudly and raised my ass. Seeing my reaction, puppy growled, “MMM cuntboy...fucking gonna have a rosebud.” Handing the equipment to Daddy, puppy dropped to his knees between my legs. “Go on puppy, have at that cunt,” Daddy encouraged. “AWWW FUUUCK!” I yelled as I felt puppy begin chewing on my puffy cunt lips. “Fuck puppy, eat my cunt!” I begged as I felt puppy slobber as he worked on my cunt lips. “Ok puppy, back off,” Daddy laughed, “Let’s get to work on that rosebud. Grab some lube so we can get a good seal.” As puppy rose, I could see the intense look on his face. His pupils were pitch black from the chems and his face was covered in my cunt juices. “Fucking cuntboy’s gonna have a rosebud!” puppy growled as he spit in the tub of lube and handed it to Daddy. Grabbing the lube, Daddy began spreading it around my cunt lips. “Good cuntboy,” Daddy reassured me as his fingers entered my cunt, “You’re gonna have a beautiful rosebud.” I was now totally in, chems be damned, “Fuck Daddy! Do it! Give me a rosebud!” I begged. Then I felt it. Daddy angled the cylinder rod into my cunt and slowly inserted it until the cylinder’s edges were flush against my ass and I moaned. I was used to Daddy and puppy’s thick cocks...I had even taken my first fist...Daddy’s fist that first session. The rod was only 1 inch thick but, somehow, I knew that I would never have this feeling again... the first time entering my cunt. As Daddy pressed the cylinder against my flesh, puppy connected the hose and the pump. In a show of unity...both my Daddy and alpha were to be part of my transformation. “It’s ready Daddy,” puppy proudly announced as he handed the pump to Daddy as he took hold of the cylinder. “Ready cuntboy...” Daddy stated, not questioning me as he started to pump. The sensation was incredible, my cunt felt as if it was being completely sucked out of my body. “FUUUCK!” I yelled as I was being turned inside out. “Please Daddy! Fucking rosebud!” Seeing the cylinder was securely sealed to me, puppy released it. “Fuck yeah cuntboy...gotta piss!” he smiled as he held his cock. “Fucking piss boy...” puppy growled as he slipped his cock into my mouth and released a torrent of warm acrid chem piss. I grasped his cock with my mouth and sucked. I needed my alpha’s piss. I craved the warmth of it filling my mouth... And the taste! Fuck, I couldn’t get enough of it now! I’d come to mix my own piss into most of my drinks and now carried breath mints to mask any smell on my breath during working hours. I fantasized about my male coworkers walking in and seeing me fill up my coffee mug with my piss...my yellow jockstrap fully showing. So many times, I wanted to just drop to my knees and be their urinal. “Fucking urinal!” puppy chuckled as he pulled out. I didn’t let go...I couldn’t let go of his cock. I took his foreskin between my teeth and held his cock. Looking up into puppy’s eyes, I sucked his cock back in my mouth to the root. “AWWW FUUUCK!!! Cuntboy!” puppy laughed as he began to fuck my face. “Take it!” All the while, Daddy was slowly pumping my cunt...my cunt lips were extending against the cylinder’s edges. “Fuck yeah cuntboy...it’s blooming,” Daddy proudly announced. On hearing my cunt was blooming, I felt puppy’s cock throb and he released a torrent of cum into my mouth. “Shit yeah...fucking bloom on my cuntboy!” puppy said as he bent down and kissed me. My tongue entered his mouth...offering him a taste of his own cum. After a bit more pumping, Daddy stopped and removed the hose. “Look up cuntboy...see the beginnings of your new self.” I looked up at the mirror on the ceiling. There I was...splayed out with my yellow jock pouch now resting on the clear cylinder between my legs... “AWWW SHIT!!” I moaned. “Thank you Daddy!” Daddy chuckled, “You’re welcome. Let’s keep it like that for a bit. But for now, Daddy needs to use his urinal.” Walking over to me, Daddy motioned puppy to move between my legs. “Go on puppy, I know how much you love rosebuds. Check out our cuntboy.” I arched my back trying to expose my cunt even more as puppy knelt. “Fucking beautiful! Daddy,” puppy said approvingly. Holding his cock, Daddy placed it in my open mouth and pissed. I instinctively began to swallow knowing Daddy liked pissing directly down my throat. I quickly swallowed trying to keep up with the stream but this time, it was stronger. I couldn’t keep up. His chem piss began to pool in my mouth and soon began to overflow. I looked up at Daddy...my eyes apologizing for not being able to complete my role. “It’s ok cuntboy,” Daddy said, “I was holding it in. Swallow cuntboy...if you can’t get it all, enjoy the feel of my piss on your face...You’re a piss boy after all...aren’t you?” I nodded as his warm piss began to flow out of my mouth...accepting Daddy’s words. Once Daddy finished pissing, I cleaned his cock. “OK boys, let’s see how cuntboy’s cunt is coming along,” Motioning for puppy to move aside, Daddy walked between my legs. I watched in the mirror as Daddy grabbed the cylinder and released the pressure and a loud slurping sound erupted from it. My cunt lips felt different...I could feel the pressure surrounding them. “YEESSS!” puppy exclaimed at the sight. Daddy smiled and grabbed a mirror...showing me the state of my cunt. “Fucking beautiful beginning of a rosebud cuntboy!” he pronounced. I couldn’t believe it! My cunt lips were moist and engorged...not as much as puppy’s but definitely swollen. I marveled at the sight of the lube and my cunt juices dripping from them. “Thank you, Daddy!” was the only thing I could say. “Now cuntboy, I want you to concentrate on your cunt...push boy...push your cunt out. Show me more of that rose bud.” I pushed...puppy had cleaned me out so I knew I was clean... but I felt like I was going to shit. I felt the pressure build. “Go on cuntboy,” puppy encouraged, “push!” I pushed again...suddenly, I felt it...a sudden release as my cunt escaped my cunt lips. “Fuck!” they both exclaimed. There it was, a rosebud surrounded by my engorged cunt lips! I could feel pressure my cunt lips put on my rosebud...a totally new experience. “Dammit cuntboy, that is beautiful. We’ll work on it and get you to present that rosebud on demand.” Daddy said as he stroked it. “Don’t worry puppy, no need to be jealous. Your cunt lips were the first I created. You are my masterpiece.” Puppy growled and crawled over to Daddy and took his cock. “Good boy,” Daddy sighed, “Suck my cock.” I felt Daddy massage my rosebud as he began fucking puppy’s mouth. I was in awe as I watched my totally spun out alpha being face fucked...Suddenly, Daddy held firm and spasmed. ”Don’t swallow puppy! ” Daddy ordered as he pushed puppy’s face away from his crotch leaving only his cockhead engulfed in his mouth. Daddy let out a grunt as he came. Sitting on his haunches, puppy presented the load of cum in his open mouth. “Good boy. Now feed it to cuntboy.” Puppy rose and walked over to me and smiled. Lifting my head, I opened my mouth as puppy leaned down and the cum began to spill from his lips into me. I greedily swallowed...knowing that my alpha was feeding me the cum he had milked from our Daddy. As the last drops escaped puppy’s mouth, his lips met mine and our tongues wrestled. I struggled to take any last remnants of Daddy’s cum from his mouth. “Fuck yeah...my boys.” Daddy sighed at the sight of us sharing his cum. “I’m gonna get the pipe ready. Cuntboy, relax and take in your body. Puppy, you know what’s next.” Puppy nodded. Giving me a quick kiss and wink, puppy moved over to one of the cabinets. I relaxed and admired my sweaty shaved body in the mirror. Working out with puppy had given me more definition. My glutes were definitely more pronounced...the one area that now defined me. I gazed at my now pumped up cunt lips as a I clenched and released them in a milking motion. Part of me still couldn’t believe what had occurred in the last couple of months. I was expecting a hookup with Daddy...now I was a cuntboy to him and puppy. Grinning, puppy returned carrying what looked like a lunch pail. Grabbing a side table, he placed it on the table next to me and opened it. From my angle, I couldn’t see what it contained. Puppy looked at Daddy. “Go on, show him,” Daddy smiled. Puppy moaned and pulled out a small clear bag filled with liquid and presented it to me. “That cuntboy, is 250 ml of saline,” Daddy chuckled. “I’ve decided that I want to see your balls pumped up. After a while, the saline will be absorbed by your body. But in the meantime, you won’t be able to hide your bulge. Are you ready cuntboy?” I nodded as Daddy began preparing me for the next step.
  8. Daddy’s Cuntboy Part 7 Soon after that first session, the three of us settled into a routine...Daddy and his two boys. About a month or so later, I had another day of firsts. I’ll never forget that day... Daddy had called me at work telling me to come over straight from work, “You can clean up here, cuntboy.” Luckily, he called about 30 minutes before I was leaving so I dropped everything and left work. I entered Daddy’s house stripping down to a yellow jockstrap which I now wore at all times. Daddy had ordered me to throw all my other underwear away after our first session and only wear yellow jockstraps. I noticed a note taped to the mirror: “Cuntboy, we’re in the dungeon.” I checked myself in the hallway mirror after putting on my harness and collar. Grabbing my pecs and pulling my tits I groaned, knowing this was the gear that I would be wearing when I was at Daddy’s house. My cunt would always be available for Daddy and my alpha’s use. I walked down the hallway into the dungeon and saw them...Daddy and puppy on the bed. Daddy, harnessed as usual, sat back on the bed watching tv as puppy, down between his legs, serviced his hard cock. Seeing me, Daddy waved me in, “Strip cuntboy. Since you’re coming straight from work, puppy’s gonna clean you out and get you ready.” On hearing this, puppy released Daddy’s cock and came to me with a huge grin. “You ever have anyone clean you out cuntboy?” I hadn’t... “MMMM...” puppy moaned as he grabbed my pecs massaging them while I took off my harness. “The jockstrap, cuntboy. Show me your cunt,” puppy commanded. Turning around, I pulled down my jockstrap and bent over showing my cunt. “Fuck yeah, cuntboy nice and smooth,” puppy said approvingly as he inspected me. I had begun to keep my body shaved. “Your cunt lips are looking a little puffy.” He took a quick bite of them. “It’ll take a lot of work to get them to where they’ll be like mine. That's if Daddy decides,” puppy laughed. Imagining having those obscene cunt lips, my cunt lips pulsed, and I let out a sigh. “OK boys, get in the shower,” Daddy laughed, “Puppy, time enough for that later.” Pulling me up to face him, puppy obeyed. “OK cuntboy, help me out of my gear.” Puppy lifted his arms and his muscled pecs rose. My nose quickly took in the familiar testosterone laden scent his pits emitted. I couldn’t resist and I dove into those shaved pits. “Fuck yeah cuntboy, fucking gonna mark my cuntboy with my scent. Clean my pits!” puppy ordered. I began devouring his scent...making sure my lapping tongue explored every gland of my alpha’s pits. Puppy reached over around with his right hand and held my head firmly, “Fuck yeah, cuntboy! Taste my scent!” After a bit of pit worshipping, puppy pushed me back. “Let’s check you out, cuntboy.” Grabbing my head, he began sniffing my face. “Aww fuck yeah, Daddy! Fucking cuntboy’s got my fucking scent on him,” puppy laughed. Satisfied that I had been marked, puppy took me by the shoulders, pushed me down to my knees and pulled my face into his red jock. “OK cuntboy, take off my jock.” I was now in my element...a cuntboy on his knees between his alpha’s legs. I greedily took in scent of puppy’s crotch as I began to chew on the pouch knowing what was contained within...a fat uncut cock. Pulling the jockstrap down, his beautiful cock struck my face. I moaned as my cunt lips pulsed with the memory of puppy’s cock fucking me. Grabbing his smooth balls...feeling the fullness that I knew they contained...I took his cock into my mouth. Suckling his cock, I felt puppy hesitate. “OK cuntboy, we gotta stop and get you clean,” puppy chuckled and pulled me up. I was disappointed at having to release puppy’s cock but I knew I’d be servicing it again soon. “Cuntboy, you’re lubed right?” puppy asked as he checked my cunt with his right hand, verifying what we knew to be Daddy’s order whenever we were over. Since I hadn’t cleaned out, I had been unsure if I should but I had snuck into the mens room at work and lubed my cunt. I arched my back presenting my cunt acknowledging my training. Now that we both had stripped, puppy led me to the black tiled shower area. Daddy had thought of everything when he designed the dungeon. Puppy motioned to the ledge on one side of the shower area, “OK cuntboy, hop get up there on all fours.“ Puppy slapped my ass and I obeyed. Climbing onto the ledge, I dropped to my hands and knees feeling the cool tiles on my skin as puppy reached up to the shower head. Turning on the water, puppy adjusted the temp as the water ran through the shower head. Once satisfied that the water was the right temperature, puppy grabbed the attached shower shot. “OK cuntboy, arch your back. Present that cunt to your alpha,” puppy commanded placing his hand on my lower back and inserting the shower shot into my cunt...I moaned...as my cunt lips spread open to accept the nozzle. “OK here it comes, cuntboy,” puppy announced as he switched the water to the nozzle.” I felt the warm water fill my cunt. “Fucking beautiful cuntboy.” puppy calmly said as he rubbed my back. “Let me know when you’ve had enough.” I could feel my stomach extend a bit and I nodded when I had reached my limit. Puppy switched the nozzle off and removed it from my cunt. “OK cuntboy, hold it,” puppy directed me as he began to rub my stomach. After a few minutes, it was time to empty. “OK cuntboy, get over to the drain in the corner.” Holding the contents of my cunt, I got off the ledge and went over to the drain and emptied out. “We’re almost there cuntboy...back on the ledge,” puppy smiled. As I climbed back on the ledge, I heard a single ring. It was the front door intercom. At the sound, both of us looked at Daddy as he rose to check who was at the door since the dungeon also had access to the system. A few seconds later, there were two rings. On the third, Daddy answered. “Yup, be right there,” Daddy responded. “OK boys, continue. We got a delivery,” Daddy smiled, gave puppy a wink and walked out of the dungeon. Puppy and I continued the process making until we were sure I was clean. “Ok cuntboy, we gotta get geared up," puppy smiled as he threw me a towel and we dried off. After putting on my collar and harness, I looked for my jockstrap but I couldn’t find it. I continued searching the dungeon floor looking for it as puppy geared up. “What’s the matter cuntboy?” puppy asked as he adjusted his cock and balls in his red jock. Fuck, I loved the sight of his straining bulge barely covered by the red pouch. “I can’t find my jock, puppy.” I answered. Puppy smiled and walked over to the shelves and pulled something off the top shelf. “That’s cause Daddy took it. I got you a swimmer jock, like mine. I told you I’d get you one.” Puppy walked over to me and knelt, “Step in cuntboy, you earned it.” I stepped into the jock as puppy held it. As puppy pulled the jock up over my thighs, he took my cock in his mouth. “Aw fuck, puppy!” I gasped feeling his warm mouth engulf my cock, “Thank you!” Puppy released my cock, kissed the head and pulled up my new yellow jock covering my now engorged cock. “Fist and Piss for Daddy,” puppy smiled. Puppy grabbed a couple of leashes and placed one on my collar and one on his. Grabbing the lube, puppy reminded me, “Bend over cuntboy...lube time.” Puppy began teasing my cunt lips with two lube covered fingers and prepped my cunt. “Let’s go cuntboy,” he commanded and pulled my leash. I groaned, knowing my alpha was now in charge. I followed puppy out of the dungeon and down the hall into the living room. At the entrance, I heard several voices and hesitated. Noticing my hesitation, puppy simply stated, “Cuntboy, you’re in Daddy’s house. You know the rules. You’re a cuntboy and will always present yourself like that in his house.” I nodded and followed. Entering the room, I noticed two guys on the sofa having a beer. The younger was in his late 20s, blond, 5’10”, 165 lbs and the other was taller, 6’, black hair, 200 lbs of muscle and a couple of years older. Part of me expected them to be geared up in leather but both were dressed casually...tshirt, jeans and sneakers. In front of them on the coffee table were four lines, a couple of straws and a bag of T. Then I noticed Daddy sipping a beer in his chair across from them wearing nothing but his harness and boots. I moaned as I saw his cock nestled between his balls between his outstretched legs. I shouldn’t have been surprised, Daddy was home so he dressed as he wanted no matter who came over...same as puppy and I had our gear on while at Daddy’s house. Noticing that I was now wearing a yellow swimmer jock, Daddy smiled, “I see puppy gave you your present cuntboy. There’s more of them. You can toss the others.” I proudly stood, “Yes, Daddy.” Come here boys,” Daddy ordered. “Guys, you know puppy. This here’s cuntboy.” “Cuntboy?” said the blond perking up. “Yup, cuntboy,” Daddy chuckled. “He’s got a beautiful deep cunt. That right cuntboy?” “Yeah Daddy,” I quickly responded, “my cunt‘s always ready for cock.” “Cuntboy, this is MIke. He’s my go to for our party favors. That’s Chris, he’s with Mike,” Daddy matter-of-factly stated. Mike, noticing that puppy and I wore similar gear...collar, piped bulldog harness and swimmer jock...puppy in red and me in yellow...laughed, “So you got yourself another one?” “Yup, cuntboy’s my piss pig,” Daddy proudly stated as he motioned us to his side. We dropped to our knees, crawled over to each side of Daddy and sat back on our knees. “He takes my and puppy’s piss. A fucking urinal.” Daddy proudly announced as he grabbed our leashes and held them. I growled. Releasing our leashes, Daddy offered us the lines, “Ok boys, Mike brought us some replenishments. There’s two for each of you to try. We’ve already sampled it. Let me know what you think.” Puppy and I crawled over, took a straw and inhaled our lines. Giving his approval, puppy nodded, “Fucking good shit, Daddy...” I instantly felt it hit my cunt and could only smile as my cunt lips throbbed. Satisfied, Daddy called us back to his side. Grabbing the back of my neck, Daddy pulled me towards him and whispered in my ear, ”Cuntboy, Mike’s straight but I think he could use a blowjob. He brought us some good shit. What do you think?” I moaned as the combination of the T radiating in my cunt and knowing that I was being whored out by my Daddy kicked me into high gear. “Why don’t you ask him if he’d like Daddy’s cuntboy to blow him. Go on.” I looked over at Mike who was smiling by this time. I knew what I had to do, but more so, what I wanted to do. I crawled over to Mike, “Mike, thanks. I want to suck your cock to thank you. Please let me suck it,” I pleaded. Mike spread his legs and I could see his growing bulge in his crotch, “Yeah cuntboy...sounds good. I got a two-day load. But I have to know that you want it...not just cause you’ve been told to blow me. I got some ethics,” he laughed. “Show me how much you want my cock, cuntboy.” I growled and began chewing on Mike’s crotch as I took in the scent of sweat and piss from the denim. Finding the zipper with my tongue, I took hold of it with my teeth and pulled down. Mike quickly undid his jeans and pushed it down to his ankles. “Go on cuntboy, suck my cock,” he ordered slapping his hardening cut cock against my face. I had to have his cock...I didn’t need Mike ordering me to do it. The knowledge that I needed cock and that I was being whored out by my Daddy was all that mattered...I took in his cock. Tasting the slight saltiness from his last piss, I moaned. My new piss addiction was triggered. Since our first time, I had been taking all of Daddy and puppy’s piss during our sessions. I craved it now to the point I’d even sometimes piss into my hand in the mens room at work and lick it up. Mike’s hands grabbed my head and plunged his cock into my throat as I began to stroke the underside of his leaking cock with my tongue. “Shit...fucking good cocksucker,” Mike gasped and began to face fuck me. Noticing Chris’ bulge, Daddy smiled, “Puppy, why don’t you help out Chris there? I don’t want him to feel left out.” “Aww fuck yeah,” Chris moaned as he undid his jeans and pushed them down to give puppy quick access to his hard cock. Puppy eagerly crawled over to service Chris’s cock and took it right down. It was obvious that puppy had serviced Chris before. “Fuck yeah, puppy...fucking good cocksucker. Take my cock!” Daddy, cradling his balls, sat there watching his two boys being whored out. “Good boys. Take care of them. We got some good product.” There we were, puppy and I, servicing Daddy’s dealer and muscleman. The room filled with the sound of cocksucking...slurping, moaning. I kept sucking...getting hotter as the chems continued streaming through my body. Mike’s hands pressed my head forcing his hard cock deeper down my throat until his balls were hard against my chin...I groaned. Feeling his entire cock engulfed, Mike grabbed hold of my leash and began humping my face. Suddenly, I felt Mike’s body tense and I pulled back a bit off his cock...I wanted to taste his cum. “AWWW FUCK!” Mike exclaimed as he shot his load into my mouth, “TAKE MY FUCKING LOAD CUNTBOY!” I moaned feeling Mike’s cum shoot into my mouth and fill it. Savoring the taste, I closed my lips tighter around Mike’s cock as he pulled it out making sure I took every drop in as I swallowed. Knowing my job was done, I backed away from Mike and returned to Daddy’s side and took in the sight of puppy. There was my alpha, kneeling in front of Chris...his beautiful engorged cunt lips exposed. I watched puppy’s hands rubbing up and down Chris’ legs as puppy’s head boobed up and down Chris’ cock. “Fuck yeah, Daddy!” I moaned as I saw puppy engulf Chris’s entire cock to the root and hold it there. Here was my alpha...the man I serviced...sucking another man’s cock. I knew my place...cuntboy. Chris began to rub puppy’s back with one hand as his other hand rested on the back of puppy’s neck. I couldn’t look away. Chris grabbed the back of puppy’s head with both hands and began to quickly fuck his face. “AW FUUUCK!” Chris moaned as his hips thrust upwards with a sudden jerk and shot into puppy’s mouth. As Chris sat back, puppy noisily licked the last drops of cum from Chris’ cock. Satisfied, puppy turned. Opening his mouth showing me a wad of cum, he gave me a wink, swallowed and returned to Daddy’s side. Grabbing me by the collar, Daddy chuckled. “So, what do you think of my cuntboy, Mike?” “Fuck yeah. You got a good one there,” Mike readily complemented me. Grabbing his cock, Mike smiled, “So... about the piss...that part of today’s deal?” Daddy laughed, “Of course, cuntboy’s always up for piss....aren’t you?” “Fuck yeah! Daddy,” I growled. Daddy released me. I quickly crawled back between Mike’s legs and opened my mouth...I had a taste of Mike’s stale piss and I wanted more...I needed more. “Fuck yeah...fucking urinal,” Pointing his cock into my open mouth, Mike moaned and let go of his beer and chemmed up piss. The warm piss began filling my mouth and I started the measured swallowing to prevent any spillage that Daddy and puppy had trained me on. I was a urinal...trained to take it all. “Fuck, cuntboy,” puppy urged me on, “Hot from the tap!” The piss kept coming...it seemed like an eternity as I kept guzzling it down. As the flow finally started to subside...I opened my throat wide and took the last of Mike’s piss down. “Keep that mouth open cuntboy,” Mike ordered as he shook his cock and the last drops hit my face. Rubbing his cock, “Fuck man...I gotta piss soon!” Chris moaned. Without a second thought, I moved over to Chris...getting my first close-up look of Chris’s enormous cock. “Good cuntboy,” Daddy nodded approvingly. I had to have a taste of this cock. Moving closer to my waiting mouth, Chris placed his cock on my outstretched tongue. Feeling the weight and girth, I engulfed the massive head. “Shit yeah!” Chris moaned as I began working it. After a bit, Chris pulled out as the first yellow drops exited his piss slit. “Drink boy!” Chris commanded. As the piss poured from his cock, I began to swallow. “Yeah! Take it all cuntboy!” puppy encouraged me as he watched me take the piss. Chris moved back a bit on the sofa and the stream of piss arched into my willing mouth. Sensing Chris’s bladder was emptying, I moved forward and took his cock back in my mouth sucking the last drops out of his piss slit. “FUUUUCK!” Chris moaned...holding my head on his cock. After a bit, he released my head...I sat back on my haunches in front of him...wiped the piss from my lips with the back of my hand and licked it clean. Returning to Daddy’s side, I moaned...thanking them for the piss. Laughing, Daddy clapped, “What a fucking good show boys! Why don’t you head back to the dungeon. Mike and I gotta finish our business.“ Grabbing my leash, puppy stood up. I started to rise but puppy gave me a stern look and I lowered myself. “Stay down cuntboy,” my alpha ordered as he led me crawling out of the room. At the door of the dungeon, puppy stopped and lowered himself. “Fuck yeah...cuntboy...your first time being whored out for T,” puppy announced as he his lips met mine.
  9. Daddy’s Cuntboy Part 6 I struggled to respond coherently. “Awww fuck yeah Daddy! Work my hungry cunt!” I mumbled as another of Daddy’s fingers went in my mouth. “Please Daddy!” I begged as my face turned to puppy, remembering the first time I saw the swollen cunt lips between puppy’s legs pulsing at me. “Good answer cuntboy. I knew that slammed up cunt would take control once you saw puppy’s cunt for yourself.” Daddy chuckled and gave my cheeks a gentle slap. “Go on cuntboy...climb back on that sling...puppy, jock that cock of yours and chain him up while I grab some more rigs. Cuntboy’s gonna need to be ready for his first fist.” and he wandered off. Bending over, puppy grabbed his jockstrap and hesitated for a few seconds...giving me a view of those swollen cunt lips. “Shit...” I thought, "how the fuck long has Daddy been working those cunt lips to get them to that point?” Puppy turned around, pulling the pouch over his cock and balls, reading my thoughts. “I met Daddy when I was 22, I’m 26 now.” Helping me up to my feet, puppy cupped my ass cheek and led me to the sling. Then I saw myself in the mirrored corner wall. I couldn’t believe how totally hot I looked. I took in my sweat slicked pecs now fully presenting themselves in the yellow piped harness and I grabbed my tits. My yellow jock pouch strained and I moaned seeing puppy’s reflection as he stood behind me, hands moving down my waist to my pouch, he growled and bit my neck. “Fuck yeah, cuntboy...we gotta get you a yellow swimmer jock and we’ll be a perfect pair...piss and fist for Daddy.” “Awww Man!” I eagerly agreed. “Fuck yeah cuntboy...climb on...” puppy directed. “Slide that cunt down a bit more. That’s it.” Puppy bound my ankles making sure my legs were spread wide open and moved on up and did my wrists. Strapping my bicep, puppy whistled, “That my cuntboy...is a beautiful sight.” and licked it. “Here puppy, slam your cuntboy with this.” Daddy laughed, handing it to puppy. “Fuck yeah Daddy, my fucking pleasure!” Puppy prepped and expertly guided the rig into my vein and slammed me. I felt the chems rush into me...but this time it was more intense...I panicked. Daddy leaned forward. Rubbing my pecs gently, Daddy tried to calm me down. “It’s ok boy, I gave you a bit more than what we’re gonna do. You’ll need it to take my fist the first time.” Before I knew it, the panic was replaced with the familiar deep hunger emanating from my cunt overtaking my body. “Good cuntboy...take my cock.” My head moved to the side and took Daddy’s cock in. “MMMMM....” I began to suckle, feeling the metal ring hit roof of my mouth as my tongue lapped the bottom of his shaft. “OK puppy, give me a slam and then do yourself.” commanded Daddy. “Cuntboy...concentrate on my cock for now.” I continued worshipping cock. “AWWWW FUCK!” Daddy exclaimed, his cock jerking in my mouth from the rush of chems now coursing through his veins. I continued on his cock...anticipating the coming session. Hearing the sounds of puppy slamming himself, Daddy pulled out. "I want to hear you ask for it, cuntboy," “Please Daddy, I want it!” "You want what? I didn't hear you, cuntboy." “YOUR FIST, DADDY! I NEED YOUR FIST! "Where do you want it, cuntboy?" "IN MY CUNT, DADDY! PLEASE, DADDY!" At the sight of my begging for fist, puppy howled..”FUUCK! YEAH CUNTBOY!” and sank his knees. With a wicked look in his eyes, Daddy winked at me and headed over to the toy shelf. Grabbing a large black butt plug, he walked over to puppy. “Puppy, present cunt!” Daddy loudly commanded. Puppy fell to his knees...his slammed-up cunt shot up as the swollen cunt lips bloomed and Daddy shoved the plug in, making sure the cunt lips securely held it tight. “FUUUCK!” puppy moaned with pleasure. Daddy leashed puppy’s collar and led him to the sling, securing it to the chain holding a bottom corner of the sling. “Get comfortable puppy, you’re in for a treat. You’re gonna watch cuntboy take a fist for the first time.” Daddy grabbed a stool. Placing it between my legs, he sat and proceeded put on another pair black rubber gloves. Sinking his hand in the tub of Elbow Grease, Daddy looked up, “Are you sure, cuntboy” “Yes, Daddy, I’m sure” I reassured him. “I want this...I need this.” Daddy began sliding the lube over his hands, “Do you trust me, cuntboy? I need to know.” Lying there, I looked at my Daddy and I knew I did even if we had only just met in person. I knew I wanted to give myself over to him. “Yes Daddy, I trust you.” He smiled, his right hand caressing my ass cheek with his fingers spread across it. "Now you're gonna feel what it's like to be your Daddy's hot little cunttoy." Slowly sliding toward my hungry cunt, “Uhhh...” I moaned as my ass involuntarily rose to meet Daddy’s hand. Daddy’s fingers began to circle my cunt lips...teasing them. I felt my cunt lips spread as Daddy’s fingers began their entry into my cunt...first one, then another two quickly followed. Before I could protest, his four cupped fingers were at the entrance of stretched cunt. “How you doing, cuntboy?” Daddy asked as he teased my cunt lips with his thumb and he slid in to the knuckles. I could feel my stretched-out cunt but there was no pain. The chems had taking care of that. “Shit yeah!” puppy growled, “You’re gonna love Daddy’s fist, cuntboy.” “Yes, Daddy, do it!” I begged. "Oh yeah, CUNTBOY!" Daddy growled, "open your cunt for DADDY! Take a deep breath, here it comes." I inhaled and Daddy pushed... ”Fuck!!!” I exhaled as I felt his knuckles sliding over my cunt lips. I was in ecstasy, feeling my cunt being ultimately fucked and filled. I was out of control knowing that I had just given my body over to Daddy... At the same time, I had never felt so connected to someone as I did at that moment to Daddy. As my cunt lips pulsed on his wrist, Daddy looked at my cunt and smiled, “ Cuntboy, that is one fucking beautiful cunt.” Daddy praised. Spreading his fingers open his hand moved in... my cunt spasmed. I was in heat. “OH GOD! PLEASE!” I yelled, my head rolling back. Daddy balling his fist, pushed a bit deeper opening my cunt like never before. “Deep breath cuntboy,” and Daddy started slowly pulling it out bit. I exhaled and his hand pushed it back inside my cunt. I grunted as his hand moved a bit faster now, pulling back and forth with a twisting motion. I didn’t want it to end. We continued like this for a while...Daddy exploring my slammed-up cunt with his fist as my plugged alpha looked on. Satisfied on my first go at his fist, Daddy pulled out, grabbed a towel and cleaned up his hands. He stood up, and walked up to and placed his fist at my lips. “You did good cuntboy. We’ve got lots of time to work on that cunt. Now look up.” Kissing his hand, I looked up ...and saw my sweat slick body splayed open presenting my cunt.... Taking a closer look, I sighed...my cunt lips were puffy and slightly extended...I was complete.
  10. Daddy’s Cuntboy Part 5 There we were...two slammed up boys worshipping their Daddy’s tits...humping Daddy as our legs entwined around his. “Fuck yeah boys...my fucking chemmed up pigs.” Daddy sighed. Holding both of us up tight to his strong pecs, we continued writhing as puppy’s hand moved down my back. Raising my ass, I gave him access to my cunt...puppy began exploring my cunt lips. “GRRRRRR!” puppy growled. “Fuuck! Yeah!” I responded. “Fuck me puppy. Feed my hungry cunt!” I begged. “Go ahead puppy, take it. You earned it.” Daddy laughed. “That cunt is fucking tight and deep. Go on! It’s yours now.” My eyes went to puppy and saw the look of authority wash over him. He was my alpha and I was about to find out just what he was capable of. Daddy disengaged and got off the bed. Both of us, acknowledging that Daddy was our superior, watched from the bed as he went and grabbed a black leather upholstered chair from against the wall and placed it at the side of the bed making sure he could see everything. “OK boys...continue. Give your Daddy a fucking show.” Daddy sat back and spread his legs wide...giving us full view of his hard cock. Puppy growled...rolling on top of me, he took my neck into the crook of his left arm...holding me there. “Fucking cuntboy...you’re gonna service your alpha...fucking give up that cunt to me?” “Fuck yeah puppy! Fucking take my cunt...it’s yours!” I yelled as my ass rose feeling his packed red jock pouch pushing into my ass cheeks. “AWW! FUUCK!!!” I moaned. Still holding me like this, puppy grabbed a chain hanging from one of the front bed posts with his other hand and attached it to my collar as I felt his breath on my face. “My cuntboy...” he exhaled, kissing my neck tenderly. Releasing my neck, puppy grabbed the chain from the other post and connected it to my collar and rolled off me. Puppy proceeded to shackle my ankles to the lower bedposts...leaving me on my hand and knees...cunt exposed. Moving to the side at the head of the bed, puppy stood arms crossed. “Fuck yeah...slammed up cuntboy,” he stated as he admired his cuntboy. Puppy climbed on the bed moving between the chains connecting my collar to the bed posts and sank to his knees and presented his bursting jock pouch. My mouth began to water... Puppy smiled, slowly pulling down his jock exposing the thick root of his cock. “Yeah cuntboy? You want puppy’s cock?” he teased. “AWWW FUCK … YEAH PLEASE PUPPY! I WANT YOUR COCK!” I begged as puppy gyrated his hips in front of me. I knew my place...and my place was to service. “Come on cuntboy...show puppy how much you want this cock,” puppy goaded me on. “Ya think that I’d waste my cock on someone who’d just lie there and take it? SHOW YOUR ALPHA. CUNTBOY!” he ordered. My slammed up cunt, now possessed with nothing but thoughts of puppy’s cock, took over. My back arched and my ass began rotating...offering my cunt to puppy’s fat cock as my throat let out low rasping pleadings. “Please puppy...I need your cock!” I moved forward and began sniffing the red pouch now leaking precum...I took in puppy's scent, recognizing the familiar scent all men emit in their crotches. Finally, satisfied that I proven myself, puppy pushed down his jockstrap releasing his hard uncut cock. I gasped...taking in the thick sheathed cock suspended above a set of huge balls. My mouth watered...imagining the amount of cum held inside. Puppy grabbed the base of his cock and slapped it across my lips sending the stringy leaking precum onto my face. “Fucking cock’s gonna fill your cunt...but first, service it...service your alpha’s cock cuntboy!” I quickly moved to explore the thick foreskin covering the cock. “AWWW, Fuck cuntboy...” Puppy shivered as my tongue moved under the flap and began circling the cockhead tasting the sharpness of his cock. Pushing forward, my lips drew back the skin...my tongue invading puppy’s cock slit...determined to take in the leaking precum. Puppy held my head tightly as he shoved his cock back down my throat...but I resisted and pulled back, holding onto the foreskin with my teeth, I began to chew. “AWWWW FUUUUCK!” Puppy yelled as he released my head. “AWWW FUCK YEAH CUNTBOY! FUCKING SERVICE MY COCK!” puppy yelled as he arched his back presenting his uncut cock. Pushing back the skin, my lips moved over his pulsing cockhead and I sucked it in as puppy jammed it down to his smooth crotch. “Fucking cuntboy...take it!” puppy ordered and began the face-fucking. His rapid movements wouldn’t allow me to get a rhythm...I couldn’t breathe. I began gagging... “Easy does it, puppy! Give cuntboy some air...we don’t want him passing out on that cock of yours,” Daddy joked. Puppy eased up and I took a deep breath. Then suddenly, puppy jerked me back down to the root and held me. I finally met puppy’s rhythmic thrusting as he pulled his cock half way out. Puppy spat and it landed on his shaft. I instantly went forward catching his spit and took his entire cock back down my throat. Puppy patted my cheeks and pulled out. “Cunt time...” puppy laughed and moved off the bed. Daddy urged us on. “Cuntboy, you’re about to be bred by your alpha!” I moaned as puppy climbed back on the bed between my legs. “Fuck yeah cuntboy. I’ve been waiting for this for a while. Daddy told me all about your conversations and what he was planning. I've thought about you and how hot your cunt would feel swallowing my cock.“ My cunt went wild... ”Yeah, slammed up cuntboy.” puppy continued stroking his cock. “MMMM fucking look at that cunt...full of Daddy’s cum.” He began to lick and chew at my cunt lips as I begged for his cock. ‘Fuck yeah puppy. Please! I need it!” I pleaded as puppy continued slurping my cunt. “Oh yeah. Fuck me puppy. Fuck my cunt and fill it with your cum.” Puppy rose...placing his hard cock at my cunt, he pushed through my sloppy cunt lips. “Here it is cuntboy. I’ve waited a long time to do this.” Shoving his cock in quickly, I let out a gasp. Puppy laughed, “Fuck Daddy... This cunt is so hot and tight still. Fucking feeling your load inside!” Puppy began his invasion of my cunt and we fell into a steady rhythm losing myself in the feelings in my cunt...until the spell was broken. Feeling someone grab my head, I snapped out of it. It was Daddy. “Yeah cuntboy. Suck my cock. Fucking two cunts on this one now.” He climbed back on the bed. I hungrily swallowed Daddy’s cock as he settled in front of me. “Oh fuck, cuntboy. Service Daddy’s cock while puppy feeds your cunt.” Daddy encouraged. I was in heaven being filled by cock in both ends. My body was now a cunt. Suddenly, I felt puppy quicken and start pounding me rapidly. “Fuuck Daddy! This cuntboy is so good. Thank you for giving him to me... I’m gonna fucking cum!” Puppy's cock spasmed...filling my cunt with his seed. The thrusts continued until Puppy let out a final grunt and fell on my back. I sighed...it was done...my cunt was full of my Daddy and my alpha’s cum. Puppy wrapped his arms around my chest and held me tightly as I held our Daddy’s cock in my mouth. We caught our breath and puppy pulled out...our sweaty bodies separating with a sucking pop. Again, I felt the emptiness I always dreaded when my cunt no longer contained cock. Then I felt it...puppy’s breath on me as he spread my cunt lips with his fingers and started sucking and chewing my cunt lips. His loud moans filled me... puppy was eating out my cunt! "Fuck yeah puppy! Taste my cunt juices." I yelled releasing Daddy’s cock pushing puppy’s tongue deeper inside me. Satiated with the fluids running out of me, he rose and moved to Daddy’s side. "Fuck yeah cuntboy. Look at my face. That's what your cunt is full of." He then leaned in and gently said, "Taste it cuntboy. Taste your cunt." I let out a moan and began licking puppy’s dripping face...my tongue feeling the slight stubble on his face. I let out a sigh..."Aww Fuck. Tasting my cunt." Seeing puppy and I bonding, Daddy removed himself and motioned puppy to replace him in front of me. “Go on puppy...I know what comes next right after you cum.” Daddy joked as he grabbed the yellow waist band of my jockstrap and released it with a snap. I jerked... Puppy positioned himself...presenting his slicked-up cock to me as Daddy moved behind me. “How’s that slammed up cunt of yours cuntboy...still hungry?” Daddy asked feeling my exposed cunt lips. My cunt spasmed.... “Go on puppy...feed him that recycled slam piss...cuntboy needs to get used to your piss mixed with mine.” Daddy ordered. I opened my mouth greedily taking puppy’s cock down. There I was...on my hands and knees chained to the bed...on display... Feeling puppy take a deep breath, I relaxed my throat and prepared for the torrent of piss sure to come out of that cock. Looking up into puppy’s eyes with a pleading look, puppy smiled releasing his slam piss. I growled...knowing the piss that I was taking had once been in Daddy. My throat pulsed as I swallowed. Puppy laughed and pulled his cock still shooting the hot yellow piss, out of my mouth leaving me surprised and wondering what I had done wrong. He aimed the stream at my face...intentionally moving it away from my mouth as it tried to follow the flow. He was gonna make me work for it! Dripping off my face and upper chest, the piss began pooling into the indentation puppy’s hard body and my hands made on the bed. I could feel the piss around my fingers as they wriggled in the wet warmth. Sensing their movement and seeing the desire in my eyes, Puppy released my collar chains and my head went down. My thoughts ceased...instinct now took my body over as I lost myself and fed. My tongue lapped up the acrid piss that I was now so hungry for. “Yeah...cuntboy’s got the hunger for piss now puppy.” Daddy stated matter-of-factly as he released my ankles. “Get up cuntboy...on the floor...on your knees.” I growled into the slick rubber sheets taking one last taste of piss and climbed off the bed... “Puppy...he’s earned it...bring it.” Daddy ordered. Not understanding what this was about...I watched puppy walk over to the shelves...leaving a trail of piss drops reflecting the red lights on the floor. I heard the rattling of metal as he pulled a bundle of leather from the top shelf and he turned back to me...holding a bulldog harness between his outstretched hands... I looked closer assuming it would be a match for puppy’s...only it wasn’t piped in red it was yellow. I moaned. “Yeah cuntboy...you earned it. Fucking urinal cuntpig now aren’t you?” Daddy laughed. “AWW FUCK YEAH DADDY! FUCKING PISS!” I groaned as puppy dropped to his knees and placed it on me. Satisfied that the straps were secure...puppy grabbed my framed pecs and held them playing with my tits. “Fuck...I’m gonna love feeding you piss cuntboy.” Daddy stood proudly looking down at us... Daddy held my head and I felt his finger go into my mouth. I knew what was coming and I looked up at Daddy’s face and waited for the question. “That cunt of yours make a decision yet, cuntboy?”
  11. Daddy’s Cuntboy Part 4 I quickly scurried over to Daddy. Remaining on all fours, I looked down at the red tinged spit shine of his black leather boots. I couldn’t resist... Moaning, I began tonguing and worshipping the top of the right boot spreading my spit over it. “Yeah cuntboy...arch that back. I want to see your cunt while you worship Daddy’s boots.” Moving on to the other boot, I heard Daddy hock spit as it fell on top of my head but I continued. “Face up cuntboy...take it,” he ordered. My face turned up and was hit by more spit on my forehead. Opening my mouth wide, the next one hit my tongue. Feeling the mucous slide down my throat I swallowed. I moaned. “Ok cuntboy, give me your arm,” Daddy ordered. I sat back...raising my arm, Daddy wrapped my bicep with the now sweat slicked strap. This time I knew what to expect. After Daddy released the strap, keeping my arm up...my finger went to the entry point. The chems rushed to my brain and cunt. Then I saw it...Daddy’s thick ringed cock in front of me. “Fuck yeah...how you feeling cuntboy?” Daddy asked knowing full well I was totally spun out by now. “Get on my cock boy. I want your mouth sucking on my cock while I slam.” I was so fucking hot... I took his cock all the way down with ease. Daddy patted my head... “Good cuntboy...breathe through your nose...keep it there.” Staring into Daddy’s crotch, I felt his cock spasm as he prepped and slammed. “FUUUUCK!” Daddy howled. At this point, puppy was losing it. The sling chains rattled as puppy’s cunt took over seeing Daddy slam while I took his cock. His hard body, now dripping with sweat, began to undulate as if his cunt was being invaded by a cock or in his case...a fist. “OK cuntboy...time for puppy’s cunt to get some of Daddy’s attention. Get down between his legs now.” Releasing Daddy’s cock, I moved over and sank to my knees taking in puppy’s pulsing cunt lips. “You ever seen cunt lips like that boy?” Daddy jokingly asked. “You ever taste em? Go ahead...” I moaned...puppy pushed out his dripping cunt lips and I went for it. My tongue reached out feeling the slime oozing from them. Without a thought, I jammed my whole face into them and began lapping up his cunt juices. Puppy howled.... ”Fucking cuntboy...eat my cunt!” as he pushed it further onto my face. By this time, my face, dripping with his cunt juices, sloppily slid over his cunt lips. “Good cuntboy,” Daddy encouraged me. “Check out that cunt...think that could be you? Fucking obscene cunt lips on my cuntboy?” I moaned into puppy’s cunt...filling it with my breath as more of his cunt juices dripped down my chin. “FUCK YEAH!” puppy yelled. “Back up now cuntboy,” Daddy ordered. “Time for Daddy to work puppy’s cunt.” I retreated from puppy and sat back on my knees. Daddy walked over to the shelf...grabbed a tub of Elbow Grease and a pair of black latex gloves. Handing me the lube, Daddy smiled. “Hold this cuntboy.” Knowing their destination, I winced on hearing the gloves’ sharp snap on Daddy’s wrists. Pointing to a spot nearer to puppy’s cunt, Daddy commanded, “Right there cuntboy. I want you front and center for this.” Reaching up, Daddy began to pull on the chains suspending the lower end of the sling and cranked...raising it a foot or so allowing better access to puppy’s cunt. “Yeah Daddy! Give me your fist. Please!” puppy moaned as Daddy began caressing his ass cheeks. “OK cuntboy, hold that tub up.” Smiling wickedly at me, Daddy sank his hand into the tub...his fingers spreading to envelop in the thick viscous cream. Raising his hands, he caressed his hands spreading the lube making sure his gloved hands were completely prepared for their journey into puppy. He paused...presenting his hands to me. “Aww fuuuck!” I growled. I had never been witness to fisting before...only watching porn. I have to admit when I was younger it wasn’t my thing. But as I began to accept that my ass was a cunt, it slowly began to intrigue me...after all, a cunt was there to service... wasn’t it? Still, I wasn’t sure I could take it...but, I was so spun...I began accepting that I needed Daddy’s fist in me to satisfy my cunt’s hunger. I looked up at Daddy with pleading eyes. “I know cuntboy. Like I said before, just think about it. It’s your decision...no rush,” Daddy softly reassured me. “Watch and let your cunt decide.” Slowly cupping his four fingers, Daddy’s right hand moved to puppy’s cunt.... I watched as Daddy slid them past puppy’s cunt lips pausing at the knuckles. Puppy went wild. “FUCK YEAH DADDY! FUCKIN FILL MY CUNT!“ Daddy, winking at me, placed his thumb at the edge of puppy’s now flushed cunt lips and inserted it. “AWWWW FUUCK!” puppy and I both simultaneously yelled. The sounds of desire, escaping both of us as Puppy’s cunt lips stretched and my own cunt spasmed, filled the room. Daddy laughed, “Fucking slammed up pigs...” and pushed. Puppy’s cunt lips stretched and sucked in Daddy’s hand past the knuckles, enveloping it completely to Daddy’s thick wrist. They both let out grunts of pleasure. ‘YESSSS!” Puppy yelled. “FUUUCK YESSS!” Looking up to puppy’s face seeing the look of ecstasy displayed, I felt my cock ache as the blood rushed into my shaft and felt it stretched to the bursting point. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and visualized my cunt accepting Daddy’s hand and my entire body spasmed. “Oh yeah, PUPPY!” Daddy proudly growled, “Take Daddy’s fist! Show cuntboy how much you love Daddy’s fist feeding your cunt!” I could see puppy’s cunt lips begin to pulse around Daddy’s wrist as it rested at the entrance to puppy’s cunt. “AWWW FUUCKING FIST!” puppy yelled feeling Daddy’s fingers expanding and exploring the walls of his cunt. “Deeper! Please!” Daddy smiled as his left hand wrapped itself around his right wrist. Feeling the increased pressure on his cunt lips, the level of puppy’s pleads increased. I watched as the left-hand fingers slowly wandered up into puppy’s cunt covering Daddy’s right hand as it pulled back. In it went...replacing his right hand. Daddy began the rhythmic fucking pattern...switching hands and fucking puppy’s cunt with both his fists... I couldn’t keep my eyes off the sight of my first live fisting session, “Fuck yeah! Take it puppy! Fucking take Daddy’s fists in your cunt!” I yelled as my cunt pulsed. Daddy picked up the pace and began rapidly slamming his hands in and out of puppy’s cunt. Seeing Daddy punch fuck puppy’s cunt, I reacted... “GODDAMN!!!” I exclaimed watching puppy taking Daddy’s fists. It was wild... both Daddy and puppy were drenched in sweat. There I was...fucking excited at the sight but, at the same time, feeling ignored by both my Daddy and my alpha. Daddy, noticing this, gave me a look. “Get over here boy, I want you to see this close up. Get under puppy’s cunt” Happily, I crawled over...cunt exposed behind me. Reaching the spot under puppy’s cunt, I felt his cunt juices mixed with the lube under my knees. I was in heaven. “OK cuntboy. On your back...Watch.” Down I went...feeling the slime ooze across my back. I moaned...wanting my skin to absorb it all...I wanted puppy’s fluids in me. He was my alpha now. Daddy resumed working puppy’s cunt with both his fists...in and out. There I was...on my back...watching puppy’s submission to our Daddy. I couldn’t get enough. My ass bucked with every drop of slime hitting me as I grabbed my tits and worked them. The slam induced fisting session continued and I began rubbing the dripping slime, mixing it was my sweat, into my skin. “Fucking cuntpig!” Daddy laughed looking down at me. “Fucking pig’s gonna reek! Everyone’s gonna know what the fuck you are!” I moaned...rubbing it all in at an increased rate. “Yeah Daddy! Your cuntpig!” I didn’t care anymore. I was what I was...a cuntboy...Daddy and puppy’s cuntboy. After more time...Daddy began slow his pace until puppy’s cunt lips grasped Daddy’s right wrist. Daddy, fondly gazing down at his boy, asked “How you doing puppy?” Puppy responded, “Fuck yeah Daddy. So good! Thank you!” Daddy slowly pulled out...pausing as his knuckles stretched puppy’s cunt, removed his thumb leaving his fingers inside. Teasing the swollen cunt lips with his thumb, Daddy began bringing puppy down. Catching his breath, puppy relaxed. “Both of you stay there,” Daddy ordered. Daddy grabbed a towel and slowing began wiping puppy’s cunt removing the viscous slime with slow tender movements. Daddy tossed the towel down to me and landed on my slimed-up pecs. “Clean yourself up a bit cuntboy.” I grabbed the towel and obeyed but still keeping my eyes on the sight above me. Bending down, Daddy smiled and winked at me and slowly kissed puppy’s cunt. Daddy’s lips were on puppy’s swollen cunt lips as his tongue slid slowly inside puppy. Puppy’s moans grew as Daddy devoured the feast that puppy’s cunt offered. We continued like this for a good while as we lost track of time. Eventually, Daddy stopped. “Okay, I think it’s time for a break," he said, fingering puppy’s cunt. “On the bed you two.” Daddy undid my leash from my collar and I stood. As Daddy released puppy’s binds, I moved to the bed...my now slick body sliding over the black rubber sheets making sure to leave room for Daddy and puppy. Watching them approach...I smiled. I felt his weight as Daddy climbed onto the bed. Daddy took me in his arm...holding me tight and motioned for puppy to join us. “Get on puppy...join Daddy and cuntboy...our cuntboy.” Hearing this, I instinctively went for Daddy’s tit and suckled. Puppy pounced on the bed and Daddy wrapped his other arm around puppy. “My boys...” he proudly announced as puppy joined in suckling on Daddy’s other tit.
  12. Daddy’s Cuntboy Part 3 Hearing the unexpected exclamation, I hesitated. Daddy grabbed my head and pushed it down until I felt my lips completely engulf his cock to the root holding me there. “Just in time boy,” laughing at the direction of the voice. “I’ve got to piss.” Daddy released the pressure... I hesitantly pulled off his cock and looked up to my Daddy’s face. He was staring intently towards the doorway and my gaze went immediately to the spot and saw him. My cunt quivered as the stranger’s dark eyes stared back at me. “Cuntboy, this is puppy... puppy, this is cuntboy.” I took in all of puppy. No older than mid 20s, 6’, solid 180 lbs. his shaved body glistened as the contours of his muscles took in the red light...highlighting his deeply formed Adonis belt. His hands roughly grasped the pouch of a red swimmer jockstrap pouch barely containing his dripping cut cock. Straps of a red piped bulldog harness accentuated his hard pecs as his ringed tits pointed down from the mass of muscle. With a twist of his neck, I saw the glint of a tag on his leather collar. Noticing my curiosity, he reached up holding it proudly. ” Yeah cuntboy...I’m puppy.” “Cuntboy, this is your alpha,” Daddy announced. I felt my pulse quicken as my cock began to rise. Moving towards us, puppy rubbed his hands across his full pecs and pulled on his tits. “Fuck yeah cuntboy, Daddy told me tonight’s the night you’d be here.” Standing next to me across from Daddy, his hand examined my upper torso moving on to my tits. I moaned realizing that I was to service this puppy. “Oh, fuck yeah!” Picking up my leash and grabbing another, Daddy reminded us that we were there to service him. “Ok you two, there’ll be time for that. Puppy, time to feed on Daddy’s chem piss. Cuntboy, climb off the sling and put that jockstrap back on.” Obeying Daddy’s command, I quickly went for my jockstrap. Puppy, smiling at the sight of the yellow jockstrap on the floor, moved to Daddy’s feet...instantly falling to his knees he presented his open mouth. I pulled up my jockstrap and adjusted my cock and balls. Daddy saw this and nodded to me, indicating I was to join puppy between his legs. I sank to my knees...shoulder to shoulder with puppy. There we were...waiting to service our Daddy. My cunt now aching...fully knowing my new place. Daddy placed the leashes on our collars and held them. “Cuntboy, this piss is for puppy here. I’ve trained him to be a fucking urinal like you will be soon. Watch and learn.” Opening his mouth wider, puppy took Daddy’s cock down to the root in one fell swoop. “Fuck!” I exclaimed reacting to the sight of puppy feeding on Daddy’s chem piss... imagining him tasting my cunt juices after Daddy shot a load in me during future sessions. “Yeah puppy, drink up. Fucking chem pup! Watch his throat cuntboy. See him taking it all down his gullet.” I was in awe... Puppy’s throat muscles spasmed as he took our Daddy’s piss. My mouth opened slightly, reliving the feeling of Daddy’s piss going down my own throat. As suddenly as puppy took the cock down, he released it. There he was, mouth open smiling with a look of satisfaction. Daddy held puppy’s head and bent down releasing a long string of spit into his mouth. Keeping his gaze on Daddy, puppy swallowed. “Good puppy...stay right there. Cuntboy, bring that jar over you just filled. Puppy needs more piss.” Standing and turning to grab the jar of my piss, Daddy released my leash. I went for the table, I ffeeling the metal chain on my back as my ass cheeks took in the handle and seemingly attempting to feed it to my cunt. Holding the jar in both hands, I turned and walked back to them. What a fucking sight...Daddy towering behind puppy... as puppy, on his knees, faced me. My eyes locked with puppy’s and I went down on my knees. “Fuck!” puppy groaned as he took the jar and drank. “Good puppy...it’s cuntboy’s first load of slam piss,” Daddy, holding onto his shoulders, proudly announced. Grabbing our collars, Daddy forcefully pulled us closer ‘til our faces met. Tongues clashing, we devoured each other. “Fuck yeah! ...boys...give Daddy a show!” Puppy wrapped an arm around my neck and pulled us closer. I began humping his leg feeling his sweat covered pecs slipping over mine. Feeling his other hand moving down my back towards my cunt, I arched...offering myself to him. Daddy began to laugh, “Yeah cuntboy...looks like puppy wants your cunt.” I growled.... “Ok...enough,” Daddy commanded, pulling puppy up to his feet. “Puppy, in the sling,” he ordered. I sat back on my knees watching puppy eagerly climbing into the sling. Daddy secured his ankles and wrists. My cock pulsed. Grabbing the rubber strap, Daddy wrapped it around puppy’s bicep. “On all fours cuntboy,” Daddy ordered...leading me to the foot of the sling, he pulled me back up to my knees with a full view of puppy and released my leash. “Stay there for now cuntboy.” I gasped. There was puppy, his shackled legs spread open exposing a pair of swollen cunt lips. I couldn’t look away as it hit me... red jockstrap...red piped harness... Looking down, puppy laughed pushing out those engorged cunt lips... “Daddy’s been working my cunt for a while cuntboy. Whaddaya think?” “FUCKING HELL!” I groaned.... Holding another rig...walking to puppy, Daddy chuckled, “Think about it. No rush.” Imagining Daddy working my cunt lips, I let out a guttural moan from deep inside me. Daddy put the orange tip in puppy’s mouth. Grinning, puppy bit down grasping it with his teeth. Daddy pulled the syringe leaving the tip between puppy’s teeth. Puppy spit it out in my direction and begged, “Slam your puppy Daddy!” I watched Daddy prep and guide the needle into puppy’s vein. Puppy gasped as the register emerged. “AWWW FUCK!” puppy exhaled on the intake. “Fuck yeah! Two slammed up boys servicing Daddy!” Puppy bucked... his ass lifting off the sling offering up his swollen cunt. Seeing puppy’s slammed state, my cunt reacted. I fell forward on my hands and raised my ass up allowing my cunt lips room to fully pulse from the hunger emanating from deep inside me. “Crawl the fuck over here cuntboy,” Daddy ordered. “Time for another slam.”
  13. Daddy’s Cuntboy Part 2 I was in fucking heaven at this point...flying high with my stomach full of Daddy’s piss and cum. I felt my collar’s constant pressure from the pull of my leash as he led me to the sling. He removed my leash and suddenly I felt a slight disconnect from him. Seeing this, he held my chin. “Get on the sling cuntboy.” I climbed on the sling feeling the leather straps against my ass cheeks and back. As I took in the sight of my Daddy’s strong muscular ass framed in leather straps, he moved to the shelves and gathered up a set of wrist and ankle restraints. He turned and came towards me...his cock seemingly leading him towards his prize. He quickly fastened my wrists to the sling exposing my shaved pits. I groaned as I felt his tongue roughly explored my right pit as his hands grabbed my tit ring and pulled. “Fuck yeah! Harder!” I begged as the sensation of my tit being manhandled went directly to my cock. He smiled and moved down to my legs and pulled me forward exposing my strapped cunt as he pulled my legs apart and fastened the ankle restraints and securing them to the sling. I felt his rough hands examine my body. At that moment I was an object for Daddy’s pleasure... nothing more. My body bucked as both his hands worked their way up my calves and thighs towards my cunt. I wanted this man....my Daddy. Then I felt it...fingers gently teasing my cunt lips. I moaned and my body rose offering itself. “Fucking hungry cunt,” he growled. He smiled devilishly as he inserted two fingers in me and explored, “Tell Daddy what you want.” “Fuck Daddy! I need your cock! Feed my cunt!” I begged as his fingers stretched my cunt to prepare me for his cock. “Good answer boy.” “but first I’ve got something more for you.” He removed his fingers and stuck them greedily in his mouth as he headed to the table where the metal container surrounded by the dust of the lines sat. Daddy grabbed the container, walked back and placed it on my stomach. I shivered as the cold metal hit me skin. “Fucking beautiful cuntboy,” Reaching up to one of the chains holding the sling, he pulled off a rubber strap that had been wrapped around the chain. I knew what was coming next. I had never slammed before but we had discussed it. We had agreed that it would be my decision when the time came and he would honor that. He placed his cock in near my mouth. “Boy, we discussed this. It’s your decision. What do you want? Take your time and decide.” I opened my mouth and took his cock as I looked into his eyes. There I was...his hard cock throbbing in my mouth. What could I do?! At this point all I felt was the hunger emanating from my cunt. As he pulled out of my mouth, I moaned, “Please...” Daddy grabbed my restrained arm and wrapped the strap around my bicep. “Relax boy...” Reaching down, he opened the metal box now warm from my body heat and pulled out an alcohol prep packet. With his teeth, he tore it open and spit out the packet’s edge, He then proceeded to gently swab my arm with the alcohol pad. “Cuntboy...” He said reassuringly. “I know this is something new. Daddy’s here and will make sure you will be transformed into the cuntboy you were born to be. I knew from the first time we chatted that this is what you were.” He then reached into the metal box and pulled out an orange capped syringe. Pulling off the cap with his teeth, our eyes locked. I could hear the taps as he worked to remove any air bubbles. “Ready cuntboy? There’s no turning back once this goes in. Look at me boy. I want you to see everything.” I groaned... acknowledging and accepting my fate. “Good boy. Here it goes.” I felt the prick of the needle go in... yet another surrender of my body. I saw him pull back the plunger as the syringe filled with the red tinge of my blood. “That my boy, is your first register.” Daddy laughed as he quickly pushed the plunger with all its contents into my vein and undid the strap. Suddenly I felt it. Everything that I heard about...the scratching throat...uncontrollable coughing and rapid heartbeat. My thoughts clouded as I felt Daddy holding the entry point. My arms, still restrained over my head, allowed the chem filled blood to move quickly down and rush through the rest of my body. Suddenly any panic disappeared and my body was engulfed in hungry ecstasy. Daddy stepped back holding the now empty syringe and tossed it into a bucket and I began to gently buck as the chems intensified the cravings deep in my cunt. After wrapping the rubber strap around his bicep, he grabbed the metal box, removed it from my stomach and placed it on the table. I could see his back muscles flex as he prepped his arm. Turning around, he smiled as he walked back to me with the capped syringe in his hand and stood between my legs. “CUNTBOY! LOOK AT ME! Daddy’s gonna be there with you soon.” Daddy stared intently at my cunt as he pulled off the orange cap with his teeth and spit it out hitting my chest as it bounced to the floor. He tapped and inserted the needle. As he continued examining my cunt, he pulled the plunger back. “Boy...look...Daddy’s blood.” I moaned as I saw the syringe’s contents mix with my Daddy’s blood. Before I knew it, the plunger went in and he tossed it into the bucket joining mine. There stood my Daddy....arm up with his finger over the entry point. He growled. “FUCK YEAH! SLAMMED UP CUNTBOY!” My body’s involuntary bucking continued as my cunt took over. It needed that cock. “Please Daddy! Fuck my cunt!” Daddy stood there holding his throbbing cock looking intensely at my cunt. “FUCK ME Daddy!” I begged over and over. I was now just his chemmed up cuntboy begging for cock. Suddenly he moved forward and I felt his metal tipped cock pressing against my cunt. Slowly he pushed as my cunt lips opened to accept him. “OH God!” I moaned as the pain of his invasion turned into a pleasure I had never felt before. At this point I looked up at the mirrored ceiling and saw myself opened and exposed. With the combination of Daddy’s cock filling my cunt and chems rushing through my body, I lost it. I was now nothing more than a cunt... a fucking receptacle for cock...nothing fucking more! As Daddy’s cock continued its course, his hands moved up past my jock encased leaking cock and took hold of my ringed tits. His hands tugged and pinched as my moans grew louder. “Fuck Daddy! Please!” Then...he was completely in and I felt a pressure deep inside against my prostate causing my cock to jump. “Oh, Fuck Daddy!” Then it began. I felt his cock pull out. Before I could protest at the emptiness in me, a deep growl came out of Daddy as he thrust filling my cunt again. He was a madman making sure his cock took ownership of my cunt. I felt his cock’s rhythmic movement as it hit my prostate with every thrust causing my cock to continue leaking until a large pool gathered on my stomach and began to drip down my side. Seeing the precum, Daddy stopped his thrusts, smiled and gathered it up with his hand putting it to his nose and inhaled deeply. “Mmmmmm...good boy...” His tongue flickered and took up a bit of my fluids. An evil grin overtook him as he reached down and began rubbing my precum all over my face. I instinctively began to lap at his offering and tasting the product of the sexual excitement that he had created. “PLEASE DADDY...FUCK ME! FEED MY CUNT!” I begged as he began to thrust into me again. The sound of his sweaty thighs slapping again my inner thighs filled the room as it mixed with the slurping sound of my cunt trying to hold onto his cock. His thrusts continued hitting my prostrate until I couldn’t hold back. I yelled, “OH FUUUUCK! I’M CUMMING! FUUUUCK!” as my orgasm washed over my body and I collapsed back onto the sling. Daddy continued his fucking...nothing could stop him now from achieving his own release. “Fucking slammed up cuntboy. How’s it feel to be nothing but a cunt...fucking slammed up cunt for cock?!” “Fuck yeah Daddy!” I eagerly responded. “That’s what I am....fucking cuntboy ready to service cock!” As his cock engorged even more than it had been before and filled my cunt, I felt Daddy quicken his thrusting. His breathing grew deeper...Daddy roared, “LOOK AT ME BOY! DADDY’S GONNA FEED YOU!” as he erupted deep in my cunt. I could feel the cum pulsing from his cock as my cunt lips began to milk his cock for every last drop. Staying in to the root, Daddy stood between my legs. I took in the sight of him... my fucking sweat covered Daddy. Daddy slowly removed his cock from inside me leaving only the pierced head inside. I groaned...knowing that I would be without his cock but knowing that his cum was now in me and would be absorbed into my cunt making him a part of me always. Then I was empty. I lay there...marveling at his cock...trying to remember how it felt in me. Daddy quickly freed my ankles and moved to the shelf grabbing a mason jar. Returning, he pulled down my jock and freed my now soft cock. I shivered as I felt his hand on my cock placing in the jar. “Now boy. Give me your slam piss.” Groaning, I let loose of my bladder and exhaled. I heard the sound of the piss rapidly filling the jar until I felt the piss reach my cock head. Daddy pulled the piss filled jar away and placed it on the table. Licking his lips as he returned... he gathered up my cock and balls in both his hands. He smiled... “Like I said before boy...your cock doesn’t matter...but damn!” and took my cockhead in his mouth tasting the remains of my piss. I bucked. Daddy held my balls tightly as my cock began to grow in his mouth,” Oh, fuck!” After cleaning off my cock, Daddy walked around the sling and moved toward my face. As he unchained my wrists, he chuckled, “Time to clean my cock boy. Taste your cunt juices mixed with Daddy’s cum.” I opened my mouth and took him in. The taste of his cum and my juices drove me wild. I began slurping and consuming the remains. He had become a part of me and I was now tasting what I had become... a cum filled cunt. Then I heard it...a groan coming from the doorway... “Fuck Yeah!”
  14. Hey guys. I've spent quite some time here enjoying the stories and decided to add one of my own. It's based on my experiences and hope you like it. I walked up to the door knowing what I was in store for. I had been messaging him for a few weeks now and telling him my darkest desires. Over that time, I told him about how I wanted to give myself over. How I needed it. I wanted to be controlled…become a cuntboy. Yeah that’s right…a cuntboy. I remember the first time I heard someone call himself a pussyboy. It stuck with me; but yet, it wasn’t what I felt until I heard someone refer to their hole as a cunt. Yeah, a cunt…that was what it was. I wanted to be a cuntboy. I have to admit, there have been quite a few guys that were turned off once I mentioned it. I would bring it while messaging with Daddies who were interested in getting together as a sort of litmus test and most of the time that ended it. But this Daddy didn’t blink, so to speak, when I mentioned it during the first round of messages. In fact, he seemed more interested in meeting me after that. I told him what I was into…verbal, piss, tit torture, flogging, roleplay, spit, leather, rubber and control among others. He asked me if I had experienced Tina. I had quite a few times. It allowed me to give over to the pig in me. We continued messaging, including pics, for a week or so. Then came the day that he asked me if I was ready to meet. I didn’t hesitate. I immediately replied with a “Yes! When?” The next thing he did was send me his phone number. I grabbed my phone. I heard his deep voice. “Hello.” I hesitated then drew a breath. “Hello Daddy. It’s me, cuntboy.” He chuckled and I heard him smile. “Hi cuntboy. How are you? Can you be at my place in three hours? I just sent you the address. But first, you need to shave yourself down. I want your body smooth from the neck down. After that clean yourself out a couple of times and lube your cunt. I want you jock-strapped and ready to service me.” “Yes, Daddy.” I answered. I had always kept myself trimmed so it wouldn’t be too much to completely shave myself down. “Good boy,” I’ll see you then. I was hesitant as I walked up to the door three hours later and knocked. I had prepared just as he ordered. I had shaved my cunt smooth and had cleaned myself out several times in preparation for his cum. As he opened the door, I saw him...my Daddy. As he stepped back, he stood with his legs spread apart and arms crossed. He was in his 40’s, 6’1”, 210 lbs. with black hair, piercing blue eyes and a dark scruff on his face. I took in the sight of my Daddy...booted, wearing a leather harness and jockstrap. The four straps of his harness, two over his shoulders and two around his ribs were tightly wrapped around his muscular chest joined with a shiny metal ring in between his pecs. I noticed the straps around his ribs seem to push up his chest a bit showing off his pierced tits. His leather jockstrap was bursting at the seams from his cock and balls. His polished boots gleamed as the hallway light fell on them. The first words out of his mouth were, “Strip cuntboy. From now on, you’ll be ready for my cock at all times. Fold those clothes and put them next to the door on top of your shoes.” I kicked off my shoes and shivered as I pulled my t-shirt off. I didn’t know why; but I was nervous. As I undid my belt and pulled my jeans down, he came up to me and held me tight. “It’s ok cuntboy, Daddy’s here. Now put those away. You won’t be needing them anytime soon.” I neatly folded my jeans and t-shirt, grabbed my sneakers and placed them in the corner of the entryway. As I turned around, I saw Daddy smile. A black leather collar was in his right hand. “Remember what you told me cuntboy?” “Yes, Daddy. I told you I loved the feeling of a tight collar around my neck.” As he walked toward me, I fell to my knees ready to accept what that collar meant. “You will be collared and jock-strapped while you are here. Understand boy? Every time you enter this house, you will strip down the minute you enter. I want your cunt ready to take my cock at all times. You will then kneel and wait for me to place this collar around your neck.” As he neared me, I saw a shiny metal tag on the collar. Daddy noticed my look. “That’s for you cuntboy. A tag so everyone will know what you are.” He held the tag in his left hand to show me. “It says cuntboy. I had it made after the first chat we had.” Then I felt it. The leather collar going against my neck, tightened and locked. “Daddy…I’m your fucking cuntboy,” I moaned. Daddy chuckled, “Now let me see my cuntboy. Stand up.” There I stood…legs apart, hands behind my back and my eyes down…32 years old, standing at 5’11”, 165 lbs. with short brown hair and green eyes awaiting his approval. My tits were pierced with silver rings that shone against my pecs. I wanted this so much but my cock stayed limp in my yellow SafeTGard jockstrap due to my nervousness. “Yellow huh? Good boy. Turn around and show me your cunt. Are you smooth?” I turned, bent over and spread my ass cheeks. I heard him approach. Suddenly, I felt his hands begin to inspect my cunt. His fingers neared my cunt lips as I began to get hard. I could feel my cock come alive as my cunt lips became sensitized to my Daddy’s touch. His fingers went lower and I felt him grab the two guiche rings and pull on them. I moaned again. Then he let go. “Good boy, you did a good job. And I see you’re getting relaxed. Your cock is growing. Very nice. But you know that you are to concentrate on my cock, right cuntboy? Your cock doesn’t matter.” “Yes, Daddy.” I responded as he smacked my ass cheeks and told me to stand straight. Daddy then attached a leash to my collar and pulled. “Come on boy. It’s time you service your Daddy.” There I was...a cuntboy collard and jock-strapped being led into the house by a leash. We walked through the house passing the living room and down the hall. As we walked, down the hallway, I shivered again for some unknown reason. “It’s ok cuntboy. Breathe deep. You’ll be fine. Trust me.” Daddy reassured me. I felt my leash tighten as pulled me to him. Again, I felt his strong arms around me as his hands moved down to my cunt. As his fingers moved to my cunt lips and gently massaged them, I relaxed. “You’re doing fine boy. We’re almost there.” As we reached the door, Daddy stopped and looked at me. “Cuntboy, in this room you will always be safe. I will push your limits and there will be things that you may never have thought you’d do. In time, you will discover parts of yourself that you haven’t imagined.” Daddy opened the door and led me in. A red tinged light shown throughout a room painted a matte black on the walls and ceiling. The black vinyl flooring completed the color scheme of the room. The scent of leather, piss and cum from previous encounters filled the air as I took in the sights. Off to one corner I could see a black tile open shower unit with two shower heads. The glistening metal of the attached shower shots sparkled as they contrasted against the black tiles. Opposite that, lengths of chain shone from a leather sling hanging from the ceiling beams. Mirrors were placed on the walls and ceiling forming the sling’s corner of the to ensure both participants would see each other’s view as they fucked. Off to the side, play toys were lined up on shelves…whips, plugs, floggers, tit clamps, masks and such. Then there was the bed. A large black metal four poster bed covered in black rubber sheets. From the frame and posts hung chains and cuffs ready to restrain at Daddy’s desire. A large flat-screen tv was mounted on the wall visible from every angle of the dungeon. Scenes of leather clad men fucking, sucking, pissing and fisting were playing…all reflecting what had gone on in this room. My cock had never been as hard as it rose above my jockstrap’s waistband and began to leak. I was in heaven. Daddy laughed as he noticed my pre-cum leaking and soaking my jock. He wiped his finger against my cockhead and brought it to his lips as he looked me in the eyes. I watched him wipe it on his lips as he said, “Go ahead cuntboy, taste yourself.” He wrapped his strong arms around me and I felt his harness against my chest as our tit rings hit. My tongue went wild…licking and consuming the pre-cum mixed with my Daddy’s spit until it was gone. “OK boy. Let’s get started.” he laughed. Daddy led me by my leash over to the table next to the bed. On the table I could see a cut straw and some six white lines lined up. “I like it old school to begin,” he chuckled. “You first, cuntboy. I want you flying. I want your cunt to take over. We’ll have those to start with.” “Yes, Daddy,” I responded. I bent down, grabbed the straw, and snorted a line. As I straightened up, I felt the initial sting of the crystals hit my nasal membrane. “Another cuntboy,” Daddy ordered, “Now.” The second was a snap. I could feel my skin begin to tingle. All these feeling came rushing in. Suddenly, I could feel the warm hunger begin deep inside me as I watched my Daddy do a couple of lines. “How you feeling cuntboy?” he asked. The ache took over. “Fucking hot Daddy. I need cock!” I begged as my cunt began to ache. Daddy pulled down on my leash and forced me to my knees. “Ok, cuntboy. Enough for now. The night is young. Down on your knees. It’s time to service Daddy.” He pushed my face to his engorged jockstrap as I dropped to my knees. “Lick it cuntboy. Show me how much you need my cock.” I began licking the leather, feeling his cock pulse within the enclosed pouch as I took in the scent of piss and cum soaked leather. I moaned as the craving intensified in my cunt. I wanted to feel his cock inside me stretching out my cunt lips as he fucked me. I needed it…more than anything at the moment. I needed to feel his cum feeding my cunt. “That’s it cuntboy. Show me how much you want this. A cuntboy belongs between a man’s legs.” “Fuck yeah, Daddy! I’m your fucking cuntboy. Fucking cum hungry cuntboy.” I moaned as I continued worshipping his leather clad cock as the Tina took over my body. “You ready for my cock, cuntboy?” he laughed. “Tell me. You want my cock?” “Yes, Daddy. Please!” I moaned as I continued feeling the outline of his cock through the leather with my tongue. Suddenly, I felt Daddy’s hand on my shoulders and he pushed me back until my leash pulled tightly on my collar. I began to panic. I needed him. I needed his cock. Daddy saw the look in my eyes. “Don’t worry cuntboy.” He smiled as he pulled me up by my leash and led me back to the table, “You’’ll be servicing my cock but first let’s do another line. I want my cuntboy flying.” I quickly inhaled the line into me. As I was about to release the straw, an urge overcame me and I took the other one. Daddy laughed as he opened the drawer, pulled out a metal container. He removed a small bag and placed another line on the table. “Ah, my cuntboy is getting there. Good thing there’s more.” Daddy grabbed his leather clad bulge and squeezed...slowly removing the codpiece from his jock with both hands as I heard the snaps give way as he threw it aside. There it was…my Daddy’s thick cock jutting out. I stared at it as it pulsed…his PA rising and falling to the rhythm of his heartbeat as my mouth watered and my cunt ached…the thick veins on his shaft promising that my cunt lips would feel it as his cock entered my cunt. Then there were his balls…large and full of the cum I craved. “There it is cuntboy. Worship it. Show me you’re worthy of Daddy’s cock.” He demanded. I groaned loudly staring at my Daddy’s cock as I prepared for it to enter my mouth. I licked my lips and opened wide. I felt the metal ring, warm from my Daddy’s body, slide over my tongue as the shaft invaded my mouth and hit the back of my throat. I gagged slightly. As it continued down my throat, I willed my throat to expand and take it all. “Look at me cuntboy. I want to see your eyes as you take my cock.” Daddy ordered. “Blink twice to let me know you understand me and will obey.” I blinked twice knowing that I wanted to obey and serve my Daddy. His shaft continued entering as I began to breathe through my nose so I wouldn’t choke and be able to keep his cock in me. I felt his hands holding my collar as I felt the root of his cock on my lips. I had my Daddy’s complete cock in me. I was Daddy’s cuntboy servicing his cock and surrounding it with my spit and slime. I was in heaven as my Daddy’s cock was pulsing down my throat. We stayed like that for a while…Daddy stroking my face and chin encouraging me. “Good cuntboy. Hold it. That’s a good boy. Breathe. Breathe. You can do it. Don’t suck...just keep it there. I’m gonna train you to keep my cock warm in your mouth all night long. In the morning, you’ll take my piss before releasing my cock. You’d like that wouldn’t you cuntboy?” My eyes were fixed at his face. I wanted to let him know that I needed his fluids, his cum and piss in me. All the while, my cunt was radiating a desire and hunger. As I held his cock in my mouth, I could feel the hunger getting stronger and stronger…the need to be fed. “Now suck Daddy’s cock, boy. I know you want it.” I instinctively began to suck as I moaned. My tongue explored every inch of the cock I was allowed to worship...from the root...up past the pulsing veins...to the warm metal ring that topped his cock and back down. He moaned loudly as my lips closed around the thick root while my throat constricted around his cock. My spit worked to coat it for my hungry cunt. I pulled back and gently scraped my teeth along the shaft all the way to the head before grasping the ring with a tug and diving back down to repeat the worship of my Daddy’s cock. Suddenly, I felt his hands firmly grab both sides of my head and I felt him forcibly push himself in and out of my mouth again and again. He began to fuck my face. “Relax that throat, cuntboy. That’s it.” I relaxed my throat and eagerly accepted my place as his cuntboy...an instrument to satisfy my Daddy’s lust. He gripped my head harder as he began to slow the thrusts but the intensity of them remained. I knew what was coming. I was craving it...his cum....his fluids. “Getting close boy. Don’t worry. I’ll be feeding that cunt of yours too. This is only the first feeding you’ll get tonight.” As he pulled out, he held my head firmly with his cockhead on my tongue. I felt his cock spasm and I began to milk his cock for all it was worth. “Fuck cuntboy! Take my cum!” Daddy yelled as the cum gushed into my mouth as I tried not to spill a drop. “Don’t swallow it boy!” he ordered, “Just hold it there for now.” I hesitated. I could taste the delicious cum. I wanted his cum and have it become a part of me. “Show me boy. Show Daddy how much cum you milked from his cock.” I began to open my mouth but felt the cum begin to spill out. I paused but then lifted my chin and I opened my mouth presenting the load of cum that I had received as I looked dutifully into his eyes. “Beautiful cuntboy...Now swallow. Taste your Daddy’s cum. Look at me.” Our eyes remained fixed as I swallowed. I felt the cum as it slid down my throat and I opened my mouth to show Daddy that I had taken all of it into me. “Good boy,” he laughed. “That was a great start. How’s that cunt of yours doing? Is it getting hungry?” My backside began to move rhythmically as he gently held my head. I couldn’t control it. My instincts had kicked in. “I see your cunt needs feeding.” Daddy laughed. “It won’t take long to get me ready to fuck you. But before that happens, I need my cuntboy to take my piss. I want you even more fucked up when you take my cock. But first, you need to clean my cock.” My mouth eagerly reached for his cock to devour the remains of his cum. My tongue worked his cock as he made encouraging sounds. Once he was satisfied that I had completed my duties, he released my head. As he pulled out, an emptiness overtook me. I longed to feel his entire shaft in my warm mouth and down my throat again. “Yeah cuntpig, time to feed on Daddy’s piss, but don’t swallow all of it boy.” Daddy’s veined cock glistened with my spit and throat slime as I kept my mouth open for his piss. I looked up into his eyes with a hunger as my mouth filled with the taste of his chemmed up piss and I swallowed but making sure I left some in my mouth at all times. When Daddy finished pissing, he pulled me up by my leash. “Give me some of that chem piss, boy.” Placing his lips to mine, I fed him the remaining chem piss. “How was that?” he asked, “You like my piss, cuntboy?” “Fuck yeah! Daddy!” I smiled as I wiped the remaining drops of his piss and spit from my lips with my hand and greedily licked it up. “Good, cause I’ll be feeding it to you every day. You’ll be my urinal from now on cuntboy. Now it’s time to see how hungry that cunt is.”
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