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About luvcumedm

  • Birthday 12/01/1989

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Edmonton, AB
  • Interests
    Collars, bondage, chastity, cum, slut training, poz.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Looking For
    Poz tops.

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  1. Thanks sir. I’ll try my best. I was thinking about going to my local bathhouse this weekend but my ophthalmic surgeon’s assistant messaged me a few hours ago so I guess that’s going to be my week. But yeah, it seems like I just need to go for it. I’ll try after I recover lol. Thanks for your help! I hope I’m able to do you proud lol.
  2. I think it would be amazing lol. It must be so liberating. If I find someone that can do it for me, I'll send him around your way too lol. You deserve to be the slut you wanna be :).I found a few guys on this site and others that want to fuck their boy after they've been loaded multiple times. Like I prefer to bottom, but if I ever found a boy where I was more top, I'd want him to come home every day with as many loads as he could.
  3. I hope this is the right forum to post in. I feel like I would be so much happier to be a slut taking all loads. But I seem to have a lot of hangups about sex and have difficulty just letting go. For other bottoms: how did you learn to just let go and enjoy yourself? Like logically I don’t think there’s anything wrong with sex, but I guess I worry that I wouldn’t do things correctly or would be unattractive. I have vitiligo and some eye issues so I’m not sure I’d be that attractive. But if I could convince myself to go to the bathhouse or something, maybe I could at least hook up there. For tops: was there something you were able to say or do to someone that convinced them to be free and did you share them with other guys? (And if you think you can do the same to me, I’d be happy to talk lol.)
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