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  1. I always ask people this. I know the obvious issue with asking the question but you can get somewhat of a read by how someone answers this. For instance this convo with an online hookup, Me: Are you clean? Whats your HIV status? Person:I'm healthy and good to go Me; Ok Person: Let's me up in 10min at my spot I would assume that this person is poz and and undetectable. Not only is the answer vague they didn't ask mt status. To me not asking is a good sign that someone is poz/other std or doesnt care.
  2. Probably similar to being infected via oral. Even the case where the neg partner in lesbian relationship was infected. Very rare.
  3. He messed with some pretty high profile people and there havn't been to many to come out with their status after his announcement.
  4. So just an update, still straight but do have an occasional lust for very passable TS's. Since this post haven't had many risky encounters. All straight encounters with FWB's. They were all BB but not the riskiest thing in the world since those 2 FWB's weren't messing around with anyone else. I do realize they could be lying but they don't have a reason to per our arrangement and my honesty about my other FWB;s. I still occasionally talk to TS's and consider meeting them for BB encounters but it has never materialized.
  5. I'm pretty well read on sexual health in general but have little knowledge on the recently marketed cures for HEP C.
  6. Still curious as to what everyones thoughts are. Since this post I've had 3 partners bareback, all F, but have been strongly considering a few TS's for BB play. TS's can be a bit shady in the NE US and often run scams so I am cautious and it usually doesn't pan out. Either they are way to sketchy, want $, dont wanna BB, are ok with BB but are openly poz., or clearly lieing about HIV status. I've also considered maybe being on the recipent end of a glory hole. I have a few F FWB's that I take to the local booths who do it bb and am getting curious.
  7. Let's be honest...if everyone turned into an istiatiallbe cum whore male oe female societly would crumble.
  8. "kick and kill" isn't new... During the American Civil war physicians realized that morphine did more than ease suffering,It also exacerbated infection or potential infections. During this period amputation was a viable life saving procedure in most cases. Morphine was comonly used to ease pain but also as a means to bring potential infection of open wounds to the surface, Those wounds were treated failry succesfully with alcohol and leaches.
  9. I think what is bein suggested here is that keeping your immune active is bennficial and could thwart infecton. Many professionals have researched high risk individulals and found that there immune systems can bascially handle all viral/bactirial infections on thier own.. Many also appose the use of frequent hand washing with certain types of soap as it can kill your body's response to fight infection
  10. Viral therapy has been used for a while to combat very serious forms of cancer. They re-engineer the virus to attack cancer cells. Unfortunately if your already infected and/or treated the therapy is not applicable. One of the more promising treatments is measels therapy but since almost everyone in the 1st world has been vacinated, it's only seldomly effective. HIV therapy was branched out from this and has been effective but still very controversial.
  11. Very true but that is why the police do not prosecute. Ultimately the Police's job is to present the DA office with evidence that a crime was committed.
  12. Entrapment can be argued either way almost any time. What the courts look at is: -if the plaintiff was given reasons to opt out during any interaction with police - How reasonable the persuasive tactics of the police were. Police ultimately have to lie and persuade anyone who could be considered as being "entrapped."
  13. A lot of clubs/adult book stores close because of this. Even straight oriented venues run into problems. A person who tests positive for anything in the US is asked to provide info for recent partners. If they reveal that they attended a sex club/bookstore it's always looked into. More so for bookstores.
  14. Thank you. Hope to hear more feedback. It definitely helps since even those on meds could be dishonest bout being UD.
  15. Will they show up as neg? As part of my safer sex practices I usually require my partner to take an OraQuick test. I'm just curious if undetectable will show up as poz or neg. I know that UD people are almost no risk so if they do show up as neg, it's not a giant concern.
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