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Everything posted by Bear4Breeding

  1. I'm with RawPartyZone. You can fuck me when/if you ever get to the Philly area.

  2. Any interesting topic of discussion to say the least. I grew up in the 70's and 80's, my parents didn't do the nude thing but occasionally when i was very little my mom would pee in front of me but that was the extent of that and only lasted until I was about 7 or 8 or there about. I started sleeping in the nude at around 14 or 15 though and have slept that way ever since unless I am really sick with a fevor and chills. At home now that I am on my own I would be nude more often then not but my house is old with really crappy windows and I at street level so between teh cold of the winters and the fact the people can see right in my front window, I tend to stay clothed. Now if I lived out in teh country or something, I would most likely be nude all the time. Its a great way to stay cool in teh summer and just more comfortable.
  3. Good Point Breeder. But there are some guys who appear over and over again. Not sure what there deal is though.
  4. Thanks Bud!! You're Hot too!

  5. Me not much lately but a broad one of late is: To all those guys who look at the profile but never say a word once they see I am a big boy. FUCK YOU ALL! Big Boys are good, we can take a dick and we know how to Get Fucked Long and Hard! You don't know what you are missing!
  6. That is Great!!!! Thanks for posting!!
  7. If you have a tear some antibacteral cream helps with that also. Happened to me awhile back, some guy got a bit to eagar with his fingers and i had a small tear. A week or so using an antibacteral cream helped heal the tear. The swelling and all that usually just takes time.
  8. This man has a great cock and a hot ass. If you get teh chance to get his dick or his hole take it!

  9. My city kind of sucks. Its smack in teh center of Philly and Harrisburg as well as Allentown. An hour to Philly and Allentown maybe 2 to Harrisburg. But the city itself is really dirty, can by kind of unsafe. Was on the worst place to live list a few years ago and was considered one of the poorest cities in the US. The gay's are all young twinks, with the "i can do better attitutde", making friends "at least for me isn't going so well", due to the young crowd. Nothing gay in the area at all, have to go to Philly or Harrisburg for the clubs etc. But cost of living is relativly cheap compared to those two cities.
  10. Another good thing you can do is find an alternate container, preferably glass, and soak some cotton balls with the poppers, place the cotton in the other container. You get the same effect if not more because the vapors collect in the container each time you put the cap back on. Done it years ago with a plastic one, it works well, but the plastic tends to deteriorate over time from the poppers.
  11. I was always kind of shy particularlly around people I didn't know, once I got to know you I was fine and would talk your ear off. Now that I am in my 40's and well got screwed over a few times by people I thought were good friends, I have pretty much become an introvert. I don't really socialize other then with the people I work with, but that's only at work. I was never good in the bar scene even when I was 21, I was always the guy peeling the label off my beer bottle sitting at the bar, unless I went out with someone. I am not bitching or complaining or anything just stating the facts as they relate to this post. Have a Great >insert time of day here<!! )
  12. Sex IMO is a Team Effort, be that team 2 or more. The parties involved need to work together to make it enjoyable for all involved. Being a Hole does have its moments, as does the Top just wanting a hole. I hooked up with a guy in Vegas last time I was there. He stated in his profile that he didn't really fuck. I can't think of his exact words at the moment. Basically, he laid on top of me with his dick in my hole and barely moved at all, but he shot a nice load deep in my ass. Granted I do enjoy the actuall fucking part especially once they get past the 2nd sphicter then I am in HOG heaven and really moan and groan. The still fuck was a new experience for me I admit, but it wasn't horrible, just different.
  13. I agree with that statement. I know I am not a lot of guys type, and it has nothing to do with race, its mainly because the gay world is very body centric. If you don't look a certain way the majority are not interested, in anything including maybe just chatting. I get it and I was like that myself in my younger days. But, I am still attracted to what I am attracted to and no number of comments is going to change that. I do try to be polite about it and say "not my type" or "don't think it will work out" but like Mountain Man said, they get rude they forfeit the right to politness.
  14. That is a HOT Story. I wouldn't mind a doctor who wanted sex at each visit. I could pass on the other STD's though, they are just an annoyance.
  15. I've done the managomous relationship, didn't really work for me. I tend to get bored and wonder. So an open relationship would be the ticket providing he was just as piggy and slutty as myself. Fucking around is cool, because I know in the end he would come home to me at night. Not sure on the polyamours relationship but hey I'd give it a shot if it ever presented itself.
  16. Just so you all know. Food takes about 12 hours to pass through the body. So if you eat at 5PM that particular meal will not be ready to exit the body until about 5AM the next morning. I clean out myself when having sex, so Thank you to deepanlanut for his Thank you to those of use bottoms who do take the time to clean out well regardless of what our routine or ritual might be.
  17. I am on Atripla, the first night I took it I was ready for sleep in a half hour. I was instructed to take it at Night before bed, maybe you should ask your doc about that too if its making you dizzy and doppy. I take it with the rest of my pills just after dinner and other then that first night have had no adverse reactions to it. My instructions are at bed time on an empty stomach which I don't do. The Tryclicerids is a huge issue, mine went through the roof after I started taking them, my doc had to give me another pill to counter act that so definitely get that checked out after a month or so of being on it.
  18. I don't know if you could walk around naked, but i guess the worse they could do is either tell you to get dressed or ask you to leave.
  19. Loved the story too. Very hot, both 2nd versions. I admit part 1 is a bit sad, just because no child should have to endure that at least until they are of age to make up their own mind to endure it.
  20. I've only had 2 "serious" relationships. My first was around 19 or 20 and lasted 2 years. he was a drunk which ended up destroying our relationship. My 2nd was only 6 months and I was his rebound guy. We were doomed from the start as he was a kinky leather man and well I am pretty much vanilla or was at that time. I am not very good at them, as I like my independence and everything, but if I managed to find a slut/pig whatever that had the same sexual appetite as I did and didn't mind each other slutting around or going ot the baths or whatnot I might consider it again. As for right now though, been single going on 12 years and am pretty much used to it at this point, sleeping alone and doing what I want when I want.
  21. I have to say I think Washington, DC is that place. I was looking on BBRT the other day at the DC guys, since I only live a few hours drive from there and there were tons of tops/vers tops on in DC. I think all the tops are migrating to DC for some reason.
  22. Hell Yeah. Sign me up too!
  23. Likewise here. I wear a jock when out to get fucked or going to get fucked. I do wear underwear to work but that is the only time I do.
  24. Just got one in my ass.
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