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Everything posted by verbalBTTM

  1. I had created a new account on Twitter a little after the takeover and was just for viewing smut. I never posted anything except for likes and one comment complementing the creator. I blocked anything news, politics, cooking etc and I was permanently banned as well. I suspect that accounts with NSFW content aren't welcome due to risk and low profit. Now that it's X things might change again, but I don't care. I'd rather stay with classic platforms that don't remove accounts at the drop of a hat.
  2. How about no-nut-spilled-November.
  3. Xtube has been dying for years now & honestly good riddance. Fortunately there's newtumblr which is free and has more amateur stuff
  4. Looking to compile a list of spots in the city where one can go and get some loads. Thinking parks, vid stores, popular bathrooms, etc. Any suggestions?
  5. So i really am making the right choice here to give control of my cock to my sir and just become a fuck hole. How long did it take you to reach that level of horniness? And when you have multiple is it the same intensity or dose it diminish?
  6. Exactly what I'm looking for, just the idea is so hot. Have you had multiple orgasms in a row or is a one & done thing. Also how would describe being horny 24/7 is it pure need driving you crazy or just a lack of getting off.
  7. How so, do you just leak out when getting fucked & how is that compared to a regular orgasm.
  8. Such a hot fuck boy, kinda want to breed you and film your clit to see how much you leak.
  9. So what was your size before using your cage vs now? Btw love the pics
  10. Were you wearing a hood or blindfolded?
  11. Cheers man, seriously nothing like a large greased up cock fucking you into submission by someone who's actually dominate to open the rest of the world to once blind eyes. Plus the feeling of cum dribble out of your ass 😋
  12. Right now It's just mild control to see how things work out, basically I'm not allowed to masturbate. If things work out it'll be a longer term commitment where i know I'll be going insane. Being a sub is a new role for me so a lot of reverse training going on mentally for me. No longer seeing a cute boy, grabbing him by his throat & mounting him until I'm finished using his holes to get off in. I'll post again with my experiences. Thanks for the info.
  13. What factors do you see as being primary considerations? I ordered this cheap silicone one to get a better sense of things. Figured with adjustable sizes I'll get it to fit right & silicone should be forgiving, but still restricting.
  14. This might sound like a silly question, but when selecting a device dose the size matter. I'm 8.5x5c and my sir doesn't want me cumming unless he's the one giving me pleasure. I'm also a grower and a shower and hang around 6"soft unless it's really cold out. Thanks in advance
  15. Deep inside or why bother spending the load.
  16. You're right, however my grander question is where will this invasion of privacy end. For those who have had awful side effects from previous vaccines will i be forced into isolation if i don't take it. So for me it's a privacy & health issue that will lead to mandated isolation for who knows how long. Maybe I'm jumping the gun here & being a tad paranoid, but I'm surrounded by people who are afraid to touch anything & jump at every sneeze.
  17. So i saw what people were saying about the bear party and looked on the website and noticed the "papers please" portion. Are they for real, attempting to violate HIPPA law plus half a.l dozen others not to mention the irony. Tell me this is all just for show & not what i think it is.
  18. Have you decided on a venue, I'll bust one in you to help you with your goal
  19. Speaking for myself as a New Yorker I'm a "talentist" meaning i find people with mindsets & talents most desirable. Twinks are pretty but just can't rock my world. Above 30 is usually where i find people to start becoming interesting. This is usually where people begin to specialize sexually especially in the realm of kink. There are exceptions to this rule, but i find it to be mostly true. Qualities i look for are fetishes, creativity, mindset, hand or cock size, communication & how sleazy they are. Also a sucker for a good cook & a welcoming host who can provide good conversation. Any other considerations are irrelevant to me since i don't find them stimulating or useful. However on the flip side i have been getting more attention from east Asians these last few months which has been rather enjoyable. If other's are going to be stupid and yes racism is stupid, you're not going to change them. You just can't fix stupid. best to just capitalize upon there inability to see the good time that you can. There loss & your gain.
  20. Look at chaterbate com i think is the site
  21. Kept in unless being recorded to show how.much went in
  22. Of course, best way to notify me to beg for it & remain perfectly still so i am completely for his unloading pleasure.
  23. Seriously what's the point of condoms in porn, first of all it's supposed to be fantasy. Second i want to see the tops cock going in & out, not latex. Personally i prefer the amateur stuff, a ton of crap to sort through but every now & again you find a real gem that dose it for you.
  24. That's a nice uncited article you've pasted but dose not properly explain what the Nazi's were & how they governed especially economically. There was a reason why Hitler & Mussolini were allies, they both favored state control of private enterprise which is a form socialism. As far as your tirade at the end, really where to begin. of course he's a capitalist to deny that is beyond silly. A dictator, please cite examples where he has acted beyond his constitutional bounds. A plutocrat, he's not rich enough to be called that, most of his net worth is in fixed hard assets. Then we get to the core of your emotional argument of "his brainwashed cult" i don't see Trump supporters physically attacking people for not agreeing with them or harass & intimidating others into reciting there chants. Furthermore i don't seem them having hysterical emotional outbursts over conflicting factual information. As far as "The deprogramming of your brainwashing can finally begin" it sounds like you wish to make those people conform to your world view or suffer the consequences of wrong think. What if they continue to reject your deprogramming efforts, what level of force are you willing to go along with to bring about your utopia. I remember defeating those same arguments that came from religious bigots that thought homosexuals can be forced to change, reprogrammed to be more inline with biblical teachings. In conclusion to quote. Nietzsche "if you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you"
  25. Ahh yes an ad-hominem attack, the truest hallmark of a failed argument.
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