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Everything posted by Bear4Breeding

  1. I always get a headache from poppers, plus I go soft with the slitest smell of them. I personally prefer Maximum Impact, same effect but a different type of product.
  2. Will be on Vacation again from December 24th through January 2 2012. Looking for some big dicked tops to pound my ass in the Metro Philly area. Live about an Hour outside the city can travel within reason for a nice cock and load. Hit me up here if your interested.
  3. I agree also, great story and very hot, wish I had been Brian though.
  4. Thanks NastyRigPig. Definitely does sound promising from those.
  5. Trying to find some guys out there that have been to teh GREEN DOOR in Bethlehem, PA. I just found out about this last night by a guy on A4A and have never been there but want to check it out while on Vacation this month. Anyone been there? If So get with me and let me know the down and dirty about this place, the Kutztown ABS sucks at least everytime I've gone anyway.
  6. Well this is a very interesting topic I must say, as I am currently in the "Bear" category. I've been on the other side too so I have some perspective. Okay. As a bear (which I realy don't identify with, I just happen to be heavier and furry), I get rejection all across the board. From the Bears, the Mainstream homos, and the chasers. I personally am not much into a guy who is bigger then I am in size but in height I have no issue and as for fur don't mind it on the body but facial hair is a hit or miss thing with me. As for the other sub groups that I have had the pleasure of knowing on occasion, the Leather folks tend to be the friendliest at least in my opinion. I am not a leather person, I love the look on the right guy but I don't live the lifestyle in the least. But in meeting a friend I had chatted with for a long time back on AOL I drove to MA to meet him and attend a function for a group he belonged too. I was welcomed with open arms by everyone in the club and not just my friend. Personally I think this is due to the Leather group being shunned because of their sexual interestes, some guys can get into some odd things and lets face it, if you've read a real leather man's profile anywhere you know, they can be a bit wild in the bedroom. Not that I am judging to each his own I say. The twinks, I can't comment on as i was never ever a twink in the slightest, I always had fur and I was never very thin, my smallest waist was a 32 and that some say was to small for me. Thats another story. Now, in my 20's I was bald, I started loosing my hair at 16 and was totaly bald on top at around 21 or so, give or take. I would tell guys my age online and they never belived me. The minute I shaved my head and put up new picutures I was suddenly HOT to guys who wouldn't even give me the time of day prior. Go figure. So, for me, well its difficult to say as I never really felt as though I fit into any of the Gay sub groups or cultures, I was always a bit different and never really intot he "gay" world or the club/bar scen either. Any way that is my take on this particular subject, do what you will with it. Breeder, this bear imparticular would never shun you, may seem like it at first as I am shy in person, but I would definitely be into doing all those things you mentioned above. WOOF, GRRR!
  7. I don't know, I don't recall seeing to many users with a the status of "Slut" but maybe I'm not reading the right threads. Yeah "Whore" was a rather large number, but am sure you'll get there soon enough on here that is. A Whore in real life is not a bad thing.
  8. Congrats on obtaining Slut status on the Zone. I wonder are you the first?
  9. Like the rest I love to eat a hot ass. Never had the chance to felch though, really want to but haven't had the luck yet to find a hole full of loads that wanted to share them with me.
  10. try: http://videoheadcleaner.com/ http://www.picturebrite.com/ I checked both videoheadcleaner used to be cheaper but they don't have it listed on the site right now but the logo is still on the page. picturebrite still sells it.
  11. As a guy who usually never cums during sex as a bottom or when I topped. It never bothered me at all that I didn't cum, have had it bother the guy I was with though on occasion. I am always up front about the fact that I usually never cum during sex. Like others stated above not cumming allows me to continue and have more enjoyable sex after that particular encounter. When I've had my fill I close up shop or leave the establishment I am at and go home and jerk off. So to have a guy fuck me just for his pleasure is the best thing, I don't have to worry about my dick at all (which I usually don't anyway) wether I am hard or soft I don't give a damn. I enjoy the fuck and the cum and watching my top enjoy himself to completion. I would however love to try the chastity thing, has intrigued me for some time now but without a regular guy to control that factor never had the oppurtunity to try it out and see how it felt etc. Any local guys in the Reading, PA area into this and want to use me and keep me chaste I'm game hit me up and lets see what happens.
  12. Well Breeder. You also have nothing to be ashamed of either. All unlocked or not, I don't get a lot of hits, but a lot of that is where i live, I live in an odd area outside of Philly. To far from the city for most city dwellers and the guys in the area, not real sure about them honestly. I jerk off a lot! LOL.
  13. This sure is a touchy subject as well as a very heated discussion. I was never molested or raped in any sence of the word as a child. My first expierence was at 16 with if I remember correctlya guy in who was 20 or so not real sure now. I did consent to it, but as I recall I didn't really enjoy it, but he wasn't so concerened with my enjoyment or my lack of expierence either. I don't consider it rape just a bad first time which is generally how most people view their first times after awhile, once they have more expierence etc. As for the issue. I am not a college eductaed man or extremely intelligent. I don't watch the news or follow the current world order. I just know that an adult doing anything to a child, regardless of the child's relationship to the adult, is wrong. Adults should protect and nurture children. Age of consent laws are there for a reason. There are fuzzy areas as someone mentioned previously, but in most cases these laws stem from when and how we as people develop, that is, our brains and bodies. In most states in the US having sex with a MINOR, someone under the age of 18 is considered rape, consentual or not. Statutory rape can still be charged against the "adult", regardless the minor's consent. Just remember that guys. They may consent at the time but later on they can always change their minds and file charges and you will be in the slammer doing time.
  14. I can't say I've had this happen to me. I have gone places in the past to meet people but not in many years now though and I wouldn't do it either now. There was this one guy go though in the last few years that kept sending me eamils from CL wanting to fuck me, but I had to go pick him up and bring him to my place and then take him back again. HA! I had to do that sort of thing years ago when I lived with my mom before I moved out on my own, now that i have have my own house and such, if you want to fuck me, you need to get to me yourself and leave yourself. Sometimes after a good fuck I don't want to have to drive after, it kind of destroys the mood after ya know.
  15. I have to agree with Belfast-Bottom on teh fact that Breeder's cock is something to be very proud of and if not hung as well possible a bit jealous too. I go back and forth with the pictures. Sometimes I have them all unlocked, sometimes only a few sometimes all of them. All depends on my mood at the time if i happened to be updating something. It also depends on the site itself, if it's an all out sex site what does it matter unless of course you need to be concerned with job and such. But hell go for it. Something in some picture is going to get someone interested enventually if your lucky.
  16. Damn! Im going to have to drive up to CT to meet you sometime.
  17. I'd tell them first that you are a very verbal guy. Explain to them what you mean by that too, some guys think verbal is moans and groans and such and not things along the lines of your original post. I think if you are open and upfront with it all, you might get some that are cool with it knowing ahead of time that "shitter" doesn't mean you actually want scat play.
  18. I've only ever been double fucked one time. It was many many years ago that it happened. Hoooked up with two guys off of one of the old phone chat lines. One paid for a motel room and they both fucked me silly. After a few hours the one guy ran out for something and the other kept fucking me. When the one returned I was ridding the other guy on the bed, he came in and up behind me and slid his cock in me with the other one. My eyes rolled back it felt GREAT, love to do it again for sure if ever the chance arose.
  19. Very hot ass there Hotboi01. Sawa jock like that on an advert on Manhunt the other day.

  20. I agree with Hotload84. I'd have been over it on Wednesday. I give you credit TheBreeder. You like toying with your prey don't ya?
  21. Only wear underwear to work. Otherwise commando sometimes I'll wear a black jock for sex trips to either a hookup or the bookstore.
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