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About Bear4Breeding

  • Birthday 12/19/1970

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  • Location
    Berks County PA (Reading)
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
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  1. I used to use a spreadsheet back in the day before I had a smart phone. No need for it these days but good to know should I need it in the future.
  2. I tried this board long ago and not much happened. Im not in Philly but out in the western burbs, not much out here to be honest specially for a bear.
  3. I made several of thease years ago. They were fun to insert, cold but fun. Used once with someone and he wouldn't fuck me becasue of it. I haven't done it in years and don't really have any need for them currently.
  4. I've done it. I used a condom and stretched it over a cut water bottle. Would shoot my own loads into it and then when it wsa small penis sizewould stick up my ass. It felt amazing. Haven't done it a long while though.
  5. I have a CB6000 with an extra large ring.Never worn and am looking to sell (sorry if wrong board). Its brand new and it a cloth bag that came with it.
  6. Thanks for the Follow!

  7. So I didn't read the entire thread on this topic, but regarding the original Post. Yeah, that was just wrong, what if you had an allergy to Latex, he could have killed you. I was in a dark room once a long time ago in Atlanta. Was my first time and last honestly, there aren't any of those kinds of places where I live, wish there was. But anyway, no condoms were involved but I was fingering this nice ass or it felt nice until I realized dude hadn't cleaned out prior to going. It was totally nasty. If you are going to a sex club for the love all the Gods clean out your DAMN HOLE. Sorry for my rant and totally unrelated topic.
  8. I had two calls right after I posted my information. Both I think were from the same guy but didn't really lead to anything talk or in person. Evenutally I had the site remove my information. Now a days I wouldn't be able to do it.
  9. I used to do this way back. I used a condom though. Stretched it over a cut off water bottle and just shot the load right into it. It froze like a dick and I could just peel the condom off and shove it up my ass. Was cold but felt good melting. Never had anyone fuck me after wards though.
  10. I don't mind it playing during but I don't want it really loud, I find it distracting. I'd rather hear the person I am with.
  11. I honestly have no idea. Its been a long time for any sex.
  12. Thanks for the follow.

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