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Everything posted by BBchaser1979

  1. Aby other clean-cut bugchasers here?

  2. In Berlin now. Looking for gonodicks.

    1. Toxload


      Good luck mate , I hope toy find a gonopoz dick  

      happy chasing 

  3. Who wants to help me with my destructive 'health plan' (https://bit.ly/2YPlGBD). Looking for participants and/or trainers.

    1. Pozmetexasboi


      Looking to participate in the destructive health plan

  4. Who wants to help me with my destructive 'health plan' (https://bit.ly/2YPlGBD). Looking for participants and/or trainers.

  5. Seeking "personal trainer" who orders me online to do things that  deteriorate my health and goodlooks. I can do same to you. 😈

    1. bbtopvienna


      prefer to pozz your beautiful body in person

    2. Pozmetexasboi


      I'm seeking personal trainer who orders me online to do things that deteriorate my health

  6. Any sad depressed pigs who wish to be abused. Looking for no limits faggot who's ready to destroy himself under my control.

  7. Athletic and academic perv looking for "personal trainer" who orders me online to do selfdestructing things thats bad to my health and goodlooks. I can do same to you.

    1. Pozmetexasboi


      I want you to do it to me

  8. Going to have some fun with gloryholes today. Gono would be nice surprise.

  9. Anyone else interested in risk to get other STD:s too. Send me a message and we can create a group.

  10. In Barcelona now. Any std-cocks here?

  11. Loved to suck dripping gono cock

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